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Revision as of 18:35, 3 July 2013 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-07-03

CarlosRuiz: Good morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
xolali: Good morning
red1_: Bueno dias
hengsin: Good morning
nmicoud: no commit for 5 days, that's so quiet :) What are the next steps ? empty peer review queue ?
CarlosRuiz: :-) nmicoud - I've been focused these days to thorough test 1.0c
hengsin: no, there have been commit but it is to the release-1.0c branch.
nmicoud: ah ok :)
CarlosRuiz: xolali, nice blog entry
CarlosRuiz: Hi Edwin_Ang
Edwin_Ang: Hi CarlosRuiz
xolali: Thanks Carlos
Edwin_Ang: hi.. anybody know how i can make tree in window as readonly?
nmicoud: Hi Edwin, i guess this can be done using treeModel.setItemDraggable(false);
Edwin_Ang: where's that code?
nmicoud: in SimpleTreeModel
nmicoud: initADTree
nmicoud: line 82 in my Eclipse
Edwin_Ang: ahhh thanks a lot
xolali: Are there any plans for an official community p2 site where people can upload plugins
xolali: i think a central marketplace will be better than having it all over sourceforge... like the way eclipse has it
CarlosRuiz: I see Ken opened this ticket
CarlosRuiz: voting +1 for that one :-)
Edwin_Ang: definitely +1 from me
Edwin_Ang: and this reminds me of one thing
xolali: ok
hengsin: yes, and we need server space :)
Edwin_Ang: can we automatically export from eclipse to a p2 repo in a website?
Edwin_Ang: this is kind of new for me
hengsin: export from eclipse is manual. however you can use jenkins to automate that.
Edwin_Ang: so use jenkins to directly export from a mercurial repo?
CarlosRuiz: Edwin_Ang, I think JanThielemann covered that at
CarlosRuiz: is covering ... under construction
JanThielemann: hi guys
hengsin: hi Jan
JanThielemann: i know its the wrong channel but maybe you can help me: we have a customer who is using adempiere. i created a new project with all my models and so on. if i save in a window, the X_ class of my model is called
JanThielemann: but the M class is never called
JanThielemann: do you know why?
JanThielemann: i need to overwrite afterSave() but i normaly do this in the M class, not the X class
CarlosRuiz: Jan - you mentioned the forbidden word :-D :-D :-D
CarlosRuiz: hehehe - just joking - no forbidden words here
CarlosRuiz: how is your table named?
JanThielemann: FRI_Prod_Config
CarlosRuiz: and your M model class is named?
JanThielemann: MProdConfig
CarlosRuiz: ah - that's the issue
CarlosRuiz: it must be called MFRIProdConfig
JanThielemann: ahhhh
JanThielemann: thats the thing when you use 3 letters for table prefix
JanThielemann: i remember that i read once about this
CarlosRuiz: yep - mostly to avoid collisions with official tables that must have 1-2 char prefixes
hengsin: FRI = Friday only ?
JanThielemann: fear rabbits intention
a42niem: hi all
JanThielemann: hi
CarlosRuiz: Hi Dirk
allgood: Hi folks
allgood: can anybody point me where I can find docs about creating a new feature project that sets up a customized product?
allgood: I am trying to make a product that includes my custom bundles
nmicoud: Hi, i think you can have a look here :
allgood: nmicoud: read that already, it tells how to export the bundles to a p2 directory
nmicoud: once your feature is created, you can export it within Eclipse
allgood: i don't know if i am mistaken, but I am trying to add a 'product' object and make it launch on eclipse clicking on its 'Launch an eclipse application' link that appears on the Overview tab of the product
nmicoud: i don't understand what you're trying to do :(
nmicoud: you want to add a plugin in your idempiere instance ?
allgood: my code already run if I change the launch configuration of the original feature plugin
nmicoud: you change a core class ?
allgood: but i am trying to make it run without change anything on the original code
allgood: no
allgood: only the .launch
nmicoud: you want to launch idempiere from eclipse with your fragment ?
allgood: not fragments, code is all on normal bundles. but i think that the answer to your question is yes
nmicoud: so you want that your plugin to be started when you launch idempiere within eclipse ?
allgood: yes
nmicoud: ok
nmicoud: Debug configuration
nmicoud: select server.product (for instance)
nmicoud: plugin tab
allgood: first I tought I could only copy the launch from the original feature to a feature of mine
nmicoud: select your plugin in the list
nmicoud: you can do that (duplicate it)
nmicoud: set Auto-start on true
allgood: well... i think i've already made it work and i was trying to make something that isn't usefull
allgood: the launch copied my code does run
nmicoud: good
allgood: i do not need a 'product' for it
allgood: we have a lot of code that was changed on the original adempiere classes, i think that is impossible to make the same thing using fragments/plugins, so, I will have to change the core classes of idempiere
allgood: as I've saw hengsin saying other day: do not pretend to not make a custom build, when you are making one!
xolali: allgood i guess u're going to fork a branch then for your product
allgood: xolali: for now I have a separate repo for my custom plugins
allgood: xolali: and already made a fork to place my changes on the original code
xolali: ok, then am sure it will be easier to merge when it becomes necessary. but the only problem is when someone wants to install your plugin
xolali: i guess that wont work unless they go all the way with your fork or maybe merge into thier fork
allgood: yes, i am aware of that
allgood: for now all I'm doing is experimentation
allgood: getting knowledge then I can help on porting the brazilian localization to idempiere