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Revision as of 15:57, 4 December 2013 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-12-04

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
nmicoud: Found and reported some bugs this week :) ; can we deal with 1587 ?
ocurieles: Good Morning Srs
CarlosRuiz: Hi Orlando
nmicoud: Hi
CarlosRuiz: sure nmicoud, please let me integrate some commits from hengsin first ...
nmicoud: sure
ocurieles_: @JanThielemann Nice Asterisk release...
JanThielemann: please test and report bugs :)
JanThielemann: i know there are some of them xD
JanThielemann: or at least i cannot imagine that there are none *g*
CarlosRuiz: yes, JanThielemann and jmpiloq - thanks for the contribution! it looks great
ocurieles_: Sure.. i have a asterisk in my office...
JanThielemann: improvement suggestions are welcome :)
ocurieles_: please check this
ocurieles_: for scanning directly from idempiere as attachment
ocurieles_: work with sane
aguerra: Hi everybody!!!!
ocurieles_: Hi @aguerra
nmicoud: it's xmas ! congrats !
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
CarlosRuiz: cybermonday contribs :-)
tbayen: Hi
ocurieles_: :D
CarlosRuiz: hi Thomas
nmicoud: hi thomas
ocurieles_: Hi Thomas
aguerra: Hi Thomas
aguerra: Hi @ocurieles_
aguerra: hi @CarlosRuiz
ocurieles_: i put the scanning images on Facebook
ocurieles_: somebody know a good irc client for Mac ?
ocurieles_: @JanThielemann maybe you can put some pictures of Asterisk integration on Facebook :D
JanThielemann: limechat
JanThielemann: sure
tbayen: Better make a wikipage with some pictures. It will last longer than facebook.
ocurieles_: sure i promess work the next days in the wiki plugins pages :(
hengsin: I think we should make a page in wiki to list extensions available
ocurieles_: i will work on that i pro mess :D
CarlosRuiz: advance on that task was this:
tbayen: Someone wanted to create a "plugin shop" page in the wiki. But until someone does that a Category "Plugins" could be sufficient.
CarlosRuiz: and installation of the rating plugin as shown here
CarlosRuiz: so, I think is just to start filling pages and assigning that category
ocurieles_: sure
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, finished the integration
nmicoud: ok
nmicoud: so, i think there is a bug as is wrote in my 2nd comment and 'old' columns should be updated
CarlosRuiz: yep - so, to generate the migration script we need to fix first the code
CarlosRuiz: right?
nmicoud: yep
ocurieles_DCS: testing limechat
nmicoud: about the fix, what is the interest to have CHAR with length > 1 ?
CarlosRuiz: AFAIR - char columns are just problematic in lists
nmicoud: that would explain why docaction is set as Char
hengsin: updating the old columns from char to nvarchat will break many views though
ocurieles_DCS: Hi Mr @hengsin some news about ?
ocurieles_DCS: the field New Accumulated Amt is for accumulated inventory cost or accumulated inventory value
ocurieles_DCS: ?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, this query is showing 55 different columns
CarlosRuiz: select column_name, data_length, count(*) from user_tab_columns
CarlosRuiz: where data_type='CHAR' and data_length>1
CarlosRuiz: group by column_name, data_length
CarlosRuiz: order by 3 desc, 1
CarlosRuiz: -> oracle query
nmicoud: yep ; that's a lot :-/
nmicoud: should be update all of them ?
CarlosRuiz: or maybe we add an exception for DocAction and DocStatus
nmicoud: only for docaction
CarlosRuiz: ah - because is a button
nmicoud: new column for docstatus are ok
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: only 'old' docstatus need to be updated
CarlosRuiz: no, the opposite
nmicoud: yes :D
hengsin: dcs, that's to accumulate inventory cost
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, AD_LANGUAGE - we have 17 CHAR and 93 VARCHAR2
CarlosRuiz: :-) worst -> 17 char(5), 93 varchar2(6)
nmicoud: should we laugh or cry ?
