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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-10-15

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud_: Bonjour
a42niem: hi all. and the late worm lives longer... ;)
Deepak: :)
tbayen: Daarestiet!
a42niem: i have a question concerning IDEMPIERE-1817 Window Customization Cache Issue
a42niem: looks like the session is deleted and therefor your cache as well when you log out
a42niem: but not when you change role
a42niem: any thoughts about that
tbayen: I would expect a role change to reset all caches. I use this often during development. It should be implemented in that way.
nmicoud_: changing role should reset cache but keep the session
a42niem: hm, the session is also a cache entry, so resetting the whole cache may as well remove the session
Deepak: Sorry some how disconnected
Deepak: Regarding IDEMPIERE-1817, After looking comments and kind of issue we faced related with translation in Adempiere in past. I suggest we need to store AD related data into cache valid for session only
Deepak: And need to reset that cache when user change role or language
a42niem: you can only change role by logging out. then your session is removed and this seems to clear the cache
a42niem: sorry - change language i mean
Deepak: a42niem, agree. But current cache is not associated with session
a42niem: how come then it is cleared when you log out?
Deepak: I have one question regarding bitbucket. How can we create pull request for single commit? Currently pull request try to include all non synchronized changes from local repository to remote repository.
smartjsp: Good Morning/Afternoon everyone..
hieplq: Deepak, i think it's imposible with pull command.
hieplq: but you can get just nearest patch by add -r ver to pull
Deepak: a42niem, I am stating that cache is not linked to session based on what I looked in Adempiere, Not sure if iDempiere has improved anything, So trying to find out where it is adding in cache
Deepak: heiplq, I am creating a pull request and it is including my old commit which was in another pull request too
tbayen: Deepak, I create a head for every change I do. All these heads are based on the main trunk. I can create a pull request from this head that can be entered in another repository and it contains only this head (this one feature). My "production" branch is a merge of all these feature branches. I use the mercurial bookmark feature to identify these feature branches.
tbayen: The secret is that you change does belong on the older change because you integrated it in your production branch. You have to do your commits based on the main trunk. Then you have to merge them later together for your production branch.
Deepak: tbayen, this may help
TurkerTunali: Hi guys, do you know how to customize login screen? I am looking in *.zul files in /opt/idempiere-server/plugins/org.adempiere.ui.zk_2.0.0.v20140728-0509/theme/default/zul/login with no luck
TurkerTunali: I want to hide versionInfoBox div
nmicoud_: edit the version-info.zul and put related code in comment
CarlosRuiz: arriving a little late to the conversation from a42niem :-) but I think the change role is actually like a logout+login - this is, it must clear the cache session and the session
CarlosRuiz: but there are some caches that are global, not attached to session
CarlosRuiz: that could be the case of the window customization issue? (haven't reviewed)
CarlosRuiz: TurkerTunali, the idea is that you create your theme and you decide what to put in the version-info.zul - nmicoud has a wiki page about how to create a theme
CarlosRuiz: I think is this one ->
nmicoud_: yes it is
nmicoud_: except the wiki seems down
nmicoud_: ah no, got a strange errror
nmicoud_: and then i refresh and it was ok
TurkerTunali: thank you Carlos
TurkerTunali: I am checking it
TurkerTunali: guys, How can I translate toolbar tooltip descriptions?
TurkerTunali: such as Grid tOggle
nmicoud_: you have to change the translatrion of the related message
nmicoud_: Multi
nmicoud_: is the message search key
TurkerTunali: nmicoud_ I didnt understand
nmicoud_: Log in System Open the Message window Search for a message with Search Key = Multi
nmicoud_: And change its translation
TurkerTunali: ok I am trying
TurkerTunali: thanks nmicoud_
TurkerTunali: do you have any idea about other toolbar items such as undo?
nmicoud_: the same
nmicoud_: just change the related message
nmicoud_: for finding it, you can : 1 - ask here (but could be boring) 2 - look into the code ( 3 - open the Translation Check window which display all things that are translated. On the message tab, search the translation of 'Undo'. You will then be able to zoom to the message window and make the translation
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, now it seems the english wiki is gone
tbayen: mom
CarlosRuiz: No space left on device
tbayen: I really have to migrate that to a bigger machine. But I do not find the time atm.
tbayen: machine is rebooting. Will be back in two minutes.
