
From WikiQSS

Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2015-06-24

Deepak: Good Morning All
tbayen_: Daarestiet
nmicoud: Bonjour
tbayen_: Some of you know that I planned to do a conference in September.
Deepak: Thomas, Can you update?
Deepak: When and where is that?
tbayen_: I can announce the dates. I want to do it officially in the wiki tonight.
Deepak: ohk
Deepak: I am planning to attend this time
tbayen_: The conference will be at September the 3./
tbayen_: There will be a paid developer workshop together with Carlos Ruiz (as the instructor) in the week following the conference.
tbayen_: The conference is in Krefeld, Germany.
tbayen_: The workshop will be at the Bischofstein Castle near Koblenz.
tbayen_: If you need a visa for germany you should write me a mail to get an invitation.
Deepak: Good
nmicoud: Great to read that tbayen ! Will try to come to the conference this time :)
CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour CarlosRuiz
tbayen_: Hi CarlosRuiz, I just announced the conference dates. I hope you agree. ;-)
druiz: Hi @all
CarlosRuiz: Hi druiz
druiz: @CarlosRuiz Have you checked the wrong default region ticket?
CarlosRuiz: ah I see tbayen - you just wrote dates here :-) I was looking in forums :D
CarlosRuiz: will check it today druiz - thanks
druiz: OJ :)
druiz: ok
aguerra: Hi everybody
druiz: Hi @aguerra
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
aguerra: Hi Carlos druiz
Deepak: Hello CarlosRuiz
Deepak: For ticket IDEMPIERE-2654
CarlosRuiz: Hi Deepak
Deepak: Should we show ASI per locator or it will be fine to show only ASI
Deepak: no storage information
CarlosRuiz: Deepak, what is being shown actually? just ASI?
Deepak: I am thinking to show just ASI and stock
Deepak: I mean ASI and what is on hand for that ASI
CarlosRuiz: ah I see
Deepak: Currently I have already attached patch which show ASI locator pair
CarlosRuiz: ASI and stock could be fine - to keep one line per ASI
Deepak: But if agree that should show only ASI and Stock onHand
Deepak: ohk
Deepak: I also want to know is anybody using prepaid order feature?
Deepak: I do not know process flow
Deepak: Or it is broken in iDempiere
CarlosRuiz: why broken?
Deepak: As per my understanding
Deepak: For prepay order, it should create invoice and once paid, should ship
CarlosRuiz: no, prepaid order creates the invoice when paid
Deepak: When we are completing prepay order, it set status to wait for payment and do not generate invoice
Deepak: That also did not worked carlos
CarlosRuiz: hmm - testing locally - it doesn't allow me to complete the payment
CarlosRuiz: java.lang.Exception: @NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@
Deepak: yes, exactly
Deepak: Also one more thing is, Order docstatus set to waiting for payment
Deepak: and generate shipment or generate invoice only look for completed orders
Deepak: So wondering when document status change to completed
CarlosRuiz: I see the issue - the getC_Payment_ID on MOrder.completeIt is not getting the payment set on MPayment.prepareIt
CarlosRuiz: I think is my fault - caused by the change I did to the forUpdate refreshing the values from database
CarlosRuiz: confirmed Deepak - locally reverted IDEMPIERE-2629 and the prepaid order works fine again
CarlosRuiz: when completing the payment the invoice and the shipment are created
CarlosRuiz: let me think better about 2629
Deepak: ohk, Carlos
Deepak: So are you committing that reversal?
CarlosRuiz: will do - but with a proper patch - 2629 is data corruption critical
Deepak: For 2629, I suggested another approach at storage level earlier
Deepak: we should form update query which always update in terms of adding difference