CarlosRuiz: so, I think the problem you found is not because char<>varchar - but because of the N on nvarchar
CarlosRuiz: and would be just oracle related
nmicoud: those type are not available on postgre ?
CarlosRuiz: nope - nvarchar is oracle specific - to use national character set instead of utf8
nmicoud: ok
CarlosRuiz: so - a possible fix is to change line 611
CarlosRuiz: return "NVARCHAR2(" + fieldLength + ")";
CarlosRuiz: must be
CarlosRuiz: return "VARCHAR2(" + fieldLength + ")";
nmicoud: that will not effect DocAction columns
CarlosRuiz: your problem is with DocStatus
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: means that the problem is that new DocStatus are created with the wrong type ?
nmicoud: right ?
CarlosRuiz: actually we have 9 docstatus nvarchar2 and 68 char
nmicoud: i'm testing the patch locally
nmicoud: that would mean that the new DocStatus columns (created as NVARCHAR2) should be modified to VARCHAR2 ?
CarlosRuiz: I think that would make it compatible to use it in a view
nmicoud: let me check : C_Invoice.DocStatus => become VARCHAR2 and myNewTable.DocStatus => stay NVARCHAR2 ?
CarlosRuiz: reading the documentation about nvarchar2 vs varchar2 - seems like nvarchar2 doesn't represent really an advantage - just adding problems :-)
CarlosRuiz: your new table must be varchar2 to if you plan to join those in a view
nmicoud: so i will have to update its type because it has already been created as NVARCHAR2
nmicoud: but i could deal with that
CarlosRuiz: yep - if you sync the column after the patch - must conver it
nmicoud: it seems to work
nmicoud: i mean, patch of line 611
CarlosRuiz: TkTech service is not notifying today JIRA or commits
TkTech: CarlosRuiz: Should respond on your next commit. Thanks for the heads up.
CarlosRuiz: excellent - thanks for your quick answer
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, reviewing IDEMPIERE-1591
nmicoud: thanks
CarlosRuiz: now I see who deleted the role for SuperUser :D
nmicoud: :D
CarlosRuiz: yesterday red1 could not login as SuperUser and we found the role deleted :-DDD
nmicoud: i'm guilty ;)
red1: Aha.... alors
CarlosRuiz: I see why you cannot save
red1: It was good i tested the night before
red1: Its my favorite to talk about the Felix and iUIMobile.. they are easy and quick to demonstrate
CarlosRuiz: the reason why you cannot save is because the ui is not aware that detail record has changed
tbayen: How can you see who deletes something?
CarlosRuiz: if you touch any of the fields (i.e. inactivate it and activate it again) then you can save it
nmicoud: i see
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, usually the change log saves the deletions - but in this case for user assignment it's not saved - is just for records with ID column
nmicoud: not necesseraly a bug ?
CarlosRuiz: yes - is a bug
CarlosRuiz: will change the summary and annotate the finding
nmicoud: but only related to detail tab with all mandatory field filled with default values
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1591 summary set to "Can't save a new record on detail tab unless record is touched"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
nmicoud: but a bug anyway
CarlosRuiz: exactly
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1591
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] Found the issue is because the UI is not aware that detail record is ready to be saved when you are just inserting and it has all default values, if you touch any field then the save works.
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
CarlosRuiz: the same happens if the user set the preference for the tab to be opened as grid
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] hagi created IDEMPIERE-1603 Copy Info Window Columns from other Info Window's
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1603 labels set to "+Patch"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1574 labels set to "+Patch"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] nmicoud updated IDEMPIERE-1600
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] It also happens on calendar window, but you have to reduce the height of your browser. Issues created :
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
ocurieles_DCS: I can make a user just into the system from the local network?
ocurieles_DCS: can i make a user only login from local network ?
CarlosRuiz: ocurieles_DCS, maybe a login validator
aguerra: You can allow connections only if the server certificate in the browser idempiere have installed?
