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Revision as of 12:07, 14 March 2012 by CarlosRuiz (talk | contribs) (full meeting)
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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2012-03-14

emmie: hi all!
CarlosRuiz: Hi
mindbender1: hi
mzuniga_ergio: Hi
emmie: well, just a comment related to centralized ID
emmie: despite that AD_Sequence not have entitytype column
emmie: is posible use it with project centralized configuration
a42niem: hi
emmie: only need to add AD_Sequence.seq file
emmie: and, each time that a table is created
emmie: the sequence related to it, is created with ID obtained from that config
CarlosRuiz: interesting tip Emiliano
CarlosRuiz: sounds like a good tip to add to comments here ->
emmie: maybe this clarification could be added to wiki page
emmie: ja
CarlosRuiz: :-)
emmie: ok, I will do it
hengsin: carlos, there's a bug introduce lately for log migration scripot, it is logging the changes to the ad_recent_item table
CarlosRuiz: ah - it needs to be added to exceptions - I'll check it
red1: hi all
CarlosRuiz: Hi
emmie: hi!
mzuniga_ergio: HI Red1
red1: any event to plan for Argentina end of April?
hengsin: carlos, any progress on fitness for idempiere ?
CarlosRuiz: not yet
CarlosRuiz: I haven't reviewed it - and David is working on another new assignment
emmie: I hope soon happening ( we work on it... :-) )
mzuniga_ergio: That would be nice red1, but i think not this time
mzuniga_ergio: but don't worry, you'll met us in a near future ;-)
andygraybeal: red1, hi, i wonder what your thoughts are on SmartPOS? i see that you documented nearly the same thing in September 2011. for whatever reason, i thought that you collaborated with the SmartPOS group, but now i see you didn't. what are your thoughts if any?
andygraybeal: i am still looking for the right POS for my restaurant.
red1: Hi andygraybeal .. what actually happened was i asked for early collaboration but SmarPOS was too late
red1: so i publisehd my work ahead of them
red1: have they published any user guide on it?
andygraybeal: i'm not sure if they have documentation, they have a forum dedicated to it.
andygraybeal: i am inhabiting #smartpos for the eff of it.
red1: but i did talked to Pedro Rozo on his company's work and i am just happy they going open on it
andygraybeal: yay! happiness. i am happy too.. i think it is so far the most comprehensive take on an Open Restaurant POS !!! i can't wait to test it.
red1: he seems to have more things to offer ..
andygraybeal: yes, he mod'ed the OBPOS ... which isn't ready for restaurants at all, even though it's advertized as such (maybe very limited restaurants)
andygraybeal: i am busy doing other things, but i saw his announcement about it just recently.
red1: his work seems comprehensive
andygraybeal: okay, thank you for chatting about it :)
red1: so far he is doing it the best he can, making it all open
red1: if u can, please review his code.. my guide can help in some ways
red1: i did write about some of present OB POS code issues, so you can use that as a reference point
andygraybeal: awesome, thank you i can't wait to test it out.
andygraybeal: i don't know when i can get to it - i'm in over my head working on Liferay and Adempiere for our business right now.
andygraybeal: but.. as soon as i can get away from this i will work on SmartPOS with your guides as a reference.
andygraybeal: red1, i've been out of the loop and i was sad to see this new split. i hope all is well, and i don't like fighting and drama.
red1: i see.. that is why i strive to document code exposes to assist anyone who might want to save time going over the same code
andygraybeal: btw, red1, i'm not a coder, so i can't 'review' maybe like you think :) i can test the app though and if it's feature-set matches what my restaurant needs or not -- i can go from there.
red1: i think it will be solved easily with the present status quo.. don't worry about it… as long as we got a robust community, and continous contribution in the right places..
andygraybeal: :))))
andygraybeal: okay, rock on and thanks again for chatting.
red1: well AFAIK the present OB POS is restaurant ready, but mine did not touch the Tax module integration and SmartPOS claimed to resolve that, so someone should review further
andygraybeal: OB POS is lacking quite a few features for restaurants. it's a great start!!! and just needs a few more polishes... this is why i'm excited about SmartPOS. OB group plans on working more on OB POS this whole year. they havent' touched it in atleast 2 years!!! (very frustrating)
andygraybeal: ob erp is still cost prohibitive for my business... but this is another story.
