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Revision as of 14:08, 31 July 2013 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (drop JIRA notifications from log)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-07-31

CarlosRuiz: Good morning
alara: good morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
hengsin: hi carlos
JanThielemann: hi
CarlosRuiz: will be checking peer review queue
red1: Hola all
CarlosRuiz: Hi red1
JanThielemann: hi
red1: Hola mhernandezve i finalized the SFAndroid PDF and source for u
red1: now studying Webservices.. will take another week before i test something new
red1: CarlosRuiz: i read that for ERP to be serious for govt use, it has to answer to SOA standards
red1: is iDempiere ready for that?
ocurieles_DCS: Hi to all
red1: Hola Orlando
CarlosRuiz: well - OSGi is called "SOA in a JVM"
red1: yes i thought so.. is it also because we now have webservices
red1: but yes services is what the registry is about for ModelClass, ModelValidators and other events
red1: i will use that phrase u stated above
red1: i maybbe presenting in the Slovakia eGovt conference
red1: this November
red1: i demonstrated the Felix console in Caracas to the govt conference when i was there
red1: and an SAP implementor in the crowd said SAP does not have OSGi
red1: CarlosRuiz: what new features are coming up in iDempiere now that it is unfrozen?
CarlosRuiz: red1, there are a lot of things in queue
CarlosRuiz: you can see some (and help peer reviewing) here ->
red1: This seems new
CarlosRuiz: we're mostly on R1 maintenance mode - fixing loose ends from R1 that we consider bugs or features not working
CarlosRuiz: but you can see also there are new things coming for next release, like IDEMPIERE-1132
Edwin_Ang: hi
CarlosRuiz: Hi Edwin_Ang
Edwin_Ang: Hi CarlosRuiz
Edwin_Ang: has anybody create a service to start and stop idempiere?
ocurieles_DCS: hi Edwin_ang i'm using /idempiere-server/utils/unix scripts
ocurieles_DCS: for whats SO ? you need ?
Edwin_Ang: oh.. just realized it is provided in the build now :)
Edwin_Ang: ocurieles_DCS: thanks for the info :)
ocurieles_DCS: you welcome
Edwin_Ang: ocurieles_DCS: i don't see the human talent plugin in anymore
Edwin_Ang: can you install it again?
ocurieles_DCS: of course, i go put the Human talent Plugin in Facebook
Edwin_Ang: ocurieles_DCS: do you plan to implement EffectiveDate on Human Talent?
ocurieles_DCS: Edwin_Ang We are now working on the payroll plugin, which is the complement of Human Talent
Edwin_Ang: ocurieles_DCS: i am also starting working on payroll
ocurieles_DCS: Edwin_Ang we are finishing
ocurieles_DCS: you can see our work in bitbucket
Edwin_Ang: i am interested in how you implement EffectiveDate
ocurieles_DCS: Edwin_Ang your Email ?
Edwin_Ang: ocurieles_DCS: i checked the model classes
Edwin_Ang: but can't find column EffectiveDate
Edwin_Ang: just wondering how do you maintain job history
nmicoud: Hi, i got something strange ; i've added 2 toolbar button (customization) which opens form from a window. Those buttons have a display logic = @_WinInfo_AD_Window_UU@=08257a3d-870e-4c39-a0e6-371161837f80.
nmicoud: They appears when i open the window for the 1st time
nmicoud: But if i open the window a 2nd time, they are hidden. I need to logout and then reopen the window to see them. Any idea ?
CarlosRuiz: it sounds like a bug
nmicoud: yep
nmicoud: the context is always "@_WinInfo_AD_Window_UU@" ; it can't be _WinInfo1_AD_Window_UU or _WinInfo2_AD_Window_UU ?
mhernandezve: Hi all!
hengsin: nmicoud, should be always @_WinInfo_AD_Window_UU@. anyway, you can confirm that by looking at the context
mhernandezve: Hi red1
nmicoud: i think i find the bug
nmicoud: in ADWindowToolbar.updateToolbarAccess
nmicoud: if (ToolBarMenuRestrictionLoaded) => return;
nmicoud: so, it's ok when window load for the 1st time
ci-idempiere-org: Project iDempiere build #1267: SUCCESS in 7 min 40 sec:
ci-idempiere-org: * globalqss: hg merge release-1.0c (forward-porting)
ci-idempiere-org: * globalqss: IDEMPIERE-840 Improvement to Request model class
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: Merge cf7b58b5e6d2
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-1224 Need a way to prevent auto start of OSGi service component from Core.
