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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2015-03-25

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud_: Bonjour
HideakiHagiwara: Konnichiwa : D
CarlosRuiz: I'll be working today in preparing the experimental environment
nmicoud_: Any chance you can review ?
nmicoud_: ah... later then :)
aguerra: good morning @CarlosRuiz
Deepak_: Good Morning
Deepak_: Carlos, what is experimental environment?
Deepak_: Carlos, what is experimental environment?/
CarlosRuiz: Hi Deepak_
CarlosRuiz: there are some big tickets from hieplq that I've not been able to test and peer review - so we agreed to make an experimental environment to test and check ONE BY ONE
Deepak_: Hello Carlos
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud_, about IDEMPIERE-2235 I think it must be something like refreshing the list when the wizard window is closed - probably via an event
nmicoud_: but how can i get it ?
nmicoud_: as the WReportCustomization is not final, i can't use it in the form.addEventListener(DialogEvents.ON_WINDOW_CLOSE, new EventListener<Event>() {
CarlosRuiz: I mean in cmd_Wizard
CarlosRuiz: of zkReportViewer
nmicoud_: yes
CarlosRuiz: indeed the event is there - ON_WINDOW_CLOSE
nmicoud_: In the actual event, if you try to use av (WReportCustomization), Eclipse says : Cannot refer to a non-final variable av inside an inner class defined in a different method
Deepak_: Carlos, it looks whatever you committed for IDEMPIERE-2450 is overwritten by next commit for IDEMPIERE-2483
CarlosRuiz: moved below Deepak_
Deepak_: You mean logic moved below based on isZoom condition?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud_, you say the listitem is not updated - so, I think recreating the listitem in that event
nmicoud_: deleting its content and recreating everytime ?
CarlosRuiz: yes Deepak, no need to show it underlined if cannot zoom
CarlosRuiz: yes nmicoud_ - refreshing the list when the WReportCustomization is closed
nmicoud_: means, eveytime ? (even if the print format name is the same)
hieplq: in finance report, i will select a period. i want report one month per year but i also want three month per year. i can archive it by multi Calendar? anything must consider?
Deepak_: Carlos, Found NPE issue on IDEMPIERE-2483. Fixing and sending patch on ticket
CarlosRuiz: must be related to a ticket recently opened by hieplq - NPE on accounting daily facts
CarlosRuiz: yes nmicoud_ - I think is ok to refresh on every close
nmicoud_: ah ok :) will be easier this way
CarlosRuiz: hieplq, what do you mean three month per year? a report showing one column per quarter?
hahmed: Hello everyone
hieplq: finance report or some other report request a perior paramter. perior normal set in calander by one month per one perior.
aguerra: hi hahmed
hieplq: sometime i want report in three month not just one month.
CarlosRuiz: hi hahmed
CarlosRuiz: yes - you can create a calendar for quarters
CarlosRuiz: in such calendar each year will have just 4 periods
hieplq: it's can create multi calander?
hieplq: just confirm for sure. but i will test by myself.
CarlosRuiz: yes - I just add a new calendar called "Quarter Calendar (just for reporting)"
hieplq: ok. thanks @CarlosRuiz. will test it.
Deepak_: Carlos, yes bug may be same. can you apply ptatch attached on IDEMPIERE-2483 and it will fix it
hieplq: want ask anyone know about any best wiki editor.
hahmed: I am pulling my hair because of one posting error. I can’t post, can’t void, can’t reverse, nothing can be done for a pair of Vendor Invoice and Material Receipt, its so ambiguos I don’t know what to ask here!
hahmed: basically I am getting an error when trying to post M_MatchInv for a very simple Vendor Invoice and Material receipt
hahmed: I am getting the error “Posting Error (Invoice not posted yet) - .Doc_MatchInv”
hahmed: BOTH invoice and receipt are posted successfully!
CarlosRuiz: hahmed, I think in this case you need to debug Doc_MatchInv - line 249 - to figure out why it arrives there
Deepak_: hahmed, Do invoice line has product only or charge only?
hahmed: I checked, its looking for a fact_acct posting for product inventory clearance account (*-51290) and its not there
hahmed: the invoice line has 1 product only
Deepak_: So how your invoice posting?
hahmed: invoice posts perfectly Dr 51210-Product Cost and Cr 21100-Account Payable
hahmed: just the matching doesn’t post
hahmed: happening only for one invoice, every other document posts fine
Deepak_: Can you try reposting invoice and see fact account lines
Deepak_: my worry is that you may changed product setup after creation on invoice
hahmed: nothing was done, it just came out of blue and has shaved tens of hours off my life lol
Deepak_: what is your invoice type?
