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Revision as of 13:23, 27 March 2013 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2013-03-27

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
hengsin: Hi Carlos
hengsin: hi Edwin
Edwin_Ang: Hi Hengsin
Edwin_Ang: Hi Carlos
CarlosRuiz: Anozi reported broken swing compilation yesterday - trying to fix it (caused by my added dependency on org.restlet)
Edwin_Ang: Hi Nicolas
JanThielemann_: hi @ all
CarlosRuiz: got it - now is working
Not-002: [iDempiere] 1 commit
Not-002: [iDempiere] globalqss 0d2f3eabb830 IDEMPIERE-28 Error running jasper report (swing) / broken swing compilation
Edwin_Ang: nice.. :)
Edwin_Ang: do you have time to look at IDEMPIERE-675?
Edwin_Ang: i've submitted a pull request on it
Edwin_Ang: hi red1
red1: Hi Edwin_Ang
red1: you solved the BOM?
Edwin_Ang: not yet
Edwin_Ang: just the inventory issue
Edwin_Ang: i am working on fixed assets rite now
CarlosRuiz: good Edwin - maybe you forgot Doc_Inventory? or is it not affected?
red1: cool
a42niem: hi all
red1: Halo Dirk
red1: Are you coming to Krefeld in May?
a42niem: hallo Redhuan, yes
a42niem: just talked with thomas yesterday about it
hengsin: Edwin, looking at, while project phase is optinal, it can be map to microsoft project structure when it is there.
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #965: SUCCESS in 5 min 30 sec:
a42niem: i have a question concerning felix
a42niem: can i somehow use the g! commands or obr?
a42niem: i tried to install configadmin bundle
Edwin_Ang: CarlosRuiz: you are rite.. i forgot checking it.. will check it now
a42niem: but in the web console it still tells me "Configuration Admin Service is not installed/running."
Edwin_Ang: hengsin: thanks for the info.. will check it
CarlosRuiz: Edwin - maybe as a TODO (tbd soon) also a validation on ImportInventory is worthy
a42niem: while showing Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service as active and running
red1: a42niem: u running Felix in a new way? For me i just start those two Felix bundles
red1: and then go to its URL
a42niem: i have felix running and can access thge webconsole at /osgi/system/console
a42niem: but when i click at "Configuration" it tells me "Configuration Admin Service is not installed/running."
CarlosRuiz: Edwin, also CalloutInventory.product can validate the doctype now to avoid setting the qtybook
AlexYang: Hi everybody
CarlosRuiz: Hi AlexYang
hengsin: not sure but it is true that we doesn't include the configuration admin bundle in our server deployment.
Edwin_Ang: Hi AlexYang
a42niem: so i went to the osgi console in eclipse and installed the bundle org.apache.felix.configadmin_1.6.0 ansd started it
AlexYang: Is Beta ready? ^_^
hengsin: no, that wouldn't work, you would have to use the one from equinox
a42niem: do i have to refresh / reload something?
AlexYang: I noticed there is less commit in bitbucket recently
a42niem: ah, ok
hengsin: it is felix console but the underlying platform is still equinox
a42niem: where can i find it?
CarlosRuiz: AlexYang, we're in a freeze about new features - just trying to finish those that we planned on roadmap - and the big focus at this moment is testing and fixing bugs
hengsin: google for eclipse equinox, you should be able to find all the bundles available. note that our runtime is base on eclipse 3.7 so you need the equinox bundle for that version.
AlexYang: Carlos, can we expect the Venina version by end of March?
CarlosRuiz: Devina
a42niem: but besides that - is there another way to tell felix something like 'g! repos add http://....' and so on?
AlexYang: oh, sorry, typo, Devina:)
CarlosRuiz: is Edwin's daughter name - so we need to spell it correctly when Edwin is around :-D
AlexYang: Sure. We should~
a42niem: it is related to webstart. i found and wanted to test it
CarlosRuiz: end of march or early april will be
red1: CarlosRuiz: Edwin_Ang likes to conclude the logo contest
AlexYang: that's cool~ I have introduced ID to some of my customer
red1: he is sponsoring the crowd sourcing
red1: he has to pay up :>
AlexYang: We are excited to see the new things there
Edwin_Ang: AlexYang: it should be correct or i'll open a jira ticket to correct it :D
AlexYang: @red1, I have some questions about LVE_HR to you
AlexYang: I am playing with your full database and half finished LiVE_HR_ & LiVE_HR_Base
AlexYang: I have the same feeling with you. There are too many localization features in it
AlexYang: I think your decision is right direction. We'd better to keep the core module simple and flexible
AlexYang: BTW, it's hard for me to read the spanish manual. is there an English version ready for this or even some similar things? Then I can start based on that
Edwin_Ang: AlexYang: First i should correct you, HR is a plugin. so it will be maintain outside the core
Edwin_Ang: next, i think red1's latest work is considered a working solution
AlexYang: Do you mean his code in bitbucket?
