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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-11-20

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
nmicoud: Carlos, could you have a look at ; it should be easy to fix, but don't know what is the best solution
CarlosRuiz: a regression? I thought that was solved
CarlosRuiz: let me test ...
nmicoud: a hidden field with min and max values defined
CarlosRuiz: which version are you using?
nmicoud: tested on development branch locally and on
nmicoud: for testing purpose, i've shown the DateMonth field on
nmicoud: if you hide it, you won't be able to save
tbayen: Daarestiet!
nmicoud: Hi Thomas !
CarlosRuiz: Hi tbayen
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, locally I can save
CarlosRuiz: what is the record?
nmicoud: O_o
nmicoud: is the MonthDay field visible ?
CarlosRuiz: no
nmicoud: what is its value (on database) ?
CarlosRuiz: monthday=1
CarlosRuiz: r2
nmicoud: i've just try it again on demo... and it's ok
nmicoud: i don't understand
nmicoud: look at the log : 12:11:32.782-----------> MSchedule.set_Value: MonthDay=0 - LessThanMinValue;1 [93] 12:11:32.783===========> MSchedule.saveError: LessThanMinValue - 1 [93] 12:11:32.784-----------> GridTable.saveWarning: LessThanMinValue - 1;Day of the Month [93]
CarlosRuiz: those fields are useless now
nmicoud: well ; i guess i drank too much
nmicoud: i will close the ticket
CarlosRuiz: too much wine :-D
nmicoud: :d
CarlosRuiz: maybe there is certain condition? you said you copied the record?
nmicoud: first, i create a new record => can't save
tbayen: Have you worked on FreeWine yesterday? ;)
nmicoud: then, i try to copy an existing one
nmicoud: what is FreeWine ?
CarlosRuiz: ah yes - you cannot copy those existing records because all of them have monthday=0
nmicoud: but i cannot save new ones
nmicoud: but tested again now and it's ok
tbayen: I call my implementation for german beverage wholesale "FreiBier" (english FreeBeer). So I asked if the french community works on FreeWine. ;-)
nmicoud: ah ok :D
nmicoud: maybe one day ;)
tbayen: Not Free as in Free Beer but Free as in Free Software.
CarlosRuiz: I think for those unused columns we better clear the min/max validation - if they are not being used
nmicoud: i guess, that would be cleaner, no ?
nmicoud: will submit a patch for this
tbayen: How can I import the translations by a script? (How does jenkins do that?)
CarlosRuiz: jenkins cannot do it
tbayen: Do you seed the jenkins db by hand?
tbayen: There is a script at util/ but it does not work. Is it true that it is still not OSGi-ready?
nmicoud: thomas, for this, i use excel files ; eg: ="UPDATE AD_Menu_Trl SET Name = '"&F2&"' WHERE AD_Menu_ID = "&A2&" AND AD_Language='my_language';"
CarlosRuiz: yes Thomas, RUN_TrlImport has not been OSGified
CarlosRuiz: no, the seed doesn't have new trls
CarlosRuiz: these are the instructions that hengsin sent me long time ago
CarlosRuiz: "You would have to create an osgi application for the Translation process, you can take the ModelGeneratorApplication as an example. For the shell script to launch the osgi app, you can take a look at and as example."
tbayen: I will try to OSGify this and open a ticket.
CarlosRuiz: but I haven't found the time to work on it
nmicoud: BTW, we are starting our first customer on idempiere on january :) And i need some tickets (416, 918, and others ones, with submitted patches). Do you think they will be incorporated for this date, or should i integrate them in another way ?
aguerra: buenos días Carlos
CarlosRuiz: Hi Alejandro
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, is the same list that you gave me on a previous meeting?
nmicoud: the same and older ones
CarlosRuiz: I cannot guarantee to include all of them - but I can promise you to review them and add a notice if not integrated
tbayen: nmicoud, can you send me one of your Excel files as an example? Excel has a very low entry hurdle and this might help the german community too.
nmicoud: perfect :) thanks a lot
nmicoud: yes thomas, i send you that
tbayen: I work on an online banking interface for mass transactions. I think VPayPrint.cmd_EFT() is the right place for that but there is no code. No Interface, no Callback, no Process. Is it just a not implemented feature or am I blind?
tbayen: I work on an online banking interface for mass transactions. I think VPayPrint.cmd_EFT() is the right place for that but there is no code. No Interface, no Callback, no Process. Is it just a not implemented feature or am I blind?
nmicoud: is it normal that using swing client (in System) i can't see uuid ?
CarlosRuiz: I think that just happens for records with ID=0
CarlosRuiz: right?
nmicoud: no
nmicoud: with every records
tbayen: You mean whenm opening the record info? Yes, I have the same. We should change that if you need that.
nmicoud: it was shown before
CarlosRuiz: ah - swing - sorry
tbayen: Strange if you say it worked before. I do not know. I do not often need uuids.
nmicoud: there was a change for this recently ? Or am i still drunk ;) ?
tbayen: I can not believe somebody changed anything in there.
CarlosRuiz: yes - I think there was a change
CarlosRuiz: I implemented that in a generic way - but it generated a big performance issue
CarlosRuiz: hengsin fixed it - and reimplemented it just for zk
CarlosRuiz: this is the commit
nmicoud: ok
nmicoud: will try to reimplement it for swing then
tbayen: The translation import in swing does not work anymore. It seems someone stole the org.apache.xerces plugin from the project. Does anyone know why?
nmicoud: i don't know, but i confirm that it doesn't work on swing (is ok in zk)
CarlosRuiz: must be just to set a dependency to the swing plugin
nmicoud: Carlos, could you please integrate patch 1556 ? i've duplicated code from WRecordInfo and it seems ok
nmicoud: now, gtg, lot of snow here :) ; bye bye
tbayen: bye
aguerrave: @CarlosRuiz,, I have a client that handles serial and purchase receipt has 1000 series, I have to enter a line for each serial?
CarlosRuiz: aguerrave, that was recently asked in forums
CarlosRuiz: gtg guys - thanks for another productive meeting
aguerrave: apologize me change computer
tbayen: bye, Carlos and Thanks!