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Revision as of 12:33, 7 November 2012 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2012-11-07

red1: Hi all, i successfully ported OB POS integration into a 2Pack with own plugin for iDempiere
red1: but i cannot export it to show up in ss
red1: once that is done, i will document this into a complete guide how to develop plugins for idempiere
red1: big storm season also in Malaysia.. lightning interrupt power supply
CarlosRuiz: Good morning
red1: I found something wonderful about OSGi plugin... you can replace core classes with same name in your own plugin
fcojvanninir: good morning
Deepak: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
red1: so this is like customization.jar.. however i cannot control its hierarchy of class use.. the start level no has no real effect
red1: Bonjour tout le monde
red1: Anyone knows how to export new plugin into iDemiere home?
red1: i am stuck on this last bit before documenting a complete guide on creating a new plugin or migrating adempiere functionality into idempiere
red1: i done the usual Export as Plugin / Fragments from Eclipse to iDempiereHome and it shows up in the folder as a jar but not during RUN.. no show in SS
CarlosRuiz: maybe Heng Sin answered that here - it needs to be deployed as p2
red1: haha.. he just replied my question ..
red1: his short answer expects me to be an expert :P
red1: ok i will learn!
fcojvanninir: hello Red, in wanting to learn about osgi i ran into this site:
fcojvanninir: only read firs two chapters but it is an enjoyable read so far
fcojvanninir: maybe something their will help
CarlosRuiz: I'll be checking the peer review queue
CarlosRuiz: BTW - peer review queue is intended for tickets that has patches to review, so I'll be moving back to open those without
red1: thanks alot fcojvanninir .. always like to read nice books :D
CarlosRuiz: but please ping me if you want to discuss something else :-)
nmicoud: I have seen that has been set to peer review queue by an anonymous.
nmicoud: Is this normal or a bug ?
CarlosRuiz: maybe I need to configure some permissions in jira - anonymous is not supposed to do that :-)
nmicoud: yes i hope so :)
CarlosRuiz: sounds like you found an interesting issue there
nmicoud: just to say that this ticket could be moved back
nmicoud: Yes, it gave me some sweat
CarlosRuiz: did you solve it?
nmicoud: I think i found the solution : manual posting first delete facts and then regenerate it whereas automatic posting only generates it
nmicoud: yes, i repost manually all docs
nmicoud: But, it has to be fixed
CarlosRuiz: ah :-) workaround
nmicoud: yep
CarlosRuiz: sounds like the problem is "reset accounting" not deleting the facts
nmicoud: don't know what should be do : modify automatic posting or FactAcctReset
nmicoud: it only delete what is in the range
nmicoud: which is correct.
CarlosRuiz: nope - not correct when a doc has multiple dates
nmicoud: maybe we could have an update statement which could update Posted for partially posted document
CarlosRuiz: I had similar problem with a bank statement crossing years - big headache
nmicoud: don't know, what should be done if a doc has multiples dates (one is closed, the other one is open) ?
CarlosRuiz: exactly - that was my problem - I was not able to repost - because one of the dates were closed
CarlosRuiz: and reopening a closed period where balances were already official sounds scary :-)
nmicoud: yes, not a good practice ^^
nmicoud: that's why this update statement could be a good solution : users can see immediatelly if there is a problem and handle it
CarlosRuiz: I think on two possible solutions
CarlosRuiz: maybe accountant advice is needed here
CarlosRuiz: 1 - forbid documents in multiple periods (the only doc doing that is bank statement?)
CarlosRuiz: or
red1: i thot late accounts is posted later.. so that old periods are intact
CarlosRuiz: 2 - make delete all the posting of those documents (or none in case one of the periods is closed)
red1: 2 sounds like an accountant
red1: accountants usually do belated contras if i am not mistaken from my old accounts study
Deepak: What if we restrict date on Bank Account statement should be from same periode
nmicoud: maybe 1 is the best. If you need multiple period, you create 2 bank stmt, no ?
nmicoud: so we can still use multiple date
CarlosRuiz: sounds safer to avoid falling in that bottleneck where you need to open a closed year to repost something
CarlosRuiz: is there any other doc that can have multiple dates in fact_acct?
CarlosRuiz: because even with that solution a user can play with the period dates and break it again
nmicoud: maybe gl journal ? date is on line
CarlosRuiz: nope - journal date is on header
fcojvanninir: material receipts ocurring over many instances but linked to one vendor invoice?
CarlosRuiz: another possibility is to make bank statement post on statement header date
CarlosRuiz: fcojvanninir, seems like matches are posted in the date of the match doc
fcojvanninir: gotcha
Deepak: header date may not work as posting date may result in wrong data when lines are across periods
CarlosRuiz: checked all docs and seems like just bank statement has that problem
Edwin_ang: hi everyone
CarlosRuiz: hi Edwin
fcojvanninir: hello
CarlosRuiz: so, we have three options - I'll try to check with an accountant
nmicoud: juste check with my accountant, and keep lines date is better. Maybe adding a control to be sure that all those date are in the same period.
nmicoud: we could discuss it on next meeting
CarlosRuiz: problem can still be opened if the user changes the period dates
red1: now that i have much mastered a plugin for idempiere, i wonder if anyone else is also interested to move more functionality into plugins?
nmicoud: Yes, but if he does that, he is searching for troubles, nope ?
