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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-06-11

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
tbayen: Daarestiet
nmicoud: Bonjour
tbayen: I had no time to care about the plugin refresh issue since yesterday. If you have no new idea i will investigate this now.
CarlosRuiz: nope, no new ideas
JanThielemann: hi CarlosRuiz
JanThielemann: did you get my mail? :)
CarlosRuiz: Hi Jan - I forwarded it to hengsin and he just answered - I'll forward you his answer
JanThielemann: okay, thanks.
JanThielemann: do you knowif there is a mechanism for paging in queryData webservice?
JanThielemann: we needed this functionality and just implemented it for our purposes
JanThielemann: we can contribute it if you like
CarlosRuiz: sounds good idea - add offset and limit
JanThielemann: kind of. we added the following to the ModelCRUD:
JanThielemann: <_0:Paging keyColumn="?" columnType="?" minVal="?" maxVal="?" limit="?"/>
JanThielemann: it's optional
JanThielemann: you can provice a columnname, the type has to be ID(integer) or Timestamp and the maxVal is also optional
JanThielemann: because some tables may not have a integer id column or maybe you want to filter by date
JanThielemann: <_0:Paging keyColumn="Created" columnType="Timestamp" minVal="2014-03-18 00:00:00.0" maxVal="2014-03-19 00:00:00.0" limit="10"/>
JanThielemann: <_0:Paging keyColumn="M_Product_ID" columnType="ID" minVal="1000000" limit="10"/>
CarlosRuiz: but you could do the filter same with the where in queryData
JanThielemann: the "filter" which cannot be free due to sql injection? :)
JanThielemann: this implementation is sql injection safe
CarlosRuiz: the filter can be used
CarlosRuiz: you just cannot allow anybody to configure it
CarlosRuiz: you can use free filter
CarlosRuiz: you can't use free filter
JanThielemann: but how could i implement paging with a constant filter?
CarlosRuiz: context variables are supported there? don't remember
JanThielemann: and how do i provide context variables via my ws call? :>
JanThielemann: never done this before
JanThielemann: can i sent e. g. @MyVar@=10 via my call?
CarlosRuiz: reading here
CarlosRuiz: but seems is not implemented directly
CarlosRuiz: maybe worthy to add some kind of setContext webservice
JanThielemann: yep, thats the missing piece
JanThielemann: thats an even better idea as what we've done
JanThielemann: what aboutthis:
JanThielemann: <_0:ModelCRUD>
JanThielemann: <_0:serviceType>?</_0:serviceType>
JanThielemann: <_0:CtxRow>
JanThielemann: <_0:CtxVar key="@M_Product_ID@" value="1000000"/>
JanThielemann: <_0:CtxVar key="@Limit@" value="10"/>
JanThielemann: </_0:CtxRow>
JanThielemann: </_0:ModelCRUD>
CarlosRuiz: reading at ModelADServiceImpl.queryData I don't see it's parsing context
CarlosRuiz: but I remember some parts were modified to parse context - so maybe is just incomplete
JanThielemann: it does somewhere, i saw it when i debugged the code becuase you can use @C_BPartner.C_BPartner_ID in the composite calls
JanThielemann: i don't know if this is done for filter also
JanThielemann: however, don't you think that this would open the ws for sql injection again?
JanThielemann: if my filter is M_Product.M_Product_ID=@M_Product_ID@ LIMIT @Limit@ and i send "@Limit@="; DELETE FROM AD_SYSTEM" ?
JanThielemann: then i could just open the filter again :/
CarlosRuiz: yep - was thinking that we would need an Env.parseContext safer for sql injection
CarlosRuiz: where variables replaced must be ensured to be integers or quoted
Deepak: Namaste!!!
JanThielemann: hello Deepak
adnan_T: Namste!
adnan_T: Ke sai ho? :D
Deepak: Hello Jan
Deepak: Hello Adnan
adnan_T: Hi Deepak
red1: Welcome
CarlosRuiz: Hi
Deepak: I am working reproduce one issue reported by Chuck on IDEMPIERE-1770, Did any body else get chance to review it?
norbertbede: hi @all
aguerra: Hello every body!!!!
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
aguerra: Hi Carlos
aguerra: We are beginning to make and document translation idempiere there a way to export menus, screens, etc. for a wiki?
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz i repatch and make order of my tickets relate to info window. please consider to help me review it
hieplq: my order is
hieplq: 1. IDEMPIERE-1979
hieplq: 2. IDEMPIERE-1973
hieplq: 3. IDEMPIERE-1972
hieplq: 4. IDEMPIERE-1970
CarlosRuiz: thanks hieplq
hieplq: other issue can review stand-alone
hieplq: IDEMPIERE-1788
hieplq: IDEMPIERE-1968
hieplq: IDEMPIERE-1378 is releate to new patch i atach to IDEMPIERE-1792
Deepak: Carlos, Do you know when Hengsin is returning from Vacation?
