Table idempiere9.adempiere.i_product
Import Item or Service

Generated by
Quality Systems & Solutions
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
i_product_id numeric 10 Import Item or Service
ad_client_id numeric 10  √  null Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_org_id numeric 10  √  null Organizational entity within client
isactive bpchar 1  √  'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
created timestamp 29,6 statement_timestamp() Date this record was created
createdby numeric 10  √  null User who created this records
updated timestamp 29,6 statement_timestamp() Date this record was updated
updatedby numeric 10  √  null User who updated this records
i_isimported bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Has this import been processed
i_errormsg varchar 2000  √  null Messages generated from import process
m_product_id numeric 10  √  null
m_product.m_product_id mproduct_iproduct N
Product, Service, Item
value varchar 40  √  null Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
name varchar 255  √  null Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
documentnote varchar 2000  √  null Additional information for a Document
help varchar 2000  √  null Comment or Hint
upc varchar 30  √  null Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number)
sku varchar 30  √  null Stock Keeping Unit
x12de355 varchar 4  √  null UOM EDI X12 Code
c_uom_id numeric 10  √  null
c_uom.c_uom_id cuom_iproduct N
Unit of Measure
productcategory_value varchar 40  √  null Product Category Key
m_product_category_id numeric 10  √  null
m_product_category.m_product_category_id mproductcategory_iproduct N
Category of a Product
producttype bpchar 1  √  'I'::bpchar Type of product
classification bpchar 1  √  null Classification for grouping
volume numeric 0  √  0 Volume of a product
weight numeric 0  √  0 Weight of a product
shelfwidth numeric 10  √  null Shelf width required
shelfheight numeric 0  √  null Shelf height required
shelfdepth numeric 10  √  null Shelf depth required
unitsperpallet numeric 10  √  null Units Per Pallet
discontinued bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar This product is no longer available
discontinuedby timestamp 29,6  √  null
imageurl varchar 120  √  null URL of image
descriptionurl varchar 120  √  null URL for the description
bpartner_value varchar 40  √  null The Key of the Business Partner
c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null
c_bpartner.c_bpartner_id cbpartner_iproduct N
Identifies a Business Partner
iso_code bpchar 3  √  null Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency
c_currency_id numeric 10  √  null
c_currency.c_currency_id ccurrency_iproduct N
The Currency for this record
pricelist numeric 0  √  0 List Price
pricepo numeric 0  √  0 Price based on a purchase order
royaltyamt numeric 0  √  0 (Included) Amount for copyright, etc.
priceeffective timestamp 29,6  √  null Effective Date of Price
vendorproductno varchar 40  √  null Product Key of the Business Partner
vendorcategory varchar 30  √  null Product Category of the Business Partner
manufacturer varchar 30  √  null Manufacturer of the Product
order_min numeric 0  √  0 Minimum order quantity in UOM
order_pack numeric 0  √  0 Package order size in UOM (e.g. order set of 5 units)
costperorder numeric 0  √  0 Fixed Cost Per Order
deliverytime_promised numeric 10  √  null Promised days between order and delivery
processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
processed bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar The document has been processed
pricestd numeric 0  √  null Standard Price
pricelimit numeric 0  √  null Lowest price for a product
discontinuedat timestamp 29,6  √  null Discontinued At indicates Date when product was discontinued
i_product_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying I_Product_UU
customstariffnumber varchar 20  √  null Customs Tariff Number, usually the HS-Code
group1 varchar 255  √  NULL::character varying Group1
group2 varchar 255  √  NULL::character varying Group2

Table contained 0 rows at 2021-12-25 14:43 +0100

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
i_product_id Primary key Asc i_product_pkey
i_product_uu Must be unique Asc i_product_uu_idx

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