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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-08-27

JanThielemann: hey guys
JanThielemann: who has a hour of time? :),_Documents_and_custom_accounting
nmicoud: wow :) you made it ! congrats !
JanThielemann: i think i missed a lot of things
JanThielemann: but it covers the very basic steps to implement a custom doc
CarlosRuiz: Hi JanThielemann - looks great
JanThielemann: still missing a lot of screenshots
JanThielemann: hmm how could i attach my source code to this page?
CarlosRuiz: JanThielemann, do you mean as attachment for people to download? maybe upload a zip file and link it
CarlosRuiz: Good morning everybody
nmicoud: Bonjour
JanThielemann: yes, but wheres the best place to upload it so it's available for a long tim?
CarlosRuiz: could be in your bitbucket download area
Edwin_Ang: Hi everyone
JanThielemann: good idea carlos
JanThielemann: thanks
CarlosRuiz: Hi Edwin_Ang
Edwin_Ang: are you still on holiday, Carlos?
Edwin_Ang: :)
CarlosRuiz: nope - working today for iDempiere
mhernandezve: Hello idempiere guys!
CarlosRuiz: Hi Miguel
CarlosRuiz: I think is time to start thinking on r3 - I maybe can work on it next week - so I would like to check today the blocker issues on jira - and if there is time also those reported as critical
mhernandezve: Hi Carlos, are you in Bogota or still in Germany?
CarlosRuiz: Bogota
CarlosRuiz: this and next week
mhernandezve: You will go to Ecuador?
CarlosRuiz: yes, week 37 in Mexico and 38 in Ecuador
mhernandezve: Think I'll go to Ecuador this year
CarlosRuiz: good - plan same week and we'll share time with Orlando :-)
mhernandezve: It's good idea
mhernandezve: I will try to do that
JanThielemann: is already using zk7?
CarlosRuiz: no JanThielemann
CarlosRuiz: this is for zk7
JanThielemann: ah ok. the gui changed a little bit in the last few days or am i wrong?
JanThielemann: it looks slightly different
CarlosRuiz: In merging dev into zk7 at this moment
JanThielemann: is from the dev branch?
JanThielemann: i thought it was 2.0 release
CarlosRuiz: dev branch
CarlosRuiz: r2 branch + LCO
ocurieles: Good Morning....
CarlosRuiz: Hi Orlando
Edwin_Ang: Hi Orlando
ocurieles: Hi @Edwin_Ang
ocurieles: i will put 4 new plugins for idempiere the next week :D
Edwin_Ang: great! :D
ocurieles: Somebody is using our payroll Plugin ?
mhernandezve: Amazing!!! ocurieles :p
aguerra: hello every body!!!!
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
aguerra: Hi Carlos!!
aguerra: Does anybody know about hierarchical group in jassper report like cristal report??
egil_ghintech: good mornig
egil_ghintech: *morning
egil_ghintech: yesterday i was developing a model factory and when i was making the model class i couldn't generate the constructor automatically
egil_ghintech: there is any way to do this?
Edwin_Ang: you need to run swing client using eclipse at least once
Edwin_Ang: to generate the required properties file
egil_ghintech: Hi edwin
egil_ghintech: and it will let later generate the five constructors
egil_ghintech: i am going to test it
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, AYT?
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: just finished drinking a chocolate with a bit of Chartreuse :-) delicious
nmicoud: haha, glad you like it
CarlosRuiz: thanks :-)
nmicoud: there are differents colors (green, yellow, and mix)
nmicoud: i really like it also :D
CarlosRuiz: now I'm dizzy - if I introduce a bug this morning - blame Chartreuse :-D
nmicoud: :D
nmicoud: We should add some 'issue type' in Jira : Chartreuse / Beer / Safety Beer / ...
Edwin_Ang: ha.. i like that
CarlosRuiz: hahaha - safety beer
Edwin_Ang: what's safety beer?
nmicoud: it deserves a page in the wiki ;)
CarlosRuiz: tbayen can explain better the concept of safety beer - but I can try
ocurieles: is so early to drink :D
CarlosRuiz: there are serious studies that have demonstrated that you always become drunk because of the last beer
ocurieles: Maybe this "Resolved" is not real hahaha
CarlosRuiz: it's always the same - last beer is what makes you drunk
nmicoud: :D
CarlosRuiz: so, the same studies recommended to take a safety beer after your last beer
aguerra: :D
Edwin_Ang: hahaha
Edwin_Ang: i like that
Edwin_Ang: lol
CarlosRuiz: we tried that - not sure if it was successful - I cannot remember :-D
nmicoud: maybe several pictures could help us to remember ;)
CarlosRuiz: safety beer worked for you nmicoud ?
nmicoud: i think :)
nmicoud: safety beer and safety riestling
CarlosRuiz: :D
Edwin_Ang: i never heard of French beer
Edwin_Ang: i thought French only drink wine
Edwin_Ang: :D
nmicoud: they are some French people who produce beer, but they are not famous as germans
nmicoud: we drink everything :)
ocurieles: me too :D
CarlosRuiz: mhernandezve and ocurieles also showed me all the flavours of venezuela beers when I was there
ocurieles: when Carlos was in Venezuela, we drink something :D
ocurieles: but in Colombia @CarlosRuiz showed us also of theirs
ocurieles: The beer is good in all the World :D
CarlosRuiz: specially the safety beer - usually tastes the same
tbayen: Hi. The story is based on an article of the german website "Der Postillion". It is a fake-news site like the english site "The Onion".
tbayen: It says that scientists have prooved in many tests that most headaches from alcohol belong to the last beer you drunk.
tbayen: The proposed solution is to not drink a last beer.
tbayen: IF you feel that you had your last beer a last resort is to drink another "security beer".
