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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2015-06-10

red1: Privet comrade CarlosRuiz
CarlosRuiz: Hi red1
CarlosRuiz: Good Morning everybody :)
red1: доброе утро
druiz: Good morning @CarlosRuiz
red1: Konnichiwa HideakiHagiwara
druiz: demo.globalqss is running really slow today
HideakiHagiwara: Hi,red1
red1: It is running fine from Moscow
red1: oh wait.. u mean globalqss
druiz: yeahp
druiz: test.idempiere is running fine
red1: yes very slow..
red1: in fact it is not even showing
CarlosRuiz: will refresh and reboot ...
smartjsp: Good Morning everyone...
aguerra: hi CarlosRuiz
CarlosRuiz: Hi Pedro, Hi Alejandro
smartjsp: Carlos, we just found & fix a small bug in light manufacturing, but I am not completely sure how is the process to upload/integrate the source code changes ...after we submit the Jira ticket.. or we just have to attach the new java file there ?
smartjsp: so before submitting the jira ticket I want to be sure that we are in sync... here the topic just in case.!topic/idempiere/DGygTfb_aws we already tested and it affects all the production orders using attribute sets ....
nmicoud: Hi @all
CarlosRuiz: reading Pedro... - Hi Nicolas
CarlosRuiz: Pedro, don't understand the case - if I remember correctly the production is created without ASI - and when completing it must assign the ASI - may be in ProductionLineMA
aguerra: hi nmicoud
nmicoud: hi CarlosRuiz, hi aguerra
druiz: hi @nmicoud
nmicoud: hi druiz
smartjsp: Carlos, yes.(for final product). but if you use attribute sets within the BOM products as well, each of them should have its own ASI assigned .. the logic is there to assign the ASI to each of them, is just that all the time was assigning 0 by default (wrong)... that is what we are fixing the ASI assigment fr each individual BOM product ...
CarlosRuiz: don't understand - you can't assign instance-ASI in BOM
CarlosRuiz: or do you mean product-ASI?
ocurielesIngeint: Good morning :-)
druiz: @CarlosRuiz, there's a bug in Tax rate window, when the client's default country is different to USA and you create a new Tax Rate, the Region is set to OR. I tested it locally with Germany as default country and in test.idempiere with "Client AJ IND" which has India as default country
CarlosRuiz: Hi Orlando
druiz: same behavior in both cases
CarlosRuiz: druiz if in the end you have in the database a region from a different country - I think that's a bug
CarlosRuiz: solution can be to set default for C_Region_ID to -1
CarlosRuiz: but what sounds strange is that the region field must have a dynamic validation - so the list must not contain that record - that can be another bug if the list is allowing regions that doesn't fulfill dynamic validation
druiz: When you delete the OR from the field and save
druiz: The region list is shown correctly, in my case all the German regions without OR
CarlosRuiz: try changing the default to -1
druiz: @CarlosRuiz it seems like the -1 as default works
druiz: Should I create a patch for it?
CarlosRuiz: sure
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz ; could you review and integrate those 2 little tickets : #2658 & #2663 (the 2663 could be very dangerous)
nmicoud: they all have patch
CarlosRuiz: oki
nmicoud: thanks