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Revision as of 12:45, 5 December 2012 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2012-12-05

CarlosRuiz: Good morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
CarlosRuiz: as usual I'll be reviewing the peer review queue - unless you want to discuss something :-)
nmicoud: I'm wondering if you have any idea for this question "Determine Zoom window depending on record" on gougle groups
CarlosRuiz: I'm not sure if I saw something similar implemented on compiere community edition
CarlosRuiz: something like context zoom
CarlosRuiz: but at least at this moment on idempiere is not possible
nmicoud: So the best solution, for the moment, would be to hardcode eveything ?
nmicoud: and one day, trying to add this feature into idempiere ?
CarlosRuiz: checking ....
red1: isnt the new Lookup config something like that?
red1: among the new features
CarlosRuiz: checking compiere - they added a new table AD_CtxArea - but seems like covering just the IsSOTrx case - maybe I'm not looking full picture - and I guess that's intended to cover more cases
nmicoud: AD_CtxArea is for handling translation, no ?
CarlosRuiz: ah yes - that seems more like trl than zoom
nmicoud: In my case, i would like to say something like : if table.Column = '123' then zoom on Window1 else zoom on Window2
nmicoud: a 'ZoomCondition' table where we can store exceptions
nmicoud: Will try to create this table and see if it could work ; i will update thread
CarlosRuiz: yep - was looking the infofactoryclass - but that's for different purpose
CarlosRuiz: red1 - what Lookup do you refer to?
nmicoud: Have you seen the message about 'Tree updates fails (swing mode)' (still on google group) ? That's a very annoying bug. I've found a solution but it seems too easy
red1: Remember the right click Quick Entry?
red1: but maybe that is fixed to one response and its for new data entry
CarlosRuiz: ah yes - quick entry
red1: since zoom is also right clicking
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, according to the description of the problem seems like right patch - I'll test it
nmicoud: ok, thanks
Edwin_Ang: hi
red1: Hi Edwin_Ang
CarlosRuiz: Hi Edwin_Ang
nmicoud: hi
JanThielemann: Hi Edwin_Ang
Edwin_Ang: hi everyone
nmicoud: I've tried to post a new message on google groups (i cant launch idempiere from eclipse since this morning update). And my message was immediately deleted. Any idea ?
CarlosRuiz: checking the moderation queue ...
nmicoud: ok
CarlosRuiz: three messages from you there :-(
nmicoud: Yep
nmicoud: 3 same messages i think
CarlosRuiz: do you want me to delete two of them before?
nmicoud: yes
nmicoud: Is it because those messages have some tinyurl links ?
CarlosRuiz: not sure - I already have said "always allow messages from" - and google groups keep moderating some messages
nmicoud: Big Brother is not far :))
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud - I'm still not sure why launchers are broken on some computer and not others
nmicoud: So, i'm not alone ?
CarlosRuiz: but I have the solution
nmicoud: perfect !
CarlosRuiz: you open the launcher (run - run configurations - select the launcher you want to fix)
CarlosRuiz: go to plugins
CarlosRuiz: push the "add required plugins"
CarlosRuiz: apply and run
CarlosRuiz: that fixes the problem for me most of the time
nmicoud: trying
nmicoud: F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C !
nmicoud: avery useful tip
JanThielemann: could you give me some advice? i followed to import all the small idempiere projects into eclipse
JanThielemann: now i want to start the swing client but running org.adempiere.ui.swing as eclipse application ent up in an aerror
nmicoud: I'm using Windows7 and i try a lot of time to add plugins into my current Eclipse. It never worked fine. So, i've installed a new Eclipse (specific to idempiere). I've follow this tutorial :
JanThielemann: oh my fault. it seems that no valid changeset for the swing client was selected
JanThielemann: ehm but how would i import the inital database? :) does idempiere provide a psql dump like adempiere does?
nmicoud: utils/RUN_ImportAdempiere
CarlosRuiz: JanThielemann, on the same guide you're following
red1: launcher has issue on Mac due to 64bit macosx swt jar
CarlosRuiz: there is the chapter "Importing DB Seed Manually"
red1: it cannot work on 32bit Eclipse
red1: so i learnt this today
red1: i made a movie about setting up in Eclipse on the targetPlatform and Buckminster import part
red1: just today
JanThielemann: thx carlosruiz, thats what i need :)
red1: the culprit is as Carlos referred above, some plugins are not validated.. so clicking on Add Required Plugins and Validate Plugins can ensure
red1: or expose what is amiss
JanThielemann: red1: is this refering to me?
