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Revision as of 18:17, 28 May 2014 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-05-28

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
norbertbede: ahoj :)
CarlosRuiz: will be checking peer review queue
red1: Cumo esta
tbayen: Daarestiet!
Deepak_: Hello
Deepak_: I am doing some rework on IDEMPIERE-1770, My Temp directory corrupted and lost migration script
red1: :(
hieplq: @Deepak_, you can packout your db. next pack-in at new db to remake your migrate script
red1_: hieplq: have you got the answer to your question about MInOutLineMA?
hieplq: i'm not. please repeat :)
red1_: I not that sure.. it was in our BOM Production reverse right?
hieplq: i see it in process relate warehouse. Inout, movement, production,..
Deepak_: hieplq, Yes I took that appraoch
Deepak_: I packed out and just verified all changes are there
Deepak_: As my Temp is corrupted, I should not go to import untill temp issue is fixed
Deepak_: May need to restart computer which checkDisk scheduled
hieplq: or get a new computer :)
Deepak_: haha...Need to look for Sponsor...
Deepak_: hieplq, have you ever worked on Microsoft support team?
aguerra_: Hello everybody!!!!
hieplq: no. i just a freedom developer
tbayen: The google support said: Don't buy a new computer. Use our browser and go to the cloud.
red1_: evil
CarlosRuiz: we're still waiting for a eclipse-like cloud IDE
Deepak_: I think there is one
Deepak_: CarlosRuiz, check for codenvy
red1_: Eclipse on the cloud?
red1_: really?
CarlosRuiz: seems like not for java
red1_: :(
CarlosRuiz: I saw one cloud IDE some time ago - but it was not able to cope with the size of the project
Deepak_: CarlosRuiz, See I created Java workspace
Deepak_: It may take few more year to evolve and we will be able to work on them:)
CarlosRuiz: I like that - a crash on local disk won't matter :-)
CarlosRuiz: I see there is one open source cloud IDE - cloud9 - nice
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz wdyt about i try with afterSave, when packin it make duplicate record :)
hieplq: so a process is suitable. it's shoud is include to core or a plug-in?
Deepak_: Cloud9 is free for opensource developer
red1_: wow what a future..
red1_: I won't need to carry my MacBook aronud
Deepak_: No Red1, do not need to travel with Laptop
Deepak_: Facebook and coding both can work from phone:)
tbayen: Wait five years ans you will explain your problem to Siri and she will code it for you.
red1_: Then i don't even need you all around!
red1_: *joking*
CarlosRuiz: hieplq, 1830 sounds useful
CarlosRuiz: configurable - option useful for some cases, not all
red1_: Brilliant idea hieplq
red1_: i used to export the pack out lines manually via export > 2pack
hieplq: so make it as a process with toolbar button. i think not need a configuration.
red1_: makes life easier now
red1_: when we pack in the PackOut format comes along so we can pack out again
Deepak_: CarlosRuiz, for IDEMPIERE-1830, I suggest to add flag on Packout window
Deepak_: Which say, packout 2pack definition
Deepak_: And we can update 2pack code to respect that flag
hieplq: @Deepak same as "export directory" checkbock?
hieplq: it make code more complext than. but nice in user
red1_: gut idea
red1_: if no one does it in 2 weeks i will do it
Deepak_: Thanks red1
Deepak_: I thought but hard to say it will be in 2 weeks
Deepak_: I have 3 more idempiere ticket to finish
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz, wdyt about idea of Deepak_ I like to implement this way
Deepak_: flag can be say Self packout
CarlosRuiz: that option is useful just for developers - or on dev teams - not intended to be deployed on a production site - or included in a deployable plugin
CarlosRuiz: because of that I'm wondering if the control is required on the packin side too
Deepak_: At Packing side, if already exists then it will update
Deepak_: if not presents then create definitions
Deepak_: Also good idea is to do auto version increaments
Deepak_: Sorry Carlos, I missed your argument
Deepak_: I am agree, we can add that flag on pack in window
hieplq: because. 1 config to display this option. in production can config to not diplay it.
hieplq: add option in packin and packout window.
