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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-03-12

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
nmicoud: Carlos, could you review today (there is a patch attached) ? i got the issue in a production environnment...
CarlosRuiz: ok
nmicoud: thanks a lot
nmicoud: actually, i thought it was already included in the trunk and my first guess was there was another issue :)
tbayen: Daarestiet!
nmicoud: hi Thomas
CarlosRuiz: saw that somebody opened the idempiere wikipedia page
CarlosRuiz: same as it happened with adempiere - very quickly is asked to met the notability guidelines
CarlosRuiz: do you remember red1? :-)
red1_: Haha
red1_: Yes
red1_: Sadly we not notable to big brothers media
red1_: As citation
CarlosRuiz: I remember the notability guideline was coverage on the five continents - and yes that we have it
CarlosRuiz: at Krefeld conference there were four continents represented - and the fifth is represented by their big contributions
AndChat-314001: Readin it
CarlosRuiz: this graphic is also representative about coverage
red1: I think myself appearing in global newspapers is notable
red1: and also global babes
aguerra_: hello everybody!!!
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, testing IDEMPIERE-1707
nmicoud: ok thanks
CarlosRuiz: Hi ocurieles_SOSVEN
CarlosRuiz: I noticed your team committed an interesting patch here
ocurieles_SOSVEN: Hi @CarlosRuiz
CarlosRuiz: "Improvement to display sql columns in VSortTab and ADSortTab"
CarlosRuiz: is it ok to review and integrate?
aguerra_: hi ocurieles_SOSVEN
ocurieles_SOSVEN: sure Carlos
aguerra_: hi CarlosRuiz
ocurieles_SOSVEN: is Work of Angel Parra
ocurieles_SOSVEN: Hi @aguerra_
CarlosRuiz: yep - I mean - seems good for core - ok if integrated?
ocurieles_SOSVEN: of course
ocurieles_SOSVEN: do it
ocurieles_SOSVEN: HI @red1
CarlosRuiz: thanks
ocurieles_SOSVEN: @CarlosRuiz the access to the repo is ready
CarlosRuiz: thanks
JanThielemann: CarlosRuiz, are the charts of accounting up to date? which one should i use for a new client? as far as i remember, the german ones are broken but in my case i only need the chart of accounting to create a new client
CarlosRuiz: AccountingUS.csv is the only one maintained up to date in trunk
JanThielemann: thx
tbayen: JanThielemann, I have an updated german version in my repository
JanThielemann: thank you as well
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, I refactored some things on MCountry
CarlosRuiz: local tests passed - can you please test it too?
nmicoud: ok, will do this
JanThielemann: jira ping pong :)
CarlosRuiz: JanThielemann, I asked displaylogic because I was testing with the tab "POS Payment" and it works fine
CarlosRuiz: the tab is shown when you have a payment rule "Mixed POS Payment" and hidden for the other payment rules
JanThielemann: does it get hidden again once it showed up?
CarlosRuiz: I changed payment rule back and forth several times and every time it works fine - hiding and showing the tab
JanThielemann: hmm
JanThielemann: i use the current release-2.0
CarlosRuiz: but in your case you're using a context variable set on a callout
CarlosRuiz: is possible the callout is not being called?
CarlosRuiz: or not arriving to CalloutOrder line 110 for any reason?
JanThielemann: i'll debug, give me some minutes
JanThielemann: callout gets executed and correct value is written to context
CarlosRuiz: your display logic says "and" instead of "&" ?
JanThielemann: ?
JanThielemann: oh
JanThielemann: no, i have @OrderType@=VE to display tab 1-3
JanThielemann: and @OrderType@=RA to display 4-5
JanThielemann: these are my two display logics to display different tabs based on display logic
JanThielemann: based on order type i mean
CarlosRuiz: the other thing to review maybe would be if the display logic is evaluated before of after the callout
CarlosRuiz: a breakpoint on GridTab line 1618 approx
JanThielemann: this method gets never called
JanThielemann: after chaning the value of order type
JanThielemann: also not before
CarlosRuiz: must be in CompositeADTabbox - line 442
CarlosRuiz: but I noticed the issue
CarlosRuiz: there is an array of dependent fields
CarlosRuiz: on AbstractADTabbox
CarlosRuiz: the array is called m_dependents
CarlosRuiz: it has the dependent fields to verify the display logic
CarlosRuiz: as your variable is not a field I guess is not being called
JanThielemann: when i select my order type for the first time, updateTabState() gets called
JanThielemann: for the second time not
CarlosRuiz: a trick that must work is something like
CarlosRuiz: @OrderType@=RA & @C_DocTypeTarget_ID@=@C_DocTypeTarget_ID@
CarlosRuiz: dirty trick
JanThielemann: yep works
JanThielemann: you can close the ticket if you want
JanThielemann: i am satisfied with this solution
CarlosRuiz: maybe an annotation on DisplayLogic for tab mentioning that context variables must be fields to be evaluated would be worthy
CarlosRuiz: so, the ticket can be a documentation improvement
nmicoud: @CarlosRuiz : hi, i've tested your patch for and it seems ok. at least i was not able to reproduce the issue. i will patch the production instance with it
CarlosRuiz: thanks nmicoud