andygraybeal: and why i'm excited to see obpos and adempiere integrated :)
red1: well, now we got another offering to compare.. i am equally excited on a better integration
andygraybeal: :)
red1: hi fer_luck how is Fernangino Morais?
red1: he is up to some more contributions?
andygraybeal: so, i need brought up to speed, what is this OSGi, i'm reading the wikipedia article on it. is the only enhancement it's bringing is not needing to reboot a java machine?
andygraybeal: i don't mean to downplay it like that, but i'm trying to understand.
red1: yes andygraybeal i did try that abit .. it seems to work that way
andygraybeal: okay thank you
red1: OSGi is giving Java its real role in app dev
red1: been OO
red1: but its a long way to go
red1: i am glad to help anyone who wish to get into the action as i am not an expert coder myself, but i can help in starter understanding
mindbender1: hi red1
red1: hi mindbender1
mindbender1: what's happening today there seems not to be much discussion around idempiere today
red1: well.. our agenda is the same...
red1: "There is no prefix agenda"
mindbender1: I have been trying to get adempiere to run on a glassfish instance, can you help?
mindbender1: what extra configuration is needed
red1: no experience in that.. you would need to write out a post on what u did then, and hope it hits some attention out there
mindbender1: ok
fer_luck: red1: sorry, wasn't at the computer.. Yeah. He's very interested on your GWT approach
red1: but i like the strong presence in the chatroom today.. at least there is an effort to show up
red1: and conversations can occur no matter how casually
red1: fer_luck: i am deep in the TabPanel handling of GWT now.. there is some incomplete parts from Libero
fer_luck: hengsin : Hello hengsin, how're you doing? I'm having trouble trying to use the new 2pack, was wondering if you would have an example file that works right now, so I can assure that it's not something I'm overlooking here.
red1: but its interesting how GWT has alot of material out there lately
fer_luck: red1: that's good to hear. :)
red1: hopefully we meet in Fortaleza next month
fer_luck: hengsin: I can export the package, but cannot import it..
fer_luck: yeah, probably. :)
red1: if there is interest in GWT, i can give a code walkthru on how it is organised
red1: fer_luck: what kind of error u get?
fer_luck: It simply doesn't process anything..
red1: u basing on the latest hengsin work of OSGi?
red1: mine is outdated last year .. but it works well
red1: what did u export? whole Menu / Module ?
fer_luck: yeah..
fer_luck: I'm on idempiere..
red1: well my test is exactly one year ago 1.1.11
fer_luck: I've exported the C_Location, C_Country, C_Region and C_City tables..
fer_luck: on that package..
red1: have u tried on another simpler package?
fer_luck: yeah. I tried exporting only one table and it also hasn't worked. :)
red1: u could export but not import?
fer_luck: yeah..
fer_luck: weird, ain't it?
hengsin: fer_luck, the current 2pack in idempiere is still quite buggy, I've quite a big chunk of patch to push that will probably happens within this 2 week
fer_luck: oh, I got it.. if you need someone to test it, I can help you with it..
fer_luck: So, it's not importing yet hengsin?
hengsin: I don't know what's the state it is in now :)
red1: fer_luck: u are familiar with migration.. can't you sense whats wrong?
fer_luck: hengsin: The structure of the file changed a lot, didn't it?
hengsin: and pass 2 week have been on zk6 and costing only ...
fer_luck: I've been looking at the zk6 stuff..
hengsin: fer_luck, yes, not backward compatible. it is a complete rewrite
fer_luck: it's pretty neat! :)
fer_luck: hengsin: so it will use the uuid as a surrogate key, in the end?
hengsin: yeah, that's what can get us away from centralized id but still long way to go
hengsin: with uuid, dictionary and user maintained is now both first class citizen
hengsin: I means if uuid is the pk replacing the current _ID
fer_luck: it would be nice to change the way it works now.. Well, anyways, if there's something I can help with, my time is short until the end of the next month, but I may be able to help with testing and such..
