Class GridTabDataBinder

    • Constructor Detail

      • GridTabDataBinder

        public GridTabDataBinder​(GridTab gridTab)
        gridTab -
    • Method Detail

      • saveMultipleRecords

        protected void saveMultipleRecords​(Properties ctx,
                                           String tableName,
                                           String columnName,
                                           int recordId,
                                           Integer[] values,
                                           String trxName)
                                    throws Exception
        Save Multiple records - Clone a record and assign new values to each clone for a specific column.
        ctx - context
        tableName - Table Name
        columnName - Column for which value need to be changed
        recordId - Record to clone
        values - Values to be assigned to clones for the specified column
        trxName - Transaction
        Exception - If error is occured when loading the PO or saving clones author ashley