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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-11-27

red1: Hola CarlosRuiz and everyone else. I am in Thailand.. where it is Yellow Shirts vs Red Shirts protest going on
CarlosRuiz: Hi red1
red1: I am asking the Thailand team to give their traditional greetings to CarlosRuiz
tbayen: As a general experience red shirts die early...
pang: CarlosRuiz: Sawudee ka ^__^
red1: there are two pretty Thai ladies here: Moodang and pang :D
red1: their photo is in my Facebook
Moodang: CarlosRuiz: Hi, How are you?
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, I received yesterday KitKat in my nexus 4 - running fine
CarlosRuiz: Hi pang, Moodang - everything going fine here
red1: I upgraded my Nexus 4 and it crashed now and then
red1: Android version
tbayen: :-) CarlosRuiz , yes I received it yesterday too. Seems we are in the same update cycle. It feels like a new phone. :-)
CarlosRuiz: yep - sounds like I was one of the lucky - read some comments about KitKat failing on nexus4
red1: Its time to get a new Nexus
red1: when is our next Krefeld conference? :D
red1: anyway i updated my iDempiere source and it crashes too
red1: ah.. i have to use mquery instead
Moodang: CarlosRuiz: Have you ever come to Thailand?
tbayen: Don't give red1 a new Nexus! He crashes everything!
red1: mspec i mean
red1: OK, i will hold the next iDempiere world conference in Bangkok
red1: and we will give tbayen a better gift
CarlosRuiz: Hi everybody
CarlosRuiz: Norbert proposed a discussion for the meeting but he has not arrived
nmicoud_: Bonjour
tbayen: Daarestiet!
nmicoud_: Carlos, WDYT of!topic/idempiere/aspBJWajtBs ?
nmicoud_: should we open a jira ticket and attach regularly migration scripts to update column length ?
red1: ah.. now i am hitting thousands of errors
red1: cyclic dependency... nice
CarlosRuiz: yep - sounds good
nmicoud_: ok ; will do this then ; maybe wait 2 or 3 days , and then create the 1st script
nmicoud_: About ; do you know if hengsin does something ?
nmicoud_: he suggest a new approach
nmicoud_: but i don't know who can develop it
nmicoud_: not sure i'm the good person as it's quite complex i think
tbayen: Do you agree that setting the length of AD_PInstance_Para.P_String to a length as big as 5000 does no harm?
CarlosRuiz: the only collateral I see for that is printing such string in the PDF header - maybe you could try to trim it and add "..." at the end if is longer than NNN chars
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud_, I don't get completely the idea from Heng Sin on IDEMPIERE-1461
CarlosRuiz: don't see the value added splitting the zoom logic to several tables
nmicoud_: if i understand well : AD_ZoomCondition will be used when recordID > 0 (conditional) and new table used for handling context variables (@#AD_Client_ID@=10000...). And empty record will used this
nmicoud_: i think it's easier to do
nmicoud_: i'd prefer to have everything in the same place but hengsin think it would be better this way (look his comment 11/12)
CarlosRuiz: as I see the context logic would be applied for recordid=0 - and the context+SQL applied for recordid>0 - and you can have several conditions defined
nmicoud_: yes
CarlosRuiz: and they're applied ordered by seqno
nmicoud_: yes, and the 1st correct is the winner
aguerra: Hi E very boda!!!
aguerra: Hi everybody
nmicoud_: hi
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
aguerra: Hi, nmicoud, @CarlosRuiz
red1_: Hola aguerra
aguerra: Hola mr @red1
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud_, I'll try a POC for IDEMPIERE-1461 - let me check
CarlosRuiz: it doesn't sound too hard
nmicoud_: :) thanks
CarlosRuiz: Deepak_, 1572 looks good - is it based on AD_PInstancePara?
Deepak_: yes
Deepak_: CarlosRuiz, we have done for zk but yet working on swing in idempiere
tbayen: Fine! I will test the swing version if you like
CarlosRuiz: excellent news
CarlosRuiz: I can test the zk :-)
nmicoud_: About (ability to delete a view within AD), i wanted to execute the DROP... in the afterDelete of Mtable (this will prevent from adding another process) ; WDYT ?
CarlosRuiz: I think the button can be better - as you implemented it for index
CarlosRuiz: i.e. if you want to change a view to become a table
nmicoud_: right ; will do it this way then
tbayen: Has someone looked into IDEMPIERE-1490? It is a big performance problem if you work with bigger tables.
CarlosRuiz: deleting a view can throw errors in postgres when is used by other objects - in oracle it doesn't just mark the referenced objects as invalid
CarlosRuiz: I haven't yet tbayen
Deepak_: tbayen and CarlosRuiz, I will update you both once patch is added on Jira
tbayen: For me the patch in IDEMPIERE-1490 works and is logic. I am just a bit confused how this bug could ever be introduced. That's why I ask for review.
tbayen: Deepak_, thanks!
tbayen: CarlosRuiz, if we are in views, we can at the same time look into IDEMPIERE-659. I use it for a long time and hope it is stable. I can create one single patch for that if you like this better.
norbertbede: hola
CarlosRuiz: Hi norbertbede
norbertbede: what is main topic? or can i nominate yesterdays Info Window issue ?
CarlosRuiz: not main topic at this moment - yes - we can check about Info window if you want
norbertbede: yes
norbertbede: it is issue
norbertbede: so in my last comment i describe how we can implement solution which is de-facto standard in CRM systems including mass update, etc...
norbertbede: would be nice if others should ask, or suggest, or reject ideas
norbertbede: original idea was missing WMS component smartbrowse, but it should be nice way implemented into Info windows - and much more...
CarlosRuiz: as I wrote a draft idea would be just to add a process_id to the info window
CarlosRuiz: I mean - the info windows already have the sections 1 and 2 of what you described
CarlosRuiz: the section 3 is process parameters and a button
CarlosRuiz: so - adding the process_id could make the trick - the implementation of info windows would add the button and the process parameters to the info window and behaves accordingly
norbertbede: ok. so that is my idea so i allready describe my requirements. anybody others ? Just outstanding question who and how we can implement it.
norbertbede: i should help to test, make documentation, and test in WMS migration
norbertbede: which is next step after this issue
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud_, patch for IDEMPIERE-1461 uploaded
CarlosRuiz: the only drawback is that on new it's not opening the zoom window in "New" mode
CarlosRuiz: ah - BTW patch is for release-2.0
nmicoud_: ok, will check that ; thanks
nmicoud_: did you test it with bp location ? eg: you're on an order ; select a bpartner which has no location
nmicoud_: you click on location ; does it open the correct tab ?
CarlosRuiz: no, just tested with user from SO
nmicoud_: ok, will it and give feedback
ocurieles: Hi everybody !!!
CarlosRuiz: Hola Orlando
ocurieles: the upgrade script for db is working @CarlosRuiz ??
ocurieles: i wanna put the url in the wiki
CarlosRuiz: ocurieles, there are three
CarlosRuiz: the three are working
ocurieles: this ? is in the wiki ?
CarlosRuiz: that is for version 1, there is another for version 2 and another if you keep playing with development branch
ocurieles: and where is the link ?
CarlosRuiz: same folder
ocurieles: i was updated with migration folder of the source code using dos2unix
ocurieles: this work too
CarlosRuiz: gtg guys - thanks for the meeting