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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-06-25

CarlosRuiz: Good morning
tbayen: Daarestiet!
nmicoud: Bonjour !
nmicoud: Carlos, could you have a look at ticket #2018 (bug with DST in calendar, hiep upload a patch that i have tested) ?
CarlosRuiz: good - let me check it
nmicoud: and right after, perhaps #2013 ? (easy patch also)
Deepak_: Namaste
nmicoud: Hi Deepak
JanThielemann: hello
CarlosRuiz: hi
Deepak_: Hello all
tbayen: Hi Deepak_
Deepak_: Carlos, 1770 is waiting for your review, Hengsin has approved. 1990 you resolved but first need to import patch from 1770.
Deepak_: Hello Thomas
CarlosRuiz: Hi Deepak - reviewing 2013 at this moment ....
tbayen: I am interested in using more than one instance of idempiere on one single system. Does anybody have experience with that?
CarlosRuiz: AFAIK is just changing additional ports on tomcat xml file
tbayen: Yes, I managed that some times. My question is not how to do it but to share experiences.
tbayen: And perhaps to change somw small things like the start scripts to allow to automate it better.
tbayen: The only thing I am really unsure is the hazelcast cache. What happens with more instances? As we saw on the Krefeld training a number of idempiere servers in one lan can kill them all.
CarlosRuiz: ah yes - I think you need to set differente hazelcast port also for each instance
ocurieles_DCS: Hi For all my friends
CarlosRuiz: Hi Orlando
ocurieles_DCS: Congratulations @CarlosRuiz for the Colombia Team :D
tbayen: Can we configure the hazelcast port that with a standard idempiere installation package?
CarlosRuiz: thanks Orlando :-)
CarlosRuiz: yes tbayen - there is a conf for that somewhere
CarlosRuiz: don't remember is it needs to be pushed as fragment or can be added directly as a property file
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, how is your default timezone name on this patch?
CarlosRuiz: we don't have DST on Colombia - so not easy to test here :-)
nmicoud: hum, i have no idea, let me check
nmicoud: should be CET
nmicoud: Its name is "Europe/Paris"
nmicoud: as it is set automatically, i've never search for that :)
CarlosRuiz: ok, I see the difference that hieplq made - the old code was adding GMT+2 to the string and now must be just CET
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, according to this info
CarlosRuiz: the hazelcast.xml can be put on the idempiere home
tbayen: I was sure that the hazelcast communicates with the zk browser clients. That is not what is said on this page. If it is only used for load balancing isn't it the best to deactivate this bundle at all (in standard installations)?
tbayen: Thanks for the link.
CarlosRuiz: hazelcast distributes to any session
CarlosRuiz: be swing or another server pointing to the same database
hengsin: there's the group setting in hazelcast.xml
tbayen: But not web clients? So if you have one webserver serving some browser clients you do not need it. I would say this is the standard case, isn't it?
CarlosRuiz: don't remember. question for hengsin: is it worthy to have hazelcast if there is just single server?
hengsin: yeah, not really needed. not sure though whether there are code that's using the messaging service provided by hazelcast
hengsin: I means since it is always deploy, there might be code that assume it is always there ...
tbayen: Worth to try and deactivate it. I will tell you what happened. :-) If it does not work I will configure the hazelcast group.
tbayen: Thanks!
hengsin: what's the issue here ?
tbayen: I want to install more than one instance on one single machine.
hengsin: ic. there's no need to deactivate the hazelcast service, there just need to have different group name in hazelcast.xml
tbayen: The hazelcast tcp port was one of the things I identified as a possible problem.
hengsin: that's also configurable through hazelcast.xml
hengsin: <port auto-increment="true">5701</port>
hengsin: so by default, the next instance will auto looks for the next available port ( 5702, 5703, etc )
Deepak_: tbayen, hazelcast do not communicate to zk
hengsin: and as long as all the instance doesn't have the same group name, they wouldn't talk to each other
tbayen: ok. I wondered why it worked in my tests.
Deepak_: But to all server instance
CarlosRuiz: so, you can have all instances using same port but each instance with a different group
CarlosRuiz: if I understood right
hengsin: yes, it auto looks for available port
hengsin: and use multicast to discover instances of the same group
Deepak_: hengsin, should we make hazelcast deactive by default?
tbayen: Thanks. I have many informations to try. :-) Thanks Carlos for the link to the wikipage.
hengsin: deepak, that's fine but someone will have to spend time to test it
hengsin: needs to announce it to the group too since it will break existing implementation
tbayen: To understand right: If I change the port they will nevertheless kepp in touch because they find each other through multicast. So it is needed to change the group to separate servers from each other.
tbayen: ?
hengsin: yes, that's right
hengsin: the port is not important, what's critical is the group name
hengsin: or if you disable multicast in your network then sure the instances can't talk to each other :)
Deepak_: hengsin, As I know that hazelcast is required on clustered environment and most of installation are defaultly do not need to communicate with each other
hengsin: deepak, yes. but it is already there and we have make release with it
hengsin: now, we can't just disable it and assume it will break nothing
CarlosRuiz: so - the group name must be related to the db instance - could we make that a db configurable thing instead of hazelcast.xml?
