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Revision as of 11:44, 29 August 2012 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2012-08-29

CarlosRuiz: Good morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
mzuniga_ergio: Good morning
CarlosRuiz: something you would like to review today? I'm doing some triage on open jira tickets
nmicoud: As usual, i would be interested in 332 (document sequences) ; 382 also
CarlosRuiz: good - will review them - reporting a problem found with popup new bp creation
nmicoud: thanks
nmicoud: btw, what username and password should be used to log into ? GardenAdmin/GardenAdmin or System/System are not working
CarlosRuiz: at this moment email is activated as login
CarlosRuiz: please check this thread:
nmicoud: Maybe, we can add a panel on the left of login panel to explain what to use (like you did on
Edwin_Ang: hi everyone
nmicoud: ok, i'll have a look
CarlosRuiz: Hi Edwin, welcome back - read you were on vacations
nmicoud: Hi
Edwin_Ang: yeah.. it's a long long public holiday in Indonesia
Edwin_Ang: time to clear mind :)
CarlosRuiz: Hi Heng Sin
CarlosRuiz: just found and reported IDEMPIERE-408
hengsin: looks likely a z-index issue, need to make a css adjustment
hengsin: you can experiment that using chrome or firefox developer tool - use the inspect element feature to modify the z-index of the blocked popup
CarlosRuiz: good
hengsin: the new bpartner record short have always been a dirty hack - probably need to rethink what's the proper way to implement such feature.
hengsin: short = short cut
CarlosRuiz: well - we just have in the plan "Make New BP link from right click context menu configurable"
hengsin: yeah, now I remember that, I think we should linked the 2 ticket together, there really is one
CarlosRuiz: we discussed a bigger idea - but for V1 - just make it configurable
CarlosRuiz: which two tickets?
hengsin: the 2 new bp window ticket
CarlosRuiz: ah ok
hengsin: does the theme changes looks fine to you ?
CarlosRuiz: yeah - looks good
CarlosRuiz: just found an issue on
CarlosRuiz: on chrome
CarlosRuiz: I can take the split bar of the left panel and move it - but it doesn't change size
CarlosRuiz: same on firefox
hengsin: hmm .. that's an odd one, will investigate :)
CarlosRuiz: do you want me to open ticket for that one? or is related to css?
hengsin: yeah, please go ahead. likely die to css changes
hengsin: it is breaking stuff when I remove the hardcoded style so probably some still to surface
hengsin: but I think the good thing is the interface feels much faster now.
CarlosRuiz: a lot faster
CarlosRuiz: ready -> IDEMPIERE-409
hengsin: next zk version ( 6.5 ) will have full tablet support. they have posted some video demo - and
hengsin: so it seems we are on a pretty good platform moving forward
banym: oh nice :-)
CarlosRuiz: video looks great
banym: CarlosRuiz: what is you opinion in using a new logo for idempiere without relations to the old adempiere logo for release?
CarlosRuiz: Dominik I think it would be good - I have some concerns about actual logo doesn't have an open license
banym: yes me, too
banym: if I have some buzzwords what would be a good representation for idempiere maybe a friend of mine who is a designer can create a new free one
CarlosRuiz: hengsin, WDYT?
hengsin: hi, I'm back
hengsin: yeah, good to have a new logo
banym: hengsin: what would be some buzzwords you would have in mind for a logo
banym: my first thoughts: modularity, agility …
a42niem: hi all
CarlosRuiz: Hi Dirk
hengsin: module, cloud, community
banym: o.k will try to get something as preview the next days :-)
banym: second question. If there is a preview release i would be creating an virutal machine with preinstalled idempiere? is this o.k?
CarlosRuiz: of course - that will be great
banym: o.k let me know which release you want to have as idempiere-to-go-vm and I will prepare it for vmware and in ova format for virtualbox.
banym: CarlosRuiz: one more thing. ;-) what are the login credentials for the new login credentials are not shown for example a demo user with demo emailaddress
CarlosRuiz: common question :-)
CarlosRuiz: please check
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud suggested to show the left panel again - not sure why is hidden - would need to review
nmicoud: maybe it could be useful to set the label on 'email' when email is enabled ; otherwise, it could be set as 'username' ?
CarlosRuiz: it is set as EMail
nmicoud: lol, i'll buy glasses :d
nmicoud: didn't see it when tried to login
CarlosRuiz: :-)
CIA-39: iDempiere: globalqss * c543a8b2aebe r7570 / (5 files in 4 dirs): IDEMPIERE-29 Improvement on full location / Thanks to Yansolo for the idea and the swing implementation / extended for zkwebui
buildmaster: Project iDempiere build #322: SUCCESS in 18 min:
buildmaster: globalqss: IDEMPIERE-29 Improvement on full location / Thanks to Yansolo for the idea and the swing implementation / extended for zkwebui