Edwin_Ang: i am working on another HR plugin on my past time.. don't have actual time table for it yet
CarlosRuiz: well - red1 / Edwin_Ang - about logo - there are 85 votes there - and first Edwin's logo got 49 - I think we even don't need a second round
Edwin_Ang: yes.. i mean his latest liberoHR
CarlosRuiz: we need that logo in a free license - like creative commons
AlexYang: it's here.
red1: yes i keep the source there
Edwin_Ang: @AlexYang; yep.. that's the one
Not-002: [iDempiere] 2 commits
Not-002: [iDempiere] hengsin fb2c0f31ac4c IDEMPIERE-739 Detail tab list not get refreshed corresponding to master page change.
Not-002: [iDempiere] hengsin 75f5fcb0da70 Merge fb2c0f31ac4c
Edwin_Ang: red1 is our best documenter here.. hope he's working on the manual :D
red1: and i already put up fully tested working binaries in also
CarlosRuiz: and I think also we need to choose one color - there are four (black, orange, red, blue)
red1: orange +1
red1: maybe that can be the 2nd round
CarlosRuiz: Edwin_Ang, is it possible to ask for templates for some required sizes - icon, report header, loging logo .... etc
AlexYang: @red1, I am still not playing your latest version on bitbucket.
red1: Alex, the LiberoHr is the easiest guarantee closest to a working solution that can be easily extended
Edwin_Ang: CarlosRuiz: i think it is ok
AlexYang: actually, I am following your LiVE_HR_ version with the ExpDatLiVE.jar just as you said in forum
red1: and i already added Carlos' GeneratePayrollInvoices process to the menu tree
Edwin_Ang: let's us conclude what we will require from the winner
red1: Alex, i am abandoning he LiVE as a single plugin base
hengsin: carlos, we should have 2 color, one for light and one for dark background.
red1: it has to be divided out of LiberoHR
Edwin_Ang: 1. svg format
Edwin_Ang: 2. create commons free license
hengsin: psd source if available
AlexYang: Sounds reasonable as I found too heavy localization there
Edwin_Ang: 3. psd
CarlosRuiz: that blue of the template looks good over both backgrounds - black and white
AlexYang: @red1, do you have testing data for your liberoHR now?
AlexYang: I know full testing data, not only
red1: not yet
hengsin: Carlos, I guess we can denote one as the primary and the rest as variance that people can use it if they want.
red1: u can easily setup a simple single record test in the Payroll Process window, and work backwards
red1: i welcome your contribution
CarlosRuiz: yep hengsin - that sounds good
AlexYang: Yes, I know the basic steps on how to do this
red1: it will speed up my work on documenting
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #966: SUCCESS in 5 min 34 sec:
AlexYang: One question to ask: do you know how LVE handle HR_Attributes?
AlexYang: considering there are more than 700 records of HR_Attribute in their database, how do them add it to system?
Edwin_Ang: what are the sizes required
AlexYang: the second question: when create payroll definition, how to add related concepts to it? manually add one by one? I see almost 100 concepts for the monthly salary payroll definition
AlexYang: third question: is there a way to link the payroll concept and payroll attribute? I didn't see any explicit configuration for this.
CarlosRuiz: AlexYang, I published some tips about attributes here
CarlosRuiz: in spanish
AlexYang: from my point of view according to my research recently, payroll definition, payroll concept and payroll attribute is the most key things in liberoHR
AlexYang: Carlos, I have already read your spanish doc using google translate several times.
red1: In English attribute is most likely = activity
red1: Concept = Vaiable
red1: Variable (what hengsin deduced just now at lunch)
red1: Movement = transaction
AlexYang: good example:)
CarlosRuiz: concepts are everything there -> company variables, employee variables, report of periodic variables, and rules (calculations)
CarlosRuiz: it depends how you define the concept that is each one of those types - that's what I tried to explain on that manual
CarlosRuiz: and that's why there are >700 concepts in LVE :-)
Edwin_Ang: it is a working system.. but need some development to make it easier to configure
AlexYang: fully agree with Devin
AlexYang: fully agree with Edwin
Edwin_Ang: i am working on the design right now
Edwin_Ang: is there any top coder here interested in the coding work? :)
CarlosRuiz: design of?
