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Revision as of 19:39, 30 April 2014 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-04-30

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
JanThielemann: hi
hengsin: Hi
nmicoud: Bonjour
CarlosRuiz: will be checking peer review queue
deepak: Good Morning
CarlosRuiz: Hi deepak
deepak: Carlos, Can you please take look on iDempiere-1770?
deepak: hengsin did you get chance to review it?
hengsin: no, not yet
TurkerTunali: I have an error on fresh idempiere install
TurkerTunali: 16:38:41.027-----------> MTable.get_Value: Column not found - EntityType [13]16:38:41.031-----------> MTable.get_Value: Column not found - EntityType [13]16:38:41.035-----------> MTable.get_Value: Column not found - EntityType [13] 16:38:41.038-----------> MTable.get_Value: Column not found - EntityType [13]16:38:41.041-----------> MTable.get_Value: Column not found - EntityType [13]16:38:39.478===========> ALogin.tryConnection: null [13] java.lang.St
TurkerTunali: i've restored database from dmp file
TurkerTunali: Adempiere_pg.dmp
TurkerTunali: I've created the dump file via "jar xvf Adempiere_pg.jar" command
CarlosRuiz: TurkerTunali, that's the original seed of the version you downloaded - you must apply migration scripts to match the code running if you applied updates - and 2pack if you applied plugins
TurkerTunali: himm
TurkerTunali: it seems there 2 new files at idempiere\migration\i2.0\postgresql
TurkerTunali: but i cant run it at postgresql editor
TurkerTunali: error msg is
TurkerTunali: something like "relation doesn't exist a_asset_acct"
TurkerTunali: Do you think this error is important
TurkerTunali: [INFO] Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 3, acquireRetryAttempts -> 2, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> iDempiereDS, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> f
TurkerTunali: 17:37:30.514-----------> DB.isBuildOK: Build Version Error
TurkerTunali: The program assumes build version 2.0.0.qualifier, but database has build version ${env.ADEMPIERE_VERSION} 20080428-1232.
TurkerTunali: This is likely to cause hard to fix errors.
TurkerTunali: Please contact administrator. [1]
TurkerTunali: sorry
TurkerTunali: error is
TurkerTunali: 17:37:30.514-----------> DB.isBuildOK: Build Version Error
TurkerTunali: The program assumes build version 2.0.0.qualifier, but database has build version ${env.ADEMPIERE_VERSION} 20080428-1232.
TurkerTunali: This is likely to cause hard to fix errors.
TurkerTunali: Please contact administrator. [1]
TurkerTunali: when I try to add localization files from wiki page
TurkerTunali: using Adempiere Translation Package C file
TurkerTunali: swingclient throws some errors
TurkerTunali: [INFO] Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 3, acquireRetryAttempts -> 2, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> iDempiereDS, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> f
TurkerTunali: 19:10:09.437-----------> MTable.get_Value: Column not found - EntityType [30]
TurkerTunali: 19:10:09.605-----------> MTable.get_Value: Column not found - EntityType [30]
TurkerTunali: 19:10:09.599===========> ALogin.tryConnection: Table Name Not Found - AD_EntityType [30]
TurkerTunali: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Table Name Not Found - AD_EntityType
TurkerTunali: at org.compiere.model.Query.<init>(
TurkerTunali: at org.compiere.model.MEntityType.getEntityTypes(
TurkerTunali: at org.compiere.model.MEntityType.get(
TurkerTunali: at org.adempiere.base.DefaultModelFactory.getClass(
TurkerTunali: at org.adempiere.base.DefaultModelFactory.getPO(
TurkerTunali: at org.compiere.model.MTable.getPO(
TurkerTunali: at org.compiere.model.Query.firstOnly(
TurkerTunali: at org.compiere.model.MSystem.get(
TurkerTunali: at org.compiere.util.Login.getClients(
TurkerTunali: Table Name Not Found - AD_EntityType
TurkerTunali: but I have adempiere.ad_entitytype
TurkerTunali: sign-database-build.bat gives 'idempiere' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
TurkerTunali: there is no idempiere.bat on windows
hengsin: you should have idempiere.exe on windows
TurkerTunali: I've compiled from bitbucket source
TurkerTunali: I am running the client with run as -> swingclient.product
TurkerTunali: i can create and browse records, app is completely functional
red1: Just woke up
red1: lost track of time of days
TurkerTunali: :)
red1: didnt realised last night was wednesday!
