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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2015-05-27

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz, did you notice this issue with saved params ?
tbayen: Daarestiet!
nmicoud: hi tbayen
CarlosRuiz: which issue nmicoud ?
nmicoud: (sorry, didn't make the ctrl+v :p)
Deepak: Good Morning all
CarlosRuiz: yes nmicoud - that's a known issue - probably there is another ticket for that
nmicoud: ah ok, didn't search for another ticket
ocurielesIngeint: Hi Guys
CarlosRuiz: hi
aguerra: hello everybody
aguerra: hi CarlosRuiz
aguerra: hi ocurielesIngeint
ocurielesIngeint: Hi @aguerra
CarlosRuiz: Hola Alejandro
aguerra: Hola Carlos
CarlosRuiz: ah nmicoud - probably that's the ticket I saw before :-) I thought it was a new one
CarlosRuiz: must be something simple to solve - have you tried?
nmicoud: :) it is quite new
nmicoud: no, as i didn't know where to start
nmicoud: and wondering if it was maybe handled in the base functionnality and maybe badly integrated
CarlosRuiz: is there since the beginning
nmicoud: Deepak says there is a patch
CarlosRuiz: is not there :-(
nmicoud: yes, he says he will send it later, snif
aguerra: hi nmicoud alara
nmicoud: hi aguerra
nmicoud: Hi Deepak. Do you have somewhere the patch you refers here :
Deepak: Looking
nmicoud: thanks
Deepak: nmicoud, I did not found patch, I think that is todo. But as I see there is lots of changes made by hieplq, I thought to wait till he finish as chances are that I am ended in invalid patch after new design
nmicoud: ok, thanks
Deepak: I think is going to change it completelt
Deepak: So not sure should I continue or wait for IDEMPIERE-2389 to complete
CarlosRuiz: IDEMPIERE-2389 is closed
Deepak: Ahh, Looks it is in dev branch
druiz: Hi @all
Deepak: Carlos, IDEMPIERE-2626 is small patch can you review and integrate?
mhernandezve: Hello comunity!
aguerra: hi mhernandezve
aguerra: hi druiz
mhernandezve: hi aguerra
druiz: hi @aguerra
CarlosRuiz: thanks Deepak - will check it
Deepak: Hello druiz
druiz: Hello @Deepak
CarlosRuiz: hi
Deepak: Carlos, Can I change all variable in docline to protected instead of private?
CarlosRuiz: I suppose yes if you need it for extension
Deepak: Not required, but for enabling that for future
Deepak: So no need to do separate commit while needed to extend
Deepak: I have some patch for batch level posting, but issue is that there are many tickets
Deepak: and patch need to apply in perticular sequence
Deepak: So can I start one by one ticket and once you put things in iDempiere, I create another patch?
CarlosRuiz: ok
Deepak: Thanks
Deepak: I need to leave now, But will start from IDEMPIERE-2579. I will integrate your suggestion and look for multiple account schema scenario
aguerra: CarlosRuiz, Write off open receivables, genera contabilidad??
CarlosRuiz: just if you generate it via payments or allocations
aguerra: uhm!!! thank
norbertbede: hi
CarlosRuiz: Hi norbertbede
norbertbede: our customer asking for display images - stored as attachment in product info or order window
norbertbede: we would develop and commit it
norbertbede: i would like to know any idea would be helpful others too
CarlosRuiz: info windows? or normal windows?
norbertbede: they want to see immediately when selecting product on sales order on customer department - handling orders
norbertbede: opt1 is info window opt2 should be on order.
norbertbede: the proess: customer calling
CarlosRuiz: wondering if that can be put on Quick Info actually
norbertbede: asking for product 1. e.g. not example so they need to recommend alternatives
norbertbede: quick info could be option too
norbertbede: maybe quick win
CarlosRuiz: about product info could be done in a subtab?
CarlosRuiz: what if there are more than one image - it would show the first?
norbertbede: that could be another option.
norbertbede: 1 could be defined as main - default
CarlosRuiz: cos for product images - usually we prefer to recommend the ImageULR on product
norbertbede: like in magento or eshop
norbertbede: there are 3 sizes small mid large
norbertbede: see theoreticall could be also thmbnail on lines and popup when click like browser icon
CarlosRuiz: to show the ImageURL on QuickInfo must be possible now - I tried basic HTML on QuickInfo and it worked
norbertbede: are you mean its possible also iterate
norbertbede: and display all images ?
norbertbede: if available
CarlosRuiz: I made a POC to add colors on Quick Info based on values - and it was possible tricking with the query and HTML on the message
CarlosRuiz: ah - as Quick Info is based on a query - maybe could be possible also to show attachments
norbertbede: i see
CarlosRuiz: your attachments are filesystem or database?
norbertbede: S3
norbertbede: so we could have exact link
norbertbede: get back from s3 storage
norbertbede: i mean amazon S3 buckets
CarlosRuiz: yep - you could get the S3 URL on the query and show it in the Quick Info
norbertbede: another option like jquery popup
CarlosRuiz: the S3 plugin for attachments sounds useful
norbertbede: we can commit it sure
norbertbede: after finish high load on proejct early stage
norbertbede: then we polish it and share
norbertbede: we are using it also for automatic doc archiving
norbertbede: let me back to image
norbertbede: wdyt about jqery option?
norbertbede: e.g. small icon from product info and a small popup displaying images from storage
norbertbede: very typical on some webstores todays
norbertbede: maybe hieplq_ could comment this how this could be done in zk
norbertbede: like
norbertbede: @carlosruiz thans for ideas. i will summarise collect some design and share
CarlosRuiz: yw
hieplq_: hi @norbertbede. when your product in grid view, popup menu for show image when move cursor over is better. but i think designer will give a best advice
norbertbede: ok uts good idea
norbertbede: just thinking this could be done by zk or we could use other lib
hieplq_: @nobertbede, current lib (jquery and zk) is enough