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Revision as of 23:27, 2 April 2014 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-04-02

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
tbayen: Hello from germany!
nmicoud: Bonjour
CarlosRuiz: will work on the peer review queue
JanThielemann: hi
aguerra: Helloooo everybody!!!!!
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
aguerra: hi CarlosRuiz
CarlosRuiz: red1 published a new plugin
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] deepak updated IDEMPIERE-1572 Attachment set to "10274.patch"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] Added attached patch which has system configurable last n record to be shown.
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+2/-0/±0]
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss 96843f4 - IDEMPIERE-1834
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1834 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
red1: Hi CarlosRuiz I hope you can also delegate to me harmless patches to commit.
red1: Like the Model Generator done by tbayen
tbayen: Pssst! Don't tell anyone I do harmless things.
CarlosRuiz: tbayen and I talked about a way to move ahead some time ago - I think I can try to organize those ideas and publish a wiki page and then we can work to implement it
tbayen: I am ashamed I had not yet the time to really work on this. But it is worth to be done.
CarlosRuiz: summarizing the idea: 1 - open a fork, 2 - we agree about one or two patches to peer review, test and integrate at a time (meaning, not integrating many patches at the same time, being careful about epic changes)
CarlosRuiz: 3 - you must keep the fork up to date (frequent pull-update)
red1: What's wrong with harmless?
red1: I don't want harmful things
red1: That I leave it to the Germans
CarlosRuiz: in principle everything without a test is potentially harmful :-)
CarlosRuiz: the most important piece of peer review is usually doing a test that covers the modified code - sometimes is not possible, but then you must explicitly state that part is not tested
red1: I tested tbayen's work.
red1: I think it won't break anything
CarlosRuiz: which one is that?
red1: Have you located the missing flight AD380
Deepak: Carlos, I can help in some peer review and testing later. Right now quite fill up with things.
CarlosRuiz: thanks Deepak - it will be helpful
CarlosRuiz: we have tried in past the fork and pull requests approach and it didn't work
red1_: wait.. swtiching to MacBook morde.. was in mobile Nexus just now.. cannot paste the link
CarlosRuiz: so, trying to fix the issues that caused the problem - that's the idea of "agree on one or two patches to work on"
Deepak: ubderstood
red1_: I think this is the harmless one
CarlosRuiz: mercurial doesn't allow a selective pull request
Deepak: I have never tried pull from fork
red1_: of course if tbayen wants to do harmful things, i won't get into the plane
red1_: I think my recent JIRA ticket on BOM Drop to Production window is also harmless.
tbayen: The new idea was just to do one patch at a time and concentrate on that before caring about the next.
CarlosRuiz: what do you think about a label on that JIRA ticket "red1-tested"
CarlosRuiz: meaning you stamp (guarantee) that you tested and it worked
CarlosRuiz: or red1-pr (red1 peer reviewed) - if you took the time to test and also review the code
Deepak: We can add custom field called Reviewed By
CarlosRuiz: those stamps can help me a lot to know that somebody successfully ran a test
Deepak: or Tested by
CarlosRuiz: but - the most helpful is a fork with a pull request - sometimes integrating old things into new versions is hard
CarlosRuiz: just noticed the "one or two patches at the same time" is applying kanban principles :-)
red1_: good idea Deepak
red1_: i mean good idea CarlosRuiz
red1_: hi hieplq xin chao
CarlosRuiz: yep - just found is easy in JIRA to add a multi-user picker field
hieplq: chào red1_ hello your new plug-in
tbayen: CarlosRuiz, can you pick more than one user if the ticket is reviewed by more than one person?
CarlosRuiz: yep - I saw there is a multiuser picker there
tbayen: good idea. We can search for reviews and praise people who review much.
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+0/-0/±1]
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss 627a90a - IDEMPIERE-1410 Non-advanced users can assign themselves advanced roles
CarlosRuiz: do we need two? or just one? Tested by - and Peer reviewed by ?
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1410 Tested By set to "Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1410 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
CarlosRuiz: the TestedBy was already added - it appears on the right side of the JIRA ticket
CarlosRuiz: I can set it using an admin option - let me check further
CarlosRuiz: is that option available to you tbayen ?
