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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-04-02

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
tbayen: Hello from germany!
nmicoud: Bonjour
CarlosRuiz: will work on the peer review queue
JanThielemann: hi
aguerra: Helloooo everybody!!!!!
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
aguerra: hi CarlosRuiz
CarlosRuiz: red1 published a new plugin
red1: Hi CarlosRuiz I hope you can also delegate to me harmless patches to commit.
red1: Like the Model Generator done by tbayen
tbayen: Pssst! Don't tell anyone I do harmless things.
CarlosRuiz: tbayen and I talked about a way to move ahead some time ago - I think I can try to organize those ideas and publish a wiki page and then we can work to implement it
tbayen: I am ashamed I had not yet the time to really work on this. But it is worth to be done.
CarlosRuiz: summarizing the idea: 1 - open a fork, 2 - we agree about one or two patches to peer review, test and integrate at a time (meaning, not integrating many patches at the same time, being careful about epic changes)
CarlosRuiz: 3 - you must keep the fork up to date (frequent pull-update)
red1: What's wrong with harmless?
red1: I don't want harmful things
red1: That I leave it to the Germans
CarlosRuiz: in principle everything without a test is potentially harmful :-)
CarlosRuiz: the most important piece of peer review is usually doing a test that covers the modified code - sometimes is not possible, but then you must explicitly state that part is not tested
red1: I tested tbayen's work.
red1: I think it won't break anything
CarlosRuiz: which one is that?
red1: Have you located the missing flight AD380
Deepak: Carlos, I can help in some peer review and testing later. Right now quite fill up with things.
CarlosRuiz: thanks Deepak - it will be helpful
CarlosRuiz: we have tried in past the fork and pull requests approach and it didn't work
red1_: wait.. swtiching to MacBook morde.. was in mobile Nexus just now.. cannot paste the link
CarlosRuiz: so, trying to fix the issues that caused the problem - that's the idea of "agree on one or two patches to work on"
Deepak: ubderstood
red1_: I think this is the harmless one
CarlosRuiz: mercurial doesn't allow a selective pull request
Deepak: I have never tried pull from fork
red1_: of course if tbayen wants to do harmful things, i won't get into the plane
red1_: I think my recent JIRA ticket on BOM Drop to Production window is also harmless.
tbayen: The new idea was just to do one patch at a time and concentrate on that before caring about the next.
CarlosRuiz: what do you think about a label on that JIRA ticket "red1-tested"
CarlosRuiz: meaning you stamp (guarantee) that you tested and it worked
CarlosRuiz: or red1-pr (red1 peer reviewed) - if you took the time to test and also review the code
Deepak: We can add custom field called Reviewed By
CarlosRuiz: those stamps can help me a lot to know that somebody successfully ran a test
Deepak: or Tested by
CarlosRuiz: but - the most helpful is a fork with a pull request - sometimes integrating old things into new versions is hard
CarlosRuiz: just noticed the "one or two patches at the same time" is applying kanban principles :-)
red1_: good idea Deepak
red1_: i mean good idea CarlosRuiz
red1_: hi hieplq xin chao
CarlosRuiz: yep - just found is easy in JIRA to add a multi-user picker field
hieplq: chào red1_ hello your new plug-in
tbayen: CarlosRuiz, can you pick more than one user if the ticket is reviewed by more than one person?
CarlosRuiz: yep - I saw there is a multiuser picker there
tbayen: good idea. We can search for reviews and praise people who review much.
CarlosRuiz: do we need two? or just one? Tested by - and Peer reviewed by ?
CarlosRuiz: the TestedBy was already added - it appears on the right side of the JIRA ticket
CarlosRuiz: I can set it using an admin option - let me check further
CarlosRuiz: is that option available to you tbayen ?
CarlosRuiz: button next to "Resolve" - called Admin > Add Field
hieplq: Hi @CarlosRuiz just some people have this button?
CarlosRuiz: do you see it?
hieplq: no. i logout and login
tbayen: I do not see it
CarlosRuiz: I guess you see it when is filled ->
CarlosRuiz: just need to figure out how you can fill it
tbayen: Yes, I see it at 1410
hieplq: in edit mode i can see it
hieplq: a textarea field
CarlosRuiz: excellent - you got it
hieplq: click edit in ticket. new dialog open. click to "configure fields " tick to "test by"
hieplq: I can mark "tested by me" for my patch when i really test it?
CarlosRuiz: I filled IDEMPIERE-1410 as an example - but I tend to think is better to fill that field with other testers
CarlosRuiz: it is supposed that developer always test - but I've seen so many cases :-)
CarlosRuiz: :D
aguerra: I can also help test!
red1: Let's try two first
hieplq: :)
red1: Try two
tbayen: Ah, I got it. ;)
tbayen: There is a lock right of the "testing" field and the tooltip says I am not allowed to brose users. I had to enter manually "tbayen".
tbayen: Other fields have a kind of search function.
hieplq: In comment of ticket, sometime i see you can @somebody. a link to profile is insert. how to do it?
red1: Lets try for 2 reviewers
CarlosRuiz: I just write an @ and type the user name - usually a list appears
CarlosRuiz: don't you see the list?
hieplq: It's not work for me.
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, hieplq, can you please try again?
hieplq: work perfect. thank @CarlosRuiz
hieplq: in testby notneed @
hieplq: has button in right bottom for select mutil user.
tbayen: Sorry, I wrote to the wrong chatroom - It works as a charm. Fine! :-)
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz. in document window (example invoice) when you complete has a error. a red messsage display. it over some button in 3 second.
hieplq: why we don't user normal dialog message
hieplq: red mesage is sometime not enough info
CarlosRuiz: if you click on the error message it will show you the dialog
hieplq: i remember, I must wait it invisible, after that i must click to message in status to show dialog. but i will try click red message for late
red1: tbayen: you have a secret chatroom :)
tbayen: red1, no secrets. Just #idempiere-de
tbayen: I am building and strenghten the german community. It looks good. :-)