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Revision as of 11:45, 10 April 2013 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-04-10

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
tbayen: Daarestiet! :-)
nmicoud: I've tested daily installers and i got issues. Can you have a look there (installation problem using daily installer on windows/oracle) :!topic/idempiere/sYjeEwhVGXc. And another thing : in DBRestore.bat, there is a call to create SQLJ functions but not in ImportIdempiere.bat ; is it normal ?
AlexYang: Hi Carlose
AlexYang: Hi Everyone
nmicoud: Hi
CarlosRuiz: interesting - sqlj was deprecated long time ago
CarlosRuiz: Hi AlexYang
AlexYang: I have a newbie question to ask Carlos about adempiere361
nmicoud: seems that it has not been deprecated there ; or i miss something
AlexYang: about the webstart db connection issue.!topic/idempiere/79IwBFLpAzM
AlexYang: could you kindly check?
a42niem: hi all
nmicoud: Hi
hengsin: Hi all
AlexYang: hengsin, you mentioned plan to integrate SFAndroid into idempiere. Is till in the plan? :)
CarlosRuiz: AlexYang, AFAIR webstart takes the connection information from the server which it connects by default
AlexYang: I deployed two different jboss pointing to two different database in the same server.
AlexYang: so how to keep seperate property file for each instance at the same server?
AlexYang: I know how to do it with zip install style by editing run_adempiere.bat file with @SET PROP=-DPropertyFile=C:\instance1\
AlexYang: but don't know how to make it work with webstart
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, seems like windows installer is not including all required files
nmicoud: ah ; can it be fixed easily ?
AlexYang: is it possible to configure webstart using separate property files?
AlexYang: instead of using the default server connection information
nmicoud: and where should i find the required files in the sources ?
CarlosRuiz: unix is including them - so it must be something missing on the windows config
hengsin: Alex, I say we plan to investigate that in future. we have make no commitment to integrate that at this point.
AlexYang: I know, hengsin. I am just interested in when is the future:)
AlexYang: I spent about 2 weeks to play with SFAndroid. I think the difficult thing for integration to idempiere is database difference.
nmicoud: Seems there was something done with those sql files on the 2013-04-03 'Move sql scripts required by installers'
AlexYang: it's based on adempiere3.7. to support async, SFAndroid uses more than 80 tables duplicate as adempiere 37. it should be a potential conflict with idempiere database structure of these tables.
tbayen: AlexYang, I talked with red1 the last days about SFAndroid. He will integrate and test it. But we agreed that on the long term a better solution might be desirable.
Edwin_Ang: hi everyone
CarlosRuiz: Hi Edwin_Ang
CarlosRuiz: AlexYang, why a conflict on db? basically they created new tables as the time I reviewed
AlexYang: Thanks tbayen for your information
AlexYang: Carlos, new tables is mostly for their sales visiting feature
frankiefigs: hello, I read a minutes of the meeting regarding new manufacturing module plugin and I would like to contribute to that effort.
AlexYang: I am struggling how to configure webstart to use dedicated file with 2+ adempiere316 instances in the same server
AlexYang: any suggestion or guidance will be apprecidated
frankiefigs: when j say contriute I mean with the design, my time and a sponsorship.
tbayen: AlexYang, do you really have a need for an android client? We might join efforts.
Edwin_Ang: hi frankiefigs i am working on the manufacturing plugin
Edwin_Ang: we can work together
AlexYang: Yes, I have customer demand an android feature eagerly
Edwin_Ang: though i cannot commit full time work on it
AlexYang: tbayen, I just noticed the sourceforge discussion is initialized by you.
AlexYang: do you have any idea how to configure file for a webstart?
frankiefigs: thats alright. I have the plan played out to progressively develop it. It wil be in stages and I wil pass the documentation. will also pay f8r time you invest.
frankiefigs: wil be sending jnformation soon
frankiefigs: goodbyes
CarlosRuiz: ah nmicoud - I see the issue
CarlosRuiz: utils.unix/oracle has more files than
nmicoud: Yep ; and as the sql files should be the same for unix and windows, duplicating them should be enough ? But reference to SQLJ in DBRestore.bat should be removed (as it is not present in unix)
CarlosRuiz: yep - checking that too - thanks for your tests on windows
nmicoud: tell me when you have done, i could test it
tbayen: AlexYang, I did not use webstart for many month since I went on using idempiere. There are some subtle differences between webstart and normal launch. I do not know your usecase but you will save headaches by not using webstart. With idempiere you can solve the deployment issues better with OSGi.
tbayen: In theory it may be possible to create a second jnlp file and give another file in the options. But the normal case is that you get the setup from the application server.
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, what do you mean with SQLJ reference?
CarlosRuiz: I see there is a line calling create in both windows and oracle
nmicoud: this line should be removed, no ?
Edwin_Ang: hi.. i need some advice on model.generator
AlexYang: thanks tbayen, here is my issue of the webstart
Edwin_Ang: i added a column in table A_Depreciation_Entry and set the entity type as Dictionary
AlexYang: My problem is that i can't find any clue to set the in .jnlp file
Edwin_Ang: i tried to regenerate the X and I class using model.generate but getter and setter method for the new column is not created
Edwin_Ang: anything that i missed?