Edwin_Ang: enhancement to HRProcess
CarlosRuiz: good - hope you improve it - is very basic
Edwin_Ang: we are working on it right now
Edwin_Ang: will publish it once we have something worth showing
CarlosRuiz: great - did you read my comment on red1 forums about the performance of beanshell rules?
Edwin_Ang: not yet
Edwin_Ang: do you have the link?
red1: i do
CarlosRuiz: two comments there - one about the change to String ->
CarlosRuiz: and the other about performance ->
Edwin_Ang: i see.. i'll take that into account
Edwin_Ang: Tonny told me, that PeopleSoft use COBOL code to process payroll calculation
Edwin_Ang: very fast
hengsin: beanshell is slow, use groovy
Not-002: [iDempiere] 1 commit
Not-002: [iDempiere] globalqss ab61bfdf9e4d IDEMPIERE-797 Callout Order/Invoice retrieve deactivated contacts
CarlosRuiz: I also thought that to use payroll rules (groovy or beanshell) we need to check how to implement some precompilation cache - I know those scripts have the option but I think idempiere is not using it
CarlosRuiz: Hey - Edickson from Venezuela published (in spanish) a very interesting tip (minor change) here ->
CarlosRuiz: is one line change - but on usability terms for users it can represent a BIG difference
CarlosRuiz: I think it's very good to integrate it - and maybe extend it to use regular expressions instead of direct first line - WDYT?
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #967: SUCCESS in 5 min 27 sec:
Edwin_Ang: CarlosRuiz: if i didn't get it wrong, it implies that the error message can be managed in AD_Message and will be auto translated depending on login language, rite?
Edwin_Ang: of course, the translation should be done first
hengsin: Alex -, is that from you ?
CarlosRuiz: yes Edwin - the idea is to capture those DB cryptic messages (i.e. violation of foreign key) and translate them into user-friendly messages
nmicoud: That would be a very nice feature, but it means that you will have to create a lot of message. I did some tests some months ago and it works fine ; but i need to have a msg per violated constraint. Something like : if (info.startsWith("ORA-00001: ") && info.endsWith("<ora_schema.ConstraintName>)\n")) info = "RTFM !!!";
hengsin: cool, lets translate all to "RTFM"
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, that can be solved with regex
Edwin_Ang: nice.. now where's the manual :D
nmicoud: how ?
CarlosRuiz: something like -> ^ORA-00001.*C_BPARTNER_TAXID$
nmicoud: so, using regex, you'll be able to find the correct message to display ? with one line in code ?
CarlosRuiz: hahaha - translation RTFM :-) that will create a lots of support calls to translate that acronym
CarlosRuiz: I imagine accounting users calling to support "I need help with RTFM" :-)
nmicoud: :))
hengsin: Carlos, would it work for PostgreSQL too ?
CarlosRuiz: messages would be dependent on your database - and probably your db language configured
Edwin_Ang: anyway.. i have a question
Edwin_Ang: how to create x and i classes in idempiere?
JanThielemann_: with the model.generate app
red1: hengsin: seems to be from Alexander AS, one of Edwin's team
Edwin_Ang: ah.. alex is already in project
Edwin_Ang: probably he missed your reply
Edwin_Ang: i'll tell him to attach the jrxml tomorrow
CarlosRuiz: maybe to make difference we can prefix those DBmessages with "DB:" -> DB:^ORA-00001.*C_BPARTNER_TAXID$
Edwin_Ang: thx JanThielemann_
hengsin: thanks Edwin. he can assigned the ticket to me after that.
Edwin_Ang: i am testing an sql patch for FA from Armen
hengsin: Edwin, from eclipse, run/debug the model.generator launch configuration.
Edwin_Ang: how can i check centralized id record for table AD_Message?
Edwin_Ang: hengsin: i've tried it several times. but hit error.
Edwin_Ang: i'll try it now
hengsin: Carlos, any luck on reproducing ?
hengsin: Edwin, what's the error ?
