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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-06-19

CarlosRuiz: Good morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
CarlosRuiz: long peer review queue again :-)
nmicoud: Carlos, WDYT of ? could it be integrated after R1 ?
CarlosRuiz: I was thinking to review it today - seems harmless
nmicoud: i think
a42niem: Guten Tag
CarlosRuiz: Hi Dirk
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, about IDEMPIERE-1054 - it seems fine
nmicoud: ok, i will update others scripts the
nmicoud: then
nmicoud: btw, a bug was reported in a jira ticket but i must have been ignored. Let me explain it : Goto Sales Ordre, right click on BPartner / Create new record ; the quick entry panel appers. Now click on location button. Open the city list and try to select one (or the first empty line). The location panel disappears.
AlexYang: Hi everyone
ci-idempiere-org: Project iDempiere build #1203: SUCCESS in 5 min 1 sec:
ci-idempiere-org: jcorredor: IDEMPIERE-1067 Doc Matched Inv not processed and not posted
CarlosRuiz: Hi AlexYang
AlexYang: Carlos, I have heart that we are nearing a R1, do we? :)
CarlosRuiz: yes - our target is to make R1 before next meeting
AlexYang: typo heart -> heard
AnoziMada: That's great! By the way hi everyone, first time joining here :)
AlexYang: Carlos, would it be possible to integrate this?
CarlosRuiz: first it needs to be developed :-)
AlexYang: Yes, I really want to try
AlexYang: But I am afraid I am not ready now:)
CarlosRuiz: Thanks AlexYang - but I think it won't be on R1 - so don't worry, take your time - ask whatever you need in the meantime
AlexYang: I am still trying to get familiar with OSGi and code
AlexYang: Sure. Then I should be much confident~
AlexYang: could you assign me the centralized id? ^_^
AlexYang: I know it's the approached used to contribute to trunk
CarlosRuiz: sure - I need your email (privately)
CarlosRuiz: do you know mine - can you send me an email?
AlexYang: I want to know if there is simple way to update idempiere database like of idempiere jar files?
CarlosRuiz: yes
CarlosRuiz: here
CarlosRuiz: Alex - which developer ID do you want for centralized ID?
CarlosRuiz: is slowisfast..... your mail?
nmicoud: Carlos, Alex seems to have problem with his connection. He said through skype he is ok for ""
CarlosRuiz: :-) thanks
CarlosRuiz: AlexYang, which developer ID do you want for centralized ID?
nmicoud: could you reproduce the bug reported previously on location panel ? If so, i will create a new jira ticket
AlexYang: Sorry, i seems disconnect by freenote without my attention
AlexYang: I'll check the meeting minutes for what I missed then:)
AlexYang: Thanks Nicolas passing message for me~
nmicoud: yw
CarlosRuiz: AlexYang, I mean - do you prefer to use AlexYang or slowisfast as your developerID
AlexYang: AlexYang
CarlosRuiz: ok - will send you confirmation email in a few minutes
AlexYang: Sure. Thanks!
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, for IDEMPIERE-1046 - just changing private to public make the trick - right?
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: yes - reproduced the bug that you mentioned above
nmicoud: ok, will create a jira ticket then
CarlosRuiz: thanks
nmicoud: I've seen that pull request #71 was declined. Do you know why ?
CarlosRuiz: it says -> BMLaurus DECLINED this pull request 2013-05-06 -> conficts on trunk
CarlosRuiz: I think we'll review that for R2
nmicoud: oops ; i haven't notice this tab
nmicoud: Also, WDYT of ticket 1053 ? (use of Jasper report in WxxxGenForm) ; it seems that the only location where jasper are not used
CarlosRuiz: definitely a bug
nmicoud: ok
CarlosRuiz: have you worked on it?
nmicoud: no, don't know how to resolve it
CarlosRuiz: does invoice print work with jasper?
nmicoud: yes (mean from invoice window / print button ?)
