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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-07-24

@red1: Hello all
nmicoud: Bonjour
@red1: Just to inform that Carlos Ruiz is away today due to house moving
@red1: so we are now free :)
nmicoud: let's go the playa :))
@red1: We can still discuss any issues
@red1: I am just back from Japan yesterday and a good outcome is that they be organising a Japanese conference next Spring next year hoping to invite our top contributors over
nmicoud: I've spoken with André Legendre about creating a French localization. He told me to see with you to geta brazilian module which handle taxes. And that it could be extented to French. That's sound possible ?
@red1: Yes, we did have Ricardo Santana over in Germany and we discuss the difficult path for them to convert to an OSGI plugin
@red1: hengsin did advice how to make a fork of iDempiere and began with their classes in it
@red1: when i was in Brazil after that Ricardo also met up and we discussed some details
@red1: I was not able to go over to Paris this time, and he told me about meeting up with u if i do together with Andre since we be all French :)
@red1: Andre's area is new to me and so i joined his Compiere-MfgScm project in 2005 hoping to learn from him
@red1: His technology is also interesting that he is using brokerless for messaging and his theory of shop floor production as distinct from ERP is enlightening
nmicoud: Hope we can meet next time you'll come in France
@red1: my only question to him is how come he has not submitted a full working model in code and documented since then
@red1: Yes, i am waiting for the trip planning from Slovakia which wants me back there soon
@red1: I hope to land in Germany again and from there can move to the rest over two months
nmicoud: great
@red1: December i plan to be in mhernandezve place - Venezuela and of course Brazil in January for the carnival :)
nmicoud: :))
@red1: The last year i was in France some community contacted me
@red1: there seems to be some French versions and i was hoping they meet but i hear no news
@red1: So i guess you are the only one to play the role as reference point :)
nmicoud: Hope this time, it will achieve
nmicoud: :)
@red1: Also i like to say that i have done the server-side model of the SFAndroid module from Venezuela as a plugin
nmicoud: ah! great!
@red1: i hope to grasp the mobile side and document its deployment and testing
@red1: i am in close commuication with its lead developer Yamel Senih
@red1: the challenge was to first understand their model
mhernandezve: Hi all!
@red1: they also use DynamicTree which modify one class in ADempiere to allow dynamic menu
@red1: Hola miguel ! :)
nmicoud: hi
@red1: Miguel is translating my documents to Spanish
nmicoud: ok
mhernandezve: The next version would be ready tomorrow
mhernandezve: With the last changes
mhernandezve: My next mission is translate the assets maintenance plug in documentation
mhernandezve: My team is here, alara and egil0902
allgood: hi red1
allgood: I've started to port the brazilian code to idempiere... more as a learning proccess than a product upgrade. it is really impossible to do it without a fork!
@red1: Good allgood :)
allgood: we have too much changes on core classes
@red1: and i find few things from my travels about our community:
@red1: 1) They have to document their work.
allgood: for now I migrated only the code that can be used as plugins
@red1: Many asked me to review their work but without a document i just cannot begin to think about it
@red1: 2) Free is not Free lunch
@red1: Do not sell iDempiere as a no-need-to-pay for it deal
@red1: sell real consulting advice on top of it
allgood: my work are on bitbucket already, but I emphasize that it is not official, it is more for me to learn how to do it... probably will have to redo it officialy
@red1: Japan gave me a series of interviews and they seem to accept that and hope they get Toyota to take a look at it
@red1: After Spring conference and closing of top deals, Japan is set to host international conferences for iDempiere team
@red1: Japan is conservative country and mindset, very careful but highly advanced
@red1: language is a major barrier
@red1: so they agreed to publish important documentation such as user guide and testing results in Nippon-Go
@red1: allgood: did you communicate this in the LBR project forum ?
@red1: You can use the Brazil page of our wiki. I always introduce each country to each language page to work on
allgood: i did talked to some peers about it, but it is very difficult to sincronize time between us
allgood: i did not used the LBR forum because it is hosted on adempiere project
@red1: So that is why we have to publish it in some forum
@red1: LBR is at the moment on ADempiere and you can ask Ricardo the roadmap to iDempiere
allgood: I will do that.
@red1: KENOS forum is the defacto representative of iDempiere too. We had meetings already
@red1: welcome back allgood
@red1: and mhernandezve
mhernandezve: I'm back
@red1: many countries are still in ADempiere version and making transitions to iDempiere
@red1: some start anew in iDempiere
@red1: and we advice on another new point..