CarlosRuiz: button next to "Resolve" - called Admin > Add Field
hieplq: Hi @CarlosRuiz just some people have this button?
CarlosRuiz: do you see it?
hieplq: no. i logout and login
tbayen: I do not see it
CarlosRuiz: I guess you see it when is filled ->
CarlosRuiz: just need to figure out how you can fill it
tbayen: Yes, I see it at 1410
hieplq: in edit mode i can see it
hieplq: a textarea field
CarlosRuiz: excellent - you got it
hieplq: click edit in ticket. new dialog open. click to "configure fields " tick to "test by"
hieplq: I can mark "tested by me" for my patch when i really test it?
CarlosRuiz: I filled IDEMPIERE-1410 as an example - but I tend to think is better to fill that field with other testers
CarlosRuiz: it is supposed that developer always test - but I've seen so many cases :-)
CarlosRuiz: :D
aguerra: I can also help test!
red1: Let's try two first
hieplq: :)
red1: Try two
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1686 Tested By set to "Redhuan D. Oon"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] tbayen updated IDEMPIERE-1634 Tested By set to "Thomas Bayen"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] tbayen updated IDEMPIERE-1634 Tested By set to ""
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
tbayen: Ah, I got it. ;)
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1410 Tested By set to ""
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
tbayen: There is a lock right of the "testing" field and the tooltip says I am not allowed to brose users. I had to enter manually "tbayen".
tbayen: Other fields have a kind of search function.
hieplq: In comment of ticket, sometime i see you can @somebody. a link to profile is insert. how to do it?
red1: Lets try for 2 reviewers
CarlosRuiz: I just write an @ and type the user name - usually a list appears
CarlosRuiz: don't you see the list?
hieplq: It's not work for me.
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-1706
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] other way to easy redo, even demo site 1. login to idempiere 2. open Simultaneous in other tab 3. after that, can must quick refresh tab sessiontimeout.zul some time when util error page display (about 5 time). from this time when refresh tab sessiontimeout.zul we receive tick-tack phase. error-no error-error-no error..........................
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, hieplq, can you please try again?
hieplq: work perfect. thank @CarlosRuiz
hieplq: in testby notneed @
hieplq: has button in right bottom for select mutil user.
tbayen: Sorry, I wrote to the wrong chatroom - It works as a charm. Fine! :-)
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz. in document window (example invoice) when you complete has a error. a red messsage display. it over some button in 3 second.
hieplq: why we don't user normal dialog message
hieplq: red mesage is sometime not enough info
CarlosRuiz: if you click on the error message it will show you the dialog
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1686 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to development [+0/-0/±3]
Not-001: [iDempiere] tbayen 1a4ab8e - IDEMPIERE-1686 GenerateModel does not take commandline arguments
hieplq: i remember, I must wait it invisible, after that i must click to message in status to show dialog. but i will try click red message for late
red1: tbayen: you have a secret chatroom :)
tbayen: red1, no secrets. Just #idempiere-de
tbayen: I am building and strenghten the german community. It looks good. :-)
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1717 status set to "Peer Review Queue"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+2/-0/±1]
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss ede15ec - IDEMPIERE-1717 Maintenance mode
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1717 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss created IDEMPIERE-1871 Inactive records should be distinguishable from Active records in grid view
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 2 commits to release-2.0 [+0/-0/±2]
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin b5cb93c - IDEMPIERE-1871 1003779 Inactive records should be distinguishable from Active records in grid view.
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss f625fcc - IDEMPIERE-1871 Inactive records should be distinguishable from Active records in grid view / implement the same if current row is inactive
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1871 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+0/-0/±1]
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin fe97310 - 1003869 Form to captured process parameter for scheduler. IDEMPIERE-1486 / Fixed captured to value for non-range parameter as well.