Edwin_Ang: [INFO] Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 3, acquireRetryAttempts -> 2, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> AdempiereDS, debugUnreturned
Edwin_Ang: c3p0 error
CarlosRuiz: yes hengsin - I reproduced that
CarlosRuiz: what I understand from 789 is that status line is not cleared until you touch one field
CarlosRuiz: Edwin - that doesn't sound like an error
CarlosRuiz: do you mean model.generator is showing you that? model.generator now run opening a swing window where you must fill parameters
hengsin: Carlos, what's the step to produce ? It is not in the ticket.
CarlosRuiz: yep
CarlosRuiz: in the description of the ticket
CarlosRuiz: don't know if this makes a difference -> Start Sales Order from Favourites
CarlosRuiz: ah - now seems to be working on demo
hengsin: maybe it is somewhat related to IDEMPIERE-739
hengsin: is IDEMPIERE-739 deploy ?
CarlosRuiz: yep - it was something about not refreshing DataStatusEvent - and I think maybe 739 fixed that
hengsin: Carlos, still using unity ? I try Cinnamon and seems more stable. No strange slowdown after long usage.
Edwin_Ang: the error msg:
Edwin_Ang: [WARNING] com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$DeadlockDetector@72b398da -- APPARENT DEADLOCK!!! Creating emergency threads for unassigned pending tasks! [WARNING] com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$DeadlockDetector@72b398da -- APPARENT DEADLOCK!!! Complete Status:
CarlosRuiz: I'm noticing now on firefox that when you click New on Sales Order (and on many window) it take some time (time enough for you to position on BP and start typing) and then the focus is put on Client (or Org) and what you type is written in that first field instead of BP
CarlosRuiz: I mean -> Sales Order > New button > click on BP and start typing > the focus moves to Client and what you type is added to Client field instead of BP
hengsin: somehow, we need to test more frequently on windows and mac - that would be what end user using ...
CarlosRuiz: well - that happens in chrome also but I need to do the click faster as chrome has better speed on putting the focus
Edwin_Ang: i am already using the latest code but still hit this c3p0 error
hengsin: Carlos, yeah that can happens since things are inherently asynchronous on the web
hengsin: or maybe don't change focus when user click on "New" ...
CarlosRuiz: or maybe implement firstfocus on ad_ field - or focusorder?
hengsin: you will have the same issue. just that now it happens to whatever field you have set.
CarlosRuiz: yep - same issue if user wants to start in a different field
Edwin_Ang: hengsin: do you have any idea? or should i open a jira ticket for it?
hengsin: so I guess the solution is not to set focus to another field if the user already set the focus to one of the field.
hengsin: Edwin, how do you get that error ? by running model.generator ?
CarlosRuiz: yep - that sounds good if is possible
hengsin: ok, will try that tomorrow.
Edwin_Ang: yes, by running model.generator
Edwin_Ang: ok.. it's very late now
hengsin: yeah, it is 11:30 here.
hengsin: Edwin, do you get the swing dialog at all ?
Edwin_Ang: created IDEMPIERE-804
Edwin_Ang: i need to go now
hengsin: ok, good night.
Edwin_Ang: nite :)
hengsin: Carlos, for, would virtual column for C_DocType_ID create big overhead ? I means C_DocType should be a small table.
CarlosRuiz: yep - but we would need to add virtual like (SELECT MAX(C_DocType_ID) FROM C_DocType WHERE DocBaseType='NNN' AND AD_Client_ID=master_table.AD_Client_ID)
CarlosRuiz: not an easy SQL to process many records
hengsin: perhaps we can compare the cost using pgadmin to find out what's the impact
Not-002: [iDempiere] 1 commit
Not-002: [iDempiere] globalqss cf1c77411969 IDEMPIERE-794 Ticket #1001025 - Expand the views to provide more information / Fix problem reported by Max
CarlosRuiz: gtg now too - thanks a lot for the meeting
hengsin: Carlos, are your working on ? I can merge the patch now.
CarlosRuiz: nope - I'm not - that patch was from Richard
CarlosRuiz: yes - please go ahead - I'm not still peer reviewing any of those
hengsin: ok, bye
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #968: SUCCESS in 5 min 28 sec:
Not-002: [iDempiere] 3 commits
Not-002: [iDempiere] hengsin 839135785118 Merge 0d2f3eabb830
Not-002: [iDempiere] hengsin 7697048be8fa IDEMPIERE-654 Find Window - Advanced - Column field doesn't fit. Based on patch from Richard Morales Herrera.
Not-002: [iDempiere] hengsin 253c8fb911f3 Merge cf1c77411969
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #969: SUCCESS in 5 min 20 sec: