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'''''CarlosRuiz''''': Good Morning<br>
'''''JanThielemann''''': ?<br>
'''''JanThielemann''''': ?<br>
'''''nmicoud''''': on AD_Column, untick the new checkbox IsToolbar'somethiing'<br>
'''''nmicoud''''': on AD_Column, untick the new checkbox IsToolbar'somethiing'<br>

Latest revision as of 16:47, 22 October 2014

Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-10-22

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
JanThielemann: ?
nmicoud: on AD_Column, untick the new checkbox IsToolbar'somethiing'
JanThielemann: ah there should be a checkbox
JanThielemann: or a subtab
JanThielemann: hello carlos
JanThielemann: nmicoud and i would like to discuss https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-2259 with you
nmicoud: Bonjour
red1: I have solved it JanThielemann .. by unticking the toolbar..
Deepak: Good Morning
CarlosRuiz: Hi Deepak
Deepak: Hello Carlos?
Deepak: Do we have plan to release iDempiere in oct end?
CarlosRuiz: we have not received much feedback about the new zk7 version
aguerra: Good morning everyone !!!
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
Deepak: Can we have release without zk7?
CarlosRuiz: maybe we can do a release 2.1 for maintenance and then integrate zk7 into development to prepare for r3
Deepak: Yes, So functional feature do not need to wait for zk7
tbayen: Hi
CarlosRuiz: Hi Thomas
Deepak: Hello Thomas
aguerra: hi Thomas
egil_: good morning
aguerra: hi egil
tbayen: When I zoom from an empty field I get a window to create a new record. Then I enter a new records. Is there a way to close this window in such a way that the record is automatically entered in the empty field where I began?
nmicoud: in zk, you can use the quick entry feature
nmicoud: http://wiki.idempiere.org/en/NF1.0_QuickEntry
Deepak: Thomas, Currently it do not
Deepak: but can implment observer patterns to make it possible
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, quick entry can do the trick you're looking for
CarlosRuiz: ah - nmicoud already told you :-DDD
nmicoud: :)
aguerra: Carlos shared with us !! :-)
tbayen: Hmmm... I need some special Callouts during the entry. Is this possible?
nmicoud: yep
nmicoud: AFAIR, callouts are used within this panel
CarlosRuiz: tbayen - if you need special callouts for quick entry mode - you can check if the context variable "_QUICK_ENTRY_MODE_" is set to Y
CarlosRuiz: or better the static constant WQuickEntry.QUICK_ENTRY_MODE :-)
tbayen: I will have a look into that. :-)
Deepak: This is interesting to know, I was not knowing that quick entry supports callout
norbertbede: hi
CarlosRuiz: Hi Norbert
norbertbede: CarlosRuiz, you wrote not enough feedback to zk7. how we can test it, do you have exact idea, areas we need to give feedback
norbertbede: i can test regular processes etc.
CarlosRuiz: easiest is to test in https://demo.idempiere-erp.org
norbertbede: functioanly is equal to actual trunk ?
norbertbede: zk 6 ?
CarlosRuiz: or install from the download from http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere-zk7/
CarlosRuiz: functionally is equal - I plan to integrate today the latest fixes from dev into zk7
norbertbede: what is the most critical part to rollut this version to a small live installation ?
norbertbede: im able to test various scenarious, then the best option is to test live
CarlosRuiz: tomcat was changed to jetty - and the platform was upgraded - so, most of the libraries must be newer
norbertbede: not too big implementation
norbertbede: im study some workaround because jetty, looks interesting for me as good direction
norbertbede: hieplq did you tested allready zk7 L
norbertbede: ?
hieplq: not much just install and run a round.
CarlosRuiz: we can expect from zk7 some things broken from the UI
CarlosRuiz: from jetty the change can be more technical about performance, memory consumption, etc
hieplq: in case you need a private server to test complicate case. don't want test data of other affect you. i can support install a server
norbertbede: my opinion is: its better to rollout to production if basic tests are done then with quick hotfixes and a little focus we can save weeks months…with this method we tweak lot around info window, grids etc.
egil_: Some cases i have a payment that need to be distributed in many charges but i have just one. In allocate tab on windows payment i just can select an invoice and i have to create an ar reciepe document type distrubute an payment after and that's so much work.
egil_: If we could have the charge un allocate tab we can have as many as we need to distribute in just one payment. An example of this is when the client have many petty cash and want to make just one payment to reposition.
egil_: @CarlosRuiz what do you think about this?
egil_: Could be an improvement or there is another way to do it?
