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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2012-03-21

CarlosRuiz: Hello
nicolas: Hi everyone!
hengsin: hi
tbayen: hi :-)
CarlosRuiz: Hi nicolas - how are the babies?
nicolas: fine !
nicolas: Kind to ask
mindbender1: Hi all
nicolas: They grow very fast
CarlosRuiz: Hi all - as usual - there is no agenda - if somebody wants to bring a theme we can discuss it
PedroRozo_SmartJ: Good morning everyone ...
PedroRozo_SmartJ: first time on board ...
CarlosRuiz: Hi Pedro, glad to have you here
hengsin: carlos, have you review my pull request ?
PedroRozo_SmartJ: thanks for your invitation ...
CarlosRuiz: not yet hengsin - I was not clear if you wanted my peer review or were going to integrate it
CarlosRuiz: but now I'll schedule to review
hengsin: yeah, please do
red1: hi all .. greetings from Malaysia.. 9pm here
PedroRozo_SmartJ: As requested, we created the Jira ticket related with our financial reporting enhancement last week .. hope you guys like it ...we are trying to create our contributions as modular as possible ...
red1: yes PedroRozo_SmartJ if u make it modular enough and independent is more versatile and easier for higher adoption by other forks
CarlosRuiz: I still haven't reviewed it - but I think hengsin did and has some advices?
red1: integrating GWT is very tough., but i enjoy it as i learnt the asynch callback framework last few days
hengsin: I think most of the enhancement looks similar to what's already in print format item. Pedro, correct me if I'm wrong here.
PedroRozo_SmartJ: not sure about it. Red1 ... because we were nto abel to replicate that look & feel .. just with the print format ...
red1: hm in future we should publish some short statement to check if it saves time to reinvent the wheel then?
hengsin: I think the enhancement is good but it is probably more intuitive if it is implemented by adding additional column just for formatting purpose
hengsin: I haven't look at the implementation yet, just my impression from reading the pdf doc
red1: pedro, you used centralised IDs in your module changes to AD?
PedroRozo_SmartJ: not for now .. I have not seen why we need it ... ebcause we have not done structural changes in the AD. in whcih cases we really need those ID's ? when we create new tables ?
red1: or new columns..
red1: but it can be done easily via exporting thru 2Pack (with Centralised IDs turned on)
PedroRozo_SmartJ: still is not clear to me in which cases we need to use centralized ID´s .. coudl you guys help me a bit with this topic ?
red1: it is to avoid conflict with others IDs during importing your work into theirs
red1: it does not affect you but affect others
red1: anyway there is a complete WIKI on this
red1: "do your homework" :D
PedroRozo_SmartJ: ok, pleae send em the URL .. and I will check it the real concept nehind that topic ...
red1: but u can ask me anytime
red1: not sure if one page or few pages on this.. but googling in the wiki on the topic should get u there
CarlosRuiz: Pedro - I'm reading SmjReport and SMJReportViewer .....
mzuniga_ergio: hi Pedro
PedroRozo_SmartJ: as I expressed I read the general wiki there but I don´t fully understand if that centrallized id management is just required when you managed new tables in the AD ...
mzuniga_ergio: my business partner Emiliano Pereyra has this funcionality very clear
PedroRozo_SmartJ: hi marcos ..
mzuniga_ergio: and we all speak spanish, I suggest you to ask him for advice ;-)
red1: short answer Pedro = Yes
CarlosRuiz: and now SmjPdfReport .... trying to understand the approach
CarlosRuiz: ok - Pedro, did you add a column called Smj_reportline somewhere - right?
CarlosRuiz: with values T/L/X/Z/D/S
PedroRozo_SmartJ: sure...
CarlosRuiz: that's what red1 is trying to advice
CarlosRuiz: to add columns you can:
CarlosRuiz: a) contribute it as a 2pack - if it's intended to be kept as extension
CarlosRuiz: or b) use centralized ID if is intended to be included in main product
CarlosRuiz: in this case I see your idea is to have it totally as an extension - so a 2pack adding the new dictionary entries will be fine
PedroRozo_SmartJ: ok. taking note ...
CarlosRuiz: adding new columns / fields and as I see probably a process and button
PedroRozo_SmartJ: that will save some lines from the installation step as well...
CarlosRuiz: yes - the idea is that installation is basically - packin + deploy jar
CarlosRuiz: to ease the way for users - of course I'm just advising - you're free to contribute it without 2pack and giving manual installation instructions
PedroRozo_SmartJ: understood, suggestions are welcome for contribution newcomers like us ...
