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'''''norbertbede''''': ok. i upload that files too like / short version. but i think then also it is possible to make conversion from en_US _en in jasper file<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': ok. i upload that files too like / short version. but i think then also it is possible to make conversion from en_US _en in jasper file<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': because the message is follow: Can't find bundle for base name invoiceform_mm, locale en_US<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': because the message is follow: Can't find bundle for base name invoiceform_mm, locale en_US<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] nmicoud updated IDEMPIERE-452 Attachment set to "IDEMPIERE-452.patch"<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] Hi, Please find a callout that checks if the period related to the DateAcct is opened. It is called by the dateAcct callout and directly by some columns. Simply add 'org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.checkDateAcctOpened' on the Callout field of columns. I guess it should apply to the following ones: select tablename, callout from ad_column c, ad_table t where c.ad_table_id = t.ad_table_id and t.isview='N' and t.tablename not like 'Fact%' an<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-452<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] nmicoud updated IDEMPIERE-452 assignee set to "Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez"<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-452<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': maybe i remove long version<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': maybe i remove long version<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] nmicoud updated IDEMPIERE-452 labels set to "+Patch"<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-452<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] nmicoud updated IDEMPIERE-452 status set to "Peer Review Queue"<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-452<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': going to check now<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': going to check now<br>
'''''tbayen''''': norbertbede, where are your jasper files? Do you use "file:" urls?<br>
'''''tbayen''''': norbertbede, where are your jasper files? Do you use "file:" urls?<br>
Line 162: Line 153:
'''''CarlosRuiz''''': yes- you can create it please<br>
'''''CarlosRuiz''''': yes- you can create it please<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': sure<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': sure<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede created IDEMPIERE-1420 Funnel chart implementation<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1420<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': 3. cant find integration adaxa activities to the calendar - is it in plan?<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': 3. cant find integration adaxa activities to the calendar - is it in plan?<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-1.0c [+0/-0/±1] https://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere/commits/<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [iDempiere] globalqss 743a0d8 - IDEMPIERE-1215 Can't find resource bundle specified in report. Can't find resource bundle with country specific language / based on pull request from Daniel Tamn<br>
'''''CarlosRuiz''''': norbertbede, no plan still to improve that - good idea<br>
'''''CarlosRuiz''''': norbertbede, no plan still to improve that - good idea<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1215 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez" -resolution set to "Fixed"<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] Hi, committed a fix at http://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere/commits/743a0d8 I tested with http, resource, file and attachment methods and all of them worked to get the resource. Implemented suggestions from Daniel about adding country (as first option), checking for report bundle name, and setting REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE Regards, Carlos Ruiz<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1215<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] kinerix updated IDEMPIERE-1402<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] Thanks Carlos !<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1402<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to development [+0/-0/±2] https://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere/commits/<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [iDempiere] globalqss 710bc36 - IDEMPIERE-1411 Delete unused roles / fix migration script<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to development [+2/-0/±2] https://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere/commits/<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [iDempiere] globalqss 90e013f - IDEMPIERE-159 Allow creation of combinations with Org * / based on patch from Nicolas Micoud (nmicoud)<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-159 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Nicolas Micoud" -resolution set to "Fixed"<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] Thanks Nicolas<br>
'''''Not-003''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-159<br>

Latest revision as of 16:21, 2 October 2013

Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-10-02

norbertbede: i wondering jasperreport bundle.properties allready implemented to the idempiere
norbertbede: at the end i reported group post https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/idempiere/x_cVoInY_ec
CarlosRuiz: Good morning
norbertbede: i sppose that should be bug
norbertbede: hi Carlos
nmicoud: Bonjour
norbertbede: Good afternoon here...
norbertbede: could you give us your opinion that ?
tbayen: Hi
red1: Halo tbayen at the castle?
CarlosRuiz: nice to see you back tbayen
CarlosRuiz: norbertbede, opinion on?
tbayen: red1, I will go there after the meeting. Did not want to miss you all again. :-)
norbertbede: i wondering jasperreport bundle.properties allready implemented to the idempiere
norbertbede: at the end i reported group post https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/idempiere/x_cVoInY_ec
tbayen: CarlosRuiz, :-) Much hurry here. I schedules some idempiere time in the next weeks.
CarlosRuiz: norbertbede, I was able to run a multilingual jasper - let me check if I find the sample I used ...
