#idempiere IRC log for Monday, 2016-01-25

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norbertbedeis it possible somehow denied login with same users account to the system twice ?10:30
norbertbedeor more then once10:30
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norbertbedehi idempierans14:58
norbertbedeis it possible somehow denied login with same users account to the system twice ?14:58
CarlosRuizHi norbertbede15:51
CarlosRuiznmicoud published this one15:51
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norbertbedeThanks CarlosRuiz, i know about that. however not tested yet, and dont know is it resolve this double login well15:56
norbertbedehope nmicoud see this chat :)15:57
nmicoudhi, the plugin just allow to limit number of concurrent sessions15:57
CarlosRuizah, I see15:57
CarlosRuiznot per user - per client15:57
nmicoudfor your purpose, try a check when user logs in15:57
nmicoudSELECT 1 FROM AD_Session WHERE UserID = ??? AND IsProcessed = 'N'15:58
norbertbededo you mean good idea to include to your plugin ?15:59
norbertbedeor simple create new15:59
CarlosRuizwe tried that on some implementation15:59
norbertbedeor simple custom local15:59
nmicouda new one i guess15:59
CarlosRuizand then you must take care when somebody is locked - i.e. when the browser crash without closing the session15:59
nmicoudcustom local via a login event15:59
CarlosRuizor a power failure15:59
norbertbedeyes. this is very typical, dead sessions15:59
norbertbedemainly after we running multiple servers16:00
norbertbedehowever i remember a chat with CarlosRuiz16:00
norbertbedeexplain on restart sessions are cleaned16:00
norbertbededont know how this behave when multiple servers are restarted same time or in chain16:00
norbertbedebelieve restart delete only his server sessions16:01
norbertbededont touch others16:01
norbertbedesounds good16:03
norbertbedethanks CarlosRuiz and nmicoud for hints, ideas16:05
Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] d_ruiz updated IDEMPIERE-3004 Attachment set to "IDEMPIERE-3004.patch"16:12
Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-300416:12
Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] d_ruiz updated IDEMPIERE-3004 assignee set to "Diego Andres Ruiz Gomez"16:12
Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-300416:12
Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] d_ruiz updated IDEMPIERE-300416:13
Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] [~carlosruiz_globalqss], attached you can find the first part of the patch that fix the problem with SeqNo in ViewComponent. SeqNo field existed there, but was never used16:13
Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-300416:13
hieplq@CarlosRuiz, about "browser crash without closing the session", "power failure"16:17
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hieplqwe are always have a comet connect16:17
hieplqcan use it to detect browse crash?16:17
CarlosRuizI guess you can write a thread that keeps checking for disconnected sessions and update the AD_Session record, don't know how16:19
hieplqfor each desktop (a browse tab). idempiere keep a comet connection for implement server push. so if browse is cash, this connect is break. server know this even16:21
hieplqcan use it to invilidate session16:22
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Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] d_ruiz updated IDEMPIERE-3004 Attachment set to "None"16:30
Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-300416:31
Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] d_ruiz updated IDEMPIERE-3004 Attachment set to "IDEMPIERE-3004.patch"16:31
Not-8b66[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-300416:31
norbertbede+1 vote hieplq16:35
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