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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-06-05

tbayen_: Hi xolali! ;-) Whats Up?
xolali: Haloo Thomas
tbayen: I installed your present for todays meeting. :-) Look into my facebook.
CarlosRuiz: :-) I want a mug like that :-)
tbayen: It brand new. Just got it from the store. I was so proud I had to take a photo.
xolali: wow, ok
PedroRozo: good morning team .....
CarlosRuiz: Good morning
tbayen: I will bring one if I visit you and we will fill it with Eierlikör.
nmicoud: Bonjour
CarlosRuiz: gr8
a42niem: guten tag
Deepak: Good morning/Evening
tbayen: Daarestiet
xolali: Thomas the cups were not ready for the conference
xolali: i need one too, i mean the mug
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, Richard posted a patch for the IDEMPIERE-950 - will try it
CarlosRuiz: I didn't understand your comment on that ticket :-(
nmicoud: let me check
tbayen: Someone asked me to help him with manufacturing. He needs only a small bom and wants to have inventory for raw materials and finished products. Does this work with idempiere? It seems to me that there are so many different ways of adempiere manufacturing. Is the idempiere menu still the compiere functionality? Where do I find the right documentation?
nmicoud: Richard upload a 1st patch yesterday and i've seen that he tested if tree.getTreecols() was null to create new Treecols
CarlosRuiz: ah - your comment is about Richard's patch - that's why I didn't find it in code :-) thanks - will check it
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, yes, bom and inventories are ok out of the box
nmicoud: it omit to precise it
nmicoud: and for ticket 950 ; wondering what will be the result if we put a tree on the BPartner tab of BP Group window
CarlosRuiz: the mfg light howto from adaxa is helpful as documentation
nmicoud: Will the tree be reloaded when changing groups ?
CarlosRuiz: good test case
nmicoud: i think the reloading should be done when ad_tree_id or the parent link column change
CarlosRuiz: I advised Richard to follow same swing approach
nmicoud: ok
CarlosRuiz: but haven't checked if he did :-)
nmicoud: :))
CarlosRuiz: your suggested test on bp group working fine
nmicoud: ah great !
tbayen: CarlosRuiz, thanks for giving me a direction in the manufacturing jungle. :-)
CarlosRuiz: but -as you imagined - is reloading the tree when is not needed :-)
nmicoud: maybe we could store the current tree_id and compare it with the new
nmicoud: and if different, reload
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, question
CarlosRuiz: not challenging your advise - just want to understand it
CarlosRuiz: why do you think is better to detach the treecols and create them new?
nmicoud: i have no idea ; i just search where this kind of thing was done. And i've find WTreeMaintenance (which reload trees, when you change the selected item from a listbox). And it is done this way
CarlosRuiz: ah - I see - thanks for pointing me there
nmicoud: it seems there is at least 2 way of doing the same thing. But can't say what is the best
nmicoud: Is anyone is familiar with JasperReports in iDempiere. If so, can you please have a look here:!topic/idempiere/YXZVLT9GX1c
tbayen: I played with Jasper one year ago in adempiere. It is not easy to insert external files like images and subreports. Every handler (file, attachment, classpath, etc.) has a slightly different implementation and different filename mappings. To be sure you have to read the source how it deals with this. This is on my list of things I want to recreate when there is time.
xolali: i use jasper reports a lot
CarlosRuiz: but nmicoud - your error sounds like your jasper image url is pointing to your drive
xolali: my prefered deployment is to place all files under a directory called reports
nmicoud: i agree, but i can't find any reference to my local drive
xolali: u could have place images in a sub-folder images and it works,
tbayen: I did not use http, but your file is searched in "temp". In the classpath handler all needed files were to be copied to tmp before starting jasper. Because the JasperReport class could not know which files are needed it copied only some standard filenames like "*_subreport1.jasper" and such. I could not manage to load images with that.
tbayen: I used images but I had to read them from the database, not the classpath.
nmicoud: after some debug i found that the resourcePath is set C:\Users\Nico\AppData\Local\Temp/
xolali: Thomas maybe you should try a simpler way of deployment
nmicoud: But the JasperReport field in AD_Process is http://localhost:8080/JasperReportFiles/test.jrxml
tbayen: All files are first copied to temp and then the jasper library is called. The problem is that adempiere does not know what "all files" should be.
nmicoud: on adempiere, there was a jasperReport.war which contains 'all files' ; right ?
nmicoud: this is no more available ?