CarlosRuiz: thanks
TurkerTunali: thanks
aguerra: hi everybody!!!
aguerra: Somebody have made done any integration with retail pro and idempiere ??
CarlosRuiz: Hi aguerra
CarlosRuiz: don't know what is retail pro
aguerra: Hi carlos,
a42niem: CarlosRuiz can you please take care of IDEMPIERE-2074 as well. Thanks
CarlosRuiz: a42niem, attached a similar patch
CarlosRuiz: great if you have the env to test it
red1: Guten arbend tbayen
tbayen: hi to the southiest end of the world
red1: Two matters: 1. Your JasperReport is been tested by me right now.. 2. There is a white South African who runs successful BeerHouse business with different ERP considering your experience as distributor as he intends to distribute too.
tbayen: Yes, he contacted me via fb. He wanted to call me but did not yet. I am waiting... :-)
red1: His photo with me is in Facebook (if you want to see, i can tag u in comment) and he will google gravitiy you and send my photo with his logo on the car as proof that he met me
red1: oh thats what i meant
red1: alles gute
red1: I told him a lot about you but insisted to him that i am not an iDempiere sales man
red1: neither are you (he understand when i told u were not around this noon due to Oktoberfest)
tbayen: haha
red1: He is using another cloud ERP very happily and so i do not want to burst his cloud happiness.
red1: but the story that someone in Krefeld is seriously using iDempiere for distributing beer intriques him
tbayen: He gave me the link. I have to admit it looks like a good deal - if the standard works for you.
red1: i am worried how to solve some old ADempiere issues here right now in South Africa - an ore mine, an auditing firm..
red1: they asking if iDempiere can save them
red1: i met Ntier people including Neil Gordon who works for them.
red1: His name is Randolph, and he does not waste time.. he was an Apple business before.. very enterprising white in black Africa
red1: From Apple to beer house, i asked him why...
red1: But i think we Asians cannot understand white people.
red1: he will at least trust a German with real beer than me.
red1: Now my apprentice in the office is serving me coffee.. a mix of Colombian, Malawi and Java.
tbayen: Colombian and Java mixes well in our experience. :-)
red1: Now your Jasperreports, so do we do any setting?
red1: just check your plugin i think..
tbayen: I think it is smart to switch away from the apple business. The business model of apple is not about letting someone earn money instead of apple.
tbayen: I can quick upload my newest repository.
tbayen: But there should not be much changes.
tbayen: needed
red1: no need Classname but just Jasperreport name in the Reports & Process window?
red1: i am migrating an old ADempiere 360 with jasperreports to iDempiere 2.0
red1: i copy the JRXML files to <iD_Home>/reports/
red1: your instructions ask to check SYSTEMCONFIG
tbayen: I am not sure if my plugin will find them there.
tbayen: If you only want to use the old adempiere files you better begin with the standard plugin.
tbayen: Why are you trying my plugin? What is your motivation?
red1: the old jaspers are attached to the Report window
red1: to stand on your shoulders
red1: and when it is working then i can document that your plugin works well
tbayen: My plugin should work with plugins in both places. You do not have to use a tag for that. It just looks at both places.
red1: u mean it is either attachement or link?
red1: no need for both?
tbayen: I am not really sure if my plugin is ready for the world. But if you want to look into it it would be a big step in this direction. :-)
red1: You mean it is an incomplete work?!
red1: So you do need my help.
tbayen: The plugin looks in different places. There is nothing like an "attachment:..." syntax. It takes whatever it finds.
red1: ok i will study your code then
red1: from what i read here
red1: it supposed to do few things extra
tbayen: It works well for me. But JasperReports has so many usecases. Up to now it works in my usecase.
tbayen: There are three main reasons:
tbayen: 1) I use the most actual libraries
tbayen: 2) The code should be much cleaner. The old code is ugly. (You have to decide If my code is better - but that's the goal)
tbayen: 3) My code allows modularity. You can use a report that is hardcoded in the classpath but it uses a footer that you "overloaded" in the file system.
red1: where is the old code?
tbayen: The last reason is the main idea. If it works we can create modular reports for everything and create a library of them for everyone.
red1: or it is just yours in iDempiere?
