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Revision as of 21:28, 17 December 2014 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (drop JIRA notifications from log)

Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-12-17

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
nmicoud: Could you have a look at 2329 (really easy) and 2317 (more complex) today ?
CarlosRuiz: ok
nmicoud: thanks
CarlosRuiz: ah - I looked at 2329
CarlosRuiz: seems is just for programatically setting up a Datetime and you have another method to pass the names
nmicoud: AFAIR, it is for the tooltip
nmicoud: without the patch, it shows "Datetime"
nmicoud: (hardcoded)
CarlosRuiz: yes - but I mean - it is on your extensions right? There is no link in the core to that constructor
nmicoud: ah yes, it's on a plugin
nmicoud: specific form
allgood: good morning CarlosRuiz
nmicoud: you mean i can use the actual constructor and use another method (somethig like setTooltip(my translated datetime) ?
allgood: I don't know if it was the good procedure, but I made the modifications needed to IDEMPIERE-2355 and issued a pull request
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, your patch is fine - but yes, as a workaround you can use
CarlosRuiz: public WDatetimeEditor (String label, String description, boolean mandatory, boolean readonly, boolean updateable)
CarlosRuiz: morning Claudemir
nmicoud: ok i see
allgood: on the pull I tried to change very few things on the default style, only to show how to style the summary rows. here on my side I was able to add jquery and make a ton of some cool features.
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, did you test IDEMPIERE-2317 ?
nmicoud: locally
CarlosRuiz: ok, committed in development branch
nmicoud: alright
norbertbede: hi all
CarlosRuiz: Hi norbertbede
norbertbede: i have a question :)
norbertbede: we want to create an endpoint which can be used for receive notification (call/ping) listening for external service which deliver json message needs to be parsed and then run action - e.g run import. this external service has hardcoded format we can’t influence its in json. after receiving message we must parse it and run appropriate action.
norbertbede: this is something when 3th party service call idempiere:  “hey” i’m sent to your message queue go and catch it tough API.
norbertbede: want want to start this way import processor for replication for example.
norbertbede: no experience yet how to implement it or to make the best design then woud be implemented to core
norbertbede: any idea pls
CarlosRuiz: why not to use the webservices layer?
tomassvikruha: Hi Carlos, we don't want to use webservice layer because used middleware can send only JSON requests to HTTP/HTTPS endpoint…
norbertbede: carlosruiz tomassvikruha understand more technologies then me…we like reuse if exists or improve if none
CarlosRuiz: :-) interesting - I never heard about Sandy Corsillo
CarlosRuiz: and searching about how could we convert JSON to a web service call
CarlosRuiz: found this
norbertbede: yes fe found it. want to try send email him but not delivered
norbertbede: how we can use it
CarlosRuiz: just reading it seems like php code that takes a json message and convert it to idempiere composite xml web service
norbertbede: yes, just then we should extend it to our json format
norbertbede: FYI:
norbertbede: small intro what we want achieve
norbertbede: we can commit code sure
norbertbede: anyway we prefer write code in java :)
CarlosRuiz: yep - but it helps to validate that the approach is feasible
hieplq: hi @norbertbede my idea is make new layer (web plug-in project) to convert json request to current soap service. it don't help?
CarlosRuiz: the web service layer of idempiere is ready there - receiving https requests in SOAP format - and I think REST was added too
CarlosRuiz: so, yes, like hieplq said - I think the idea would be to make a wrapper
tomassvikruha: yes rest was added, but it receives same xml messages as SOAP, so there is no bit difference between implemented SOAP and REST
norbertbede: related thread
norbertbede: i found also some java packages from openbravo json implementation
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz, can you look my test case at!topic/idempiere/VN_rZHBVU54
hieplq: it's need improve or non?
tomassvikruha: In case of REST web services is very common that paramters could be send also in URL…WDYT? would it be possible? e.g. http://localhost:8080/ADInterface/services/rest/model_adservice/create_data?serviceType=C_BPartner&Value=ws815&NamE=WS815-Name...
CarlosRuiz: as hieplq proposed - I think a wrapper plugin can do the trick
tomassvikruha: do the trick with processing json or also processing url parameters?
CarlosRuiz: anything - as I understand is just a transformer between different formats
CarlosRuiz: hieplq, about the test case - I think is ok - the user cannot complete a duplicated doc
jfrodriguez: Good morning community
hieplq: ok. thanks a lot.
CarlosRuiz: could be improved letting the user know in advance - but that's just a matter of adding or changing the index
CarlosRuiz: morning jfrodriguez
jfrodriguez: Which is iDempiere version stable?
jfrodriguez: I going to migrate from ADempiere to iDempiere
CarlosRuiz: the version we're maintaining currently is 2.1
jfrodriguez: ok, thanks Carlos
norbertbede: CarlosRuiz, tomassvikruha, hieplq thanks for ideas related to json issue.
jfrodriguez: Carlos, do you have a google account or gmail? I want have your email for contact with you when we need your services about some work or iDempiere training for my ADempiere team.
jfrodriguez: I'm interesting in that you send to my email all the contents of iDempiere Training
CarlosRuiz: jfrodriguez, is really easy to contact me - I think if you subscribe to idempiere forums then you can see my email there
CarlosRuiz: also I'm hanging here on IRC most of the time :-)
jfrodriguez: ok Carlos
jfrodriguez: if my ADempiere team are according about iDempiere Training
CarlosRuiz: jfrodriguez, you can find us also here
jfrodriguez: then I contact with you
jfrodriguez: Is a valid email?
