View idempiere9.adempiere.rv_inoutdetails
InOut Details

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Quality Systems & Solutions
Primary key columns
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Implied relationships
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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
ad_client_id numeric 10  √  null Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_org_id numeric 10  √  null Organizational entity within client
isactive bpchar 1  √  null The record is active in the system
created timestamp 29,6  √  null Date this record was created
createdby numeric 10  √  null User who created this records
updated timestamp 29,6  √  null Date this record was updated
updatedby numeric 10  √  null User who updated this records
m_inout_id numeric 10  √  null Material Shipment Document
issotrx bpchar 1  √  null This is a Sales Transaction
documentno varchar 30  √  null Document sequence number of the document
docaction bpchar 2  √  null The targeted status of the document
docstatus bpchar 2  √  null The current status of the document
posted bpchar 1  √  null Posting status
processed bpchar 1  √  null The document has been processed
c_doctype_id numeric 10  √  null Document type or rules
description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_order_id numeric 10  √  null Order
dateordered timestamp 29,6  √  null Date of Order
movementtype bpchar 2  √  null Method of moving the inventory
movementdate timestamp 29,6  √  null Date a product was moved in or out of inventory
dateacct timestamp 29,6  √  null Accounting Date
c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Business Partner
c_bpartner_location_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
ad_user_id numeric 10  √  null User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
salesrep_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Representative or Company Agent
m_warehouse_id numeric 10  √  null Storage Warehouse and Service Point
poreference varchar 20  √  null Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner
deliveryrule bpchar 1  √  null Defines the timing of Delivery
freightcostrule bpchar 1  √  null Method for charging Freight
freightamt numeric 0  √  null Freight Amount
deliveryviarule bpchar 1  √  null How the order will be delivered
m_shipper_id numeric 10  √  null Method or manner of product delivery
priorityrule bpchar 1  √  null Priority of a document
dateprinted timestamp 29,6  √  null Date the document was printed.
nopackages numeric 10  √  null Number of packages shipped
pickdate timestamp 29,6  √  null Date/Time when picked for Shipment
shipdate timestamp 29,6  √  null Shipment Date/Time
trackingno varchar 60  √  null Number to track the shipment
ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
user1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #1
user2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #2
datereceived timestamp 29,6  √  null Date a product was received
isapproved bpchar 1  √  null Indicates if this document requires approval
isindispute bpchar 1  √  null Document is in dispute
m_inoutline_id numeric 10  √  null Line on Shipment or Receipt document
line numeric 10  √  null Unique line for this document
linedescription varchar 255  √  null Description of the Line
c_orderline_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Order Line
m_locator_id numeric 10  √  null Warehouse Locator
m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
c_uom_id numeric 10  √  null Unit of Measure
m_attributesetinstance_id numeric 10  √  null Product Attribute Set Instance
productattribute varchar 2147483647  √  null Product Attribute Instance Description
m_attributeset_id numeric 10  √  null Product Attribute Set
m_lot_id numeric 10  √  null Product Lot Definition
guaranteedate timestamp 29,6  √  null Date when guarantee expires
lot varchar 40  √  null Lot number (alphanumeric)
serno varchar 40  √  null Product Serial Number
movementqty numeric 0  √  null Quantity of a product moved.
qtyentered numeric 0  √  null The Quantity Entered is based on the selected UoM
isdescription bpchar 1  √  null if true, the line is just description and no transaction
confirmedqty numeric 0  √  null Confirmation of a received quantity
pickedqty numeric 0  √  null Picked Quantity
scrappedqty numeric 0  √  null The Quantity scrapped due to QA issues
targetqty numeric 0  √  null Target Movement Quantity
locatorvalue varchar 40  √  null Key of the Warehouse Locator
x varchar 60  √  null X dimension, e.g., Aisle
y varchar 60  √  null Y dimension, e.g., Bin
z varchar 60  √  null Z dimension, e.g., Level
m_inout_c_charge_id numeric 10  √  null m_inout_c_charge_id
chargeamt numeric 0  √  null Charge Amount
m_inout_c_invoice_id numeric 10  √  null m_inout_c_invoice_id
createconfirm bpchar 1  √  null Create Confirm
m_inout_created timestamp 29,6  √  null m_inout_created
m_inout_createdby numeric 10  √  null m_inout_createdby
createfrom bpchar 1  √  null Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document
createpackage bpchar 1  √  null Create Package
dropship_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Business Partner to ship to
dropship_location_id numeric 10  √  null Business Partner Location for shipping to
dropship_user_id numeric 10  √  null Business Partner Contact for drop shipment
generateto bpchar 1  √  null Generate To
m_inout_isactive bpchar 1  √  null m_inout_isactive
isdropship bpchar 1  √  null Drop Shipments are sent directly to the Drop Shipment Location
isintransit bpchar 1  √  null Movement is in transit
isprinted bpchar 1  √  null Indicates if this document / line is printed
m_rma_id numeric 10  √  null Return Material Authorization
processedon numeric 0  √  null The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed
processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
ref_inout_id numeric 10  √  null Referenced Shipment
reversal_id numeric 10  √  null ID of document reversal
sendemail bpchar 1  √  null Enable sending Document EMail
m_inout_updated timestamp 29,6  √  null m_inout_updated
m_inout_updatedby numeric 10  √  null m_inout_updatedby
volume numeric 0  √  null Volume of a product
weight numeric 0  √  null Weight of a product
m_inoutline_ad_org_id numeric 10  √  null m_inoutline_ad_org_id
m_inoutline_ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null m_inoutline_ad_orgtrx_id
m_inoutline_c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null m_inoutline_c_activity_id
m_inoutline_c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null m_inoutline_c_campaign_id
m_inoutline_c_charge_id numeric 10  √  null m_inoutline_c_charge_id
m_inoutline_c_project_id numeric 10  √  null m_inoutline_c_project_id
c_projectphase_id numeric 10  √  null Phase of a Project
c_projecttask_id numeric 10  √  null Actual Project Task in a Phase
isinvoiced bpchar 1  √  null Is this invoiced?
m_rmaline_id numeric 10  √  null Return Material Authorization Line
m_inoutline_processed bpchar 1  √  null m_inoutline_processed
ref_inoutline_id numeric 10  √  null Referenced Shipment Line
reversalline_id numeric 10  √  null Use to keep the reversal line ID for reversing costing purpose
m_inoutline_user1_id numeric 10  √  null m_inoutline_user1_id
m_inoutline_user2_id numeric 10  √  null m_inoutline_user2_id
m_locator_ad_org_id numeric 10  √  null m_locator_ad_org_id
m_locator_isactive bpchar 1  √  null m_locator_isactive
isdefault bpchar 1  √  null Default value
m_locator_m_warehouse_id numeric 10  √  null m_locator_m_warehouse_id
priorityno numeric 10  √  null Where inventory should be picked from first
m_asi_ad_org_id numeric 10  √  null m_attributesetinstance_ad_org_id
m_asi_created timestamp 29,6  √  null m_asi_created
m_asi_createdby numeric 10  √  null M_ASI_CreatedBy
m_asi_description varchar 255  √  null m_attributesetinstance_description
m_asi_isactive bpchar 1  √  null m_asi_isactive
m_asi_updated timestamp 29,6  √  null m_asi_updated
m_asi_updatedby numeric 10  √  null M_AttributeSetInstance_UpdatedBy

Analyzed at 2021-12-25 14:43 +0100