JanThielemann: when i try to import the database, i get the following errors:
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3599: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3602: ERROR: function adempiere.uuid_generate_v1() does not exist
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3610: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3613: ERROR: function adempiere.uuid_generate_v1mc() does not exist
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3621: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3624: ERROR: function adempiere.uuid_generate_v3(uuid, text) does not exist
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3632: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3635: ERROR: function adempiere.uuid_generate_v4() does not exist
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3643: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3646: ERROR: function adempiere.uuid_generate_v5(uuid, text) does not exist
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3654: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3657: ERROR: function adempiere.uuid_nil() does not exist
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3665: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3668: ERROR: function adempiere.uuid_ns_dns() does not exist
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3676: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3679: ERROR: function adempiere.uuid_ns_oid() does not exist
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3687: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3690: ERROR: function adempiere.uuid_ns_url() does not exist
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3698: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
JanThielemann: psql:Adempiere_pg.dmp:3701: ERROR: function adempiere.uuid_ns_x500() does not exist
JanThielemann: suggestions to solve this? :>
hengsin: you need to install postgresql-contrib
CarlosRuiz: JanThielemann, I'll add a comment on that wiki page - that's a frequently asked question
JanThielemann: that would be nice. could you also include the stepts needed to solve this?
JanThielemann: also it's still not clear to me how to solve the problem :(
CarlosRuiz: sure - writing it now
JanThielemann: thank you
red1: Sorry JanThielemann for delay in answering.. in a way hoping my answer can shed some light :)
red1: As i always have problems lately with latest Eclipse IDE
red1: but realised its more due to my Mac
CarlosRuiz: ready JanThielemann - can you please check
CarlosRuiz: 4.1 or 4.2
CarlosRuiz: please let me know if it works or I missed something
Edwin_Ang: hi
Edwin_Ang: while trying to update to latest code
Edwin_Ang: i got this error msg
Edwin_Ang: % hg update --repository C:\Users\Owner\idempiere-workspace\idempiere --config ui.merge=internal:fail --rev 8049 abort: The filename or extension is too long: C:\Users\Owner\idempiere-workspace\idempiere\fitnesse/FitNesseRoot/FitNesse/SuiteAcceptanceTests/SuiteSlimTests/ScenarioLibraryTestSuite/ScenarioLibariesOrderTests/ScenarioLibraryOrderSuite/ScenarioLibraryOrderTestParent/ScenarioLibraryOrderIsCorrect
Edwin_Ang: i am using windows 7
Edwin_Ang: any solution for it?
hengsin: only workaround I aware of is to move your workspace to a shorter path
red1: yes i think that is what i did
Edwin_Ang: ok.. i'll try
red1: and it worked
red1: while creating Win installer
JanThielemann: CarlosRuiz: wouldn't it be better to put the "install uuid" part before the others?
JanThielemann: also:seems to work, no errors during initial import
red1: hengsin: i tried to put p2.ui.sdk into idempiere, then cquery > import again. It does get some dependencies but not all such as which i take from eclipse/plugins and then reload the targetPlatform
red1: so i need to adjust the rmap to specifically get those?
CarlosRuiz: JanThielemann, sorry, what do you mean with "before the others"?
JanThielemann: the order of the chapters
JanThielemann: i think installing uuid should be the first chapter
CarlosRuiz: ah - I see
CarlosRuiz: it is required for initial load
JanThielemann: before Import the seed
CarlosRuiz: thanks for the suggestion JanThielemann - I reordered the page
hengsin: red1: not sure, haven't venture into that before. in theory, it should be possible to make to work.
red1: and the in swing.product i need to edit to access swing.product and not server.product?
red1: If i create a new product to p2 site, user has to refer <new>.product?
hengsin: red1: yes, swing.product
hengsin: red1: should be a yes too. I'm no expert on p2 so I could be wrong here.
red1: ah thanks.. now i began to understand how p2 works
red1: these two days i made a POC on RCP Mail to get p2.UI via both approaches from Eclipse
red1: 1) Via extensions (2) p2.ui.sdk (but your app must have p2)
red1: just that our Client is not RCP, but custom swing, so i be trying out (2)
buildmaster: Yippie, build fixed!
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #552: FIXED in 8 min 31 sec:
CarlosRuiz: banym, AYT?
CarlosRuiz: seems like jenkins/jira are down
CarlosRuiz: ah - jenkins/jira is up again
red1: wb buildmaster
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz : i have to go; i've started work on the ZoomCondition table, first tests are good. will try to make a draft patch as you can review it. Bye Bye everyone
red1: bye
CarlosRuiz: thanks nmicoud