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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2015-08-05

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
a42niem: Guten Tag
nmicoud: Carlos, could you have a look at ticket (little patch, but i'm not sure i've choose the good way to resolve it) ?
CarlosRuiz: sure
nmicoud: thanks
a42niem: i have created a virtual machine to allow people to test iDempiere 2.1 more easily (hopefully)
a42niem: it is available at
a42niem: before further advertising it i thought it could be good if some of you guys here could have a look and try
CarlosRuiz: great Dirk - thanks a lot - I'll try to check it
a42niem: fine, thanks
CarlosRuiz: a42niem, IVA is working perfect
CarlosRuiz: which is root password?
a42niem: great Carlos
a42niem: idempiere
a42niem: :)
red1: Hi Dirk, congrats, and its only 660Mb.. what flavour of virtual m/c is it?
red1: on what O/S?
norbertbede: hi all
CarlosRuiz: :-) seems it recognize my keyboard as german keyboard
CarlosRuiz: Hi norbertbede
a42niem: it is based on alpine linux which had been developed to be resource efficient
a42niem: it does not use glibc but musl libc and busybox
a42niem: CarlosRuiz - well that made it simpler for me...
CarlosRuiz: :D noticed when typing the y and z :D
a42niem: and hi Redhuan, and thanks
red1: Halo norbertbede
norbertbede: i have a specific question:
norbertbede: thinking here about possibility to implement on info window (on top on custom view - lists sales order lines ) - zoom button. any idea is it possible ? we know this for a specific window e.g. product on product info
norbertbede: the goal is open sales order
norbertbede: any hint would be hepful
nmicoud: when zooming from info window product, you want to open a specific window ?
a42niem: CarlosRuiz try setup-keymap (or tzpe setup-kezmap ;) )
norbertbede: @nmicoud yes we want to open sales order - but we have very specific complex view listing sales orderlines
nmicoud: write your own class and override the onZoom (or zoom) method
red1: norbertbede: isn't the present InfoOrder already a custom extension of InfoWindow?
red1: wonder if u can copy that and reimplement?
nmicoud: you can extend InfoWindowProduct with YourOwnInfoProduct and just change the zoom method
norbertbede: thanks. we thought the awaited solution could be like reusable
norbertbede: that means we are able to this to any new info window
nmicoud: you wanted to add a new field on AD_InfoWindow ?
norbertbede: just we must write new java.class for all
CarlosRuiz: setup-kezmap worked a42niem :D
norbertbede: i'm not a developer, but probably new field could be cover this - with specific methods
CarlosRuiz: good to add that and root password in the README
nmicoud: did you try to play with the Zoom Condition ?
norbertbede: so make it more general
Deepak__: Redq1, On ticket IDEMPIERE-2675
Deepak__: I am not able to reproduce issue you reported
red1: hang on Deepak__ checking
norbertbede: yes, just there is not a good support based on tomasscikruha analysis of contextual variables
norbertbede: maybe that could be improved
red1: Deepak__: i thought you know that this field, isUseLuceneIndex is not needed right?
Deepak__: Red1, I took your changes and replacing in new patch
Deepak__: But NPE that you told on organization tree is not able to reproduce
red1: my changes is simply to remove that field
red1: sorry, now i know that you referring to
red1: OK, for that you select the other standard menu i think a Primary Menu and then there is a right item
red1: right panel item and clicking on it gives the NPE
red1: and I did not patch that at all
red1: just informing u of it
red1: if it does not happen, then it is my case only probably
Deepak__: I tested with organization
Deepak__: now let me test with menu
a42niem: CarlosRuiz the README is updated
norbertbede: thanks for ideas.
a42niem: i'll prepare a wiki page with more info
Deepak__: Carlos, I created patch for IDEMPIERE-2675 with latest version of iDempiere
Deepak__: Can you please do peer review and add into iDempiere 2.1?
CarlosRuiz: great Deepak__ - red1, do that affect the spinsuite? or is it compatible?
Deepak__: I think red1 need this feature for spinSuite
red1: Thats exactly what i trying to say... Deepak's contribution works on SpinSuite without me trying to adopt SpinSuite changes
CarlosRuiz: ah ok - I thought spinsuite implemented it in a different way - but is dependent
red1: at least for tree management but not tree node creation.
red1: yes SpinSuite is different and more core changes which i did not take when Deepak's was partially useful but enough as i just wanted tree display and draging them around
CarlosRuiz: great
Deepak__: Red1, If your error continue, We can do sometime screen sharing again to look what is wrong. Sorry I do not have spinsuite setup here yet
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, I think I found a better patch for IDEMPIERE-2747 - can you please test it?
nmicoud: sure
nmicoud: will put it in our dev instance
CarlosRuiz: a42niem, a couple of suggestions for the IVA?
a42niem: sure
CarlosRuiz: maybe include the - so it's easy to upgrade database
CarlosRuiz: I'm not sure if the plugins are updated - it could include also the pointing to the jenkins as another script - something like - which calls and then
CarlosRuiz: also - this is a suggestion - but is preferable to create an idempiere user and install as idempiere - instead of root
CarlosRuiz: I know is a virtual machine for testing - so this is not a big deal
a42niem: yes - i was undecided to provide this as a "pure" IVA and provide a nother one with more advanced content
a42niem: maybe containing also all plugins which would make it more heavy for download
CarlosRuiz: or just add a disclaimer on the readme - this is for testing purposes - installed as root - for production purposes is recommended to install as idempiere
CarlosRuiz: yes - the size is great
CarlosRuiz: I think just the "upgrade" script can do the trick - to not overload the IVA
a42niem: thats why i initially did not provide the password
CarlosRuiz: if people want to test the "latest" - is just to run the upgrade
a42niem: okay, its open source but it is just intended to be used for lightweight testing
a42niem: yeah, you are right
a42niem: i can give instructions how to use snapshots and then people can upgrade and maybe go back to a former snapshot
CarlosRuiz: added the link to the Downloads page
hieplq: hi @CarlosRuiz, wdyt about IDEMPIERE-2754
CarlosRuiz: yes - I agree if that's not used ok
CarlosRuiz: hieplq, the commits from experimental are already deployed to experimental test server?
hieplq: hi @CarlosRuiz. not yet. i want finish all before rebuild
hieplq: i has comment for IDEMPIERE-1379. and i want discuss about it.
hieplq: i want finish experience in this week