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Revision as of 11:34, 26 September 2012 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2012-09-26

CarlosRuiz: Good morning
nmicoud: bonjour
a42niem: guten tag
mzuniga_ergio: good morning Carlos
CarlosRuiz: as usual - I'll be checking jira tickets and hearing comments
mzuniga_ergio: good morning everybody
a42niem: is there any info available related to 207?
CarlosRuiz: there is a sample in GardenWorld
a42niem: ok
CarlosRuiz: David is preparing some documentation about - but I think the sample is self-explanatory - although the functionality can be used for many more things beyond Year-End-Closing
CarlosRuiz: I'm using that for example for provisioning amounts based on accounting (i.e. provision the amount of vacations based on payroll information)
a42niem: interesting, i'll give it a try
David_Cai: Hello, everyone .
CarlosRuiz: Hello David_Cai
David_Cai: Great, a lot of people in China are talking now on QQ about the meeting !
CarlosRuiz: what is QQ?
CarlosRuiz: ah - I see - instant messaging
David_Cai: IM in China, the mostly used IM in China, like MSN
David_Cai: We have a group about 200 people interested in Adempiere, having talks almost everyday .
CarlosRuiz: wow - that sounds great
David_Cai: chating every now and then .
CarlosRuiz: today's meeting here is being very quiet :-)
David_Cai: also we are talking about the introduction and evolution of adempiere.
David_Cai: surely I will keep an eye on this channel and will bring back and forth the topics discussed here and there.
CityTone: Hi all
David_Cai: hi , glad to get you here in .
CarlosRuiz: Hi CityTone
CityTone: I come from Hong Kong
David_Cai: from China .
David_Cai: r you in the qq group?
yourday: Canton
CarlosRuiz: banym, AYT?
CityTone: David, you asking me?
banym: Hi all
David_Cai: sorry, I have thought that you're the guy I am asking for to come in from . so are you from QQ group ?
CarlosRuiz: Hi Dominik
CityTone: Right
CarlosRuiz: having problem with JIRA - it doesn't open - I restarted JIRA and now restarted nginx - but still not working
banym: CarlosRuiz: o.k let me check
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz, thanks for your patch on ticket 281, works fine ! Another subject : searches using accent. Suppose I want to create a BPartner called "océan". First, I'm searching for it (don't want to create duplicate) If i write 'océan' i will get no result (but, if i have a look in the window, i will find a 'ocean') So when searching, what you write is only set to upper case. Wouldn't be better to transform é in e, ...
banym: o.k looks like a memory leak
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, yes, I think that happened to me some time ago in 361
banym: CarlosRuiz: jira is back online?
CarlosRuiz: do you mean that the upper() function in postgres doesn't convert right é
David_Cai: hi all, how shall i setup the irc server address, I am now on webui .
CityTone: sorry, guy. what is this IRC for? talking anything about iD?
nmicoud: not using postgre
CarlosRuiz: yes Dominik - JIRA is back - thanks a lot
nmicoud: only oracle
CarlosRuiz: checked oracle and postgres - and both upper are right
nmicoud: On Info... panels, it is java
CarlosRuiz: maybe the java toUppercase?
buildmaster: Yippie, build fixed!
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #388: FIXED in 35 min:
buildmaster: elainetan: IDEMPIERE-374 Change password must be changed to be a form instead of a process - revise save error message
CarlosRuiz: java toUppercase worked fine too
nmicoud: In User window, i got a user with name = 'Céline'.
CarlosRuiz: can you try to reproduce the problem at and
nmicoud: i will try
nmicoud: tested on
nmicoud: created a user "Céline".
nmicoud: then search for "Celine", doesn't give any results
nmicoud: Could it be related to the login language ?
CarlosRuiz: search where? which form?
nmicoud: User window
CarlosRuiz: it worked for me
nmicoud: with GardenAdmin
CarlosRuiz: ubuntu chrome here - set in spanish
nmicoud: i log in English
nmicoud: se7en, Firefox
CarlosRuiz: logged in english worked too
alex__: Hi All
CarlosRuiz: Hi alex__
banym: hi alex__
alex__: First time to join this IRC
alex__: thanks for bringing the great iDempiere to the world
fanrong: hi
alex__: guys, you are doing a great job~
CarlosRuiz: thanks for the feedback alex__
NewMoon: Does ID enhance the web UI on ZK comaring with AD?
alex__: I have little concern about the community about adempiere and idempiere
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, tested on firefox (spanish version) - it worked too
nmicoud: how it is possible ?
nmicoud: related to the language of the OS ?
CarlosRuiz: your ff is english - could that be?
nmicoud: i don't think, should be French
NewMoon: If I do some changing on the WebUI, then how diffcult to merge it to the main branch code?
alex__: good question, NewMoon
alex__: I also want to know this
CarlosRuiz: But I remember that problem has happened to me in my production system - just haven't found how to reproduce it
nmicoud: in webUI ?
