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Revision as of 12:01, 12 June 2013 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-06-12

CarlosRuiz: Good morning
JanThielemann: hi carlso
nmicoud: Bonjour
xolali: Hola Red1!!!
red1: Ola, tudo bem CarlosRuiz
xolali: Hello Carlos
red1: Bom dia = good morning
nmicoud: I've created a jasper report with a subreports and placed jrxml files them in a fragment. But seems that idempiere is looking for a jasper files for subreport. Log says : Error opening input stream from URL : http://nicoport:8080/JasperReportFiles/facture_total.jasper. Must i compil subreport ?
PedroRozo: Hi everyone (hola a todos) ......
JanThielemann: CarlosRuiz: do you know this problem: i try to use jenkins/buckminster to build my feature which consists of a plugin and two fragments. the fragment, which has o.a.ui.zk as host plugin, is not able to be build and give me errors like this:
JanThielemann: Error: file /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Logvocatusfeature/org.evenos.logvocatusfragment/WEB-INF/src/org/adempiere/webui/dashboard/, line 5: The import org.adempiere.webui.session cannot be resolved
JanThielemann: i think that buckminster doesn't resolve the host plugin properly but i don't have any idea how to fix this
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, how is the subreport expression?
nmicoud: oops : $P{REPORT_DIR} + "facture_total.jasper" ; so it looks for a jasper extension file. Just wondering if the subreport must be called facture1.jrxml ?
nmicoud: i will try it again
red1: JanThielemann: did u google for exact type of issue u got on the buckminster plugin into Jenkins?
JanThielemann: i googled for everything for three days now :)
CarlosRuiz: JanThielemann, session? can't find that class
JanThielemann: it's a package
JanThielemann: i think the package of the SessionManager
JanThielemann: every o.a.ui.zk package i use in my dashboard panel throws this error
hengsin: what's the dependency for your feature ?
JanThielemann: my custom plugin
JanThielemann: since i cannot add o.a.ui.zk as a dependency
JanThielemann: and i use some classes of my custom plugin
hengsin: your feature must have dependency to what you need
hengsin: whether it is zk or base, etc
JanThielemann: ah wait
JanThielemann: the feature dependencies are computed
JanThielemann: o.a.ui.zk is in it
JanThielemann: the fragment only have my plugin as a dependency
JanThielemann: the feature has base, zk, myplugin and some others in it
JanThielemann: the feature also is build i think but the fragment is the one which is making problems
hengsin: <requires><import feature="org.adempiere.ui.zk" version="1.0.0.qualifier"/></requires> ?
hengsin: also, org.zkoss.zk.library is required
JanThielemann: shouldn't this be resolved by o.a.ui.zk?
JanThielemann: i added it, same result
red1: u set the dependencies in the MANIFEST?
JanThielemann: in my plugin i have the dependencies .base, .plugin.utils, pipo, junit and report.jasper in the manifest
JanThielemann: in the feature i have computed the dependencies and manually added zk.library in the feature.xml
JanThielemann: and in my fragment i only have my custom plugin in the dependencies and ui.zk as the host plugin
red1: my limited experience when doing my plugins is to play around with the MANIFEST dependencies tab, putting in and taking out and i may avoid the Features
JanThielemann: i don't think the problem lies in the dependencie structure because i can build it without problems
JanThielemann: using eclipse
red1: so u using another tool - i.e. Jenkins.. maybe it could not or just doesn't understand how Eclipse do it.
red1: not compatible
red1: somewhere
hengsin: jan, i think the problem is with the import target platform part
hengsin: maybe you can follow this approach instead to import the target platform
hengsin: the p2 repository created by the idempiere build should become the target platform for your feature build
JanThielemann: i'll give it a try
JanThielemann: another thing: when i run the idempiere-server and i install new features without restarting it, the new osgi bundles won't show up in the osgi console
JanThielemann: installing via director/p2
JanThielemann: do i have to do something additional?
hengsin: I think that's probably just the quirk between felix and equinox
JanThielemann: so i actually have to restart the server
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, about IDEMPIERE-959
CarlosRuiz: What I understand from the proposal at
CarlosRuiz: is to create a getter on X_ classes (so, it would affect ModelClassGenerator and ModelInterfaceGenerator), something like:
CarlosRuiz: public static X_AD_Table getByUUID (Properties ctx, String uuid, String trxname)
CarlosRuiz: to be used in customizations when needing to access a custom record with fixed UUID.
CarlosRuiz: Or maybe such getter can be simply added to the PO class.
