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Revision as of 19:18, 11 June 2014 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-06-11

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
tbayen: Daarestiet
nmicoud: Bonjour
tbayen: I had no time to care about the plugin refresh issue since yesterday. If you have no new idea i will investigate this now.
CarlosRuiz: nope, no new ideas
JanThielemann: hi CarlosRuiz
JanThielemann: did you get my mail? :)
CarlosRuiz: Hi Jan - I forwarded it to hengsin and he just answered - I'll forward you his answer
JanThielemann: okay, thanks.
JanThielemann: do you knowif there is a mechanism for paging in queryData webservice?
JanThielemann: we needed this functionality and just implemented it for our purposes
JanThielemann: we can contribute it if you like
CarlosRuiz: sounds good idea - add offset and limit
JanThielemann: kind of. we added the following to the ModelCRUD:
JanThielemann: <_0:Paging keyColumn="?" columnType="?" minVal="?" maxVal="?" limit="?"/>
JanThielemann: it's optional
JanThielemann: you can provice a columnname, the type has to be ID(integer) or Timestamp and the maxVal is also optional
JanThielemann: because some tables may not have a integer id column or maybe you want to filter by date
JanThielemann: <_0:Paging keyColumn="Created" columnType="Timestamp" minVal="2014-03-18 00:00:00.0" maxVal="2014-03-19 00:00:00.0" limit="10"/>
JanThielemann: <_0:Paging keyColumn="M_Product_ID" columnType="ID" minVal="1000000" limit="10"/>
CarlosRuiz: but you could do the filter same with the where in queryData
JanThielemann: the "filter" which cannot be free due to sql injection? :)
JanThielemann: this implementation is sql injection safe
CarlosRuiz: the filter can be used
CarlosRuiz: you just cannot allow anybody to configure it
CarlosRuiz: you can use free filter
CarlosRuiz: you can't use free filter
JanThielemann: but how could i implement paging with a constant filter?
CarlosRuiz: context variables are supported there? don't remember
JanThielemann: and how do i provide context variables via my ws call? :>
JanThielemann: never done this before
JanThielemann: can i sent e. g. @MyVar@=10 via my call?
CarlosRuiz: reading here
CarlosRuiz: but seems is not implemented directly
CarlosRuiz: maybe worthy to add some kind of setContext webservice
JanThielemann: yep, thats the missing piece
JanThielemann: thats an even better idea as what we've done
JanThielemann: what aboutthis:
JanThielemann: <_0:ModelCRUD>
JanThielemann: <_0:serviceType>?</_0:serviceType>
JanThielemann: <_0:CtxRow>
JanThielemann: <_0:CtxVar key="@M_Product_ID@" value="1000000"/>
JanThielemann: <_0:CtxVar key="@Limit@" value="10"/>
JanThielemann: </_0:CtxRow>
JanThielemann: </_0:ModelCRUD>
CarlosRuiz: reading at ModelADServiceImpl.queryData I don't see it's parsing context
CarlosRuiz: but I remember some parts were modified to parse context - so maybe is just incomplete
JanThielemann: it does somewhere, i saw it when i debugged the code becuase you can use @C_BPartner.C_BPartner_ID in the composite calls
JanThielemann: i don't know if this is done for filter also
JanThielemann: however, don't you think that this would open the ws for sql injection again?
JanThielemann: if my filter is M_Product.M_Product_ID=@M_Product_ID@ LIMIT @Limit@ and i send "@Limit@="; DELETE FROM AD_SYSTEM" ?
JanThielemann: then i could just open the filter again :/
CarlosRuiz: yep - was thinking that we would need an Env.parseContext safer for sql injection
CarlosRuiz: where variables replaced must be ensured to be integers or quoted
Deepak: Namaste!!!
