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Revision as of 14:46, 25 July 2012 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2012-07-25

CarlosRuiz: Good morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
nmicoud: Carlos, did you have enough time to test ticket 332 (document sequence improvements) ?
hahmed: Good morning
CarlosRuiz: nope, back at Bogota, planned for today, as well as 344
nmicoud: good
CarlosRuiz: with many contributors we're starting to have problems with the numbering of the migration files
PauloDantas: hello CarlosRuiz
CarlosRuiz: Hi Paulo
CarlosRuiz: what do you think about this page?
PauloDantas: how are you?
CarlosRuiz: in order that developers reserve the number for the ticket they are working on?
CarlosRuiz: fine Paulo
nmicoud: seems mandatory to use it
nmicoud: and it's quite simple ; just before making your upload, you can check and reserve your number
CarlosRuiz: ok, if you like it I'll start reserving 855 for the 344
nmicoud: fine
PauloDantas: CarlosRuiz, i have problem with workflow with process order...
CarlosRuiz: and 856 for 332
nmicoud: o
nmicoud: k
CarlosRuiz: what's the problem Paulo=
CarlosRuiz: ?
CarlosRuiz: hahmed, do you like also the idea of the reservation page?
hahmed: CarlosRuiz: absolutely
PauloDantas: i have try use one (DocApprove) with condition grandtotal > 1000 in transition, but dont work
hahmed: you might want to write down the process of reservation in wiki
PauloDantas: i thinks this same in this link
CarlosRuiz: DocApprove works with the approval amount on the role
PauloDantas: yeap
PauloDantas: use this docapprove for approve the purchase order with grandtotal > 1000
PauloDantas: so, i think the workflow just work with this condition, grandtotal > 1000
PauloDantas: dont?
CarlosRuiz: not sure - we would need to check - maybe conditions are not checked for DocApprove nodes
CarlosRuiz: but if you want to not check for orders <= 1000 - then you can set all your roles with that amount minimum
PauloDantas: oks
PauloDantas: i try later this situation and report in here
PauloDantas: thanks
PauloDantas: for use the roles, where i see this?
CarlosRuiz: is the workflow that you configured according to that page
CarlosRuiz: and you set the approval amount per role on the Role window
PauloDantas: my intention is, use this, for different persons, for approve > 1000 is manager, so, grandtotal = 999 normal users can complet the order
PauloDantas: oks
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, reviewing 344
CarlosRuiz: is the change of MJournalLine.getAccount to getAccount_Combi intentional?
nmicoud: Yes, because i do not know how to make it differently
nmicoud: not very clean, but it's working
CarlosRuiz: but is just a rename
nmicoud: yes
CarlosRuiz: testing now
nmicoud: ok
CarlosRuiz: I think ALIAS can be a reserved word in some databases
CarlosRuiz: not in postgres neither oracle, but is a reserved word on SQL99
nmicoud: element was created, so i used it ; i think that it is also used in Compiere
PauloDantas: CarlosRuiz, you talk Approval Amoun in Role?
nmicoud: you'd prefer another term/columnName ?
CarlosRuiz: you're right - C_ValidCombination already has column Alias
CarlosRuiz: yep Paulo
PauloDantas: ok, so, in condition i dont use, just Approval Amount in Role...
CarlosRuiz: Nicolas - don't understand why Alias is VARCHAR - did you patch it on your installation? usually is NVARCHAR2 by default
nmicoud: no idea, i'm looking at my local base
CarlosRuiz: also, the field must be length 40 - but I'm still not sure if we need Alias in that table
CarlosRuiz: the testings will check that
nmicoud: in GL_JournalLine table ?
CarlosRuiz: yep
nmicoud: Can be used to fasten search for account
nmicoud: i find it useful
CarlosRuiz: yep - just thinking that combination field serves for the same purpose
nmicoud: combination field opens AccountDialog ; Alias is a list
CarlosRuiz: applied 854_IDEMPIERE-344_GLJournalImprovement.sql successfully (but I changed the lenght of Alias to 40)
nmicoud: 40 length is more logical
CarlosRuiz: syncing length with C_ValidCombination.Alias
nmicoud: ok
nmicoud: for GL_JournalLine.Alias ; i got (on Oracle) VARCHAR2
CarlosRuiz: testing now :-)
nmicoud: if you compare both script, you see that for oracle > VARCHAR2 and for postgre > VARCHAR ; maybe a bug ?
nmicoud: ~ line 238
CarlosRuiz: I see - is because you defined that as a Table reference
nmicoud: and not a string ?
a42niem: hi Carlos, hi Nicolas, hi all
CarlosRuiz: Hi Dirk
nmicoud: hi Dirk !
CarlosRuiz: yep - tried to save and it complained
CarlosRuiz: GridTable.saveWarning: SaveErrorDataChanged - Alias= 293(java.lang.String) != DB: 293(java.lang.Integer)
CarlosRuiz: all Table ref records must end with _ID to avoid that
nmicoud: you just create a new combination and name it 293 ?