xolali: nmicoud in adempiere there are about four different ways of deploying
CarlosRuiz: yes, I think the war approach is what hengsin talked on the forum thread
tbayen: No. adempiere does not know what to copy from the *.war. The problem I talk of is with the classpath. If you use file urls it should work. I believe xolali uses file urls???
nmicoud: he talked of a fragment which contains resources
nmicoud: but he don't mention images
xolali: the good thing about using the folder approach is that once it works fine and load resources in iReport, it WILL work in adempiere/idempiere
tbayen: The Jasper Library can not deal with four different wys of deploying. This is the invention of adempiere. And it does it with some (file) in a "natural" way and gives jasper the url and with some (classpath) by first copying everything to temp and then giving hjasper the temp url.
nmicoud: xolali, when you mention folder approach, it is put jrxml and image on the same folder ?
xolali: yes, either in same folder or in sub-folder. you just have to use relative path the way its done in html
xolali: to point to you resource
nmicoud: just wondering if idempiere looks for local because it is tested from Eclipse
nmicoud: will try to deploy it to an running idempiere instance
xolali: yes it looks for the reports folder from the adempiere_home which will be your development home or your deployment home
nmicoud: ok thanks
xolali: when i run from eclipse, it looks in my development home for the folder reports
nmicoud: so i need to copy the resources (images, subreports...) in this directory
tbayen: I just looked into the actual source. It seems like its the same I looked into last year.
xolali: yes. all reports and resources should be in that folder
tbayen: If you can use local folders it will work best with images. If not my best approach was to get images from the database.
Edwin_Ang: hi everyone
xolali: this way you can change reports anytime without creating and uploading a new WAR each time
CarlosRuiz: attachment approach sounds easy too - that's the one I tested
CarlosRuiz: Hi Edwin_Ang
nmicoud: ok, will also try the attachment way
Edwin_Ang: hi CarlosRuiz
Edwin_Ang: what is this? jasper report deployment?
tbayen: CarlosRuiz, Are you sure that you can use images from an attachment? (I mean: images attached in the same space like the report itself?)
CarlosRuiz: yes - subreports and images - is just to attach them also besides the main report
CarlosRuiz: the test I use to play in demo has two images
nmicoud: Hi Edwin, yep, i'm struggling with jasper report deployment :)
tbayen: Hmmm... have to dig the source to understand that better.
Edwin_Ang: hi nicolas.. well.. that's also on my pending list :)
nmicoud: i guess we all share the same list :)
Edwin_Ang: haven't been able to run report using the fragment project way
xolali: Carlos does that mean i have to attach the logo each time for the report or i can attach it somewhere once
CarlosRuiz: on the process window - you attach the main report and the images
Edwin_Ang: any idea how to use amtinwords?
CarlosRuiz: let me create one on demo to show you how ...
CarlosRuiz: ah - seems like demo is down
tbayen: Ah! "attachment:" urls work with jrxml, jasper, jpg and png files. These are all copied. With classpaths urls does not work because the first stage can not do a directory listing to identify them.
tbayen: To be short: Attachments should also work with subreports and jpg and png.
xolali: Carlos whilst we are on jasper reports, there are some issues with the table componet in jasper library 4.6
xolali: so i upgraded to version 5.1 and it works fine
tbayen: xolali, could you contribute this upgrade?
xolali: Yes, but i just updated the jar files and the manifest accordingly no code changes. I dont know which to contribute, manifest??
xolali: i have actually opened a ticket in jira
CarlosRuiz: xolali - usually upgrading jasper implies upgrading barbecue and other libraries
CarlosRuiz: and sometimes it has implications on other projects
CarlosRuiz: probably with OSGi we can isolate it now - not sure if it's done
tbayen: I think you should only update the manifest. Then it should be buckminsters task to get the right jarfile. I believe the upgrading user has to start buckminster somehow. I never tried that. Would be nice to have this documented.
tbayen: CarlosRuiz, if this is not isolated I don't know what all the OSGi work was for. ;-)
xolali: Yes i guess OSGi handles this because jasper is a seperate bundle, so far am runing my eclipse with the new jars and it looks good
tbayen: The dependend libs like barbecue should be upgraded but only in the jasper plugin.
CarlosRuiz: yes - seems like do the trick
CarlosRuiz: xolali - you won't notice the problem with not upgrading some libraries if you don't use it on your reports
CarlosRuiz: for example barcodes
tbayen: I think buckminster will solve all these dependencies the right way if you use it. Exchanging a jar file by hand seems a no-go. Am I right?
