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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2015-07-22

ngordon7000: Hi Carlos
aguerra: good morning !!!
ngordon7000: hi aguerra
CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
a42niem: guten tag
aguerra: hi ngordon7000 CarlosRuiz
aguerra: hi a42niem
a42niem: hi aguerra
ngordon7000: Does anyone know if it Is acceptable use to open a Jira ticket to track the development of a plugin?
CarlosRuiz: ngordon7000, if the plugin is full open source I think is ok
a42niem: hi CarlosRuiz
CarlosRuiz: Hi Dirk
a42niem: i have created IDEMPIERE-2731 and IDEMPIERE-2732 concerning extendabilty of model and callouts. can you please have alook at them?
Deepak_: Hello All
Deepak_: Good Morning
aguerra: hi Deepak
CarlosRuiz: ok a42niem I'll check
CarlosRuiz: Hi Deepak_
druiz: HI all
Deepak_: Hello Diego
a42niem: hi Deepak_, hi druiz
Deepak_: Carlos, For Movement should we add support for From and to asi on attribute tab?
Deepak_: Also date material policy?
Deepak_: Currently limitation is that you can't do movement with different from and to ASI in single line
CarlosRuiz: in past I've seen you can do movement changing ASI - but I don't know what is the business case for such thing
CarlosRuiz: IMHO a movement must not change the ASI
aguerra: iDempiere has Consignment Support ??
a42niem: aguerra: i had described a scenario based on available functionality in the forum
a42niem: link is!msg/idempiere/TNNj8qaMZXw/Nz25_LWfD64J
ngordon7000: carlos: thanks for the feedback re: the jira ticket. yes it is full open source
aguerra: ok a42niem let me check !!!
Deepak_: Carlos Movement can change ASI
Deepak_: As it has from and to ASI
Deepak_: on movement line, you can have 2 different ASI
Deepak_: Carlos, Bussiness case is managing splits at ASI level
CarlosRuiz: example?
Deepak_: For example, Say we have stock which can be in full case or can be in broken case
Deepak_: And customer can order full case or one item
Deepak_: in case of full case it is important that user do not delivered split items
Deepak_: So need to maintain what stock are in full case
Deepak_: For example you have case of 6 bottle and you are also selling 1 bottle
Deepak_: So in this case there may need to convert stock from Full ASI to split ASI
CarlosRuiz: interesting - haven't thought about that - I think druiz and tbayen will be glad to review that possible approach :-)
CarlosRuiz: but don't get the complete picture - what is the ASI - the number of items?
CarlosRuiz: I thought the case/bottle was better managed using BOM
Deepak_: We currently managing isSplit as one attribute
Deepak_: So we know status of stock
Deepak_: So it can be either full or split
Deepak_: BOM is not good case as they want to use same product
Deepak_: same product sold with multiple UOM
CarlosRuiz: isSplit meaning that the case is incomplete? one of the bottles was taken out?
tbayen: Daarestiet! :-)
a42niem: moin tbayen
tbayen: I heard you are talking about uom. We have some experience with that during the last weeks.
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, you can read the previous talk here
tbayen: Thanks, I was reading it in this very moment at Diego's screen. :-) (But your log is really great - did I tell that already?)
tbayen: Sorry if this question from a german sounds stupid but what is ASI?
CarlosRuiz: Attribute Set Instance
tbayen: Too bad that Deepak is not here any more. I would like him to explain deeper what he means. It can be that we have a similar problem.
tbayen: a42niem, won't you visit us at the iDempiere World Conference? I do not see your name on the wiki page's list. :-o
a42niem: sure i will, just forgot to do it
a42niem: tbayen: done :)
tbayen: Ah! :-)
a42niem: sir , yes sir ;)
muriloht: hi all! i'm glad to have the oportunity to meet the team at 2015 WC!
CarlosRuiz: Hi muriloht
CarlosRuiz: great you'll be at Krefeld
tbayen: Hi muriloht , you are welcome. :-)
Deepak_: Just back
tbayen: What means "devCoffee"? Are you developing in Java and drinking coffee or are you producing coffee and using an erp? :-)
tbayen: Hi Deepak_ I am interested in your uom/case problem. I had a similar thing here. But I am not sure if it is the same.
Deepak_: Carlos, isSplit means stock in split status
Deepak_: It means package or case is broken
muriloht: thks Carlos and Thomas! :)
Deepak_: I know this is Wine bottle seller's problem
tbayen: What means "broken"? Is that when you took one bottle out of a case?
muriloht: devCoffee means that we drink a lot of coffee developing in java (idempiere) ... many people thinks that we produce coffee hehe
Deepak_: yes
Deepak_: Thomas, split=brokens mean case is broken
Deepak_: not the bottle:)
CarlosRuiz: do you have the wine product UOM defined as unit or as case?
Deepak_: So such stock are preferred for shipping for non case order
Deepak_: There are both UOM
Deepak_: for example each
Deepak_: and pack of 4
Deepak_: or pack of 12
CarlosRuiz: yep - but the wine product - which is the UOM inventory?
Deepak_: Inventory is in each
tbayen: Why is it important to separate between broken and unbroken? Why don't you count just bottles. And if there is an order to sell one bottle the storage worker should now that he first takes it from a broken case, shouldn't he?!?
tbayen: know
Deepak_: Manage different locator in warehouse for broken and full case
Deepak_: And for making picking efficient, need to direct worker to correct location so that he founds right item and do not keep splitting full case unnecessorily
tbayen: In my case we have not different locators. I have to think about that...
Deepak_: In that case it can be managed
CarlosRuiz: Deepak_, but why to change the ASI if the locator indicates if is split
Deepak_: See carlos,it is mix of things
Deepak_: Say some time split item may be with regular item
Deepak_: Worker decide do they want to put split items on safe place
Deepak_: or keep with regular items
CarlosRuiz: ok, with what you said - I think it can be business cases where a movement could change ASI - it depends on what the ASI is defined for
CarlosRuiz: you said at this moment that's not possible in movement?
Deepak_: It is done and working
CarlosRuiz: ah good
Deepak_: If I use ASI at line level only
Deepak_: But Date Material policy are random some time which need to be controlled too
Deepak_: And for that Attribute tab is only media to control dateMPolicy
Deepak_: Now if we do not specify ASI on movementline but on attribute, we do not have way to move package to split
Deepak_: So in fact, if I have ASI_TO and dateMPolicy_To on attribute tab for movement line, we have better control
tbayen: I still wonder if that is needed. On one hand you can say "if there is a modulo of bottles/6 then there is a broken case" on the other hand I think it is very difficult to keep the IsSplit attribute in the right way. When a worker accidentally opens a wrong case (and does not want to confess that) all your data is corrupt. At the end that can make more work for your customer than it is worth.
Deepak_: Thomas, it do not work in that way
tbayen: That is an interesting point that my solution does not cover.
Deepak_: System calculate total number of case to open and secure it by suggesting move to different locator
Deepak_: No worker are assigned that task and worker decide where to move those items need to be split for future splitting
Deepak_: Still it is not physically split but system now knows it as split
Deepak_: Also there are certain parameter that system suggest worker to indicate which package they have to pick up
Deepak_: And worker are actually trained to obey what system says, They have to do exception only when system suggested location has no stock found
Deepak_: That is rare case