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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-12-10

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
allgood: good morning CarlosRuiz
allgood: almost noon here!
allgood: :-D
allgood: CarlosRuiz: did you thinked about IDEMPIERE-2355 that I posted?
tbayen_: Good morning!
CarlosRuiz: Hi Thomas
CarlosRuiz: allgood, as we talked - my preference would be to put that in theme
allgood: the report.css, right?
allgood: i am ok with that, it will break existing themes, but their authors can catch up them
allgood: CarlosRuiz: the patch I've sent allows the styling of the total lines and the lines right before them, it allows to have reports to show with almost the same way of the pdf ones
nmicoud: Bonjour !
nmicoud: What do you think of!topic/idempiere/xl7Y0UJiNQc ? Could it be considered as a common requirement ?
CarlosRuiz: allgood, I'm talking with hengsin about IDEMPIERE-2355
allgood: great
CarlosRuiz: he says is ok to not include it in theme - make extensible exclusively for report
CarlosRuiz: sysconfig key is fine
Deepak: nmicoud, I thinkg it is good. You need to make sure that it works for swing and ZK, I mean properly setting variable in ctx. Also please note that it may cause issue at many places like order if this flag disabled wrongly
nmicoud: what do you mean Deepak "if this flag disabled wrongly" ?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, you could configure that also via SaaS configuration
nmicoud: what do you mean SaaS configuration ? ASP tables ?
allgood: CarlosRuiz: that was what I thought... i will try to make another patch, may be a pull request
CarlosRuiz: yep nmicoud
allgood: you can assign it to me on jira?
allgood: can you
nmicoud: it won't affect fields of forms ( like allocation)
Deepak: For example if Pricelist has different currency then accounting schema and this flag is enabled, user may in impression they have one currency but on hiddend field there may be different currency set by default logic
nmicoud: i think this sysconfig should not be created by default
CarlosRuiz: done allgood
allgood: great
nmicoud: and admin could create it and set the value to Y only when the tenant use only one currency
allgood: i will try to allow custom javascript also, so the creativity of the designer will not be limited!
nmicoud: if it is set to Y and they use several currencies, it won't work as expected :)
nmicoud: we could write a description which will describe the possible 'bad' consequences
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, which fields are concerning for your use case?
CarlosRuiz: mostly you don't see currency fields
CarlosRuiz: just if you use pricelists in different currencies
CarlosRuiz: so, in principle - if you disable the currency in pricelist you're done
nmicoud: C_Currency on invoice, payment, ... and also i would be able to hide/show report parameters
nmicoud: i would like to avoid duplicating window just to hide/show the C_Currency_ID field
CarlosRuiz: in invoice/order is hidden
nmicoud: (and it's heavy to use Window Customization for each tenant)
CarlosRuiz: not hidden - read-only
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: so, not a big deal in invoice and order
nmicoud: i agree,
CarlosRuiz: seems the issue can be just with payment
nmicoud: users not
nmicoud: they say "what do you show the field then ?"
nmicoud: if it is useless
CarlosRuiz: because this is the best ERP in the world - and is multicurrency? :-D
nmicoud: :)
CarlosRuiz: just that you don't use one of the main features
nmicoud: it could be multicurrency :)
nmicoud: exactly
nmicoud: i had this idea since a long time (hide/show related currency fields according to a tenant variable) but never had a real use case
nmicoud: now, it is time
nmicoud: but i agreee, not a big deal
CarlosRuiz: I'm not sure solving it with sysconfig is the best idea - there are so many features that users will ask to "hide" because they don't use it
CarlosRuiz: that's the intention of SaaS - window customization - role access
CarlosRuiz: preferences
CarlosRuiz: i.e. in order window - you have - order source - cash plan line - promotions - but most people don't use those three features
CarlosRuiz: you would need three additional sysconfig keys with that approach
CarlosRuiz: just for order window
nmicoud: no ; i have duplicate the window and remove all those fields we will never use
CarlosRuiz: in multi-tenant you can have some tenants using a feature - and others don't - so you would need to have a window per each combination?
nmicoud: for some case, yes
nmicoud: i would avoid to do that for 'maintain' windows (price list, taxes, ...)
nmicoud: but for our windows dedicated to adjusters, i had to duplicate
nmicoud: windows customization was too heavy
nmicoud: for the invoices window, we remove all unused fields (promotion, ...). And i keep the Currency (ATM, it is the only fields that is not used in all tenants)
CarlosRuiz: that's the point - if one of your tenants wants to use promotions - then you need to add another window
nmicoud: yes, but they will never use that
nmicoud: if he needs that, it would means he has different business
nmicoud: so, he couldn't use this SaaS environnment (which is dedicated to adjusters)
nmicoud: but maybe my requirement is too specific
nmicoud: i mean, as Deepak says, that could lead to bad behaviour, so it may be better not to offer that in the standard
CarlosRuiz: I think your requirement can be general - just that I think sysconfig is not the best approach - iDempiere provides SaaS, window customization, role access to attend such things
CarlosRuiz: i.e. you can hide or make read-only C_Currency_ID per role - easier than window customization and SaaS way
nmicoud: with a readonly logic like @AD_Role_ID@ = 1000002 | @AD_Role_ID@ = 10000234 ?