TurkerTunali: last was tuesday here
TurkerTunali: :)
TurkerTunali: last night was tuesday
nmicoud: Hi CarlosRuiz, about, are you ok with my last comment (next steps) ?
jbwiv: guys, I'm following the directions here ( I'm at the materialize phase. However, after selection the mspec in the Buckminster import, eclipse tells me "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/pde/internal/core/target/provisional/ITargetPlatformService"
jbwiv: any ideas?
jbwiv: I have buckminster pde support installed
jbwiv: nm, found it:!topic/idempiere/4BLvHG40gzU
CarlosRuiz: Hi nmicoud
CarlosRuiz: yes nmicoud I agree with your comments
nmicoud: ok, will upload a patch then
nmicoud: thanks
CarlosRuiz: thanks to you
jbwiv: ok guys, so I updated buckminster and am getting further. Now I get "A selected specification is unresolved" and a red circle beside "org.idempiere.fitnesse:eclipse.feature:unresolved"
jbwiv: also, a yellow circle beside "org.idempiere.hazelcast.service:eclipse.feature(!(eclipse.p2.optional=false)):unresolved
jbwiv: any ideas? CarlosRuiz: do you happen to know? i'm sooo close :)
CarlosRuiz: most of problems always are related to using a different version than described in prerequisites
CarlosRuiz: I have not used Jano neither Kepler - just Indigo for the moment
jbwiv: CarlosRuiz: I see. ok. so, i need to revert to indigo
jbwiv: ok ,thanks. I'll try that
jbwiv: CarlosRuiz: so I've switched completely to Indigo and performed the same steps, yet I get the same issue regarding fitnesse
jbwiv: any ideas why this might be so? Is fitnesse required to be installed locally in some way outside of Eclipse?
jbwiv: CarlosRuiz: relevant errors:
jbwiv: perhaps it's related to trying it with the newer eclipse before. let me blow the dir away
jbwiv: CarlosRuiz: so after recloning the repo, and re-following the steps, I have this:
jbwiv: any idea why this would be?
jbwiv: this is using Indigo
jbwiv: ah...wait
jbwiv: forgot to switch workspaces
jbwiv: ok, so I've made it past that step. however, it finished very quickly, and the created targetPlatform directory is only 60M. is that expected?
red1: sounds u got sumtin
red1: shuld take a look inside
jbwiv: red1: ok, I have. i'm working on importing the db now
jbwiv: actually, applying migrations
jbwiv: the doc states to look for i1.0c-release. I'm on the development branch
jbwiv: red1: which dir should i look for migrations in? my db table shows none have been installed
red1: u have to take from source
red1: if u refer to tutorials, u would come across steps
jbwiv: red1: I'm following this guide:
jbwiv: which tutorial do you refer to?
red1: mine of course :D
red1: but that should be good enough
red1: this is a complex project so u shuld review if its suitable for your case
jbwiv: red1: I understand. I'm a long time postgresql user...and long time linux user, and a long time java I think it should be ok
jbwiv: but I want to give it my best shot
jbwiv: could you give me the link to your tutorial?
red1: I mean complex as in ERP
red1: not to discourage, but to be accurate
red1: here u are
red1: and my movies
red1: u can go to youtube link at
red1: look at the PlayList for iDempiere Learner
jbwiv: red1: ah, ok, thanks. Well, i'm not as advanced on the erp side
jbwiv: but we do have two we run
jbwiv: one which is developed internally
jbwiv: but I'm no deep expert
red1: That is exactly what i mean... hm.. ok.. then u are advanced there!
jbwiv: no, not advanced....but i have a capable team ;-)
red1: so ok good luck.. heading out of town
jbwiv: we're looking at openerp and idempiere to see if either could replace the in-house system
jbwiv: red1: ok, great.thanks for the help