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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-08-28

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
DCS_Ocurieles: hi Carlos
DCS_Ocurieles: buenDia
andre_ricardo: Bom dia
JanThielemann: hello @ all
mhernandezve: Hi all!
DCS_Ocurieles: tomorrow start the IDempiere functional training in Venezuela
CarlosRuiz: that's good news, Orlando!
CarlosRuiz: Barquisimeto?
DCS_Ocurieles: yes :)
CarlosRuiz: I'll be working on peer review queue
nmicoud: Carlos, do you know if any progress have been made on ?
CarlosRuiz: about the bug you discovered?
nmicoud: yes, and the one you described on posgres ?
CarlosRuiz: until now just discovered, but not worked
nmicoud: ok
CarlosRuiz: AFAIK Elaine has planned to work on it today
nmicoud: that's good news :) ; i've try to work on it, but that's not easy
PedroRozo: hi everyone
CarlosRuiz: hi
PedroRozo: quick question, is the new payroll & human resources functionality of idempiere similar to the previous available in Adempeire 3.6.1 or are there a significant enhancement or differences ?
PedroRozo: we have a customer asking us for a payroll, and we want to implement with Idempeire. just want to be sure what is really available for prod ...for payrall and human resources ...(any otehr OSGi plugins in progress perhaps ?)
CarlosRuiz: as I understand there are several versions - red1's version is basically the same as 361 ported - DCS version has some improvements and they added human resources plugin
hengsin_: hi everyone
CarlosRuiz: hi hengsin_
mhernandezve: hi hengsin_
ocurieles_Double: this is our repo
PedroRozo: but which one is really ready for prod ...
PedroRozo: last time that I checked dcs source code, changes were specific for venezuela only and spanish speakers... is that differente now.?. is that a OSGi plug-in ...ready to be tested & used ?
PedroRozo: or is it better to stay with Idempeire default implementation for now ...
CarlosRuiz: idempiere default doesn't have payroll - the idea is to implement it as extension
ocurieles_Double: review the code, is published
banym: hi CarlosRuiz how things are doing
ocurieles_Double: the plugin is public, and we are using it to Venezuela and Ecuador, is standard
CarlosRuiz: Hi Dominik! everything going fine
banym: CarlosRuiz, did you had a project in the past where you connected the EPR with SCADA systems for better production planing?
CarlosRuiz: banym, no
ci-idempiere-org: Project iDempiere build #1283: SUCCESS in 5 min 1 sec:
ci-idempiere-org: * globalqss: hg merge release-1.0c (forward-porting)
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: Merge b6c9afc84fd5
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-1309 Improve JasperReport support for loading of resources (image, text file, etc )
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: Minor - remove obscure code that have no documented usage.
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-166 Rebranding of logo and product name.
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: Minor - print better startup message to console.
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: Minor cleanup - Remove DynamicImport-Package: metainfo.zk that's not working for the loading of lang-addon.xml and zk.xml from other bundle. Bundle that want to contribute lang-addon.xml or zk.xml need to use Eclipse-RegisterBuddy: org.zkoss.zk.library instead.
ci-idempiere-org: * globalqss: IDEMPIERE-1160 Hide potentially dangerous stuff from non-admin users / Mark Web Service Security as advanced as now you can define SQL there
ci-idempiere-org: * globalqss: IDEMPIERE-1151 Vulnerability on Sequence Window
ocurieles_Double: this is the scale conector documentation
ocurieles_Double: for english and spanish
hengsin: scale connector through java applet ?
mhernandezve: hengsin scale connector have 2 components
hengsin: yeah, just read the doc. there's the server that the web ui talks to
mhernandezve: And a Swing app
hengsin: the server is a swing application that did the dirty work
mhernandezve: The swing app connect to scale throw serial port
hengsin: I remember we did hack an applet approach for scale reading before, nasty stuff :)
hengsin: yes, I did know how the java serial port integration work.
ocurieles_Double: how can I extend the zk window like
ocurieles_Double: hengsin ? how can I extend the zk window like
CarlosRuiz: ocurieles_Double, not extend - I think we need to declare it as an extension option and make it configurable
hengsin: you can create a new IEditorFactory service to put in your custom Location editor that would open your custom WLocationDialog
hengsin: ideally, the custom location editor should extend the one in core, sames goes to your custom WLocationDialog
egil0902: Good morning. I was testing quick entry and if i have some quick entry that call other it does not gave me the option
egil0902: that could be usefull to solve that
CarlosRuiz: a quick editor within a quick editor? it sounds tricky, but feasible - maybe you can open an improvement request on JIRA about it
ocurieles_Double: Thanks @hengsin and @CarlosRuiz, where can i found documentation about IEditorFactory ?
hengsin: refer defaulteditorfactory on how it should work. return null for display type that your factory doesn't handle
hengsin: also, see OSGI-INF/defaulteditorfactory.xml
ocurieles_Double: thanks @hengsin
egil0902: Thanks carlos i am going to do it. I'm having some problem making my account on jira
egil0902: i'll be doing it as soon as possible
CarlosRuiz: ok - gtg - thanks for the meeting - c u then