CarlosRuiz: yes
jfrodriguez: Sorry for bother you, can you give me direct link for download iDempiere codebase? because I am into limit network for proxy restricctions
jfrodriguez: I want download iDempiere codebase stable version
CarlosRuiz: do you mean to download the mercurial repo in one file?
jfrodriguez: I am using ubuntu 14.04
jfrodriguez: I think so that it installed
jfrodriguez: hg command?
CarlosRuiz: you can find the sources from october 31 here
CarlosRuiz: you uncompress them and then execute "hg pull -u" to get the latest
CarlosRuiz: or you can follow the incremental clone suggestion here
jfrodriguez: thanks for your help
allgood: hi CarlosRuiz, did you looked at the code I submitted for IDEMPIERE-2355?
CarlosRuiz: not yet
allgood: no problem... just asked because I went offline for the two last hours
norbertbede: another q: i have switched 1 week ago, and using nginx config from tbayen.
norbertbede: i have a strange issue with it
CarlosRuiz: ??
norbertbede: html reports and pdf's are allready generated but approx 5-10 sec are waiting before appears
norbertbede: or another issue, when run cache reset, its take usually 1sex
norbertbede: hops :)
norbertbede: 1 sec
norbertbede: now its taking 10 sec. but really not because if i switch between tabs then its refresing immedieately
norbertbede: so looks its fake - not real duration just not comming back request immeditely
norbertbede: cant imagine what could be the problem
norbertbede: exactly something with nginx setup i mean
CarlosRuiz: how is the nx config?
norbertbede: can i past here ?
CarlosRuiz: whatever you prefer
norbertbede: server {
norbertbede: listen 80;
norbertbede: server_name;
norbertbede: rewrite ^(.*) permanent;
norbertbede: }
CarlosRuiz: it just allowed to copy 5 lines - IRC kicked you out
norbertbede: :/ i dont know, will know next
CarlosRuiz: maybe pastebin better
norbertbede: i dont know, will know next, thnaks for info...
norbertbede: can i send to you by mail ?
CarlosRuiz: maybe pastebin?
norbertbede: ok. not yet used but going on
norbertbede: done.
CarlosRuiz: what we use usually is:
CarlosRuiz: location / {
CarlosRuiz: proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
CarlosRuiz: proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
CarlosRuiz: proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
CarlosRuiz: proxy_buffering off;
CarlosRuiz: proxy_read_timeout 600s;
CarlosRuiz: proxy_pass http://localhost:8090;
CarlosRuiz: }
CarlosRuiz: maybe try to check with that conf for the proxy
norbertbede: ok. going on thanks for valuable information. i'm really new in nginx but believe thene apache 2.4 that was too slow
norbertbede: tomcat server.xml is default ?
norbertbede: or any special needs to be define
norbertbede: d
CarlosRuiz: I haven't tweaked that one
edilsondneto: hi, everybody
CarlosRuiz: Hi Edilson
norbertbede: CarlosRuiz that was lifesaver !!! its working like charm. THANKS
CarlosRuiz: yw
nmicoud: Hi CarlosRuiz : i would like to filter some list items (AD_Ref_List) according to the tenant in a SaaS environnement. My 1st idea was to use dynamic validation. And the i remember your talk about the ASP module. I've tested and it seems perfect. But I have to use the whole stuff (windows, forms, ...) whereas i'm just interested in the ASP_Ref_List table. Do you know a tip/workaround for that ?
nmicoud: i mean activate only the ASP_Ref_List part of the ASP module
CarlosRuiz: no, in such case sounds easier the dynamic validation
nmicoud: ok, i asked just to be sure ; thanks
allgood: hi CarlosRuiz
allgood: just saw that you accepted my contribution
CarlosRuiz: Hi Claudemir - yes - I liked it a lot - thanks for bringing that
allgood: sorry i didn't make the good practices on MSysConfig... think I need to read more the code
allgood: here I was able to embedd jquery loaded by the report.js and made some cool things
allgood: I will bring that to wiki someday
CarlosRuiz: one example?
allgood: one thing I did with jquery was make the header lines always visible
CarlosRuiz: nice
allgood: no matter how you scroll
CarlosRuiz: can you make summaries collapsible with that approach?
allgood: think it is possible, but need to nest the elements on the html
allgood: now they are all at the same level
allgood: right now, it is possible to hide all non-summary rows
CarlosRuiz: yep
allgood: to selective hide groups need to nest
allgood: with the theme... we are open to creativity
CarlosRuiz: yes - I like that even more
allgood: the nesting can be problematic with multi-level summaries
allgood: but i am sure there is a way
allgood: maybe filling the rows after the summaries!
allgood: keep them on a temporary variable until the summary comes, and then set up the nesting
CarlosRuiz: it was just an idea exploring what else can be done with jquery
allgood: i loaded jquery from report.js using a hack, mayby adding a header html file can help on making it easier
allgood: *maybe
allgood: but, somebody can even place jquery.js inside report.js, without much hack
allgood: my objective is make a printable theme
allgood: one that shows all headers on all pages
allgood: this can make the html report the one that people print