red1: meanwhile if others can volunteer in other stuff it be good too.. just write to me if need further info if they are not sure if its useful
red1: in my travels i realised alot of people have lots to contribute but are not sure how.. SmartPOS is one of them (thanks to Carlos persistent to them to contribute first, worry later)
hengsin: red1, I would say half of it is not sure how and the other half is just time constraint.
red1: yes and i tackled that too.. for example Javier in Colombia told me how he wasted much money trying to market ADempiere business
red1: in the end he is getting calls by just spending time doing blogs with videos tutorials or demos
red1: the next step for him is not to do normal projects but move upstream and give away those projects
CarlosRuiz: I'm checking this bug reported
CarlosRuiz: already reproduced it on
red1: Hola Javier_SETSOFTWA
Javier_SETSOFTWA: hi everybody
Javier_SETSOFTWA: hi red1
hengsin: hi
CarlosRuiz: Hi Javier
red1: Javier u have to pick up your Eclipse Plugin skills and polish it
Javier_SETSOFTWA: yes i know
red1: i seen your paper in Medellin…we need help as everyone is more busy
Javier_SETSOFTWA: but like i told you before.
Javier_SETSOFTWA: i have to keep my business alive,
Javier_SETSOFTWA: so is hard
red1: same here ..
Javier_SETSOFTWA: but i think things are changing
red1: u translated some stuff into Spanish.. thats part of the eco system
Javier_SETSOFTWA: the phone is ringing now i don't know how but after i started to contribute
Javier_SETSOFTWA: people call me
red1: keep it up.. if u cannot code, u can document.. and that aligns business to your time
Javier_SETSOFTWA: yes that the thing i can do now
red1: so now you have to filter those calls and take only those that supports your time to contribute
red1: other calls just ask them to help themselves somehow in same way
red1: in fact, you shuld call Pedro
red1: and share his tasks on OB POS with you so that u can get the best since u are near to him
red1: u document it, u get the calls again
Javier_SETSOFTWA: ok,
red1: since his team is better at coding and not talking nor writing
Javier_SETSOFTWA: i'll do it if he want to.
red1: i dont see how he can refuse if u write it with his name on it
red1: and u cross post it from your own blog
red1: i be happy he blows up my September 11 OB POS from the sky
red1: i am prompting Pedro now..
Javier_SETSOFTWA: yes, i read his work, i don't used yet but i think that is a great contribution.
red1: indeed..
Javier_SETSOFTWA: community is growing here
Javier_SETSOFTWA: and we can't wait for IDempiere.
red1: yes, si si.. we must share the load
red1: Pedro just told me he is on the road… and he is finishing the docs
red1: he may need your help to convert into the wiki
red1: so that more users can work on it
red1: he said he will attend next week
red1: this meeting if there are enquiries on it
Javier_SETSOFTWA: ok,
Javier_SETSOFTWA: we are willing to help.
red1: i am grateful to all of you, no matter how small your help, at least it helped me ^.^
red1: Pedro also offered questions in his forum.. so please go ahead
Javier_SETSOFTWA: ok
red1: i am help[ing him what to do and what not to do… he can contribute but was not sure how to manage or strategise
red1: like to announce i just solve a huge problem in GWT display
red1: it took me 2 full days with lots of code edits.. but in the end,.. realised that its only a single word in the code
red1: i am not sure how to report this to my sponsor :>
red1: i am just excited that the motivation to solve it is maximum during idempiere chatroom meeting :D
red1: if anyone wants to know.. the main display of any window in GWT is obscured at the TabPanels
red1: it is solved by casting the TabPanel to Form panel. Too easy in hindsight.
red1: mzuniga_ergio can u post the logs of this 2 hour instance?
mzuniga_ergio: no problem, i'll do it.
red1: See you in Aregentina soon :D (its just a prayer.. usually it comes true)
mzuniga_ergio: :D
red1: oops Argentina.. or i get a wrong ticket :D
mzuniga_ergio: :D :D