Deepak_: So just my point is that if we have hazelcast defaulted to disable and it needs manually enable from property file
hengsin: carlos', not sure. most probably not.
tbayen: Can it be really harmful to use several servers in a lan without configuring separate groups? Will it mix up the cache and the database? I am sure many people have a testing and a producition instance.
Deepak_: hengsin, understood your point
hengsin: carlos, I guess, one possibility is we can generate hazelcast.xml that uses the db name as the group name
hengsin: I means that can happens as part of the setup process
Deepak_: hengsin, I think that is good idea
CarlosRuiz: the db name can be the same in different servers
CarlosRuiz: what I was wondering is that if you're combining swing and web - then you need a different hazelcast.xml for each swing connecting to a different instance
tbayen: servername_5432_dbname
CarlosRuiz: maybe something like this could work?
Deepak_: server name in group name not work
Deepak_: for clustered environment
CarlosRuiz: add line 113 on org.idempiere.hazelcast.service.Activator
CarlosRuiz: config.getGroupConfig().setName(dbserver + dbport + dbname);
CarlosRuiz: ah - or as hengsin suggested - for webserver we can generate the hazelcast.xml with that group name - and for swing client it can set the name programatically
tbayen: For servers it can be the same as for swing. It seems the same problem.
tbayen: You can check if there is a hazelcast.xml in the filesystem. If not we set the group name programatically.
CarlosRuiz: muriloht, AYT?
CarlosRuiz: muriloht, sent you the centralized ID password to your emails
muriloht: hi Carlos, i'm here now...
CarlosRuiz: I found two emails from you :-) sent password to both
muriloht: I received the email with my login for the centralized id, thank you!
CarlosRuiz: you're welcome
muriloht: tks! iDempiere is an amazing project! i hope to contribute and learn as much as possible from now on
CarlosRuiz: need to go out for 2 hours - talk to you later
tbayen: bye
tbayen: Hi muriloht, welcome to the club! Where are you from?
muriloht: hi tbayen, i'm from Brazil!
muriloht: (São Paulo)
CarlosRuiz: change of plans - appointment cancelled
CarlosRuiz: will take a look to some tickets from hieplq
hieplq_: hi CarlosRuiz. i need your suport in some issue. please comment your idea to help me.
hieplq_: IDEMPIERE-1991
hieplq_: IDEMPIERE-1989
hieplq_: IDEMPIERE-1883
hieplq_: IDEMPIERE-2019
hieplq_: get your last message, many thanks. i'm here to support you in my work :)
Stanley_: Hi
Stanley_: All
Stanley_: hi red1
Stanley_: Hi @red1
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz, hiep uplaod a patch for ticket #1899 (broken image in email signature). Could you have a look at it and integrate it ? I've tested it and it seems ok.
CarlosRuiz: ok
nmicoud: thanks
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, hieplq_ in my tests the method replaceBASE64Img is not finding the string to replace back
nmicoud: mean that the mail is sent not correctly ?
CarlosRuiz: is sent correctly - but the images are duplicated - so the size is bigger
nmicoud: i haven't noticed that. You use same mail text ?
CarlosRuiz: I noticed looking the message source in thunderbird
nmicoud: ah ok, i haven't do that
nmicoud: so patch is not final
CarlosRuiz: trying to find the reason
nmicoud: ok, thanks
CarlosRuiz: it worked if I didn't change the message
CarlosRuiz: but if I change the message then the problem happens
nmicoud: "change message" = modifying the content of signature or other text ?
CarlosRuiz: modify the content of the mail before pushing ok
CarlosRuiz: the CKeditor drops the srcSave="" string which hieplq_ used to preserve the original name of the image
CarlosRuiz: ah! easy workaround we can use alt-text
CarlosRuiz: testing ...
nmicoud: good idea !
CarlosRuiz: yes - it worked - I'm going to add a validation that the image is an attachment before replacing
nmicoud: great !
nmicoud: thanks a lot Carlos, will put it in our test instance and give feedback