CarlosRuiz: NewMoon, changes to adempiere or iDempiere?
NewMoon: Idempiere
CarlosRuiz: so, you would like to contribute your changes?
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, are you on windows?
alex__: will idempiere change the Swing to RCP?
nmicoud: yes, windows 7
CarlosRuiz: ok - will test on win7
NewMoon: Yes, if I can do it.
nmicoud: thanks
alex__: and any plan for GWT?
CarlosRuiz: alex__, we don't have plans to migrate swing to rcp - as always any maintainer of extensions is welcome
CarlosRuiz: same answer for GWT - no plans at this moment
CarlosRuiz: NewMoon, I think the right way is to discuss your enhancements on forums or JIRA tickets - and contribute them via patches
NewMoon: If the GUI enhanced to China style, then more chances will come to us.
CarlosRuiz: initially I would recommend via patches - after you get used to the project a bitbucket fork could work better
NewMoon: Thanks Calos
nmicoud: toUpperCase() (used in Find or InfoPanels) method returns toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); how is determined this locale ?
NewMoon: OK, I'll study the iD bitbucket
nmicoud: it surely come from that
CarlosRuiz: ah - interesting
CarlosRuiz: will make a test with different locale
banym: CarlosRuiz: small update on the logo task. as soon as the designer is back from vacation I will present the next preview
CarlosRuiz: excellent Dominik, thanks
NewMoon: I will submit one subject on the forums about the WebGUI China style enhancement
banym: btw. will assign the jenkins/jira server more memory at the end of the week. this should speed up the build process.
CarlosRuiz: is your bandwidth ok?
CarlosRuiz: as jenkins is the main source of downloading idempiere installers
CarlosRuiz: if your bandwidht is suffering we can consider deploying the installers to a hosting server
banym: up to know it's o.k for me. for stable releases and virutal machine image we can change the location but no need at the moment.
alex__: thanks Carlous
alex__: chat with your guys next time. keep up the good work. many appreciated
NewMoon: Thanks all , I have to go now, see you next time.
banym: NewMoon: bye
NewMoon: bye
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, win7 firefox failed to get Céline
nmicoud: Great !
nmicoud: this must be related to java
nmicoud: maybe an already known bug ?
CarlosRuiz: ah wait - I'm searching in wrong window .... one minute
CarlosRuiz: hmmm - it worked fine - searched Céline on User window
nmicoud: with 'celine' in search field ?
CarlosRuiz: no - with Céline
nmicoud: ok, that's normal ; now try to find Céline wrinting Celine
CarlosRuiz: ah - that won't work
nmicoud: And it should work
CarlosRuiz: no - must not
nmicoud: why ? in google, you can write celine or céline and it gives same results
nmicoud: it could also avoid creating duplicates, no ?
CarlosRuiz: I mean - must not work with the actual approach
CarlosRuiz: for that probably you need to use some SOUNDEX function
nmicoud: it means that every search should used this kind of function?
nmicoud: so replace toUpperCase by newSoundexFunction ?
nmicoud: i'm having a look at soundex, but maybe no need to go as far. Maybe just converting every exotic character in a upper one (é=>E; ù=>U, ...) and then compare what you wrote with table content
banym: CarlosRuiz: what is your opinion to introduce a bounty board for getting founds for features?
banym: CarlosRuiz: I know this concept from the pfsense project.,34.0.html
banym: CarlosRuiz: they have strict rules how to declare a feature and make an offer
CarlosRuiz: yes Dominik
CarlosRuiz: we talked about that at Vancouver and shape up a draft process for that
CarlosRuiz: I can send you my notes and we can check against pfsense and try to get something moving ahead
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, the other option we were considering for such searches is to use a mechanism like lucene or postgresql full text search
nmicoud: don't know
nmicoud: anyway that means a huge change ?
CarlosRuiz: don't know if oracle or postgres have an option to search ignoring accents
nmicoud: and what about replacing toUppserCase java function with a new one which will ignore accent (and maybe do other thing)
CarlosRuiz: this could work
CarlosRuiz: upper(convert(col_name, 'US7ASCII'))
nmicoud: but most searches are done in java, not in sql
CarlosRuiz: you would need to convert both
nmicoud: sure
nmicoud: Should i open a jira ticket ?
CarlosRuiz: sure
nmicoud: ok, i'll do this
nmicoud: if you have time, can you review, i have attached a patch some time ago
CarlosRuiz: ok - will do it
CarlosRuiz: thanks nmicoud - patch for 319 is working fine in my tests
nmicoud: great
CarlosRuiz: ready - committed
CarlosRuiz: ok, thanks a lot for the meeting - I need to move to a different task
nmicoud: bye