Table idempiere9.adempiere.dd_order
Distribution Order

Generated by
Quality Systems & Solutions
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
documentno varchar 30 Document sequence number of the document
ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null
ad_org.ad_org_id adorgtrx_ddorder R
Performing or initiating organization
ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
ad_user_id numeric 10  √  null
ad_user.ad_user_id aduser_ddorder R
User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null
c_activity.c_activity_id cactivity_ddorder R
Business Activity
c_bpartner_id numeric 10
c_bpartner.c_bpartner_id cbpartner_ddorder R
Identifies a Business Partner
c_bpartner_location_id numeric 10
c_bpartner_location.c_bpartner_location_id cbpartnerlocation_ddorder R
Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null
c_campaign.c_campaign_id ccampaign_ddorder R
Marketing Campaign
c_charge_id numeric 10  √  null
c_charge.c_charge_id ccharge_ddorder R
Additional document charges
c_doctype_id numeric 10
c_doctype.c_doctype_id cdoctype_ddorder R
Document type or rules
c_invoice_id numeric 10  √  null
c_invoice.c_invoice_id cinvoice_ddorder R
Invoice Identifier
c_order_id numeric 10  √  null
c_order.c_order_id corder_ddorder R
c_project_id numeric 10  √  null
c_project.c_project_id cproject_ddorder R
Financial Project
chargeamt numeric 0  √  null Charge Amount
createconfirm bpchar 1  √  null Create Confirm
createfrom bpchar 1  √  null Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document
createpackage bpchar 1  √  null Create Package
created timestamp 29,6 statement_timestamp() Date this record was created
createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
dd_order_id numeric 10
dd_orderline.dd_order_id ddorder_ddorderline R
m_movement.dd_order_id ddorder_mmovement R
pp_mrp.dd_order_id ddorder_ppmrp R
Distribution Order
dateordered timestamp 29,6 Date of Order
dateprinted timestamp 29,6  √  null Date the document was printed.
datepromised timestamp 29,6 Date Order was promised
datereceived timestamp 29,6  √  null Date a product was received
deliveryrule bpchar 1 'A'::bpchar Defines the timing of Delivery
deliveryviarule bpchar 1 'P'::bpchar How the order will be delivered
description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
docaction bpchar 2 'CO'::bpchar The targeted status of the document
docstatus bpchar 2 'DR'::bpchar The current status of the document
freightamt numeric 0  √  null Freight Amount
freightcostrule bpchar 1 'I'::bpchar Method for charging Freight
generateto bpchar 1  √  null Generate To
isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
isapproved bpchar 1 Indicates if this document requires approval
isdelivered bpchar 1  √  null Delivered
isdropship bpchar 1  √  null Drop Shipments are sent directly to the Drop Shipment Location
isindispute bpchar 1 Document is in dispute
isintransit bpchar 1 Movement is in transit
isprinted bpchar 1 Indicates if this document / line is printed
issotrx bpchar 1 This is a Sales Transaction
isselected bpchar 1  √  null Selected
m_shipper_id numeric 10  √  null
m_shipper.m_shipper_id mshipper_ddorder R
Method or manner of product delivery
m_warehouse_id numeric 10
m_warehouse.m_warehouse_id mwarehouse_ddorder R
Storage Warehouse and Service Point
nopackages numeric 10  √  null Number of packages shipped
poreference varchar 20  √  null Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner
pickdate timestamp 29,6  √  null Date/Time when picked for Shipment
posted bpchar 1 Posting status
priorityrule bpchar 1 '5'::bpchar Priority of a document
processed bpchar 1 The document has been processed
processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
ref_order_id numeric 10  √  null
c_order.c_order_id reforder_ddorder R
Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order
salesrep_id numeric 10  √  null
ad_user.ad_user_id salesrep_ddorder R
Sales Representative or Company Agent
sendemail bpchar 1 Enable sending Document EMail
shipdate timestamp 29,6  √  null Shipment Date/Time
trackingno varchar 60  √  null Number to track the shipment
updated timestamp 29,6 statement_timestamp() Date this record was updated
updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
user1_id numeric 10  √  null
c_elementvalue.c_elementvalue_id user1_ddorder R
User defined list element #1
user2_id numeric 10  √  null
c_elementvalue.c_elementvalue_id user2_ddorder R
User defined list element #2
volume numeric 0  √  null Volume of a product
ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
weight numeric 0  √  null Weight of a product
processedon numeric 0  √  null The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed
dd_order_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying DD_Order_UU

Table contained 0 rows at 2021-12-25 14:43 +0100

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
dd_order_id Primary key Asc dd_order_key
dd_order_uu Must be unique Asc dd_order_uu_idx
posted + processed + processedon + ad_client_id Performance Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc idxdd_order_proc_on

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