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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-12-03

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
CarlosRuiz: I'll try to take a look today to IDEMPIERE-2050 - it requires some attention to implement it correctly
nmicoud: there are 2 issues related : 2342 and 2343
CarlosRuiz: good
nmicoud: still about this panel, a customer ask me if it would be possible the search doesn't take care of accents (if i write dede, it should display dédé in results)
nmicoud: wdyt ?
CarlosRuiz: must be easy to set up in the search definition
nmicoud: not for search definition, for search in menu
nmicoud: but maybe could also be useful for search definition :)
CarlosRuiz: I mean - search definition is a SQL condition
CarlosRuiz: so you can use i.e.
nmicoud: search definition = AD_SearchDefinition which allow to search from all table. The requirement is for the search related to the menu (eg: to open Sales Order window)
nmicoud: and this search is hardcoded
CarlosRuiz: that part probably must be done in java
nmicoud: why not in sql ? we can add a function which transform the string with accent to a string without accent (dédé -> dede). It can be used for the menu items and the search of the user ?
CarlosRuiz: that function sounds db dependent
nmicoud: ah... probably
nmicoud: so => java :)
nmicoud: means a function which will take what the user write. and it will compare with what ? i mean in the database, the AD_Window.Name has accent
nmicoud: so, it needs to be transformed also, right ?
CarlosRuiz: that search must be looking against a java array I think
nmicoud: will try to gather info, that's not clear to me ATM
ocurieles_DCS: Good Morning :D
CarlosRuiz: Hi Orlando
norbertbede: Hi all
CarlosRuiz: Hi norbertbede
norbertbede: thanks CarlosRuiz for
norbertbede: :)
CarlosRuiz: I made some tests running in background Client Acct Processor - and it went fine
norbertbede: tomassvikruha apply patch allready we will test too
norbertbede: well
CarlosRuiz: gr8
mantas: Hi for all
mantas: maybe someone knows when will be 3.80 adempiere version?
CarlosRuiz: :D
tbayen: Hi
CarlosRuiz: mantas, this is iDempiere - not the right chat to ask for adempiere 3.80 version
mantas: IDempiere, ADempiere same family :)
ocurieles_DCS: hahaha
ocurieles_DCS: you can try this: opps.. is not working :D
ocurieles_DCS: or you can try this...
CarlosRuiz: we can tell you about idempiere 2.1 released past october 31 - in comparison you could think is like adempiere 8.3
mantas: CarlosRuiz maybe You have any link how correct instal idempiere 2.1?
CarlosRuiz: hey tbayen - I integrated yesterday the process to import CSV files (as a process)
CarlosRuiz: based on work from hieplq - and the work you and me did at your attic
CarlosRuiz: mantas, which operating system?
mantas: CarlosRuiz window
CarlosRuiz: well - I have a guide to install it in ubuntu - and some people just follow the same instructions translating to windows and it works
CarlosRuiz: but probably on wiki you can find a windows guide - or even a full windows installer
CarlosRuiz: something like this - but I never tried
mantas: thank You
CarlosRuiz: you're welcome
mantas: When I start importidempiere show errror that no file Adempiere.dmp
mantas: IMP-00002: failed to open C:\idempiere-server\data\seed\Adempiere.dmp for read Import file: EXPDAT.DMP >
mantas: CarlosRuiz anys ideas how get that file?
CarlosRuiz: probably you don't have jar in your PATH
CarlosRuiz: are you using oracle?
mantas: yes
mantas: oracle
mantas: I download idempiere from oficial site I think all jars are in there
CarlosRuiz: the dmp is zipped - I think you need to have a "jar" in your classpath to uncompress it automatically
mantas: how get that jar?
hieplq: @mantas I see more people start with idempiere and encountered some common issue and hard to self resolved it. almost people use linux. almost issue has solution, just google.
hieplq: my opinions you should start with linux
hieplq: when you has experienced with idempiere you can switch to any OS
mantas: understand
norbertbede: CarlosRuiz can i disturb you with an - for us - important improvment - which can done by us just im interested in your opinion
CarlosRuiz: sure
norbertbede: CarlosRuiz can i disturb you with an - for us - important improvment - which can done by us just im interested in your opinion
CarlosRuiz: yes norbertbede
norbertbede: we use lot alerts with selects
norbertbede: we like it just cons is we need write lot sqls
norbertbede: e.g. storage detail, needs to be create independently regular view
norbertbede: other hands scheduler can run any report nice, but output can be only pdf
norbertbede: we create an improvement you set is as patch
norbertbede: this working well in our installation. the same appeoach could be used in scheduler
norbertbede: so the main point of improvment is extend scheduler with "prameters" language, output format, summary flag and printformat
norbertbede: then we can report automatically anything
norbertbede: wdyt ?
norbertbede: so 1882 approach could be used in scheduler too ?
norbertbede: i like to hear your point
norbertbede: its not important to get to core because 2.1 transition we can use it as patch just we want to make proper improement later could be accepted in repo
CarlosRuiz: yes - I like it - I would like to include that for 3.0
norbertbede: its ok so you prefer implement those 4 fields to scheduler ?
CarlosRuiz: yes - seems correct - Heng Sin did a form to capture the parameters on scheduler - can be worthy to try to include these parameters there too (but not mandatory=
norbertbede: just those parameters are not regular report/process parameters soon hardcoded "system parameters" - so could be placed not on tab parameters but on AD_Scheduler.
norbertbede: another way we need support to found the best place to application dict - if possible
norbertbede: maybe if you can suggest any java class where to implement for our employee tomassvikruha, he can done that easily
norbertbede: you know im just consultant not coder :)
norbertbede: thus Heng Sin form is which one ?
CarlosRuiz: let me check ...
norbertbede: pls thnks
CarlosRuiz: the form appears in the Scheduler window - pushing the gear button
norbertbede: any ticket ? exists
norbertbede: ?
norbertbede: thnks. from code tomas will probably understand how to use this ?
CarlosRuiz: trying on demo - didn't work on GardenWorld - just System - maybe a mistake
CarlosRuiz: ah - I see - the "CapturedProcessParameter" process is defined with access level "System Only"
CarlosRuiz: maybe worthy to try to open it for Garden and see if it works too
norbertbede: just still thinking how to use it :/
norbertbede: i see its opening popup
norbertbede: its ok
norbertbede: so we can add new fields to AD_Scheduler
norbertbede: looks not enough intuitive :)
norbertbede: ops. sorry understand now
norbertbede: this popup opening regular paremetrs
norbertbede: thanks anyway