CarlosRuiz: or maybe for production you simply create a new packout with that flag disabled
hieplq: in pack-out when check this option will self export
CarlosRuiz: what if we create a different packout - not merging both?
CarlosRuiz: hmmm - BTW - if you push the export button on a packout definition? must be exporting precisely that
hieplq: in pack-in if option is check then restore it, if option is not check (or not display by conig) don't restore it
edilsondneto: hi,
red1_: Ola
red1_: but hieplq during packout, it has not stored the present packout
red1_: ?
hieplq: if in packout you not store it, pack-in process just ignore
red1_: in 3 weeks time i will be thinking of doing Kenos LBR Tax module migration to iDempiere, edilsondneto
CarlosRuiz: Hi edilsondneto
CarlosRuiz: I mean - is it necessary to merge both packouts? wouldn't be better to keep them separated?
red1_: so it can be handled as a single zip file?
red1_: easier user handling
Deepak_: 2 packout, may be hard to manage
Deepak_: Also in case of our auto plugin deployment need to give consideration
Deepak_: For auto deployment, we should ignore creation of 2pack
CarlosRuiz: hard to manage for whom? this option is for developers
Deepak_: Carlos, I do not think this is usefull to other then developers
CarlosRuiz: what's the use case?
red1_: i am a user developer
Deepak_: If there are 2 files, User need to create 2 pack ins
Deepak_: If both 2pack has same name, it confuse to user
Deepak_: Also handling 2 files in repository or filesystem
CarlosRuiz: I mean - what's the use case that is not for developers
Deepak_: If that is question to me, Yes this is for developer only
Deepak_: Sorry need to leave
norbertbede: @carlos. im worked lot with @hieplq2 - he finish open issues and fix new ones around info window. can we review them today ?
norbertbede: some of then waiting to commit if approve
CarlosRuiz: which tickets?
norbertbede: Multi Process support
norbertbede: second id - InfoWindow : List column display the value instead of the name
CarlosRuiz: ok, checking
norbertbede: thanks
norbertbede: also we investigate to convert agreed forms to info windows we stalled on need your/others opinion to finish it
norbertbede: as you know we want then implement value preferences and default logic to info windows after above issues
hieplq_: @tbayen, seem wiki is down. please check.
tbayen: mom
norbertbede: @carlos - take a look too - ready to commit looks me:;
nmicoud: gtg, but, while on print formats, there are 2 others tickets ready for commit... and thanks and bye bye: )
CarlosRuiz: added a comment to IDEMPIERE-1963 - seems like tktech notifico is not working today
norbertbede: yep
norbertbede: i got it. it looks good idea. i will talk details with hiep, he implemented multiprocess option. and that is near to this improvement.
norbertbede: so for summary: we need to add default logic field multi-process subtab - and make it dependent as you wrote
CarlosRuiz: yep - that could solve the problem that Tomas described
norbertbede: we will do that
tbayen: Wiki is up again. A strange thing. A segfault in the postgres process. I hope there is not data loss. It looks ok.
hieplq_: thank tbayen.
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede created IDEMPIERE-1972 extend - Info window - process - by display logic field
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1972
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] related issues.
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 3 commits to development [+1/-0/±6]
Not-d544: [iDempiere] hieplq 7171076 - IDEMPIERE-1868:Browser Title showing "iDempiere" instead ZK_BROWSER_TITLE when session timeout
Not-d544: [iDempiere] hieplq d0b1500 - IDEMPIERE-1868:Browser Title showing "iDempiere" instead ZK_BROWSER_TITLE when session timeout fix favico
Not-d544: [iDempiere] globalqss ea75b6c - IDEMPIERE-1868 / solve warnings
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1868 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1968
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] Hi [~hieplq], agree that flag must be not editable. The usual approach is to call validate on an afterSave. My suggestion: - refactor the validation on InfoWindowValidate, move that validation to a method on MInfoWindow.validate - on MInfoWindow.beforeSave call validate when any of these fields change: IsDistinct, FromClause, WhereClause, OtherClause, OrderByClause - on MInfoColumn.beforeSave call validate of parent As this method is goin
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1971 issuetype set to "Bug"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1971
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] Agree Max, this is annoying, I have found the same behavior.