CarlosRuiz: no - I mean the "Invoice Print" process
nmicoud: haven't tested yet
CarlosRuiz: or "Print Invoices" - don't remember the name
nmicoud: trying
CarlosRuiz: ready AlexYang - sent you email with your centralized ID
AlexYang: I am checking
AlexYang: Thanks Carlos, I got it:)
AlexYang: password it's ok for me
nmicoud: Well, i can't execute process : ATTENTION: org.adempiere.webui.process.InvoicePrint java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.adempiere.webui.process.InvoicePrint
nmicoud: I'm probably missing something big
CarlosRuiz: try again
CarlosRuiz: first time it throws that error
nmicoud: try several times, always same result (print=0)
CarlosRuiz: NPE on demo :-(
nmicoud: ouch
CarlosRuiz: second time it opened
nmicoud: another bug :))
CarlosRuiz: chose invoice 200002 and it worked
CarlosRuiz: is your installation updated - I recently fixed some problems on that class
CarlosRuiz: chow C&W BP and it worked too printing all his invoices
nmicoud: no, was updated on the 10th
CarlosRuiz: chow -> chose
CarlosRuiz: ah yes - fixed on june 14
nmicoud: will integrate the fix
nmicoud: do you have the commit id ?
nmicoud: got it
CarlosRuiz: c1d1f4a958bf
nmicoud: thanks
nmicoud: now i can launch the process, but nothing appears
nmicoud: NPE
CarlosRuiz: I did F5 and then open again
CarlosRuiz: and it worked
nmicoud: ah yes, it worked
nmicoud: but standard form, not jasper
nmicoud: same invoice uses Jasper from Invoice window
CarlosRuiz: ok - so you can add that process to your bug report :-)
nmicoud: yep
CarlosRuiz: and I guess the generate shipments it will do the same
CarlosRuiz: and probably "print dunning letters" (which is broken on zk)
nmicoud: I've updated summary and description
CarlosRuiz: just noticed advanced find broken
allgood: i folks... greetings to everyone
allgood: i would like to know if somebody had made tests on running idempiere through java webstart
nmicoud: maybe another bug : i had a look in the 'Active session' window and see that some people are connected since 05/01/13... i think there is a bug that don't close the session in AD_Session. But can't explain. Do you have something similar ?
CarlosRuiz: Hi allgood - you can read history of that here
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, swing or server?
allgood: CarlosRuiz: thx... checking it now
nmicoud: don't know, but Web Session field is filled
nmicoud: but it could be some swing sessions
CarlosRuiz: sorry - wrong question
CarlosRuiz: I mean
CarlosRuiz: when server starts
CarlosRuiz: it update all previous sessions as processed
CarlosRuiz: see LoggedSessionListener.DestroyAllSession
CarlosRuiz: but it update based on the servername
CarlosRuiz: so - I guess - if you change servername - or if you don't restart a specific server on a load balanced env - then the sessions will stay
CarlosRuiz: samely for swing sessions
nmicoud: yep, servername of old active session are different of 'real' server name
nmicoud: so i guess, those sessions were based on swing
nmicoud: or localy through Eclipse
nmicoud: is there a way to close them ?
CarlosRuiz: swing doesn't fill web session field
CarlosRuiz: you can do the update manually
nmicoud: So it was from Eclipse probably
nmicoud: i never log out before stopping server when using Eclipse
CarlosRuiz: but eclipse must use server name - so when started again it must clear those sessions
nmicoud: we are using virtualized machine so server name can change everyday
nmicoud: hours are always 'late' ; it's never 8am
CarlosRuiz: ah - I think there is a way to fix the servername
CarlosRuiz: on a properties file I think
nmicoud: ok thanks, i will check it
xolali: Haloo everybody
CarlosRuiz: Hi Anthony
nmicoud: Hi AnoziMada ; i've read your messages on!topic/idempiere/gTvIAZHWWoQ where you said that you put some core classes in fragment. Hengsin said that was not possible to 'duplicate' core classes. So i'm confused ; could you explain what you did ?