@red1: 3) Do not brand iDempiere but your own distro of the project
@red1: KENOS is a distro
@red1: it is free to use any ERP
@red1: (KENOS is the example from Brazil)
@red1: i Venezuela it is Oralndo Curieless team in Barquisemeto and Miguel Hernandez team in another city, Cunama
egil0902: back in the meeting. was in the enterview looking for the new son of idempiere hi to every one
@red1: have i got that right mhernandezve ?
@red1: Hi egil0902 where from?
egil0902: eduardo gil from ghintech
egil0902: cumama
egil0902: bussiness partenr of the rigth mhernandez ve
@red1: Ok egil0902 is in Miguel's team in Cumama. And the other is Orlando
@red1: And please publish in our Spanish section
@red1: muchas gracias for coming egil0902 and mhernandezve too :D
alara: hi is not cunama or cumama is Cumana
egil0902: thanks men. alara its from our team too
alara: hi red1
egil0902: not. is in barcelona
egil0902: with me
@red1: alara: Jose?
@red1: nmicoud: u asksed about centralized ID
@red1: u understand that now? I do not really use that in my 2Pack.. so i wonder if that issue arise when u plugin back new 2Packs in iDempiere
alara: no, Angel Lara
@red1: i dont look into that issue because i assume later anyone can parse IDs
@red1: Ok the guy Angel :D
nmicoud: @red1: what do you mean about centralized id ?
@red1: This one!topic/idempiere/ldyTJv7ObQM
@red1: Done your documentation in Spanish alara ?
@red1: Looking forward to see your Human Talent plugin
nmicoud: it'is a theoritical question ;
nmicoud: if i create (manually or though plugin) element/column/field based on firstName, lastName... (with id > 100000) and later those objets are integrated in migration scripts, it will generate big issues
alara: i'm starting with that, you'll see my work soon @red1 :)
nmicoud: I guess that before applying migration script, i need to uninstall properly the plugin (or partially) and only then execute official sql scripts
@red1: alara: good.. i will tell Hugo Chavez!
egil0902: jaja maybe you see him like a bird too
egil0902: maduro saw him like that
@red1: nmicoud: u mean to turn the Centralized ID on and then apply the 2pack?
nmicoud: no
hengsin: nmicoud, if you started with uuid, then there wouldn't be issue of duplicate
hengsin: the uuid unique index will stop the duplicate record from being inserted to your db
nmicoud: means that the uuid from my local base will be the same as the uuid from your base ?
@red1: i think yes if it come from the same base or source
@red1: UUID is never repeated when created again
@red1: if i get that right
@red1: but if it already has an UUID, it stays
@red1: and brought over as the FK to any reference record
nmicoud: so, if i create an element 'FirstName' which will have ID = 1000010 and uuid = "f456z4f65ze..."
hengsin: nmicoud, if you pack out record with uuid and you pack it in again, the id change but the uuid stay
nmicoud: then, if a migration script come with an element 'FirstName' with ID = 200100 and uuid = "njgborng55..."
nmicoud: what will happen ?
@red1: hengsin: so if i pack in without UUID, a new UUID is created right?
nmicoud: when importing the package
hengsin: so for your question in the forum, the id will change to official id but the uuid will remain as it is.
hengsin: red1, yes.
nmicoud: so, id will be overwritten ?
hengsin: no, the migration script will failed :)
nmicoud: ah yes
nmicoud: :) ; so i need to first uninstall package or delete those 'duplicate' objects
nmicoud: in order that the migration script will be a success
hengsin: that's how it is now. we can make it better in future but just explaining the current situation.
nmicoud: seems ok to me. We just have to prefix our own "objects"
@red1: So UUID is for all intents, the new PK?
@red1: and all core code needs to refer to that?
nmicoud: i think id are for core, uuid are for extension
@red1: nmicoud: i see, thanks for the tip
nmicoud: uuid could also be used to export/import translations for objects with id >= 1000000.
@red1: in short, anything will be injected with UUID in the new iDempiere
nmicoud: yep
hengsin: uuid is the critical element for extensions support
nmicoud: talking about uuid, wdyt of the patch submitted on (which modify the index name of uu on oracle database) ?
@red1: allgood: i read your post in LBR forum
@red1: It is good :)
@red1: As long as the language is communal and your work is contributive and invite collaboration, then u can take some lead
@red1: leadership of effort is based on merit
Not-005: [IDEMPIERE] richardmh updated IDEMPIERE-1187 assignee set to "Richard Morales Herrera"
Not-005: [IDEMPIERE]
hengsin: nmicoud, don't have oracle instance available to test that now. I guess you will have to wait for carlos on that one.
nmicoud: ok, thanks
nmicoud: gtg ; bye bye
Not-005: [IDEMPIERE] richardmh updated IDEMPIERE-1187 Attachment set to "IDEMPIERE-1187.patch"