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
norbertbede: @carlos need to leave now, will be back in 1 hour. if any question to above issues. maybe @hiep can follow up until this time.
norbertbede: please process try to comment/comit our work. thanks for now
CarlosRuiz: thanks
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-1968 assignee set to "hieplq"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+0/-0/±1]
Not-d544: [iDempiere] hieplq 289633f - IDEMPIERE-1419:InfoWindow List column display the value instead of the name
hieplq_: @red1, do you know why document material receipt haven't a prepare action?
Not-d544: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 2 commits to development [+4/-0/±3]
Not-d544: [iDempiere] globalqss 15c1be4 - hg merge release-2.0 (merge release2 into development)
Not-d544: [iDempiere] globalqss f407b6e - IDEMPIERE-1419 InfoWindow : List column display the value instead of the name / based on patch from hieplq
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1419 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
CarlosRuiz: hieplq_, I integrated IDEMPIERE-1334-finish.patch
hieplq_: yes. have a conflic?
CarlosRuiz: ah - forget it - I think I found it
CarlosRuiz: depends on IDEMPIERE-1957-fix.patch
hieplq_: yes. :)
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-1970
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] this issue is only when use a view. in thread i have a work-around, make a column (view_key) in all table use in view. value of table get from 1 same sequence seq. with modified t_selection, i suggest just add a column type string. this column is concate value from some column make it unique. infowindow just save add this column to t_selection
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
norbertbede: i'm back :)
CarlosRuiz: hieplq_, reviewing the script
CarlosRuiz: I see you added the migrate code to postgresql, but not to oracle
CarlosRuiz: also - you better use the nextid function when you need to get a sequence
hieplq_: yes. a bit, because i haven't oracle db to test it
CarlosRuiz: ok - I can help with that but better if you add a comment on ticket to make me aware about
CarlosRuiz: me or any peer reviewer :-)
hieplq_: i have a comment in ticket and in script :)
CarlosRuiz: ah got it - thanks
hieplq_: many comment in a ticket make you loss it.
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1970
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] [~tsvikruha] informed me about this solution. looks me a good option although i like to hear what [~carlosruiz_globalqss] or [~hengsin] think about that. i found identify for example: 2 use cases where we can apply that. 1. get all documents to 1 info window with union - then attach expense report to each doc processed lines (e.g. bookeepers processing documents we are charging each line) 2. warehouse inbound process: i plan to create 1 i
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1940 status set to "Peer Review Queue"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1866 status set to "Peer Review Queue"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1568 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] this concept already implemented meanwhile.
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1792 assignee set to "hieplq"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1788 assignee set to "hieplq"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1788 issuetype set to "Improvement"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1866 assignee set to "Norbert Bede"
Not-d544: [IDEMPIERE]
norbertbede: @carlos do you mean IDEMPIERE-1334 should be resolved today
CarlosRuiz: I'm trying
CarlosRuiz: hieplq_, I'm testing with order info
hieplq_: yes. what's result?
CarlosRuiz: but I cannot choose multiple orders - is there a parameter to indicate multi-select?
hieplq_: I think handle multi select is other work.
hieplq_: you want if have process in a info window, it switch to multi select?
CarlosRuiz: I thought it was like that - I remember red1 implemented it for his plugin
tbayen: Can someone tell me what is the difference between *_v and *_vt views?
CarlosRuiz: _vt translated
tbayen: ah, thanks
CarlosRuiz: cos for generate shipments - and most of process that you would like on an info window - you need to be able to process multiple records
hieplq_: sory, i revert it.
hieplq_: but. why it must is multi select.
