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Revision as of 21:07, 15 April 2015 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (drop JIRA notifications from log)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2015-04-15

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
nmicoud: Hey Carlos, i notice deleted messages from the google thread ; do you know what happened ?
CarlosRuiz: yep nmicoud - probably the author deleted it
CarlosRuiz: but it must still be in your inbox if you're subscribed to email notifications
nmicoud: because i was able to read it yesterday, and this morning there were deleted
nmicoud: i don't receive notification
nmicoud: but not a big deal, i fear google was deleting stuff silently
CarlosRuiz: unfortunately I think google group forums cannot be configured to disallow that
nmicoud: ok
nmicoud: any chance you can review special editor today ?
nmicoud: it's really useful :)
CarlosRuiz: ok
nmicoud: thanks
nmicoud: here the link
nmicoud: and the related jira ticket
red1: Deepak__: you mean that budget module plugin?
Deepak__: yes
red1: Ah u are too kind
red1: I thought I needed to migrate your changes in ADempiere
red1: Do I will just wait and pull your changes?
Deepak__: yes, wait and pull changes when we commit
red1: I will bring you great coffee from Java island later this year :)
red1: Or Colombia nearby if I going to Panama
Deepak__: Thanks
aguerra: Buenos dias mundo!!!
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
aguerra: hi Carlos
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, I think we can have a core SpecialEditor plugin - and then attach xtensions to it?
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: a kind of "reference" (with util classes, examples)
nmicoud: and then, anyone can use them and extend
CarlosRuiz: I mean - something like a core that you and me use the same code (the org.idempiere.base/ui.zk/action parts)
CarlosRuiz: and then your org.idempiere.extend probably will be different than mine
nmicoud: exactly
CarlosRuiz: but we share the core base to improve it
nmicoud: that was i meant when i was talking of "reference"
CarlosRuiz: I'm wondering now why when I designed this I didn't do it per tab :-)
nmicoud: it's never too late ;)
CarlosRuiz: ah, but you can check which tab are you positioned in canEdit and return false if is wrong tab
nmicoud: that can be achieved with the ad_toolbar display logic
nmicoud: but perhaps it's better if hardcoded ?
CarlosRuiz: Msg not found -> org.idempiere.ui.zk.action.specialeditor.label
CarlosRuiz: something in the 2pack maybe
nmicoud: yes, the image is not displayed also
red1: Hola aguerra
nmicoud: i haven't checked that
CarlosRuiz: here the image is displayed
nmicoud: O_o
aguerra: Hola red1
CarlosRuiz: don't know if is because I restarted
nmicoud: you're lucky !
CarlosRuiz: another Msg NOT found: NoFieldsForSpecialEdit
nmicoud: probably i made a mistake on Eclipse
ocurieles: Good Morning ...
CarlosRuiz: Hi Orlando
aguerra: hi Orlando
ocurieles: Is Somebody using the fixed asset module ?
ocurieles: HI @CarlosRuiz and @aguerra
ocurieles: I have a question, if i have two asset, by example two trucks, with the same caracteristics, is necessary create two assets ? or just create one Asset with two additions ?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, ok if I commit fix for the 2pack there?
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, abort: authorization failed
nmicoud: perhaps i need to add your bitbucket user
nmicoud: send you an 'invitation'
CarlosRuiz: ready - committed
nmicoud: great
CarlosRuiz: I found a bug - will comment in the ticket ...
nmicoud: ok
ocurieles: the demo server is laggin
ocurieles: lagging
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz : you said you wanted to implement SpecialEditor per tab. If we add some stuff in code, perhaps we should also add a 'standard' button. This way, using the ad_toolbar_restriction, we will be able to display it according to role, tab, windows, .... wdyt ?
nmicoud: Carlos, for your #2 (change charge on a line that already has a product), means we have to duplicate a part of MInvoiceLine beforeSave on the updateEdit or validateEdit ?
CarlosRuiz: I think is required to repeat the important validations related there
CarlosRuiz: as you annotated MInvoiceLine cannot be used - so you must do the beforeSave validations - and the afterSave logic also if needed
nmicoud: yes, checking line has a product is a good example
nmicoud: and for adding the button as part of standard toolbar ?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, what do you mean with Standard Button?
nmicoud: like Save, New, ImportCSV, ...
CarlosRuiz: the 2pack is adding it on toolbarbutton - so you can restrict it
nmicoud: right, my mistake :)
CarlosRuiz: Hi druiz
druiz: Hi everyone
aguerra: Buenos dias druiz
CarlosRuiz: so druiz - ready to check ?
druiz: we could work on the design so I can start doing it
CarlosRuiz: aha
CarlosRuiz: ok - we talked about
CarlosRuiz: so, druiz - I think these would be the steps
CarlosRuiz: 1 - create table AD_UserPreference using official IDs and generating migration script for the ticket in 2.1z folder
CarlosRuiz: the table must have the 9 required columns plus the columns: AutoCommit and AutoNew (probably it requires to create elements for these two)
CarlosRuiz: 2 - then create a window (official IDs and same migration script) - the two columns AutoCommit and AutoNew must be marked as Quick Entry
CarlosRuiz: 3 - change WPreference to make it flexible - it must show - the fields on Preference window marked as Quick Entry
CarlosRuiz: and I think you can leave hardcoded in WPreference the other actual fields there (Dictionary Maintenance, Log Migration Script, Manage Gadgets) and the save button
CarlosRuiz: we must also add a link or button called "More Preferences" that zooms to the Preference window
CarlosRuiz: 4 - change org.compiere.util.Login - method loadPreferences
CarlosRuiz: to set in context the preferences found in the record for the user login in
CarlosRuiz: if the user doesn't have preferences then maybe we can assign default - or create a preference record on the fly there
CarlosRuiz: and then test :-)
CarlosRuiz: I think it can be good to create org.compiere.model.MUserPreference and helper methods there to get a preference for a user
CarlosRuiz: the outcome of IDEMPIERE-2556 must be that core and plugins can add and use user preferences without needing to change the java code on WPreference each time
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz, just commited fixes for SpecialEditor (maybe you receive notification ?), but gtg ; bye bye
druiz: Ok. Good for starting, I guess I'll have extra questions when I go further on the development, but I'll let you know. XD. Thanks
CarlosRuiz: bye nmicoud - thanks
CarlosRuiz: yw druiz
norbertbede: hi all
CarlosRuiz: hi norbertbede
tsvikruha: Hi community,
tsvikruha: anybody who met logs such as this?
tsvikruha: 15:29:21.685-----------> ServletHandler.doHandle: /webui/ [950]
tsvikruha: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
tsvikruha: at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator.nextEntry(
tsvikruha: at java.util.LinkedHashMap$
tsvikruha: at java.util.LinkedHashMap$
tsvikruha: at org.zkoss.util.CacheMap.expunge(
tsvikruha: at org.zkoss.util.CacheMap.doExpunge(
tsvikruha: at org.zkoss.util.CacheMap.tryExpunge(
tsvikruha: at org.zkoss.util.CacheMap.put(
tsvikruha: at org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl.SimpleDesktopCache.addDesktop(
tsvikruha: at org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl.DesktopImpl.<init>(
tsvikruha: at org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl.AbstractUiFactory.newDesktop(
CarlosRuiz: haven't seen that one
tsvikruha: I've just uploaded the log on pastebin..
tsvikruha: Do you have some ideas what it could mean?
CarlosRuiz: tsvikruha, sorry - didn't see your question - no idea about what can be causing that