JanThielemann: hello Deepak
adnan_T: Namste!
adnan_T: Ke sai ho? :D
Deepak: Hello Jan
Deepak: Hello Adnan
adnan_T: Hi Deepak
red1: Welcome
CarlosRuiz: Hi
Deepak: I am working reproduce one issue reported by Chuck on IDEMPIERE-1770, Did any body else get chance to review it?
norbertbede: hi @all
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] jan.thielemann created IDEMPIERE-1995 SQL injection save paging parameter in queryData WebService
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] jan.thielemann updated IDEMPIERE-1995 description set to "We had the need to implement paging on the queryData WebService and we wanted to contribute the changes we made to the community. You now can use the "Paging" tag in the ModelCRUD tag. It lookls like this: <_0:Paging keyColumn="?" columnType="?" minVal="?" maxVal="?" limit="?"/> You have to provide the columnname, the columnType (ID or Timestamp), the minVal and the limit. MaxVal i
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] jan.thielemann updated IDEMPIERE-1995 summary set to "SQL injection safe paging parameter in queryData WebService"
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
aguerra: Hello every body!!!!
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
aguerra: Hi Carlos
aguerra: We are beginning to make and document translation idempiere there a way to export menus, screens, etc. for a wiki?
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz i repatch and make order of my tickets relate to info window. please consider to help me review it
hieplq: my order is
hieplq: 1. IDEMPIERE-1979
hieplq: 2. IDEMPIERE-1973
hieplq: 3. IDEMPIERE-1972
hieplq: 4. IDEMPIERE-1970
CarlosRuiz: thanks hieplq
hieplq: other issue can review stand-alone
hieplq: IDEMPIERE-1788
hieplq: IDEMPIERE-1968
hieplq: IDEMPIERE-1378 is releate to new patch i atach to IDEMPIERE-1792
Deepak: Carlos, Do you know when Hengsin is returning from Vacation?
CarlosRuiz: :-) I didn't know he was on vacations :-)
Deepak: I think he was
tbayen: Hi Deepak, how was the contact with my friend?
Deepak: I tried to connect both, Do not know really they connected:)
Deepak: I need to confirm with my wife
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss created IDEMPIERE-1996 InventoryLine inherits bad default
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-7674: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+0/-0/±1]
Not-7674: [iDempiere] globalqss 0aa091c - IDEMPIERE-1996 InventoryLine inherits bad default
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1996 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] deepak updated IDEMPIERE-1770 Attachment set to "1770_Patch_1.patch"
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] Low Please note that additional patch attached 1770_Patch_1 to fix issue reported by Chuck on Inventory move when all ASI are entered manually.
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
norbertbede: hi @Carlos. do you mean you can commit issues from @hiep (above) ? we want to close info window issues and move forward.
CarlosRuiz: not yet - researching a big problem somebody reported in forums
norbertbede: ok. i need leave now, come back later if any q or could help with any issue
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] deepak updated IDEMPIERE-1770 Attachment set to "work_10323_to_10329.diff"
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] Committed full difference as single patch work_10323_to_10329.diff
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
Deepak: Hello Carlos
CarlosRuiz: Hi
Deepak: Me and Hengsin has worked togather on iDempiere-1770 and now it looks perfect for another review
Deepak: Can you plan to do final review and if found good, can you in corporate same into development branch?
Deepak: I will write new feature documents once you confirm that feature is good and no addition required
CarlosRuiz: so, it's already approved by Heng Sin?
Deepak: yes Carlos
Deepak: Sorry was away.
CarlosRuiz: great - will try to take a look later
Deepak: Thanks
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss created IDEMPIERE-1997 Wrong values when selecting a Invoice at Payment Window
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-7674: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+0/-0/±4]
Not-7674: [iDempiere] globalqss 56fa57e - IDEMPIERE-1997 Wrong values when selecting a Invoice at Payment Window
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1997 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] hengsin updated IDEMPIERE-1770 assignee set to "Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez"
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
aguerra: tengo uno
nmicoud: Hi CarlosRuiz, what do you think of!topic/idempiere/J75uC_2Epcs ? Do you think i can upload a patch and handle it through a sysconfig key ?