CarlosRuiz: don't understand the use case of your patch on the ticket
nmicoud: the aim is to be able to use UUID (of process, tab, window, ...) from core classes
JanThielemann: after removing the fragment from the feature i only get the error on my theme fragment:
JanThielemann: Error: file /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Logvocatusfeature/org.evenos.zktheme/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, line 6: Host bundle 'org.adempiere.ui.zk' cannot be resolved
JanThielemann: hmm :/ i'll try the other approach
nmicoud: actually, you can just got ID. That's why i've duplicated *getID methods to create *getUUID ones
CarlosRuiz: ah - thanks nmicoud - I get it now
nmicoud: btw, can we used UUID for display logic ?
nmicoud: or all logics (instead of classic ID). I've tried for Toolbar button, but it wasn't a success.
hengsin: hmm .. if field is created for the uuid column then you should be able to use it for display logic
nmicoud: then i'll try it again, maybe i've set something wrong
Edwin_Ang: hi guys
nmicoud: Hi
CarlosRuiz: Hi Edwin_Ang
Edwin_Ang: Hi CarlosRuiz, nmicoud
Edwin_Ang: any talk related with new release? :)
CarlosRuiz: no, we haven't talked about it - still solving some bugs - I'm today triaging bugs to check which are critical stoppers for the release - maybe a couple to solve
Edwin_Ang: can we work on a to do list?
Edwin_Ang: so we can work together on it
CarlosRuiz: yep - sure - of course any help is welcome and it will speed the release
Edwin_Ang: yep :)
Edwin_Ang: i am quite occupied by my pm plugin work lately
Edwin_Ang: but then if there's a list, i can spare some hours a day to work on it
Edwin_Ang: any candidate for the draft list?
CarlosRuiz: well - there are 4 bugs marked as critical on JIRA - but maybe just 1 of those is critical really - will triage them
Edwin_Ang: just 4?
Edwin_Ang: we have a whole gang here
Edwin_Ang: should be done in a day! :D
hengsin: :)
CarlosRuiz: but for example - IDEMPIERE-1017 doesn't seem like critical
nmicoud: maybe not critical, but at least major. It's very useful and AFAIK, it was ok on adempiere
CarlosRuiz: nope - AFAIR - that has never been implemented - there are two fields confirm and max
CarlosRuiz: max must be working - confirm is not - even on swing I think it did nothing
CarlosRuiz: more like a candidate to hide as non-functional
nmicoud: my mistake, i've read too fast ; i though it was about max (and not confirm)
hengsin: yeah, should hide it until it is implemented
Edwin_Ang_: test
Edwin_Ang_: hengsin, what is the preferred way of adding a model validator?
Edwin_Ang_: i saw red1's example in withholding using IEventManager
hengsin: i prefer eventmanager
hengsin: I think carlos prefer ad_modelvalidator
Edwin_Ang_: the other way is using IModelValidatorFactory
Edwin_Ang_: and plus minus better the two approach?
Edwin_Ang_: *between
CarlosRuiz: no, no, ad_modelvalidator is obsolete
CarlosRuiz: new way is better without touching dictionary
Edwin_Ang_: so? IEventManager?
CarlosRuiz: there must be a few cases where old modelvalidator approach can be useful
Edwin_Ang_: so preferable using IEventManager and use IModelValidatorFactory on other cases?
hengsin: yes
nmicoud: got to go ; bye bye
Edwin_Ang_: bye nmicoud
Edwin_Ang_: ok then.. will update all of my modelvalidators then
Edwin_Ang_: another question.. i need to add a new tree.. and i am kind of running out of time
Edwin_Ang_: so just modify MTree, MTree_Base, TreeMaintenance, a new MTree_NodePA, I_AD_TreeNodePA, and X_AD_TreeNodePA
Edwin_Ang_: any idea how i can put all of them in my pm plugin?
CarlosRuiz: xolali - about IDEMPIERE-1019 - it needs to be tested for barcode readers ( barbecue?) and exporting to excel (poi)
CarlosRuiz: there is a sample report printing a barcode reader there
xolali: Carlos, ok i will do some more test and give feedback
hengsin: edwin, if you modify the core classes, the only way now is to make a custom build of idempiere
xolali: i could do a sample with barcode. i'll do some work on that. but export to excel is fine the last time i tried
CarlosRuiz: if tests are successful - can you please upload the patch there - binaries must be uploaded using zip - or you can just point to the URL to download binariese
xolali: ok
Edwin_Ang_: yes.. that is what i am doing right now
Edwin_Ang_: gtg now
Edwin_Ang_: pls share if there's a list to work on :)
Edwin_Ang_: bye everyone
CarlosRuiz: gtg guys - thanks a lot