CarlosRuiz: another issue - I think is better to show the process name there - not the name on infoprocess
CarlosRuiz: otherwise you would need to implement ad_infoprocess_trl - and I think is not needed when we already have ad_process_trl
CarlosRuiz: third - for the menu button maybe better to show the gear icon instead of "Process" name - to distinguish it from the "Process" button for list
hieplq_: yes. i think about callog to when select a process, name, help, descript is copy
CarlosRuiz: no - you need translation
CarlosRuiz: better to use directly process
hieplq_: ok.
hieplq_: yes.
CarlosRuiz: I also made changes to make it simpler to configure
CarlosRuiz: made the layout mandatory and default to B
CarlosRuiz: if you can work on those issues soon - I can commit yours and my work in progress
hieplq_: you mean layout in "infor window" or in "info process" tab?
CarlosRuiz: :-) I don't know at which moment after r2 the info windows changed the icons by names - that must be made configurable - I liked more the icons :-)
CarlosRuiz: made it mandatory on info process
CarlosRuiz: and dropped it from info window
CarlosRuiz: I can commit if you can work on those issues soon
CarlosRuiz: so we work on the same page
hieplq_: it will hard when user want one info have layout is menu, one have layout is dropdow
CarlosRuiz: I just tested that - and it was painted correctly
hieplq_: or when him want all infor layout is menu
CarlosRuiz: don't get it
CarlosRuiz: I made the column mandatory and defaulting to B - but the implementor can define it as he/she prefers
hieplq_: ah. i know, just change default value
CarlosRuiz: no, just change the value when defining the process
hieplq_: ok. i see easy way to change all infowindow to other style. will change as your comment
CarlosRuiz: I already changed it
CarlosRuiz: what I mean is
CarlosRuiz: I can push it as work in progress if you want - but if you commit to fix those minor issues soon
CarlosRuiz: or we can keep it working it as patches
hieplq_: yes. i commit fix it today. please commit a wip
CarlosRuiz: excellent
CarlosRuiz: I like how you did - my changes were mostly for the KISS principle
Not-9ddd: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 3 commits to development [+5/-0/±20]
Not-9ddd: [iDempiere] hieplq 9bfa8b6 - IDEMPIERE-1957:add ability to make tooltip for any control not only gridField
Not-9ddd: [iDempiere] hieplq 08e5d61 - IDEMPIERE-1334:Run one or more processes from Info Window
Not-9ddd: [iDempiere] globalqss d5f4c75 - IDEMPIERE-1334 Run one or more processes from Info Window / peer review - work in progress
Not-9ddd: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1957 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-9ddd: [IDEMPIERE]
CarlosRuiz: this is where I committed my changes
CarlosRuiz: nothing big
hieplq_: ok. no problem
CarlosRuiz: I preferred to inactivate the column instead of deleting it - and fixed the insert and added into the oracle script too
norbertbede: thanks for all !!
Not-9ddd: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1334
Not-9ddd: [IDEMPIERE] Thanks [~hieplq], as agreed on meeting I committed this as WIP. Pendings: - restore back the multi-select - use process name/description (translated if needed) instead of the name on infoprocess - for the menu button maybe better to show the gear icon instead of "Process" name - to distinguish it from the "Process" button for list Plus not required but in case you can research it ;-) - I don't know at which moment after r2 the info window
Not-9ddd: [IDEMPIERE]
CarlosRuiz: no, thanks to hieplq_ and you for testing and pushing this one
CarlosRuiz: I'm going out for a couple of hours - so, c u later
tbayen: cu
norbertbede: our goal is to make info windo - as red1 say - killer !
CarlosRuiz: it is already a killer - it's becoming a serial killer :-DDDD
Not-9ddd: [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede created IDEMPIERE-1973 Info Window - parameters - field Mandatory Logic missing
Not-9ddd: [IDEMPIERE]