AnoziMada: Hi nmicoud; First create a fragment with the host plugin point to a plugin that contain a class that you wish to override
AnoziMada: Then create the custom class in the fragment. The package name and class name should be identical
nmicoud: ah seems that i forgot WEB-INF and put directly in src (instead of WEB-INF\src)
AnoziMada: In the of that fragment, change the library name, maybe something like xxx-fragment.jar
AnoziMada: then finally in the host plugin change the to include xxx-fragment.jar in the Bundle-Classpath
nmicoud: ok thanks a lot ; i will try it
xolali: wow, i think this should work. at least it works when u customizing themes so it should work. have been thinking about how to override core classes
ci-idempiere-org: Project iDempiere build #1204: SUCCESS in 5 min 2 sec:
ci-idempiere-org: * nmicoud: IDEMPIERE-1033 - Add REPORT_DIR in params for JasperReports
ci-idempiere-org: * globalqss: IDEMPIERE-1046 Ability to get a sequence number from everywhere / as suggested by Nicolas Micoud (nmicoud)
nmicoud: Carlos or hengsin, WDYT of that ?
CarlosRuiz: haven't tested. I would say, please test and give feedback
nmicoud: sure i will
CarlosRuiz: and of course you're warned that you're again on the same problem than adempiere customization/patches jar files
nmicoud: yep, but on the opposite i don't have to build the whole project when i need to customize core classes. Will compare both approach
CarlosRuiz: :-) same need to keep in sync with bug fixes - and probably opening problems when the core class changes
ci-idempiere-org: Project iDempiere build #1205: SUCCESS in 4 min 54 sec:
ci-idempiere-org: * nmicoud: IDEMPIERE 1054
ci-idempiere-org: * nmicoud: IDEMPIERE-1054
CarlosRuiz: yes - is just a warning - usually we know what we're doing when playing with that fire :-D
hengsin: nmicoud, I'm aware of the approach but don't want to have it in core to encourage such approach
hengsin: like I say in the idempiere group, if you are doing a custom build then building a whole project branch or creating it as a patches.jar make little difference.
nmicoud: so, it could be used to facilitate development, but not to be used in a production environnment
nmicoud: the only difference is that i don't need to build the whole project when i made modification. When 'my' core will be stable i won't have to build 4 times a day
hengsin: i means for me, that give little to no advantage compare to create your own fork/branch
hengsin: in fact, with a fork/branch, it should be easier to sync with idempiere head
nmicoud: i see what you mean
CarlosRuiz: yep - definitely - pull is automated - the patches approach is totally manual and prone to problems
hengsin: anyway, one of the key objective of the project is, if you need to replace any part of the system, we should create a proper mechanism to do that.
hengsin: also, do note that fork/branch is what all the linux distribution have been doing for years.
nmicoud: i understand you concern - so, for 'my' customs i should try to implement it in the core (using new extensions or making modiifcation on official release)
CarlosRuiz: I think is good to recall that we're trying to encourage people to let us know their needs to modify core - we've always said that we can consider each need of modifying core as an "extensibility bug"
xolali: hengsin; sometimes u just want to add a function or do something little to a core class which might get to official trunk
nmicoud: there is one here :!topic/idempiere/LFvlbG6TQII
xolali: and u dont want to have a whole fork for that
hengsin: xolali, u see, fork is cheap :)
xolali: well, my feeling about fork is maintaining my own branch. but if i need to add a function to say Env class for convenience i think it should be possible without having my fork and also keeping up to date with trunk
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, can toolbar buttons do that trick instead of adding column vs form mapping?
nmicoud: no, i 'want' to have a button in the window
nmicoud: so, i have to create a column
CarlosRuiz: xolali - if the Env core class changes and you don't change yours accordingly - then you can have issues (sometimes big issues)
CarlosRuiz: multiply that for any core class you change and that can become a complex job to keep in sync when the number grows
hengsin: nmicoud, with the column, you can run form or process, isn't that sufficient ?
CarlosRuiz: yes, I think JJ hardcoded that because formerly compiere was not able to open forms within processes
CarlosRuiz: AnoziMada, AYT?
AnoziMada: yes :)
nmicoud: not in my case ; the button call a class that uses IProcessUI, un/lockUI methods - not possible through 'standard' forms
CarlosRuiz: are there steps to reproduce on GW?
AnoziMada: I haven't try fork/branch method. So forking is safer because you forced to resolve the code conflicts, right?
CarlosRuiz: yes
AnoziMada: I'm sorry, what's GW?