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-1223 Use ClassName as Name of OSGi component.
ci-idempiere-org: * elainetan: IDEMPIERE-840 Improvement to Request model class - combine the requestservice.xml and requesteventhandler.xml into one. Use class name as the pid.
nmicoud: and for 2nd time, you don't go after this
ci-idempiere-org: * elainetan: IDEMPIERE-840 Improvement to Request model class - fix requesteventhandler.xml
ci-idempiere-org: * elainetan: IDEMPIERE-1222 Folder should be removed as menu lookup option
ci-idempiere-org: * globalqss: IDEMPIERE-1162
ci-idempiere-org: * elainetan: IDEMPIERE-840 Improvement to Request model class - Drop request validator
ci-idempiere-org: * elainetan: IDEMPIERE-840 Improvement to Request model class - Using OSGi event instead of model validator
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: Merge f8a6939cc846
ci-idempiere-org: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-1218 Improve discovery of hazelcast configuration file.
ci-idempiere-org: * elainetan: IDEMPIERE-840 Improvement to Request model class - Using OSGi event instead of model validator
ci-idempiere-org: * richard1988: IDEMPIERE-1187 in make menu window, when select "Summary Level", field "Window" still display
nmicoud: and never call the dynamicDisplay
nmicoud: that's why the buttons remains hidden
nmicoud: WDYT ?
Edwin_Ang: gtg now..
Edwin_Ang: bye everyone
hengsin: nmicoud, yes, good catch
nmicoud: but no so simple because the dynamicDisplay do 2 things : load customs buttons and restrictions
nmicoud: only the custom buttons part should be done everytime
nmicoud: perhaps this piece of code could be move to in the updateToolbarAccess ?
CarlosRuiz: maybe moving line 596 to line 576
nmicoud: no because dynamicDisplay is about restrictionList
CarlosRuiz: but tab restriction list
nmicoud: and moving lines 645 to 649 to 634 ?
CarlosRuiz: let me try to reproduce it ....
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, where did you add the toolbar button on "Toolbar Button" window or on "Window" window?
nmicoud: "Toolbar button"
nmicoud: the Window/Toolbar button tab is for process, no ?
CarlosRuiz: ah ok - will test that way - but your case sounds better to add it directly to window
CarlosRuiz: yep - but you can have a process associated to a form
nmicoud: but forms will be launched from a single button (with a sub menu) ?
CarlosRuiz: haven't tested
nmicoud: In Window/Toolbar button, you can configure processes that will be launched from the single 'process' button
nmicoud: and i need to have 1 different buttton per form.
CarlosRuiz: ah - understood
hengsin: nmicoud, maybe you can strip it down to the bare minimum so that carlos or I can test it out.
hengsin: I don't think there's a readyly available example in the repo that can be used to test that.
nmicoud: ok, will do this
CarlosRuiz: maybe this one org.adempiere.ui.zk.example.action.export
nmicoud: yep, it should be enough
CarlosRuiz: hmm - second time it's throwing an error
CarlosRuiz: Not unique in the ID space of <DesktopTabpanel mCJQ883#Sales_Order_3>: BtnExport
nmicoud: coz it is also a 'standard' button ?
nmicoud: i mean, loaded in the 'non-custom' way
CarlosRuiz: got it - the button name
CarlosRuiz: ok - reproduced - checking now
hengsin: yeah, org.adempiere.ui.zk.example.action.export is outdated
hengsin: glad that it still work somewhat :)
fheredia: Hi community,
fheredia: I Edited the class, for add the iDempiere Header-logo update functionality by organization.
fheredia: I tried make a plugin for add this functionality and keep the core original, but my plugin is not consider on the server run, i think that happen because ThemeManager is core class.
fheredia: I reported its on jira, Somebody consider that is it possible?
hengsin: fheredia, will look at that later. you can implement that in your theme now though without touching the thememanager implementation
hengsin: the desktop header is define in your theme's header.zul file, you can replace use="org.adempiere.webui.panel.HeaderPanel" to your class that extend org.adempiere.webui.panel.HeaderPanel and uses your custom implementation of header logo
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, the errors seems to be different
CarlosRuiz: if I'm understanding you right - the second time (and all next times) you open the window the button doesn't appear
CarlosRuiz: it appears just first time
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: it seems the context _WinInfo_AD_Window_UU is not being set for subsequents open ... checking
hengsin: found the issue
hengsin: need to add clone.AD_Window_UU = AD_Window_UU; to 353 of GridWindowVO
hengsin: tested, confirm that fixed the missing context issue on reopen of window
nmicoud: ah great !
CarlosRuiz: same patch required on gridtabvo
nmicoud: those clone methods could explain why i need to relogin to see new fields on window ?
hengsin: nmicoud - that's because window definition is cache
hengsin: those clone method is needed to make the window definition cache working properly
nmicoud: is there a way to clean the cache ?
nmicoud: without a logout ?
fheredia: I got it, thankyou hengsin
hengsin: fheredia, yeah, the current theming approach is actually pretty flexible.
hengsin: you can run the reset cache process
nmicoud: right, will do this, thanks
hengsin: I think change role should work too
nmicoud: yes
hengsin: that's faster than logout if reset cache don't do it :)
nmicoud: that's what i'm doing actually
nmicoud: but resetting cache is better
nmicoud: for the patch of clone, do you want i create a jira ticket ?
ocurieles_DCS: Thanks hengsin
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, please open the JIRA ticket and I'll commit the patch
nmicoud: done
ci-idempiere-org: Project iDempiere build #1268: SUCCESS in 5 min 23 sec:
ci-idempiere-org: globalqss: IDEMPIERE-234 Configure Toolbar by User / make the example work again