CarlosRuiz: it depends how you configure it
CarlosRuiz: barcode4j-2.0.jar is on - not downloaded on the fly
CarlosRuiz: org.apache.poi also represents a dependency on jasper - you'll notice if you export a report to excel
xolali: ok is there a way i could test this, because i think the upgrade is necessary because of the issues with has been solved in subsequent versions
CarlosRuiz: sure xolali - keeping up to date with jasper is important - and as tbayen said - it will be good to have documentation about how to do that and what to test
CarlosRuiz: I think somewhere in adempiere forums we talked about the libraries involved
xolali: ok i'll check this and come up with some wrtite up
Edwin_Ang: CarlosRuiz: i tried to develop a window similar with Account Element.. but then some class in the core like TreeMaintenance need to be modified
xolali: write up
Edwin_Ang: any idea how to extend them to a custom plugin?
tbayen: This should all be documented on the jasper website. Important is to see whether all the dependencies are resolved the right way. It seems that some are automatic and some are fixed in the trunk.
CarlosRuiz: Edwin_Ang, window similar to?
CarlosRuiz: demo was updated and restarted
Edwin_Ang: Account Element
Edwin_Ang: i need to have a tree with a parent tab
CarlosRuiz: if somebody wants to help checking memory problems there are two heaps captured:
CarlosRuiz: Edwin_Ang, we were talking about that at the start of the meeting
CarlosRuiz: testing the patch of IDEMPIERE-950
Edwin_Ang: ah.. any place i can see the log?
CarlosRuiz: not too much - just said that I was testing it and Nicolas explaining me his comment
Edwin_Ang: you mean IDEMPIERE-950?
CarlosRuiz: yep
Edwin_Ang: well.. i actually talking about how can i create a custom tree like C_ElementValue
Edwin_Ang: i am trying to develop window Project WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
tbayen: gtg, thanks!
Edwin_Ang: i intend to have Project as the top tab
CarlosRuiz: bye tbayen
Edwin_Ang: and project activity as the child tab.. the project activity tab should have a tree..
CarlosRuiz: do you mean you want to implement generic trees - the ability to create a tree on any table
Edwin_Ang: yepp
CarlosRuiz: ah ok - I think that was done on compiere - maybe you can take a look to their approach
Edwin_Ang: can i access their code?
CarlosRuiz: I downloaded 330
CarlosRuiz: to access latest I think you need to sign up and they're being picky :-)
nmicoud: Coming back to Jasper... i've added this line in ReportStarter : params.put("RESOURCE_DIR_1", reportPath.substring(0, reportPath.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/"); Then in my report, i set the image expression as $P{RESOURCE_DIR_1} + "Header.jpg". And it works fine ! It doesn't look anymore on the local drive
CarlosRuiz: good
nmicoud: Should i provide a patch ? i think it is useful
CarlosRuiz: didn't RESOURCE_DIR work?
nmicoud: nope, RESOURCE_DIR point to my local drive
nmicoud: from Eclipse and idempiere
nmicoud: That's why i search for creating a new one
CarlosRuiz: ok - Juan just found a problem testing IDEMPIERE-950 - so we'll hold it until solved
nmicoud: what problem ?
CarlosRuiz: if the tree is empty and you navigate to another element with tree - is messed up
nmicoud: i see
CarlosRuiz: Edwin_Ang, sources of compiere 330 are here
Edwin_Ang: ah.. thx
Edwin_Ang: i registered but nothing happens yet
CarlosRuiz: ah, if they read this minutes they'll reject your application - hehehe
CarlosRuiz: strange open source
Edwin_Ang: 330 has code for the generic tree?
CarlosRuiz: yes - I think so
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, instead of RESOURCE_DIR_1 maybe call that REPORT_DIR ?
CarlosRuiz: and it just works for http or file
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: i've only try with img
CarlosRuiz: and maybe you need to check also if is windows ending with \\
nmicoud: something like line 421 of REportStarter ?
CarlosRuiz: yep - tricky when file separator is \\
nmicoud: ok, i'll do this
nmicoud: i'll upload a patch tonight or tomorrow ; will have to go soon
CarlosRuiz: thanks
nmicoud: While working on trees, i noticed Seems that is related to
nmicoud: i think this has bee n introduced recently
CarlosRuiz: :-) didn't notice - thanks for reporting
nmicoud: :) cu
CarlosRuiz: bye nicolas
Edwin_Ang: got to go now
CarlosRuiz: thanks Edwin_Ang - bye
Edwin_Ang: CarlosRuiz: thx for the hint
Edwin_Ang: bye :)
xolali: bye everybody