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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2012-10-03

CarlosRuiz: Good morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
FJVR: hello all and good morning !
CarlosRuiz: will be reviewing a patch received for IDEMPIERE-422 - but please feel free to interrupt me
nmicoud: I was asked to do 4 things, please tell me if it worths a jira ticket, in order to be integrated :
nmicoud: 1 - Button to copy a bank statement (like copy invoice)
nmicoud: 2 - Add a 'Preferred Organization' field on user, to overwrite the one in properties file or preference, on the login panel
nmicoud: 3 - Do something for selecting a default contact on order/invoice (through bparntner callout) (maybe add a new reference list to say this contact is default for order and this one is default for invoice)
nmicoud: 4 - Add a 'Print user on order/invoice' in C_BPartner (if ticked, no change, otherwise, we don't print user on invoice and order forms)
CarlosRuiz: can (3) be solved setting a preference?
nmicoud: i don't think because i think that the organization is read from property file (swing) or from preference (web).
CarlosRuiz: I mean (3) - the contact
nmicoud: ah sorry :) i misread
nmicoud: what do you mean by preference ? A value preference on field ?
CarlosRuiz: yep
nmicoud: nope, we should have one preference per bpartner
FJVR: You would have to add a "for this BP and this document"
CarlosRuiz: ah - I see
nmicoud: something like that
nmicoud: on AD_User
nmicoud: Actually, today there is no way to set a default contact
nmicoud: there is just : LEFT OUTER JOIN AD_User c ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=c.C_BPartner_ID)
nmicoud: we should add AND c.IsForInvoice=Y
nmicoud: or AND c.IsDefaultFor='I' (I means invoice)
CarlosRuiz: what's the requirement for (1) - to copy a voided statement?
nmicoud: it should also be used for that ; but for this customer, it is for copying a statement that is the same every month (at 90%) ; no payment, only charges
CarlosRuiz: ah I see - precisely what I was wondering - cos payments must not be copied unless the statement is void
nmicoud: we should only copy : lines without payment (no restriction) ; line with a payment (if this payment is not on another CO/CL/DR bank statement)
CarlosRuiz: for (2) there is a field AD_User.AD_OrgTrx_ID - is that used anywhere?
nmicoud: that is exactly what i wanted to to ; but if they want to use this accouting dimension later, that would be a problem
nmicoud: that's why i would have preferred have a 'new' field
CarlosRuiz: yep - just wondering if that field has actually some functionality associated ... checking
CarlosRuiz: didn't find any - another of those fields that do nothing :-)
nmicoud: ^^, could be added into some callout in order to populate AD_OrgTrx_ID fields
nmicoud: so, should i create some jira tickets ?
CarlosRuiz: yes, please
nmicoud: for all of them ?
CarlosRuiz: I see all of them can be useful
nmicoud: ok, i'll do this
FJVR: The commits assign to the tickets is very helpful for people wanting to learn more about coding. I definately appreaciate those tickets.
FJVR: Also, I would be glad to contribute ideas about those tickets (and tests). Good sharing with thee and have a good one !
red1: I am building a Windows installer with upgrader that takes nightly migration scripts and apply them
red1: The scripts are in a zip file
red1: atm, only September 30 scripts onwards
CarlosRuiz: db upgrader sounds really needed
CarlosRuiz: great you're working on that
nmicoud: actually, if we want to have the latest db, we have to executes every script manually. With this upgrader, that would be easier ?
red1: well, the idea is that i bunch migration scripts in orderly batches
red1: say every few days we take the new scripts into a zip
red1: then the ugprader will run from any user Windows desktop and it checks if that zip is latest and different from the last one user had
red1: if different then downloads it and unzip
red1: into migration script for the ant build.xml to run
red1: this may help the user in hassle free fashion
red1: up to a certain point
red1: without the java code changes
nmicoud: ok, like javaWebStart
nmicoud: seems good
red1: that we have to think how best
red1: maybe Java WebStart can ?
red1: or we use Eclipse updater
red1: that reapplies plugins
red1: whatever it is, this is just a small step
red1: and can be complementary
nmicoud: no what i mean is that what you described is like the behaviour of JWS (check if last binary is installed, if yes, it launches, otherwise, it downaload and launch)
red1: just for migration scripts only
red1: in a way (just for the migration scripts part)
nmicoud: yes
red1: u still do the jar changes the manual way u did befroe
red1: before
red1: but now u may not need to worry about migratiokn scripts management
nmicoud: which is a very good thing :)
red1: very glad that this can be appreciated
red1: but its for Windows platform atm
nmicoud: it's perfect for me :)
red1: one day i will figure not to bunch the scripts manually and ask Jenkins to calculate for me
red1: taking all the scripts from the last date it did and send as a zip to my SF repo
red1: ok.. testing hits some snag here
red1: it can detect the zip file in the SF repo.. but can't fetch it.. as SF may have its own download method
red1: not a problem the great red1 cannot solve
nmicoud: sure :)
red1: solved...
red1: sometimes red1 amazes me
nmicoud: :d
red1: it can now download that link above in the format as this:
red1: and it saves in your PC as this: iDempiereMigrationScripts-<date>.zip
red1: so this dated filename is rechecked in future
red1: and been in SF repo.. ensures there are mirrors all over the world for safer download
nmicoud: all tickets created, gtg, bye bye
CarlosRuiz: thanks Nicolas - bye