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Revision as of 15:30, 29 May 2013 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-05-29

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
tbayen: Daarestiet! ;-)
CarlosRuiz: I've been doing peer review of pending queue :-) nice to see long list
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, IDEMPIERE-976 is about being able to programatically set a title for error windows?
tbayen: Yesterday I showed my wife how to do bug reports with bonfire. This morning the bug was solved. Nice to see the community working like a wizard. ;-)
nmicoud: yes, you can define a title ; otherwise, it is the brower title which is shown
nmicoud: this was available for warn but not for error
hengsin: Hi Thomas
tbayen: Hi hengsin :-)
CarlosRuiz: Just creating ticket IDEMPIERE-978 proposing redesign of city tab on country window - do you think is ok?
xolali: Halooo everybody
CarlosRuiz: Hi Anthony
nmicoud: i think OR is the default region ; maybe it's just related to a hardcoded thing ?
CarlosRuiz: wondering if is ok to allow creating cities without region - when the country states that uses region
tbayen: Hello Anthony!
nmicoud: if the region is mandatory, it shouldn't ; otherwise, yes
CarlosRuiz: in db is not mandatory
CarlosRuiz: because you can have the two scenarios - countries with region - and countries without region and allowing to capture cities
nmicoud: you can use CaptureSequence field in country to set it mandatory or not
CarlosRuiz: doing a test here ....
CarlosRuiz: you're right - both are allowed
CarlosRuiz: I'll rephrase my proposal ....
CarlosRuiz: changed the last tab to:
CarlosRuiz: ** Cities without Region (shown always. Filtered for cities without Region and with region read-only defaulting to -1)
CarlosRuiz: what we have in the compiere design is a table that has two optional parents - so the proposal is to make that design clear and safe
nmicoud: ok ; no need to show region if not required. But it should be done according to the content of the SequenceCapture
nmicoud: Talking about countries and cities ; i've been asked to add a tab on this window : departments. Don't know if this is used in other countries. In France there is about 100 departments. One department has a name and a code (numeric) which consists of the first 2 digits of the zip. Could it be considered as a general requirement ?
CarlosRuiz: do you mean subdivisions of regions? or subdivision of cities?
nmicoud: subdivision of regions
nmicoud: but that (subdivision of cities) could also be done
CarlosRuiz: I know Mexico has subdivision of cities - but don't know about other countries - here we don't have that
tbayen: In germany we have many different zip codes in one city. Is it like that?
nmicoud: For instance, in Paris, Lyon or Marseille, you find 'arrondissements'. Each one will have it own zipcode (75001, 75002, ...)
nmicoud: i guess
CarlosRuiz: I see compiere made country a tree table
CarlosRuiz: maybe that could be solved making region a tree?
nmicoud: what do you mean "country a tree table" ?
CarlosRuiz: here ->
CarlosRuiz: you can check Country window
frankiefigs: user/pass
frankiefigs: ?
nmicoud: same
nmicoud: System/System
frankiefigs: thxs
nmicoud: could be done that way, but the best of the best would be to combine all tables (country, regions, cities, ...) in a big tree
tbayen: I do not like this idea. A country is not the same as a city. It does not belong to the same table.
nmicoud: i mean a new kind of trees, which could provide nodes from 3 or 4 tables.
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, back to FDialog - maybe for consistency we can do the same for info
nmicoud: sure - i do not check if it was present for it
nmicoud: i can do it if you want and submit a new patch
hengsin: what's the thing with FDialog ?
nmicoud: you can't define your own title, it's always the browser title which is used (for error and info)
hengsin: ic
nmicoud: a colleague has set up a jenkins and use buckminster 4.2 (he did not find 3.6). Then he got errors when building. Have you succeed to build with 4.2 ?
a42niem: hi all
tbayen: I use often buckminster for a headless build and install. It works well with 4.2
nmicoud: ok, so there must be an error in the command lines; thanks
tbayen: I have a makefile for that. Interested?
CarlosRuiz: Hi Dirk
nmicoud: sure :)
nmicoud: thanks a lot
tbayen: I would like a script like this as a community build script. But this is only tested by me. Perhaps it can be a starting point. TEll me if you improve it.
nmicoud: ok, i'll give you feedback
hengsin: someone needs to work harder to catch up to the platform :)
tbayen: Is the project jenkins and demo server on the same machine? If not - why? Is there a bottleneck?!?
tbayen: Hi red1!
red1: Ola everyone from Brazil ! :D
xolali: Haloo red1!!
red1: Sorry i forgot all about it (again!)
hengsin: from coconut tree :)
red1: Yo my man.. xolali
red1: Yes Edilson took alot of coconuts down yesterday
red1: but we only ate one
red1: IF you want me to report about Zurich company meeting i can also
red1: Also Slovakia
red1: Just concluded meeting here in Fortaleza with owner of the company and supporter of iDempiere.