Deepak_: * Document type
hahmed: AP Invoice
hahmed: I will have to try to trace every step of posting to see what is it that its trying to find thats not there
Deepak_: Hard to answer
Deepak_: Looks your product is of type service
Deepak_: or it is of item type?
hahmed: product is item, uom is each, everything is very *default*
Deepak_: Sorry need to leave
Deepak_: Carlos. can you integrate 2483 and 2539, Both are small bug fix
hahmed: @Deepak_ thanks for the effort, bye
CarlosRuiz: 2359?
tsvikruha: Hi community, does anybody struggled with following issue?!topic/idempiere/YxRjErNynP4
tsvikruha: It looks like there are some postgres connections bugs with locking of records when many users access to the same server
CarlosRuiz: tsvikruha, most probably you can find the problem on custom code
CarlosRuiz: could be a connection leak if you say it's ok after restarting postgresql
CarlosRuiz: golden rule there - always close your rs and pstmt on finally block
tsvikruha: Yes I know that about closing pstmt in finally block
tsvikruha: a reviewed almost whole custom code
CarlosRuiz: note there are plugins breaking that rule
tsvikruha: too in community code?
CarlosRuiz: I think we fixed all of them in core - but we don't apply peer review on plugins
ocurieles: @CarlosRuiz Good Morning, some news about the new Server for new features ? @spina is waiting with the bat
tsvikruha: any idea how to easily find all places where golden rule about closing statement is broken?
CarlosRuiz: ocurieles, that server is basically for hieplq -)
CarlosRuiz: :-)
ocurieles: I know, but we can help to @hieplq :/ This is our intention
CarlosRuiz: tsvikruha, there are another source of connection leaks harder to see - is when you have a rs/pstmt within a loop and you leave connections open in the loop - just closing the last when exiting the loop
CarlosRuiz: you can help hieplq without that :-)
CarlosRuiz: :-) but to answer your question - yes - I'm working on that environment
ocurieles: ok
tsvikruha: CarlosRuiz I noticed that bug appears almost every time when MSequence is generating document no, but when our custom processes are calling procesess triggered this…rs/pstmt within a loop are not used in our custom code…
CarlosRuiz: it means another process generating a document sequence and kept the record lock
CarlosRuiz: pgadmin shows which process lock wich process - sometimes you can discover which tables are locked and that helps you to see which code is that
CarlosRuiz: long processes that don't commit are source of contention too - and also if you ask users things in the middle of a transaction
tsvikruha: what you mean by 'longs process that don't commit' ?
CarlosRuiz: a process that run for example 15 minutes
tsvikruha: or why this could happen? that some process don't commit its transaction?
tsvikruha: i see
CarlosRuiz: suppose a process that creates an invoice on minute 1 - and then run for another 14 minutes without committing
CarlosRuiz: the sequence record for invoice is locked for 15 minutes
CarlosRuiz: so any other process trying to number an invoice during those 15 minutes is locked
CarlosRuiz: I think we refactored in idempiere some long running processes to cope with that
CarlosRuiz: but there are lots that can be refactored - like InvoiceGenerate
hieplq: thanks a lot @ocuriele_ @CarlosRuiz @spina for support me with new environmet.
CarlosRuiz: hieplq, I'm preparing an email to you with the suggestions about the experimental workflow
CarlosRuiz: hieplq, I sent you the email
CarlosRuiz: so - you decide :-) which feature is the first to tackle there? process parameters?
hieplq: yes. process parameter with some ticket relate it.
CarlosRuiz: is important to communicate to community the changes so they know what to test
hieplq: yes. will notify what i change in group.
hieplq: hi @CarlosRuiz, about "your public key for ssh". i will use ssh command to create key and sent public part for you?
CarlosRuiz: yes please
nmicoud_: hi @egil0902 ; i've updated!topic/idempiere/utwFQ2p2bfg - we talked this subject in last november. Could you have a look at it and say if you're still interested ? If yes, i will upload a first draft patch.
nmicoud_: gtg, will come back later
egil0902: Hi nmicoud how are you. ok i am going to look this
egil0902: Yes i am interested in this
egil0902: @nmicoud if you can send me a patch i can test
nmicoud_: egil0902 : ok will prepare that
CarlosRuiz: hieplq - server is ready - I sent you an email with instructions about deploying there
hieplq: thanks will check now.
chdrsto: Hi there ... is there a posibility to use the java client over a encrypted connection? I mean ... the server will be accessible over the internet.
CarlosRuiz: swing client?
chdrsto: yes
CarlosRuiz: swing client connects connects directly to the database
CarlosRuiz: I guess you can configure it to connect to postgresql via SSL
CarlosRuiz: but usually that's too slow if the server is far - for such case is better to use zk
CarlosRuiz: I would think for any case - as the swing client has big security issues
chdrsto: what do you mean with security issue?
CarlosRuiz: as it connects directly to database - it requires the database password saved somewhere - that's saved in a properties file that is easy to decrypt
chdrsto: aha .. ok, but this might happen only if someone gets connected / access to the PC (client)
chdrsto: rignt?
CarlosRuiz: yep - the file is on the PC
CarlosRuiz: also note that zk client has evolved a lot with new features - meanwhile the swing client is just kept working - no new features in the last 3~4 years for swing
chdrsto: ok, ... thanks. I have an issue with the webclient ... means, I've got performance issues and hope i could encrease the performance with Swing Client
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz, i split IDEMPIERE-2389 to some patch, and commit to idempiere-experimental, maybe it help you easy review.
hieplq: i still doing around IDEMPIERE-2389 for some ticket, hope next day i can finish for deploy a test install.