CarlosRuiz: the difference I see is that my properties just have _es suffix
norbertbede: so not en_US
tbayen: I looked into the jasper class last year. It is not very consistent. The only documentation I found is the source. ;-) There was some work for multilingual but I am not sure if it does work with every kind of datasource. Some features work only with attachments or only with files or such.
CarlosRuiz: I mean - can you try with invoiceform_mm_en.properties and invoiceform_mm_sk.properties ?
norbertbede: ok. i upload that files too like / short version. but i think then also it is possible to make conversion from en_US _en in jasper file
norbertbede: because the message is follow: Can't find bundle for base name invoiceform_mm, locale en_US
norbertbede: maybe i remove long version
norbertbede: going to check now
tbayen: norbertbede, where are your jasper files? Do you use "file:" urls?
tbayen: (or without prefix)
norbertbede: carlos suggestion use just _co doesnt help
norbertbede: tested it now
ocurieles: Hi, Again :D
norbertbede: i'm using http://localhost:8080...
a42niem_: hi all
CarlosRuiz: Hi Orlando and Dirk
ocurieles: Hi CarlosR
norbertbede: Carlos: it is correct to use CURRENT_LANG paramter ?
ocurieles: Asterik integration exists with AdaxaCRM?
CarlosRuiz: norbertbede, tested again my sample and is working I'll attach it in forums in a moment ...
norbertbede: thnks
CarlosRuiz: ocurieles, about asterisk I remember Jan shown something on Krefeld for new phone fields - we would need to ask him
alejandro: Good morning to all, any experience with the replication system and what is the model?
CarlosRuiz: alejandro, I haven't seen more guides apart from http://www.adempiere.com/Sponsored_Development:_Replication
CarlosRuiz: norbertbede, you can check on demo.idempiere.com
CarlosRuiz: menu -> Jasper OSGi Test
CarlosRuiz: changing the titles in english and spanish
norbertbede: which module/proces ?
alejandro: Thanks Carlos, I'll do the tests and then tell them
CarlosRuiz: norbertbede, uploaded the packin on your forum thread
tbayen: norbertbede, I browsed the source and for me it looks like there is no code path for bundles together with "http://" urls. Can you try the same setup with local files or "attachment:"? CarlosRuiz? Which kind of DataSource uses your example?
hengsin: norbert, looking at the source, I think resource bundle lookup have been implemented for attachment: and resource: only
tbayen: Ha! faster than hengsin... ;-)
norbertbede: so i need to use as file:/
CarlosRuiz: is not file the fallback on line 593?
tbayen: norbertbede, It may be not hard to extend it. I have no time to do and test it but it may be just one or two lines.
norbertbede: i can test it but cant code..
ocurieles: it is the New idempiere Feature :D http://wiki.idempiere.org/en/NF002_CRM
red1: hengsin: i made a JIRA tracker on a typo in fitnesse.server web.xml
CarlosRuiz: let me test with file:// ..... testing mode
red1: and another about fitnsse plugin to export its package because i am testing the SLIM to work on it
red1: Good news is that SLIM works fine
tbayen: AFAIK a "new File(...)" does not work with stringified http:// urls.
norbertbede: exact path will e file://JasperReportFiles/file.jrxml
norbertbede: or just file://file.jrxml
tbayen: norbertbede, this should work. Did you try that?
norbertbede: going to test meanwhile
CarlosRuiz: testing here - file:// is failing to find the resource - because is looking the properties file without a folder
CarlosRuiz: I guess it must search the properties file in the same folder as the parent report
norbertbede: i have it in same level
CarlosRuiz: found a patch for the file issue - now I need to test it with http
tbayen: I see - the sourcecode seems to look for it in the current directory. Seems not a good idea for a server installation.
CarlosRuiz: patch is simple - I changed line 594 by
CarlosRuiz: resFile = new File(reportDir, jasperName+"_"+currLang.getLocale().getLanguage()+".properties");
CarlosRuiz: but don't know if it works for http
tbayen: I dont think so.
tbayen: You can not create a File object from an URL. You can create an InputStream. And later in the code the File is used to create an InputStream. This should be possible, but I can not test it because I have no jasper files around.
tbayen: See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/networking/urls/readingURL.html
CarlosRuiz: so, resources are not implemented for http on line 593
CarlosRuiz: BTW I think correct line 594 must be
CarlosRuiz: resFile = new File(resourcePath, jasperName+"_"+currLang.getLocale().getLanguage()+".properties");
tbayen: Yes - I think so. Or is there a reason to let the user collect all resource files in the root server directory? I don't think so.
tbayen: I remember CarlosRuiz words. He told me he is using only attachment: for Reports. That's the reason why this is the only working codepath. Haha!