AlexYang: I am also confuse that if the webstart get database connection information from server. then it should be right. as i run two different adempiere361 instances which connect to different database
hengsin: edwin, what's the entity type parameter, D ?
Edwin_Ang: yep
Edwin_Ang: D
CarlosRuiz: which is the column and how was defined?
Edwin_Ang: i added C_DocType_ID from AD and synchronized it
Edwin_Ang: just usual procedure
Edwin_Ang: set the entitytype to Dictionary
Edwin_Ang: and then run model.generate
AlexYang: I have to go now. guys, bye!
Edwin_Ang: before run model.generate i've run and run swingclient.product to make sure that i'm pointing to the right database
CarlosRuiz: is it the first time you use it on iDempiere?
CarlosRuiz: you must now provide the parameters on a swing form - and the way to fill it changed a little
Edwin_Ang: i've used it yesterday to create new tables
tbayen: When I remember right (for 361) the application server has to run to let the automatic configuration run. I runs on a specific port. You either need to configure it on two different ports or you avoid using the appserver's config and directly enter the database credentials. I I remember right webstart will save that in $HOME/ I will look into my old installation. mom...
Edwin_Ang: i am pretty sure that i'm not making any mistake
Edwin_Ang: the x and i class are generated but without the new column
CarlosRuiz: Edwin_Ang, I don't see a possible cause
CarlosRuiz: if you want please send me the migration script to create that column - and I'll debug locally
Edwin_Ang: let me try once more
Edwin_Ang: sorry
Edwin_Ang: mislooked it
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, ready here to commit
nmicoud: great
nmicoud: then, could you create new installers or should i wait tomorrow ?
Not-001: [iDempiere] 1 commit
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss c317074c05eb IDEMPIERE-114 Server installer broken
CarlosRuiz: if you want I can push jenkins to generate installers - but it takes 45 minutes
nmicoud: yes, i could test it this evening and give feedback rapidly
CarlosRuiz: ok - I'll push that when the continuous finishes
nmicoud: ok fine
nmicoud: another subject :!topic/idempiere/ezNkxQ9syZw ; do you think it will be possible 'in the future' to have this kind of feature ("all day appointment" ; not sure of the translation) ?
CarlosRuiz: 00 to 24 doesn't solve the problem?
CarlosRuiz: maybe would be just to show that in a different way
nmicoud: i do not try the 00 to 24 ; but it should be on the top of the day ; not taking all day range
nmicoud: trying now ; maybe a bug : when using arrows to change start/end time ; you can not see the dull time. maybe the field should be a little higher ?
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #1018: SUCCESS in 6 min 9 sec:
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, do you mean the AM/PM is not visible?
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: partially visible
CarlosRuiz: yes - probably must have the same size as the date above
CarlosRuiz: a little wider
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: and why not using a single field for start date and time ?
nmicoud: as Date+Time fields ?
CarlosRuiz: Richard Morales is telling me he already solved that - in my peer review queue on IDEMPIERE-832 :-)
nmicoud: haha :))
CarlosRuiz: but maybe he solved it on request window as Dirk suggested
CarlosRuiz: yes - is a problem of the component
CarlosRuiz: the resource type window also shows the time so little
CarlosRuiz: ah - another FR - the time editor has those arrows - but the datetime doesn't
nmicoud: it has a calendar, no ?
nmicoud: for selecting date and time bellow ?
CarlosRuiz: I mean the date time editor (like in request window) - the time box doesn't have those arrows
CarlosRuiz: but the just-time editor (like in resource type window) has those arrows
nmicoud: ah ok
nmicoud: and you think it could be feasable to add a new line at the top of the day to show those special 'events' (all day appointment) ?
hengsin: nmicoud, I believe that's supported by zk calendar. probably just need to adjust the code that create the event entry
nmicoud: ok, thanks
nmicoud: On, when creating new event, you can check a "All day" box. And then it appears at the top of the day !
hengsin: yeap
CarlosRuiz: hengsin, found that the arrows on timebox are hidden on datetimeeditor intentionally - line 41 of DatetimeBox
CarlosRuiz: is it ok to show them again?
Not-001: [iDempiere] 2 commits
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss 61ed74a90516 IDEMPIERE-362 Hide things that don't work on iDempiere / restore resource type window original from Compiere
Not-001: [iDempiere] globalqss 71171d9647de IDEMPIERE-848 Improve time editor
CarlosRuiz: ok - I pushed that - one line change - easy to revert in case
hengsin: hmm ... carlos, you have tested that ? I remember it doesn't render correctly
hengsin: either on chrome or firefox
CarlosRuiz: yes - just tested on firefox
CarlosRuiz: let me check chrome
CarlosRuiz: yep - working fine on firefox and chrome
Edwin_Ang_: CarlosRuiz: i've done IDEMPIERE-796
Edwin_Ang_: please review when you have time :)
Edwin_Ang_: it is committed in my branch
CarlosRuiz: good
CarlosRuiz: can you please share the link and assign it to my peer review queue
Edwin_Ang_: i have assigned it to you
Edwin_Ang_: i put the changeset link in the comment
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #1019: SUCCESS in 6 min 55 sec:
Edwin_Ang_: i got to go now
Edwin_Ang_: cu guys :)
hengsin: carlos, that's tested with just time or date + time ?
CarlosRuiz: both
CarlosRuiz: gtg now
hengsin: bye carlos
CarlosRuiz: bye