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 2 commits to development [+2/-0/±46]
Not-001: [iDempiere] elainetan a964064 - IDEMPIERE-1856 Amount in database functions and views are hardcoded to round to 2 decimal points
Not-001: [iDempiere] elainetan 8d45322 - IDEMPIERE-1856 Amount in database functions and views are hardcoded to round to 2 decimal points
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin pushed 7 commits to zk7 [+91/-5/±200]
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin 0880f55 - Merge development into zk7
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin bb40acb - IDEMPIERE-1635 Upgrade to zk7. Fixed css for field editor button.
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin 70b1da9 - Merge development into zk7 branch
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin 5251cbf - IDEMPIERE-1635 Upgrade to zk7. Upgrade to Zk 7.0.1
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin 75c9fb3 - IDEMPIERE-1666 Error when adding performance gadget.
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin d99bb67 - IDEMPIERE-1735 The window tab disappears when selecting a link in the online help.
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin 8d5cf3b - IDEMPIERE-1635 Upgrade to zk7. Fixed issue with href=min for grid. Sync paging size with GridDataLoader limit. Fixed css for tree. Make grid more compact. Fixed issue with customize grid.
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] nmicoud updated IDEMPIERE-1717
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] Hi Carlos, Thanks for the patch. I haven't tested yet, but just wondering if it would be possible (and is it worth ?) to set the maintenance mode on/off using command line or from the administration console ? I'm not sure that would be necessary, it's just a thought. WDYT ? Nicolas
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1717
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] [~nmicoud], maybe it can be integrated into org.adempiere.webui.process.KillAllSession, we can add a flag "Go to maintenance mode" and if that flag is enabled then the sysconfig key is changed and all the sessions are killed. I think is the point where it makes more sense. From the command line after a restart - it can be simply to execute the "update ad_sysconfig" sql command. Regards, Carlos Ruiz
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+0/-0/±2]
Not-001: [iDempiere] elainetan 2fc328e - IDEMPIERE-1814 Payment check no and stock check number do not match when using Payment Selection and Payment Print/Export
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1814 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] acanaveral created IDEMPIERE-1872 Imporve Edition & Visibility of AD_Field.SQLColumn
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] acanaveral updated IDEMPIERE-1872 summary set to "Imporve Edition & Visibility of AD_Column.SQLColumn"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] acanaveral updated IDEMPIERE-1872 description set to "Change the type of the column from String to Text so we can expand the component... If anyone else has another idea, such as leave it as the Help column??(means a row just for it..) please comment UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_ID = 14 WHERE AD_Column_ID=13448"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 2 commits to development [+2/-0/±6]
Not-001: [iDempiere] nmicoud b1c15ab - IDEMPIERE-1216 Add missing translation tables / migration script
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss ca2b718 - IDEMPIERE-1216 Add missing translation tables / fix oracle migration script / peer review java patch from Nicolas Micoud (nmicoud)
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1216 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Nicolas Micoud" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] Thanks [~nmicoud], I committed your patch and another commit with the peer review. The java approach was problematic because it didn't take into account changing language between sessions, I implemented better a cache version of the translated value (it must improve overall performance avoiding sql readings on many iDempiere points).
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+2/-0/±0]
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss 291b8bc - Peer reviewing IDEMPIERE-1216 found wrong length on dashboard content translation
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 2 commits to release-2.0 [+2/-0/±3]
Not-001: [iDempiere] nmicoud 636d222 - IDEMPIERE-1845 Allow Scheduler to use default logic based on SQL
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss 7051f77 - 1003869 Form to captured process parameter for scheduler. IDEMPIERE-1486 / Fixed captured value for null fields - fix default @#Date# being saved with time
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1845 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin pushed 1 commit to zk7 [+14/-0/±78]
Not-001: [iDempiere] hengsin 30e0ebd - Merge development ( 10289 ) into zk7 ( 10252 ) branch
Oswaldo: Buenas noches, solicito ayuda para configurar mis variables de entorno para Java y PostgreSQL
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1840 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez" -resolution set to "Won't Fix"
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE] issue is harmless as the reference is not used - the parent org id eventually could be a non-summary
Not-001: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+0/-0/±2]
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss 14b207a - IDEMPIERE-166 Rebranding of logo and product name
Not-001: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to development [+10/-0/±12]
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss a8bdc87 - hg merge release-2.0 (merge release2 into development)