CarlosRuiz: GardenWorld
AnoziMada: haven't check it yet in GW. I use my own client
CarlosRuiz: I think current situation is being caused also because forking such a fast moving target is hard - but after we make the release 1 - forking from the maintenance release branch will be a lot easier to keep in sync
CarlosRuiz: you mentioned invoices in different orgs - I'll try to reproduce that in GW
AnoziMada: ok thanks
xolali: Carlos; I agree with u. Good insight
nmicoud: Another thing. Acct viewer form was displayed as a modal form when called from Posted button. Now it is opened like a standard window. Could it be reverted to original way ?
CarlosRuiz: does your user prefer to be blocked to go to other windows?
nmicoud: they find it nicer
nmicoud: the click on posted, see facts, feel happy and then close the panel
CarlosRuiz: I guess it can be changed back easily - but I see value added having the ability to go back and forth between the doc and its posting
nmicoud: i see the advantage of changing active window
nmicoud: but, speaking for my users, they don't use it
AnoziMada: Carlos, I've reproduced it in GW in; You can check GL Journal 10000001 & 10000002 generated by InvoiceNGL
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, you can try changing line 228 on WAcctViewer from MODE_EMBEDDED to MODE_HIGHLIGHTED
CarlosRuiz: if it works maybe you can propose a patch as a client sysconfig
CarlosRuiz: excellent AnoziMada - thanks
nmicoud: ok, will do this carlos, thanks
hengsin: nmicoud, what do you means by button call IProcessUI ?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, MODE_POPUP instead of HIGHLIGHTED - but it doesn't work well - you must play with the positioning of the buttons etc
ci-idempiere-org: Project iDempiere build #1206: SUCCESS in 5 min 4 sec:
ci-idempiere-org: jcorredor: IDEMPIERE-1077 Can not create advanced query with two filter
nmicoud: hengsin ; it's a class that chain processes if their execution is ok
CarlosRuiz: AnoziMada, still there?
AnoziMada: yes
ci-idempiere-org: Project iDempiere build #1207: SUCCESS in 4 min 55 sec:
ci-idempiere-org: globalqss: IDEMPIERE-1019 / because of IDEMPIERE-1058 - better restore and export all non java packages
CarlosRuiz: I'm going to commit your patch - do you have bitbucket username? do you want me to commit with your username as author?
AnoziMada: yes :D my username is anozimada
CarlosRuiz: ah - I see iDempiere-databiz - nice
AnoziMada: I have not update it yet :p
CarlosRuiz: committed - thanks
CarlosRuiz: will integrate to demo when compiled to test again your test case
AnoziMada: thanks
ci-idempiere-org: Project iDempiere build #1208: SUCCESS in 4 min 54 sec:
ci-idempiere-org: globalqss: IDEMPIERE-944 Error in session timeout / try solution suggested by Dirk
CarlosRuiz: AnoziMada, now your picture is here -> - great!
AnoziMada: finally it has my name :D
AnoziMada: btw for code contribution, do you prefer patch file or pull request?
CarlosRuiz: what I've found easiest is like nmicoud is doing - pointing to the commit URL on his repository - I go there and take the raw commit and it's integrated easily with his name
CarlosRuiz: plain patch doesn't come with your name inside
CarlosRuiz: and pull requests tend to become outdated very quickly
AnoziMada: ok noted. time to update my fork
ci-idempiere-org: Project iDempiere build #1209: SUCCESS in 4 min 52 sec:
ci-idempiere-org: anozimada: IDEMPIERE-1075 InvoiceNGL Bug
CarlosRuiz: ok updated
AnoziMada: ok it seems the generated gl journals is correct now
CarlosRuiz: yep - thanks a lot for making idempiere better
AnoziMada: It's late here, goodnight everyone. I have a nice experience joining this meeting :)
CarlosRuiz: thanks - good night
nmicoud: Another ticket that could be integrated for R1 is (additional fonts for Jasper) ? Seems a common requirement, no ?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, probably not
nmicoud: probably not for what ? integrated for R1 or common requirement ?
CarlosRuiz: question - are those fonts free? verdana? arial?
nmicoud: i have absolutely no idea
CarlosRuiz: some people with the same question
nmicoud: then i guess the ticket can be closed ?
CarlosRuiz: yes - I think the licenses are not compatible
CarlosRuiz: I guess that's the same reason why ubuntu doesn't come with those fonts preinstalled
nmicoud: ok, i will close ticket