PedroRozo_SmartJ: we wil have that in mind for future releases ...
PedroRozo_SmartJ: changing the topic, red1 mentioned that some people might have questions regarding the recent relase of SmartPOS ....
PedroRozo_SmartJ: I am open to questions if you want ...
CarlosRuiz: Pedro, about IDEMPIERE-196 I would recommend two paths:
PedroRozo_SmartJ: go ahead ..
hengsin: I think LineType should be more intuitive as "Line" and "Text" and we can have additional formatting column for this. for e.g, for text, we can have isunderline, isstrikethrough, indentation, etc
CarlosRuiz: a) if you want it included on product I think we would need a different approach - idea is great, we would need to integrate it in FinReport directly (not easy task)
CarlosRuiz: maybe a "style" usable from FinReport and PrintFormatItem ?? don't know just thinking in draft
CarlosRuiz: b) but as I see your approach of extension fits very properly with the idea of an OSGi extension
mindbender1: I want the application server to pass db connection info to adempiere of the form How do I generate the connection string as doesn't allow specifying db info without port info
CarlosRuiz: so we could also work towards such goal - try to make it an OSGi extension that is deployable in the OSGi container and voila, you have SmartFR installed
PedroRozo_SmartJ: our hoemwork for next weeks is get up-to-speed to the idempeire work .. including OSGi ... I will ahve that in mind as well for sure .. thaks guys for yoru feedback ...
mindbender1: please I need this advice as I am not too sure how else to pass db info to adempiere apart from
hengsin: mindbender1, why no port ?
mindbender1: because the domain will resolve the port number correctly and direct the request to postgres server being hosted
red1: dynamic port?
tbayen: mindbender1, it is possible to start a local client with different files. Dos this solve your problem?
mindbender1: the domain does not offer external ip for the postgres server and only gives url info
CarlosRuiz: why not port 80 then?
hengsin: what kind of url info ? example ?
mindbender1: something like
hengsin: have you try the default postgresql port ?
mindbender1: yes .. it says error
mindbender1: I didn't try carlos advice maybe I should try port 80.. I tried using setup to generate the so that I can pass it as jvm options to the adempiere app when the as is starting it
hengsin: is the url to the database server or is something else ?
mindbender1: yes
mindbender1: that is the information needed by adempiere to connect along with username and paa
hengsin: that sounds like is the db server hostname and adempiere is the database name ?
mindbender1: yes hengsin
hengsin: ic, in that case you do need to know what's the port to connect :)
red1: is the server for your instance alone?
mindbender1: but is not designed to accept such
red1: maybe u can modify the properties after setup
mindbender1: yes it's specific to my instance
red1: the PG database is already setup in that server?
mindbender1: red1: that I tried but the info is mungled
hengsin: why not ? isn't just as the db server hostname and adempiere as the database name ? I don't see how's that different from others.
mindbender1: hengsin: because when you omit port complains
hengsin: Carlos, my idea to evolve the header detail tab implementation - , please comments if you can.
CarlosRuiz: mindbender1, can you connect using psql ?
hengsin: mindbender1, you do need to know what port the postgresql server is listening on.
mindbender1: CarlosRuiz: haven't tried psql
hengsin: pgadmin ?
mindbender1: hengsin: I'm about to try port 80
hengsin: ok but it is unlikely that a postgresql server will listen on port 80
CarlosRuiz: my thinking is because probably is a tunnel
red1: yeah if you setup that PG in the server you should be able to get in using PGAdmin
hengsin: Carlos, if it is tunnel, usually should be ssh
mindbender1: port 80 seems to work.. but there are still some errors
CarlosRuiz: hengsin - in IDEMPIERE-203 - is there possible to have multiple details in this case?
hengsin: yes
hengsin: move the tree tab except the first to bottom
mindbender1: Error JDBC Connection:
mindbender1: (Error connecting: jdbc:postgressql:// - postgres/postgres)
mindbender1: err
mindbender1: (Error connecting: jdbc:postgressql:// - postgres/postgres)
PedroRozo_SmartJ: time check , I assume there are not questions about SmartPOS .. right ? for me it is ok, we still have the sourceforge forums:
mindbender1: port 5432 doesn't connect at all
hengsin: Pedro, SmartPos is OpenBravo ?
PedroRozo_SmartJ: a fork .. with many structural changes ....