CarlosRuiz: I know some venezuela guys that are asking for help moving their payroll version (very good) to a plugin - and they'll of course contribute it - and they said they'll maintain it
red1: OK.. i will document it right away... the long delayed Godfather Part III final series
red1: it has come a long way since XML2AD of Marco Lombardo
CarlosRuiz: yes nmicoud - searching for troubles :-)
red1: i hope my book does not get banned this time
nmicoud: :d
red1: i think an ERP system is not an accountant workplace.. its just a data record base.. an accountant works on exported reports
Deepak: I can help for moving functionality to plugin. I have not mastered it but after doing 3e web service migration. I have little confidence to do that
red1: ERP shuld be faithfully be very strict and non-editable for ppstings
red1: moving things to plugins seems fun and easy now
red1: you can feel the sense of what OSGi is
Deepak: some times we stucks but yeah it is great
red1: you can do in a way what customization jar does without recompiling
red1: yes i was stuck these few days on how to export packages or classpath in bundles
red1: but i took the easy way out.. keep close to org.adempiere.process since all processes can be packaged under same
red1: better than customization.jar you can turn on and off different versions of the same thing during hot run
red1: and this has not gone all the way where you really use the versioning in Manifest to fine tune
Edwin_ang: hi, what do you guys think about project management
Edwin_ang: is it a core module or better kept as plugin?
fcojvanninir: awesomeness
fcojvanninir: ah, i thought you were talking about this:
Edwin_ang: @fcojvanninir: i can't open your link
fcojvanninir: ah...
fcojvanninir: sorry, that was silly
fcojvanninir: It talks about incorporating the project management typically associated to Gantt Charts and they suggest libreplan as a viable candidate.
Edwin_ang: ah.. actually we are working on project management too lately
Edwin_ang: as far as i know.. project management in idempiere is more concerned on the financial aspects
Edwin_ang: for operational control we must rely on other apps like libreplan
red1: yes if something thas has MSProject likeness as in schedule time planning
red1: and make it accesible for the Resource Product that uses timeline.. that can replace the InfoSchedule
Edwin_ang: well, our work is less ambitious :)
Edwin_ang: we are enhancing project issue
Edwin_ang: and planning to work on project budgeting
red1: a good step
CarlosRuiz: banym, AYT?
banym: yes
banym: CarlosRuiz: whats up :-)
CarlosRuiz: we were checking yesterday flyway - zero experience with that
CarlosRuiz: :-)
CarlosRuiz: this answer on the FAQ concerned me a little
CarlosRuiz: Q: Can I make changes to the structure of the DB outside of Flyway?
CarlosRuiz: A: No. One of the prerequisites for being able to rely on the metadata in the database and having reliable migrations is that ALL database changes are made by Flyway. No exceptions...
fcojvanninir: goodbye everybody, have a good one (day or night)
CarlosRuiz: I guess is similar to what we have actually - people can add columns and push sync - and if they don't follow good column naming guidelines then they can get in trouble when applying scripts
CarlosRuiz: do you have experience with that?
banym: CarlosRuiz: yes we are using it for our project to manage the database migrations.
banym: When we run updates on every start of the application flyway checks if the software and database fits and if not (for example the first start after updating) it applies the necessary migrations
CarlosRuiz: and you configure a repository to look at the scripts?
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #477: SUCCESS in 10 min:
buildmaster: * globalqss: IDEMPIERE-422 Complete Native Sequence feature / Fix broken oracle procedure
buildmaster: * elainetan: IDEMPIERE-392 Redesign payment button - use OSGI service driven instead of hard-coded static to register payment form for each payment rule
buildmaster: * elainetan: Fix logged session listener initialized before server startup
buildmaster: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-487 Display problem in detail page (Field Tab) grid model of Windows>Tab
buildmaster: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-488 Detailed Tab Page (Field Sequence) was not get updated when navigating record in master page (Window>Tab)
buildmaster: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-471 Wrong behavior for 'Record on parent tab was changed by another user'
buildmaster: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-481 Order field cleared at Shipment window
buildmaster: * hengsin: Attemp to fixed browser refresh issue.
buildmaster: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE 369 - Master Detail Improvements. Fixed layout issue for non-split form view.
buildmaster: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-231 Zk6: Improve the tablet experience. Restore accidentally remarked code.
buildmaster: * hengsin: Merge with c24b92887ef9dfc8ed7bcce0c793748cc21e6ce4
buildmaster: * hengsin: IDEMPIERE-359 Add OSGi Service support for existing extension point
banym: we organize the scripts on the project repository and deliver the changes within the software. everything else is done by flyway if this is your question.
CarlosRuiz: inside of a jar - like a resource?
banym: CarlosRuiz: depends on how you implement flyway in your application
banym: you can integrate it, how we did it in some projects or you can run it as standalone on the machine and just deploy the migrations-scripts into a folder and run them.
CarlosRuiz: sounds interesting
banym: yes it's quite similar to what adempiere/idempiere does now but you can run it automatic after updating the application. that's where its benefit is.
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #478: SUCCESS in 10 min:
buildmaster: globalqss: IDEMPIERE-462 Ticket #1001503: Credit Cards Online