Deepak: Sorry was away
CarlosRuiz: nope - role access
Deepak: nmicoud, for example currency field on pricelist are hidden, mostly chance that it set USD and User do not know what is currency there. That can be deaulted on document and it is not visible. But conversion pops up on posting if Aaccounting schema has different currency
nmicoud: too heavy Carlos, i'm lazy too :D
nmicoud: but i see the idea
Deepak: I think I am wrong here, as user can't set currency on accounting schema too, So it is default
nmicoud: maybe a script that could insert record in those tables could do the trick
nmicoud: i like the idea to tick a checkbox and everthing works as expected (idea of sys config). but with a script that could insert records in those table automatically, the result will be the same
nmicoud: Will give it a try
nmicoud: gtg, coming back in 20mn
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud,
CarlosRuiz: wondering if it could be feasible to implement a readonly/display logic based on ad_client_id+ad_element_id
CarlosRuiz: I mean - something like a table where you say - this element (all fields based on this element) must not be shown (or must be read-only) in this tenant
CarlosRuiz: that would cover all the fields with just one case - no need of a sysconfig per element
CarlosRuiz: and would be in sync with
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz : yes, that could be a good idea. But that would not cover the field shown in forms
CarlosRuiz: you can make it work in the form
CarlosRuiz: but would need to change the java code in the form to check that new table
nmicoud: means java code of trunk ?
nmicoud: lot of work no ?
nmicoud: as every field could be used in this table
CarlosRuiz: same work as implementing with sysconfig
nmicoud: with the sysconfig, only fields related to currency were concerned. With your solution (more generic), all fields are concerned
CarlosRuiz: ah yes - no need to make it on forms actually - whoever needing that can implement it
nmicoud: ok, not a big deal as it would be easy to check that condition : use the ID or uuid of the element
norbertbede: CarlosRuiz, we had a discussion about batch printing
norbertbede: hi
CarlosRuiz: Hi norbertbede
norbertbede: i tested it again in 2.1.0.v20141202-1513
norbertbede: IDEMPIERE-2358
norbertbede: i think its a simple bug wdyt ?
norbertbede: i think would be very helpful print any doc in batch
CarlosRuiz: yep - looks like a bug
norbertbede: is that worked before ?
CarlosRuiz: I've never tried that
norbertbede: can you catch it or we should we fix it with tomas. i can ask tomas sure. just thinking code is known by other for easier fixing.
CarlosRuiz: no, I can't at this moment
norbertbede: ok np
nmicoud: in a form, is there a way to put the focus on a field ?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, seems like there are two ways
CarlosRuiz: search for methods focusToEditor
nmicoud: i've done that. Means i have to call the script when opening the form ?
nmicoud: i havent tested, i was expecting something more 'simple'
CarlosRuiz: as I understand is just ((HtmlBasedComponent)c).focus();
nmicoud: ah... let me try
nmicoud: it doesn't work ; I've put ((HtmlBasedComponent)fsearchName.getComponent()).focus(); as the last line of the init method and it does nothing visible
nmicoud: which is weird because i think the component (here, a WStringEditor accept focus)
CarlosRuiz: probably doesn't work at init - the form must be loaded or shown to apply
nmicoud: the last 2 lines are AEnv.showWindow(this); ((HtmlBasedComponent)fsearchName.getComponent()).focus();
nmicoud: try to debug
CarlosRuiz: I tested adding a .focus on an event and it worked - but not on init
nmicoud: is ok here also :)
nmicoud: thanks for the tip ! i have a tree in the form, and i've put the .focus int the "else if (ZulEvents.ON_AFTER_RENDER.equals(event.getName())){"
nmicoud: btw, any idea for!topic/idempiere/rGmfZLLbbEc ?
CarlosRuiz: do you mean you want to check on each keystroke - or just once after the field is changed?
nmicoud: on each keystroke
nmicoud: if the user write nicolas i should have n ni nic nico nicol nicola nicolas
nmicoud: 7 events
CarlosRuiz: well - the lookup box on Menu behaves like that
nmicoud: correct
nmicoud: let me check
CarlosRuiz: check GlobalSearch.onEvent
nmicoud: thanks for opening my eyes :)
nmicoud: i got the behaviour just under my eyes all day long !!!