CarlosRuiz: :-) I didn't know he was on vacations :-)
Deepak: I think he was
tbayen: Hi Deepak, how was the contact with my friend?
Deepak: I tried to connect both, Do not know really they connected:)
Deepak: I need to confirm with my wife
norbertbede: hi @Carlos. do you mean you can commit issues from @hiep (above) ? we want to close info window issues and move forward.
CarlosRuiz: not yet - researching a big problem somebody reported in forums
norbertbede: ok. i need leave now, come back later if any q or could help with any issue
Deepak: Hello Carlos
CarlosRuiz: Hi
Deepak: Me and Hengsin has worked togather on iDempiere-1770 and now it looks perfect for another review
Deepak: Can you plan to do final review and if found good, can you in corporate same into development branch?
Deepak: I will write new feature documents once you confirm that feature is good and no addition required
CarlosRuiz: so, it's already approved by Heng Sin?
Deepak: yes Carlos
Deepak: Sorry was away.
CarlosRuiz: great - will try to take a look later
Deepak: Thanks
aguerra: tengo uno
nmicoud: Hi CarlosRuiz, what do you think of!topic/idempiere/J75uC_2Epcs ? Do you think i can upload a patch and handle it through a sysconfig key ?
CarlosRuiz: Hi nmicoud
CarlosRuiz: don't understand what you want to achieve
CarlosRuiz: did you check
nmicoud: when i open the calendar window, i got 2 columns on the left
nmicoud: 1 - Central Europe
nmicoud: 2 - Pacific Time
nmicoud: I want to hide Pacific Time
nmicoud: it happens, in Day mode
CarlosRuiz: did you check
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: according to that "If set empty then no alternate timezone is shown."
nmicoud: but i did'tn manage to use it for hiding this 2nd column
CarlosRuiz: so maybe is not working?
nmicoud: i can't set it to empty
nmicoud: a value is needed
nmicoud: => Default when not set: Pacific Time=PST
CarlosRuiz: try a space
nmicoud: trying
nmicoud: it works
nmicoud: great :)
nmicoud: thanks a lot
nmicoud: updating the thread
CarlosRuiz: will update also the wiki ...
nmicoud: yes, i think it would be useful for others too
nmicoud: Having trouble when trying to upload large files ; i've looked at and Default is 5120. If i set it to 0 and restart (within Eclipse), the limit is still there. the request was rejected because its size (5887141) exceeds the configured maximum (5242880). Does it works on your instances ?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, you said Default is 5120?
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: zk default?
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: seems that this sysconfig apply only for zk
CarlosRuiz: according to code if sysconfig is zero then is not set explicitly - so maybe the zk default will apply in such case
nmicoud: through a hardcoded value ?
CarlosRuiz: that was my question :-) where did you see the 5120?
nmicoud: in sysconfig : ZK_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE
CarlosRuiz: ah - in java code the default is set to zero
CarlosRuiz: so I think what the ticket means is sysconfig value
CarlosRuiz: are you behind apache or nginx?
CarlosRuiz: those have upload limit configurable too
nmicoud: actually in Eclipse
nmicoud: so apache i guess
nmicoud: if i understand, if the sysconfig value is 0, then it is the apache/nginx value which is used ?
CarlosRuiz: in eclipse is direct OSGi/tomcat
CarlosRuiz: did you restart - sysconfig values are cached
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: and if debugging, it is equals to 0
nmicoud: perhaps i should try to set it to 999999 and see what happen
nmicoud: seems ok with 999999
CarlosRuiz: ok, confirmed there is a hardcoded limit in zk
CarlosRuiz: 5120 - so, if sysconfig is set to zero that zk hardcoded limit applies
nmicoud: strange it has not been detected while implementing ticket #763
nmicoud: should i reopened it ?
CarlosRuiz: it works fine
CarlosRuiz: just that actually you cannot set -1 (unlimited)
CarlosRuiz: and zero means zk default
nmicoud: yes, unlimited cannot be set
nmicoud: but, i think that 999999 should be enough
CarlosRuiz: I would think is worthy to reopen if we want to implement unlimited
CarlosRuiz: otherwise is working fine
nmicoud: i agree
CarlosRuiz: ah - the comment is wrong
CarlosRuiz: "It specifies the maximum allowed size, in kilobytes, to upload a file from the client. A zero or negative value indicates that there is no limit."
nmicoud: yes, confusing
CarlosRuiz: yep- I think better to reopen it to clarify that and implement unlimited
nmicoud: ok, will do that then
norbertbede: @carlos do we have chance work today hiep/our issues ? what you estimate along other your tasks
CarlosRuiz: Hi norbertbede, cannot say for sure
norbertbede: thanks for answer
norbertbede: we want to close all of them as soon as possible "info window" topics and continue with other topics.
norbertbede: and make idempiere better
norbertbede: :)