CarlosRuiz: TkTech hook for IRC notifico is not working today :-(
CarlosRuiz: and twitter notifications were not working since apr 19 - but now are working again
red1: xolali: you on Skype? Can we talk about WebServices?
red1: You have to teach me! I already cleaned up the SFAndroid code as a plugin
red1: and i can coach u back what to do next
xolali: yes we can
tbayen: You can discuss this here. I am interested in mobile & WebServices too. ;-) (or join the skype...)
red1: Ok.. then i proceed here
red1: First let me go the rest room and then get some coffee
red1: brb
red1: OK.. first you should have iDempiere ready in Eclipse
red1: then create an empty plugin project
red1: i will commit the project i did into my bitbucket
red1: so you dont have to do it and we can continue proofing from there
tbayen: Why do you need a plugin? Is the webservices interface not enough?
red1: Ah... smart student
red1: challenging the plugin guru here :D
tbayen: 8^)
red1: now u know i am more dumb
red1: So i was going to explain that SFAndroid is from the legacy
red1: so its old and will break in few places
red1: and we want to see how we can absolve all including the need of the plugin
tbayen: ok
red1: so i have thought of the same thing as my smart apprentice here :D
red1: so now i graciously hand over the class to him. :P
xolali: is the plugin project not for SFAndriod custom code??
red1: Yes that is what we want to find out
red1: by examining the code up close
xolali: ok
red1: OK how do i commit to my bitbucket
red1: Should i just push?
red1: or create the folder at bitbucket first
tbayen: Do you want it to be a new project (a new repository)? Or inside an existing repository like "smallprojects" or such?
red1: i am putting it here
red1: Perhaps we can suggest a new name instead of SFAndroid
red1: its supposed to be a app
red1: as explained before after learning from a few mistakes... such app is difficult to convert
red1: as its a huge mix of Spanish terms within
red1: so we can think of a basic core AndroidApp plugin
tbayen: I would create a new (empty) repository on bitbucket, clone this to my local machine, copy my files into the clone directory, commit & push. Don't know if you can create a bitbucket repository by cloning to bitbucket.
red1: call it iAndroid?
red1: or we can follow CarlosRuiz way of naming the mobile = org.idempiere.iuimobile
CarlosRuiz: spanish terms are not the problem - we can translate - but I think the use case is very specific for one singe customer/purpose
red1: we can call this
red1: si, i want to remove all specific cases in this very basic plugin
tbayen: I would not say "iAndroid". It is too specific for that name. Better call it something with "SalesForce".
red1: so that it can be reused by tbayen
red1: then SF can be an add on to that
red1: it has some API to the ADempiere models
red1: maybe i take those only
red1: or we name it*?
tbayen: ok. If you believe this could work as a starting point. I thought it would be better to start from scratch but I did not really look into the code yet. :-(
red1: yes we are in a way doing from scratch
red1: just borrowing from how SF does it
red1: i am thinking of same with Libero Mfg next
xolali: since we are basing this work on SFAndroid why dont we just maintain the name, to preserve thier earlier work
red1: but i am not going to do that
red1: its too specific
red1: like LiVE
red1: better follow the plugin philosophy
red1: break up into smaller fragments
red1: easier building blocks
red1: maximise reusability
CarlosRuiz: there are two different projects there -> one is android code - the other is some modified webservices plus webservices definition
red1: Ok. for SFAndroid clean up i will commit as SFAndroid
red1: later i will extract a scratch plugin
CarlosRuiz: the android side is not a plugin - is an android app
tbayen: At the end there should be no plugin project for that. If there is something wrong with webservices we should repair that. I see no reason for an extension here.
red1: That i don't know about that yet
red1: I am still comparing .. slowly
red1: and SF modified the MenuTree
red1: so i remembered hengsin talked about wrapping from Interface of Tree etc
xolali: So the custom code we are talking about here is SFAndriod server side code modifications and webservices definitions
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, agree - plugin maybe is just the 2pack to create the ws config
red1: good idea
red1: SF modified MClient and MClientInfo
TkTech: CarlosRuiz: Twitter? What? :|
TkTech: CarlosRuiz: I've never done twitter, am I missing something?
CarlosRuiz: sorry TkTech - I mean we have some hookups on bitbucket - twitter is working (it was not working since april 19)
CarlosRuiz: and the other hookup is notifico - but that's not working today (yesterday was working)
TkTech: Hmm.
CarlosRuiz: red1 - we need to check why they modified client - probably sysconfig will be a better approach for an extension
TkTech: CarlosRuiz: Not-001 -> Not-023 are all reporting okay, I can see successful messages from Not-002 in about a dozen other channels
red1: They have their own Menu Tree structure CarlosRuiz
red1: and properties
TkTech: CarlosRuiz: The next time you make a commit can you make sure the message counter on your project increments? If it doesn't, that means it's never getting your hooks.