tbayen: The old code is in idempiere. My plugin is in bitbucket.
red1: ah.. ok.. so the one in iDempiere is not yours.
tbayen: Now I understand what you are talking about! :-)
red1: and no one testing it is documenting it
tbayen: You can use the code in trunk. It should be the easiest for your adempiere installation.
red1: it be a waste if yours is just left there
red1: since u try to do it better.
tbayen: When I find the time to document my new plugin and to do some good examples for the modularity idea I will let you hear that.
red1: the world is drinking more beer, i dont think that gives you time.
red1: if u can motivate me why yours is better and if i can further improve it then i will spend more time as a separate project
tbayen: Think about a module that creates reports on-the-fly from the PrintFormat definition. That may be a kind of compatibility to the idempiere standard report generator. And it allows to mix both worlds.
red1: u mean a JR that is generated from PrintFormat?
red1: that be so brilliant.
red1: how come i do not know about it?
tbayen: That is just an idea.
red1: wait, i am switching to a better broadband.
tbayen: But it is possible in my architecture because there is an abstraction layer between JR and the file storage.
red1: .
red1: the broadband here is now 150Mb p.s.
red1: its an ISP office
tbayen: Angeber!
red1: Africa has been a land of extremes
tbayen: I see that the other line was much too slow for an irc chat. :-p
red1: last week i got no internet..
red1: this friend is preparing a Docker for iDempiere
red1: he wants to learn Java, i asked him not to
tbayen: fine! Tell him that we do not need a docker but a documentation how to create a docker. So it will be of worth for a longer time!
red1: he will be sad
red1: he wants to be a contributor very much
red1: what files can be deleted in large iDempiere DB?
CarlosRuiz: you can check
red1: thanks
red1: tbayen: this Housekeeping
red1: what does it really work?
red1: it seems to be just copying into H_ files
tbayen: it deletes records by the age of the record.
tbayen: If you created a backup table before it backups them.
tbayen: You can adjust your system to have the backup tables on another physical harddisk and not use them in your daily backup.
tbayen: Most of the housekeeping data can just be deleted - the backup tables are only for the fearful.
tbayen: I use the standard config for many months and it seems to work well.
red1: so i can just go into the T_tables and delete them?
red1: i have a 1.5gigs DB from ADempiere
red1: or i use a more powerful CPU?
CarlosRuiz: the housekeeping is intended to be scheduled
CarlosRuiz: you can delete the T_ tables but is maybe a good idea to keep at least the more recent records - there can be users running reports at that moment
red1: ok now i understand
red1: thanks
red1: tbayen: now it is running ..
red1: 21:59:15.883 Trx.commit: **** POSaveR_RequestProcesso_c6a91367-d4a6-4451-a696-bbfe232e14e1 [89] 21:59:15.905 Trx.commit: **** POSaveR_RequestProcesso_ead13c26-c984-4397-8d69-e3a6a5782f68 [14] 21:59:15.905 Next run: 1970-01-01 02:00:00.0 sleep -1413403155905 [14]
red1: is that healthy to be running non-stop?
red1: CarlosRuiz: do i leave it to run? It seems non stop
tbayen: I use the standard configuration. afair it runs once a week
tbayen: How do you see that it does not stop?
red1: in the terminal window it keeps logging that
red1: i tried before to stop via the Monitor and nothing stops
red1: i stopped all processors in ServerMonitor
tbayen: It is a process that runs one time if you start it. Nothing special to every other scheduled process afais.
red1: but it kept running for 10 minutes till now
red1: it may run an hour
red1: i got a big question what makes it run?
tbayen: If you really have a long running adempiere system with much rubbish it may take a while. I don't know really
tbayen: When I remember right it is the normal scheduler who runs it.
red1: its a 360LTS ADempiere that i just upgraded to iDempiere
red1: perhaps its cleaning old rubbish
red1: or some DB change not correct?
red1: i could login
tbayen: Look into the housekeeping and into the scheduler tables.
red1: does "DBExecuteError:ERROR: value too long for type character varying(255)" rings any bell?
red1: this happens often during login
red1: i must have missed a script?
red1: tbayen: in the Scheduler, are the records as expected.. AD_Housekeeping
a42niem: CarlosRuiz: will test later and update you. thanx