PedroRozo_SmartJ: and it works as a slave of the Adempiere ERP ....
PedroRozo_SmartJ: it doens´t work alone ....
hengsin: ic so your guy will maintain the fork independent from openbravo ?
red1: its not standalone pedro?
PedroRozo_SmartJ: at this moemnt yes ...
mindbender1: is there is a way to modify the connection manually I will like to do so. Can I modify directly
PedroRozo_SmartJ: pardon .. it doesn´t work without Adempiere ERP ....
PedroRozo_SmartJ: as docuemtned here:
red1: its tightly coupled to the ERP?
PedroRozo_SmartJ: yes ... like master - slave ....
red1: trifon: take note :D
PedroRozo_SmartJ: tehre is no way to create products , taxes and so on in the POS ....
mzuniga_ergio: Pedro I have a question for you
PedroRozo_SmartJ: go ahead ...
red1: mine is that way too but it can function without the ERP been up and online
mzuniga_ergio: we did some improvements on Adempiere JavaPOS
PedroRozo_SmartJ: sure, but you dontñ support multiple UOM and prices .. and sync approach y different I guess ...
mzuniga_ergio: and we are analyzing the best aproach of POS cash closing
mzuniga_ergio: we need to implement at least one cash Journal per POS
mzuniga_ergio: but
hengsin: mindbender1, you wouldn't be able to get it to work using directly if setup can't connect
mzuniga_ergio: cash (here in argentina mean caja) so it is not only cash (efectivo) closing
mzuniga_ergio: we need to include all tender types (check, credict cards, etc) in this closing
mzuniga_ergio: how did you manage that in SmartPOS?
hengsin: mzuniga - use bank account as your cash register!
mindbender1: another ting I observed is that setup uses template1 by default how can I adjust this
PedroRozo_SmartJ: we already have support for check, credit card and so on... and you can configure which account bank (ERP) you want to affect in one of the resources ...
mzuniga_ergio: that is a very good aproach but..
mindbender1: as you can see from the error msg
mzuniga_ergio: but we need to have a "cash closing" for every POS operator and to
PedroRozo_SmartJ: for exampel cash transactions go to 1000002 (internal adempeire ID) bank account ... and so on... just need admin rigths to modify the resource ....
mindbender1: so how can I get access to template1
mzuniga_ergio: add a funcionality that allows you to transfer your daily "chas" to an central administration,
mzuniga_ergio: and register you initial change
mindbender1: the pass is directly modifiable from setup but not the user
PedroRozo_SmartJ: oir you cant configure all your payment forms to the same bank account ..if up to you (your config changes, once you have created the bank accounts in adempiere) ...
mzuniga_ergio: Pedro i understand your aproach, that allows you to transfer and map you transactions
mzuniga_ergio: i meant: your cash transactions
PedroRozo_SmartJ: yes
mzuniga_ergio: i think we will try your aproach but we are going to add to our roadmap
mzuniga_ergio: to develop a cash closing funcionality.
PedroRozo_SmartJ: we have a resource configuration dictionary document:
mzuniga_ergio: thanks you very much Pedro
hengsin: mzuniga - that's just similar to how bank reconc work :)
hengsin: you have a initial balance, cash closing is the initial balance plus all the cash tender type transaction
mzuniga_ergio: you are right hensin...
mzuniga_ergio: but in Argentina people is very used to work with a "cash closing" for user... so we need to add a little "make up" to
mzuniga_ergio: make that look as a familiar funtionality to users
hengsin: yeah, i know additional work needed, just pointing out it is easier to add that than to fix the half baked cash journal stuff
mzuniga_ergio: you are right, this was a very good advice from you and Pedro
mzuniga_ergio: we were almost to start a new funcionality adding some tables and windows
mindbender1: I can't see the code where is executing the test button. I only see the code for file and exit.. any thoughts were to look. I need to supply template1 with correct info
mzuniga_ergio: thank you very much
CarlosRuiz: mindbender1,
mindbender1: CarlosRuiz: thanks a lot.. I will study it in detail
CarlosRuiz: indeed what you're looking for is ConfigurationData.testDatabase -> ConfigPostgresql.test
mindbender1: ok thanks a lot.. the culprit is public String getSystemUser()
mindbender1: {
mindbender1: return "postgres";
mindbender1: } // getSystemUser
red1: bbl
CarlosRuiz: c u later guys - thanks for the meeting