CarlosRuiz: aguerra, yes - you can configure the web server (i.e. apache) like that - and give certificates using openssh
CarlosRuiz: sorry - openssl
aguerra: And only generate certificates that can connect to the server?
aguerra: Have some documentation??
aguerra: thk a lot!!!
CarlosRuiz: I did that once with apache - it works fine - I guess is similar with nginx
aguerra: Ok. I'll try, because I'm going to have a server with 2 remote branches and I just want to connect who have the certificate installed.
aguerra: otherwise I will use openvpn
Not-002: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-1.0c [+0/-0/±4]
Not-002: [iDempiere] j2garcia 040b78a - IDEMPIERE-1574 Sales Order Line lets Price under the Price Limit when updating
nmicoud: @CarlosRuiz: could you integrate your patch for 1461 ?
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1574 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Jesus Garcia" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, on 1461 I would like a peer review from hengsin_ first
nmicoud: ok
CarlosRuiz: it's also breaking a functionality that open the zoom window in New mode when the field is empty
nmicoud: ok
nmicoud: thus, any chance with 1575, 1571 and 1589 ?
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1461 status set to "Peer Review Queue"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1461 assignee set to "Heng Sin Low"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
CarlosRuiz: let me test 1571 and 1589
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, which is the test case for 1571 - inactivate which column on which table?
nmicoud: columns acct type like Ch_Revenue_Acct,... all *_Acct that have been disabled beacuse useless
CarlosRuiz: ah - so, you mean we disabled the field, but not the column - if we inactivate the column then the import account throw errors - right?
nmicoud: no, the column is disabled
CarlosRuiz: ah - I see - your csv has a row with a default account deprecated
nmicoud: that could be also that :)
nmicoud: i still use the same after all years and i only add accounts, never remove some
nmicoud: but i think that lots of csv are not up to date, so this little modification can still be used
nmicoud: but message could be more like "this account is deprecated, you should remove it from your import file"
Mark___: how i can download the manual from the Adempiere?
CarlosRuiz: Mark___, welcome to iDempiere - which is your interest on the system? Functional or technical?
Mark___: yes
Mark___: Functional and technical
CarlosRuiz: then I think you must consider reading the books published
Not-002: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+0/-0/±1]
Not-002: [iDempiere] globalqss 50bb861 - IDEMPIERE-1571 Import Account generates error because of not active columns / improve warning message for user - thanks to Nicolas Micoud (nmicoud)
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1571 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Nicolas Micoud" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Mark___: where do I get the books?
Not-002: [iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-2.0 [+0/-0/±1]
Not-002: [iDempiere] nmicoud 7f7bae1 - IDEMPIERE-1589 MailText template don't use language
CarlosRuiz: thanks nmicoud - I committed your 1589
CarlosRuiz: I found in tests there are many other places to improve with similar approaches - it would be good to have deeper analysis on that
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1589 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Nicolas Micoud" -resolution set to "Fixed"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1587
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] Discussed on IRC meeting {quote} so - a possible fix is to change line 611 return "NVARCHAR2(" + fieldLength + ")"; must be return "VARCHAR2(" + fieldLength + ")"; {quote} pending confirmation
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1587 labels set to "+Patch Oracle,"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1587 labels set to "+Patch oracle"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1249 labels set to "oracle"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
nmicoud: thanks Carlos !
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] ocurieles created IDEMPIERE-1604 Extend features for Window Customization
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1579 Attachment set to "IDEMPIERE-1579_v1.patch"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] Attaching here two range implementations for dates and numeric fields. Both implementations add a second upper limit field for dates and numbers. First implementation uses the Equal operand if the upper limit field is empty. Second implementation adds a flag to define operand to use if the upper limit field is empty, it uses Equal when flag is unchecked and Greater Or Equal if the flag is checked. WDYT? Regards, Carlos Ruiz
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1579 labels set to "+Patch"
Not-002: [IDEMPIERE]