CarlosRuiz: nope, added alias to an existing combination
nmicoud: from gl journal window ?
CarlosRuiz: saving new line is allowed- but changing it raises the error
nmicoud: yep, when you change alias of a previously saved line !
CarlosRuiz: changing the combination is not changing the dimensions
nmicoud: Yep, seems a callout is missing in column C_validCombination
CarlosRuiz: Callout and beforeSave
nmicoud: please add 'org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.alias' for C_ValidCombination column
CarlosRuiz: ah - I see - is the same callout for both
nmicoud: why beforeSave ? callout would have been called
nmicoud: yep
nmicoud: same table
CarlosRuiz: rule of thumb - always repeat the callout validation in the model
CarlosRuiz: to cover when the records are added to the DB by other means (not UI)
CarlosRuiz: for example web services
nmicoud: ok, no pb
CarlosRuiz: but don't worry - I'll do that
CarlosRuiz: the advance you did is great - I'll just do finishing touches
nmicoud: my 2 cents, but itis already done with method fillDimensionsFromCombination (which is called by beforeSave) ?
nmicoud: thanks :-)
CarlosRuiz: thanks to you
CarlosRuiz: fillDimensionsFromCombination is just working if the dimensions are not filled
CarlosRuiz: as I'm changing an existing record it doesn't enter there
nmicoud: right
nmicoud: so, we must used fillDimensionsFromCombination when C_ValidCombination_ID or Alias are changed
CarlosRuiz: yep
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, did you add the copylines that you suggested?
nmicoud: not yet
CarlosRuiz: ok
CarlosRuiz: let me try it
nmicoud: was looking to a smart way to use the same objetcs as copy batch (same class and same process)
a42niem: concerning window customization
a42niem: nicolas proposed to think about a "group of roles"
a42niem: any comment on that?
a42niem: it could be like product group or bp group
a42niem: any idea where it could be useful?
nmicoud: it should also be used in toolbar restrict, ... everywhere you can select a role actually
nmicoud: role data access for instance
CarlosRuiz: we're thinking to fully check and probably redesign the concept of included roles to cover some multi-tenant concepts
a42niem: then we potentially have three levels: the actual role, its group and its included roles
a42niem: CarlosRuiz: does it mean role is above client / shared across clients?
CarlosRuiz: what is the group role for?
CarlosRuiz: yes Dirk - thinking on defining some master roles on System tenant
CarlosRuiz: and you can define your tenant roles as a master-system included role plus some exceptions
nmicoud: to define rules (toolbar restriction, window customization, ...) for more than one role
a42niem: as nicolas said to make customization easier when several roles should have some customization in common
CarlosRuiz: toolbar restrictions could be done in included role too I guess
CarlosRuiz: window cust also
CarlosRuiz: in the end - included role is like a group of roles :-) and we allow exceptions additionally
a42niem: exceptions?
CarlosRuiz: I mean - the included role has 100 windows enabled - so you inherit those 100
CarlosRuiz: but you can also add 1 window for a specific role
CarlosRuiz: so plain inherited roles will have 100 windows, but the inherited+exception will have 101
a42niem: and have a different setting for the same element for the current role then ignoring the setting of the included role
CarlosRuiz: exactly - that's the idea
CarlosRuiz: you could also disable one record on window access - so the exception is to have 99 windows
a42niem: i like to follow that direction and extend MUserDefWin.getBestMatch to cover that
a42niem: role_group feels complicated
nmicoud: i agree with your description
a42niem: i am not aware: can i include more than one role?
a42niem: and include a role including a role?
CarlosRuiz: you can include more than one role
CarlosRuiz: but just one leve
CarlosRuiz: one level
a42niem: phew...
a42niem: so when the included role has an included role it is ignored?
CarlosRuiz: I think so - when I reviewed that just one level was checked
muthah: osgi> activeApps
muthah: org.adempiere.ui.swing.client.0 [running]
muthah: Goo Evening guys
muthah: or Morning
CarlosRuiz: Hi muthah
muthah: hello CarlosRuiz long time
a42niem: or good afternoon muthah :)
muthah: trying to have a good feeling of Idempiere OSGI
CarlosRuiz: nmicoud, making some minor changes here to 344 - the tests are going good until now
nmicoud: good !
CarlosRuiz: I'll document all the tests I'm making on the jira ticket
nmicoud: ok
nmicoud: will have to go soon, if you got comments for 332, please write them on the ticket, i will try to find time until the end of week
CarlosRuiz: sure Nicolas - I'll do that
CarlosRuiz: thanks for your contribs
nmicoud: you're welcome :-)
nmicoud: bye bye, see u later !
CarlosRuiz: muthah, welcome - we conduct a meeting every wednesday at 8AM GMT-5
muthah: I have noted that
muthah: just to ask , where is the seed DB for postgres
CarlosRuiz: org.adempiere.server-feature/data/seed/Adempiere_pg.jar
CarlosRuiz: and you can check the file org.adempiere.server-feature/data/seed/LAST_SCRIPT_APPLIED_ON_THIS_SEED