nmicoud: egil_ : i've done something similar on adempiere (adding tax_id and charge_id) on the payment allocate table. i plan to migrate it to idempiere. if useful i can put it in the trunk
egil_: @nmicoud
egil_: excelent
CarlosRuiz: charge_id sounds good idea (not easy to implement) - not sure if tax_id is a good idea there
egil_: that is so usefull
nmicoud: it is useful here :)
egil_: why tax id? @nmicoud
nmicoud: this way, you don't have to create invoice to use tax accounts
egil_: why not create a charge with tax accounts in case you need it?
nmicoud: because in fact acct, you will not have the c_tax_id. and with a single line, you have the charge and its tax
nmicoud: and it was funny to implement :D
red1: Anyone knows what to do with a bloated MCost table? I got 54k records in it.
egil_: ok its good to know
red1: Running UUIDGenerator gets stuck on my MCost table
nmicoud: a line in payment allocate can then have a charge and/or tax
nmicoud: egil_ : perhaps you can create a post on google groups describing your need. i will then answer by describing what i've done; and if it's ok, i will try to make it sooner
egil_: ok i will do one with this
nmicoud: ok
CarlosRuiz: red1, UUIDGenerator process the records one by one
CarlosRuiz: most of the time is better to do it directly via SQL for big tables
CarlosRuiz: you can try from SQL
CarlosRuiz: update m_cost set m_cost_uu=generate_uuid() where m_cost_uu is null;
norbertbede: ZK7 test result: CarlosRuiz ZK found https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-2261
red1: Thanks CarlosRuiz
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz : could you have a look at https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-2122 please ? it has a patch and should be easy to integrate
tbayen: What was the reason to change to jetty? I feel that we just changed from jboss to tomcat. Is there a real advantage for the normal user?
CarlosRuiz: sure nmicoud, I'll try, I'm looking IDEMPIERE-2256 - seems like a big issue - the whereclause of the reportview is not taken into account
nmicoud: thanks
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz. i sent you a email about IDEMPIERE-2253 wdyt?
nmicoud: thanks Carlos
CarlosRuiz: thanks to you - nice improvement
nmicoud: catch it at the Castle ;)
CarlosRuiz: ah - we're still having results from the Castle :-D
nmicoud: :D
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, we need to repeat it :)
nmicoud: +1
egil_: I have another observation and whant your feed back about it. when i select on accounting scheme currency x but i have several transactions in others. The problem is that default reports like open items or unallocate payments do not show me the information on the currency selected on de scheme by default
egil_: dont you think that the view should have at least this column with the amount converted to be show?
nmicoud: gtg, egil_, juste answer on the forum
egil_: this is easy to solve but could be better if by default they have it
norbertbede: CarlosRuiz i start a test session with use cases will report steps i did tomorrow, but allready catch 3 issues
norbertbede: in GUI for ZK7
CarlosRuiz: good - thanks for testing
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz, could you have a look at https://groups.google.com/d/msg/idempiere/utwFQ2p2bfg/vU4OSvfR1wYJ. As it is something that i've done on adempiere, i could migrate it to idempiere. Just need to know if it could be integrated in trunk.
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, I think it can be trunkable - I still think the tax can be problematic
nmicoud: why problematic ?
nmicoud_: get disconnected :-/ did i miss something ?
posde: nmicoud_, world peace
nmicoud_: too bad :)
posde: apart from that, nothing else
nmicoud_: ok, thanks
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud_, still thinking here in draft - would need to check your implementation - at this moment you can see all the taxes from table C_InvoiceTax - there are reports and utilities based on that
CarlosRuiz: i.e. TaxDeclaration ( I think we hided it ) is based on that table
CarlosRuiz: so, is something to check if is worthy to have now a new table to look for taxes - and you don't have the direct relationship about what product/charge generated the tax
nmicoud_: i see what you mean
nmicoud_: if you want to see all taxes, you have to look in fact_acct
nmicoud_: or create a new view
nmicoud_: here, users look in the fact_acct, so i don't have this problem ; anyway, it could be problematic
CarlosRuiz: I think is important to know what product/charge generated a tax - you don't get that in fact_acct
nmicoud_: you will have the product, not the charge.
nmicoud_: no - mistake - need some sleep
nmicoud_: just a thought : maybe adding a c_paymenttax table (same behaviour as c_invoicetax). And a new view documenttax" that will aggreate records from c_invoicetax and c_paymenttax ?
nmicoud_: i have to go. we can continue on google group. bye
CarlosRuiz: bye