TkTech: (Which is possible, github and bitbucket sometimes have issues with their hooks)
CarlosRuiz: ok - I'll do a commit right now
red1: like setupClientInfo.. they intoduce some more IDs
red1: SF_MenuList_ID, SF_SyncMenuList_ID
tbayen: CarlosRuiz, does the new importer feature work with locations (addresses)?
CarlosRuiz: TkTech, just made a commit and the counter didn't increment - still in 309 - Not-002 is here but not nofying
TkTech: CarlosRuiz: The counter always increments, even if an error occurs processing the message.
TkTech: CarlosRuiz: That means bitbucket isn't sending the commit to notifico
CarlosRuiz: :-( yes, seems like is not sending the POST also to JIRA
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, yes, importing locations work
CarlosRuiz: thanks TkTech for your help on finding the cause
tbayen: thx. I will do some testing with heavy data the next days.
TkTech: CarlosRuiz: Any time, thanks for using it! In the future you might get a quicker response in #notifico since there are other contributors that could help you.
xolali: Hengsin>> i've been trying to figure out changing the zk theme using fragment, do you have any sample files
nmicoud: @xolali: you can refer here : ; and you can just duplicate the 'default' theme
xolali: Wow, tnx a lot
tbayen: We recommend not to use the name "iDempiere" for a production site. Is there a documentation how to rebrand the software? This is not "theme", isn't it?
nmicoud: if you talk about the label of the browser name, you can refer to the last line of
tbayen: Yes, that is one of the things for a branding. But we should be able to change all places where iDempiere and the logo is used (and shown to the user).
CarlosRuiz: tbayen, if you're a "do it yourself" user - I think is ok to use idempiere vanilla (knowing the risks)
hengsin: nmicoud - unfortunately, I don't have any sample that I can share now. mostly is about changing css and image file
nmicoud: hum, what is idempiere vanilla ?
CarlosRuiz: I agree the recommendation to create distros is for implementors - please don't sell "idempiere vanilla" implementations - create your own distro and brand it
hengsin: vanilla - means with no customization
nmicoud: ok, thanks
hengsin: stock android :)
hengsin: the nexus experience :) seems not as stable as my samsung touch wiz tough.
xolali: i intend using idempiere vanilla without theme settings in an environment like mine,
xolali: but for private implementations i would go for a branded distro
CarlosRuiz: yep, I like that approach
tbayen: If we have a kind of "best practice" for a distro branding people will not more ask about making a big brand and a business out of idempiere.
tbayen: ;-)
tbayen: Ok - to be true: The WILL keep asking - no matter what we are giving as best practice. ;-)
xolali: red1: i can see anything here
tbayen: copy, commit, push?
xolali: i mean i cant see any files there, i thought he was pushing the files there
tbayen: red1, did you push something?
nmicoud: Any idea for removing the blank item from a list within a form ? (!topic/idempiere/goxENMOzLp0)
red1: tbayen: it was pushed wrongly before lunch
red1: now i am back i am pushing correctly
tbayen: nmicoud, which kind of form? A window? zk or swing?
nmicoud: zk
nmicoud: form like 'payment allocate' ; not a standard window
tbayen: Hmmm.... not my specialty. :-( Aren't these forms made of handcrafted gui elements?
nmicoud: I'm using a WTableDirEditor with a lookup based on a List (AD_Ref_List).
tbayen: Sorry - no clue of zk.
nmicoud: :(
CarlosRuiz: making it mandatory must erase that blank element (at least that's what I would expect)
CarlosRuiz: but in zk you can always clear the value with the delete key and you'll have the empty element
nmicoud: yep, but it's not
nmicoud: Seems that WTableDirEditor always add a blank item
CarlosRuiz: maybe you can check WInvoiceGen
CarlosRuiz: create your own Listbox like the cmbDocType there
nmicoud: yeah, but i don't like the look of it
nmicoud: fOrg could be set to mandatory or not ; there is always a blank value
CarlosRuiz: if you want to prevent empty value I guess that listbox is the way - on editor you can always clear the value
nmicoud: clear the value is one thing, but allowing a blank value is another, no ?
CarlosRuiz: visually is different but the result is the same
nmicoud: yep
nmicoud: user don't know they can use backspace key
nmicoud: they always use mouse
CarlosRuiz: they'll find the way - your code must control that :-)
CarlosRuiz: creative users
nmicoud: yes, absolutely
nmicoud: :))
nmicoud: if there was only 2 items (real items), that would be better i think. wasn't it configurable before ?
nmicoud: moreover, i think its better using same editors as windows. Maybe we could use the same popup menu in the future (