CarlosRuiz: Hi nmicoud
CarlosRuiz: don't understand what you want to achieve
CarlosRuiz: did you check
nmicoud: when i open the calendar window, i got 2 columns on the left
nmicoud: 1 - Central Europe
nmicoud: 2 - Pacific Time
nmicoud: I want to hide Pacific Time
nmicoud: it happens, in Day mode
CarlosRuiz: did you check
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: according to that "If set empty then no alternate timezone is shown."
nmicoud: but i did'tn manage to use it for hiding this 2nd column
CarlosRuiz: so maybe is not working?
nmicoud: i can't set it to empty
nmicoud: a value is needed
nmicoud: => Default when not set: Pacific Time=PST
CarlosRuiz: try a space
nmicoud: trying
nmicoud: it works
nmicoud: great :)
nmicoud: thanks a lot
nmicoud: updating the thread
CarlosRuiz: will update also the wiki ...
nmicoud: yes, i think it would be useful for others too
nmicoud: Having trouble when trying to upload large files ; i've looked at and Default is 5120. If i set it to 0 and restart (within Eclipse), the limit is still there. the request was rejected because its size (5887141) exceeds the configured maximum (5242880). Does it works on your instances ?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, you said Default is 5120?
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: zk default?
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: seems that this sysconfig apply only for zk
CarlosRuiz: according to code if sysconfig is zero then is not set explicitly - so maybe the zk default will apply in such case
nmicoud: through a hardcoded value ?
CarlosRuiz: that was my question :-) where did you see the 5120?
nmicoud: in sysconfig : ZK_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE
CarlosRuiz: ah - in java code the default is set to zero
CarlosRuiz: so I think what the ticket means is sysconfig value
CarlosRuiz: are you behind apache or nginx?
CarlosRuiz: those have upload limit configurable too
nmicoud: actually in Eclipse
nmicoud: so apache i guess
nmicoud: if i understand, if the sysconfig value is 0, then it is the apache/nginx value which is used ?
CarlosRuiz: in eclipse is direct OSGi/tomcat
CarlosRuiz: did you restart - sysconfig values are cached
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: and if debugging, it is equals to 0
nmicoud: perhaps i should try to set it to 999999 and see what happen
nmicoud: seems ok with 999999
CarlosRuiz: ok, confirmed there is a hardcoded limit in zk
CarlosRuiz: 5120 - so, if sysconfig is set to zero that zk hardcoded limit applies
nmicoud: strange it has not been detected while implementing ticket #763
nmicoud: should i reopened it ?
CarlosRuiz: it works fine
CarlosRuiz: just that actually you cannot set -1 (unlimited)
CarlosRuiz: and zero means zk default
nmicoud: yes, unlimited cannot be set
nmicoud: but, i think that 999999 should be enough
CarlosRuiz: I would think is worthy to reopen if we want to implement unlimited
CarlosRuiz: otherwise is working fine
nmicoud: i agree
CarlosRuiz: ah - the comment is wrong
CarlosRuiz: "It specifies the maximum allowed size, in kilobytes, to upload a file from the client. A zero or negative value indicates that there is no limit."
nmicoud: yes, confusing
CarlosRuiz: yep- I think better to reopen it to clarify that and implement unlimited
nmicoud: ok, will do that then
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] nmicoud updated IDEMPIERE-763 status set to "Reopened" -resolution set to "None"
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE] Hi, Just tested this functionnality. The 'no limit' ability cannot be activated. If the value is set to 0 or -1, then it is the hardcoded zk limit which apply. Regards, Nicolas
Not-7674: [IDEMPIERE]
norbertbede: @carlos do we have chance work today hiep/our issues ? what you estimate along other your tasks
CarlosRuiz: Hi norbertbede, cannot say for sure
norbertbede: thanks for answer
norbertbede: we want to close all of them as soon as possible "info window" topics and continue with other topics.
norbertbede: and make idempiere better
norbertbede: :)