CarlosRuiz: linux rocks :-) simple http server for current folder
CarlosRuiz: python -m SimpleHTTPServer
norbertbede: ok. so what next ?
norbertbede: can i test the patch ?
CarlosRuiz: are you needing file://? it works with attachment fine
norbertbede: i used before attacheement
norbertbede: just red somewhere doesnt works in 1.0c
CarlosRuiz: the sample I uploaded is for attachment - and tested with 1.0c
norbertbede: ok. but cant find bundles
tbayen: As a workaround you can drop your properties in the server main directory (current directory of the server process). And you file a bug and I hope someone will find the time to repair that soon.
norbertbede: is it not just simple report
norbertbede: see that
norbertbede: https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1215
red1: tbayen: u have good memory
red1: did u tape the lessons in Krefeld?
tbayen: red1, No, I am sorry. Just in my head. I wanted to be sure that there is still a reason to meet again. ;-)
alejandro: Carlos, some experience idempiere installed at some cloud provider, estimated cost
CarlosRuiz: you can try amazon for free
ocurieles: CarlosRuiz you told me about a good server to mount idempiere, what was?
ocurieles: #CarlosRuiz
tbayen: I have an installation with a provider that uses virtualized systems. It works well. It has a bit more latency than a local lan installation but a normal user will not recognize the difference.
ocurieles: Thanks @tbayen and where is your provider ?
tbayen: Munich. I thought it should not be too far away for latency reasons. If you use it over a satellite I am sure you will feel the difference.
CarlosRuiz: ocurieles, tbayen is sponsoring the jenkins server there
ocurieles: Good :d
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz, if you planned to review tickets today, could you have a look at the 159( which allow creation of combination with org *) please ?
tbayen: My idempiere is a small system that is seldom used from more than one user. It feels like it could do much more but I didn't try yet. It it the smalles possible virtual server you could get there. It costs about 15,- €/Month. The virtual system has no fixed contract time. If you need more power they can scale your system up to a dedicated octocore-System (if you like to pay for it).
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, sounds like a simple solution - will check it
nmicoud: yes, i was surprised :d
nmicoud: too simple
ocurieles: lear
ocurieles: thanks @tbayen for the info
tbayen: gtg, thanks!
CarlosRuiz: bye tbayen
ocurieles: hey the Daily Installers is not working
ocurieles: from http://www.idempiere.org/downloads
ocurieles: Status Code: 404
ocurieles: Exception:
ocurieles: Stacktrace:
CarlosRuiz: ah yes - there is a bug to fix in a migration script
CarlosRuiz: I'll check it after reviewing 1215
nmicoud: and if you get enough time, could you also check 1150 (Status Line window) which was well tested some weeks ago (and is very useful)
nmicoud: gtg ; bye by
nmicoud: e
CarlosRuiz: thanks nmicoud
norbertbede: Topic: CRM features
norbertbede: i'm evaluate adaxa crm package
norbertbede: i worked lot with sugarcrm and salesforce.com
norbertbede: so looks this set of features good base
norbertbede: anyway i have some recomendation question
norbertbede: 1. Is there any reason to hold prospect checkbox on business partner ?
norbertbede: because prospect depends on the stage should be lead or opportunity
norbertbede: yours opinion ?
CarlosRuiz: maybe not - I also saw yesterday that flag prospect is Y by default
norbertbede: i will setup crm in real environment in next few days, maybe i come with a concept soon
norbertbede: 2. missing diagram type: funnel
norbertbede: its is the most relevant visualisation of opportunities
norbertbede: i drill into library but cant find this type
CarlosRuiz: saw this some time ago, but I think is still not contributed?
CarlosRuiz: https://www.facebook.com/groups/idempiere/permalink/524591167592801/
norbertbede: is there a ticket for that ? i should create one and redirect Peter there
norbertbede: its righr approach _
norbertbede: ?
CarlosRuiz: I haven't seen a ticket for that one
CarlosRuiz: yes- you can create it please
norbertbede: sure
norbertbede: 3. cant find integration adaxa activities to the calendar - is it in plan?
CarlosRuiz: norbertbede, no plan still to improve that - good idea