CarlosRuiz: :D told you - tbayen explains it better
Edwin_Ang: germans are more detail :D
tbayen: I was invited to a visit of the Kronenbourg Brewery in France. After the visit of the factory they invited us for a meal. And they served... wine!
tbayen: French!
nmicoud: :D
Edwin_Ang: lol
Edwin_Ang: that's a good one thomas
tbayen: gtg. See you later. :-)
aguerra: egil_ghintech, sabes en el crm despues de convertir el lead a oportunidad no tengo como crear una orden desde esta pantalla
aguerra: egil_ghintech ??
aguerra: @egil_ghintech ??
egil_ghintech: @aguerra estoy revisando y tampoco me deja hacerlo. cree un lead, luego lo converti en oportunidad y no me da la opcion desde oportunidades de venta de crear las cotizaciones de estas oportunidades
egil_ghintech: @aguerra la documentacion de adaxa indica que debe hacerse de esta forma.
aguerra: egil_ghintech, ops!!!
egil_ghintech: cant create quotation from sales oportunity window
egil_ghintech: any help?
aguerra: egil_ghintech, revisando el diccionario veo que la pestaña esta colo lectura y no tiene la opcion de insertar registro
aguerra: egil_ghintech, revisa tu a ver que tienes mas experiencia. salu2
egil_ghintech: that is rigth
egil_ghintech: tab is read only
Djoudi: hello
Djoudi: all
Djoudi: are there any util for COA in idempiere ?
Djoudi: like adempiere
Djoudi: or as same worked ?
CarlosRuiz: Hi Djoudi - latest idempiere doesn't even require a CoA from you - just if you plan to use accounting - and you can configure it later
Djoudi: ah ok is good
norbertbede: hi
norbertbede: i have a question
CarlosRuiz: hi norbertbede
norbertbede: i need to setup somehow - denied inventory moves betw loc 1 (org1) and loc 2 (org) - any idea pls
norbertbede: but user operate all orgs just some movements are not allowed because storage ownership etc.
CarlosRuiz: sounds like a model validator before new movementline to check if the movement is allowed based on business rules
norbertbede: so maybe add a new table to define allowed/disallowed relation ships
norbertbede: then validate
CarlosRuiz: yep
norbertbede: thanks. i will design it…
norbertbede: CarlosRuiz do you know any information about hiellq. ? looks he lost :)
Erik___: Hello Everyone!
Erik___: Can this chat be used for a technical question?
CarlosRuiz: norbertbede, haven't seen hiep since some time ago :-)
CarlosRuiz: Hi Erik___
Erik___: Hello Carlos
norbertbede: CarlosRuiz pls take a look to the follow issue if you will have time -
norbertbede: its translation issue on document printing - i have tested it well
norbertbede: with various languages
CarlosRuiz: I'm trying to check the blocker bugs - in order to start working on r3 - so I think it will take some time
norbertbede: ok
Erik___: I'd like to clarify an issue we are experiencing in your desktops using ADEMPIERE with Java 6. We are receiving a JNLP Signing Expception :-(
Erik___: Do we have to update our version to Java 7 ?
tbayen: Erik___, Which version are you using? You must be talking from ADempiere not iDempiere?!?
Erik___: Yes, I am talking about ADempiere.
Erik___: Is this the wrong chat? I am sorry
tbayen: When it worked before it may be that your installation is so old that the certificate is no more valid. There is an end date for these certificates. Or did it work before.
tbayen: Yes, this is the iDempiere chat. I (We) strongly recommend you to upgrade to iDempiere. Especially if you use it via internet because there are big security issues. But it may be that we can help you anyways.
Erik___: My developer started signing the application a couple of days ago. Java Client V7 is working, no problems. However the desktops with Java 6 installed are presenting this error: JNLPSigningException: Failed to validate signing of launch file. The signed version do not match the downloaded version.
Erik___: Oh I am sorry tbayen. We are so desperated that we did not realize :-(
tbayen: Why did you sign it a couple of days ago? Are you doing a new installation of the old ADempiere now?
tbayen: How experienced are you with ADempiere?
Erik___: 0 experience. We are the service desk guys... Our developer said the problem is problem related to Java 6 Client so we are doing some research
Erik___: *the problem is related
Erik___: If this is true, we will have to updated all desktops to Java 7. But we are not so sure this is necessary
tbayen: And how experienced is your developer? Is this an older, long-running installation or a new and fresh try to work with it?
tbayen: It may even be that Oracle broke something with the certificates. Java 6 is outdated and unsecure if you ask oracle. The problem is that ADempiere still expects Java6 as the standard vm. In my experience you can use Java7 with iDempiere but I heard of some issues in ADempiere and Java7. For that you should ask in the adempiere forums if they recommend using Java7.
tbayen: I know that many iDempiere developers use Java7 (including me) without problems.
Erik___: I understand
Erik___: Do you have the link for the ADEmpiere community forum? I will post a question over there
tbayen: I still do not know if you do a brand new installation. In this case you really should think about using iDempiere.
Erik___: I will tell my developer about this option
tbayen: The ADempiere forum is at sourceforge. use google. There is also an irc channel for adempiere. But there are not so many people still in the old project. But it may be worth a try.
tbayen: Look into the google group of idempiere!forum/idempiere and compare with the ADempiere forum to see which project has more living contributors. ;-)
tbayen: Where are you from?