#idempiere IRC log for Wednesday, 2016-05-25

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Ocurielesgood morning13:05
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aguerrabuenos dias!!!!13:14
aguerraCarlosRuiz, you moved to germany?13:19
Deepak_Good Morning13:26
Deepak_CarlosRuiz, your feed back on  IDEMPIERE-2849 is wel come. Especially approach we took in patch IDEMPIERE-2849_NonStandardConstructor.patch for non standard constructor13:29
CarlosRuizaguerra: yes, but these days I'm in Bogota13:29
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CarlosRuizDeepak_: the patches changing to get looks good13:36
CarlosRuizbut reading the patch for NonStandardConstructor made me wonder a different idea13:36
CarlosRuizall constructors in the end are solved in PO.java13:37
CarlosRuizI mean in a PO.java constructor13:37
CarlosRuizwhat if we do the OSGi service locator in the PO constructor?13:38
CarlosRuizwould that solve the problem everywhere without changes elsewhere?13:38
Deepak_CarlosRuiz, This will not solve creation of instance of overridden Model Class13:39
Deepak_I am trying to understand the concept you are mentioning13:40
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CarlosRuizjust draft idea - don't know if what I'm saying is bullshit  :-)   but sounds possible13:43
CarlosRuizthe constructor public MInvoice (MInOut ship, Timestamp invoiceDate)13:44
CarlosRuizhierarchy is like this13:44
CarlosRuizMInvoice.this (ship.getCtx(), 0, ship.get_TrxName());13:44
CarlosRuizMInvoice.super (ctx, C_Invoice_ID, trxName);13:44
CarlosRuizX_C_Invoice.super (ctx, C_Invoice_ID, trxName);13:45
CarlosRuizPO.this (ctx, ID, trxName, null);13:45
CarlosRuizand it lands in constructor -> public PO (Properties ctx, int ID, String trxName, ResultSet rs)13:45
CarlosRuizwhat I say is if it's possible to do the osgi discovery there?13:45
CarlosRuizmaybe is not possible - just exploring13:45
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Deepak_Yes, We can't assign class after instance created13:55
Deepak_So that is why I am wondering what you are thinking when you told to use service in PO constructor13:56
Deepak_CarlosRuiz, DRuiz has done one good POC for killing process. Is that added in core? I think this is great feature if not then I would like to look where we left and complete it14:02
CarlosRuizin general I think the IDEMPIERE-2849 looks ok14:03
CarlosRuizwe must keep old public methods for backward compatibility14:03
CarlosRuizfor the killing process Diego opened a ticket14:04
CarlosRuizI think the code was uploaded there14:04
Deepak_we must keep old public methods for backward compatibility, Do you here mean non standard constructor? I say yes we should keep it14:06
Deepak_Will add those back14:06
Deepak_Thanks Carlos for finding out ticket for me14:09
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norbertbedei'm played last days with idea calculate running balance as virtual column or report view - column/function16:26
norbertbedemy sql16:26
norbertbedeselect documentno, SUM(COALESCE ("amtacctdr",0) - COALESCE ("amtacctcr",0)) OVER16:26
norbertbede(ORDER BY c_payment_created ASC) as runningbalance from t_bankregister16:26
norbertbedethis calculates well balance in sql client, as view - however i want to use it on one level higher - where application dictionary would calculate runningbalance16:27
norbertbededoes anybody had similar experience, requirement ?16:27
norbertbedei would like to replace write java reports becuase running balances, by this simple trick16:28
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